Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

The Impenetrable Trait & Item Sets

  • baratron
    Divinius wrote: »
    Remove Prosperous and Training from all drops, from everything, everywhere.
    In other words, make Prosperous and Training available only from crafting.
    I'm fine with these traits on newbie gear. They're actually useful when you're low level, especially on your very first character.
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

    These characters are on both servers:
    Alix de Feu - Breton Templar Healer level 50
    Brings-His-Own-Forest - Argonian Warden Healer level 50
    Hrodulf Bearpaw - Nord Warden Bear Friend & identical twin of Bjornolfr level 50
    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • Wollust
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom, any update regarding this?

    Zerg Squad
  • MopeyHat
    Please remove prosperous/training from all 160 set drops.

    My guild is pretty casual/pvp oriented, but I lead a trial group once a week. It's already tough convincing people to come along, and then they get a bunch of trash rewards. You shouldn't have to raid once a night to get a set in a decent amount of time.
  • DRXHarbinger
    Just another note, roll something out that changes everyones CP160 gear in these two trash traits to Divines or infused, it's bit of a kick in the nuts to say dw about it go back and grind in peace knowing it's not there anymore.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Mulcibur
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    Both of these:
    * Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop.
    * Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    But instead of removing it from just Trial item sets, remove Prosperous and Training from boss drops (monster masks), undaunted chests and Trials.
  • Transairion
    Just another note, roll something out that changes everyones CP160 gear in these two trash traits to Divines or infused, it's bit of a kick in the nuts to say dw about it go back and grind in peace knowing it's not there anymore.

    Please don't think to speak for everyone, I'd rather have my Prosperous Skoria helm than a poor-man's Divines (Infused) instead. I think it's very unlikely they'll outright convert existing trait/s though to something else, from what I've seen traits have only changed never been converted to another trait entirely.

    ZOS wants you to grind/keep playing for gear, it's the whole reason the RNG system is what it is. They don't care if you're grinding happily or unhappily, so long as you're playing.
  • pecheckler
    Adding impenetrable trait to trials drops would provide an unfair PvP advantage for a small segment players. And there should be 160 purple gear options for the training trait.

    I for one am wearing a full elegant training set to help gain CP quicker. Buying the pieces was much cheaper than crafting training gear. I would favor training only being available through crafting but the fact is many players who desire to use training gear lack the required traits.
    Edited by pecheckler on July 19, 2016 3:26PM
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • rhapsodious
    pecheckler wrote: »
    Adding impenetrable trait to trials drops would provide an unfair PvP advantage for a small segment players.

    Can you elaborate? I'm curious to know what you mean.
  • Jaronking
    pecheckler wrote: »
    Adding impenetrable trait to trials drops would provide an unfair PvP advantage for a small segment players.

    Can you elaborate? I'm curious to know what you mean.
    I think he means that trials are difficult and only a few very skilled players are able to complete them or get 12 people together to try.So maybe he thinks certain players will have gear others can't get.
  • rhapsodious
    Jaronking wrote: »
    pecheckler wrote: »
    Adding impenetrable trait to trials drops would provide an unfair PvP advantage for a small segment players.

    Can you elaborate? I'm curious to know what you mean.
    I think he means that trials are difficult and only a few very skilled players are able to complete them or get 12 people together to try.So maybe he thinks certain players will have gear others can't get.

    Assuming that is what he means... isn't that.. y'know, kind of the point? That skilled players are rewarded for being skilled? I mean, I'm still stuck on vMA round 9 (admittedly I haven't tried in a bit, but those damned crystals...), but that doesn't mean that it's unfair that people are running around in Cyrodiil with Maelstrom weapons. (Shh, I know you get them from leaderboards too, but that still requires effort.)

    If someone wants to PVP with Vicious Ophidian and can run vSO to get gold jewelry and two pieces of impen gear, more power to them, IMO.
    Edited by rhapsodious on July 19, 2016 3:42PM
  • Coolio_Wolfus
    My TL:DR suggestion, remove prosperous from game, add inpen drops, move +gold from removed prosperous to existing training one.

    1. training gear's +exp with +gold would be useful for most players (although it may need a rename*)
    2. swapping prosperous for inpen, changes drops to give inpen fanatics theirs without affecting others :p
    3. cp160 gear cap may raise in future so why remove training now to restore it later?

    Regarding the gear cp level +exp at cp 160 works to raise your cp, which could help anyone not on 501/531(SotH) cp catch up with those capped players. (ZOS has previously stated the cap increase depends on how many players have hit the cap each time, therefore more players at the cap = higher cp cap.)

    * replacement training +exp +gold names suggested so far:
    • Grinding
    • Catchup
    • Ketchup - splat, refering to non cp players faceplanting.
    • ...
  • Rainteal
    What I know:

    Training and Prosperous on end-game gear (Vet Dungeons, Undaunted Chests, Trials, vMA, vDSA) should be removed.

    This is only part of the problem though. The layers of RNG and lack of "smart loot" are what turn off many of my friends and me in endgame.

    "Smart Loot" first. For weekly rewards, I have gotten 3, yes 3, gold Lightning Staves of Lunar Bastion (One was powered). I got a powered 2-hander for my weekly vMA award yesterday. I have gotten sturdy Robes of the Scathing Mage in vICP. Now I am sure that there is someone, somewhere, who could make the argument for some wacky niche build that would use any of these items, but the VAST majority of players would not want any of these items.

    Item sets and available traits should be designed with utilization in mind. Specific tank sets should be the only items that have a chance to drop with sturdy and reinforced. Resto staves should be the only weapons that drop with powered. Master weapons and Maelstrom weapons should not drop with charged. Tank set pieces should not drop on a lightning staff. Healing set should not drop on a dagger.

    I know that someone here will make the argument about "playing how they want," but any of these odd-ball, niche setups can be built in the myriad options available though the game's robust crafting system (including prosperous and training {which I love for leveling alts!!!!}) We are talking about end-game players here who are pursuing very specific setups for clearing content. This would at least help to remedy the layered RNG we deal with.

    What I don't know:

    Obviously, we can't just have all loot drop in divines. Are divines and infused the only truly desirable traits that DPS gear could drop? If prosperous and training were removed, would we be just as mad about getting well-fitted or impen? I suppose this will be addressed to a point with the introduction of trading BoP in the group dungeons.

    Impen is a great trait for PvP, but does it belong on a PvE loot table? That is a good question. I know there are sets and items that drop that would be desirable for PvP players, but should PvPers be required to do PvE to get their gear? Again, I don't have an answer to that question. I did not collect impen gear in the past due to inventory issues, but with crafting bags now, I suppose I could put together PvP sets with all of my extra space.


    Yes: Remove Prosperous and Training from end-game loot

    Ambivalent toward Impen on PvE end-game loot

  • Waseem
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom can you look into veteran and maelstrom arena drop rates? removing useless traits, CP150 weapons from last chest normal mode and 100% weapon chance on last chest
    PC EU

  • Own
    Impen to trial sets also.
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    what everybody else said +1
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • alkodav
    But why we can't obtain these sets in impenetrable bying for ap or tel var stones? seems that it would have more logic..
    About Prosperous and Training - it's really useless, remove them pls from hi-end drop.

    Also i think that rng is dishonest and need fixes - all sets i droped from trials were Prosperous, Training or Well-Fitted.. Where is divines or infused? Also Monster sets with this traits make all of players really dissapoint.

    This is injustice...

  • Coolio_Wolfus
    1. Replace: Prosperous with Impenetrable (Gives the loot table +Impen)
    2. Rename combined: Training + Prosperous + Decisive (Gives this combined gear trait a use at all levels*)
    * Especially where the gear cap is slated to be increased at some future point, meaning if it is removed now it will need reinstatement later, so why not merge bonus giving traits into one. +exp +gold +ulti

    There is a precedent for this with the Well Fitted trait: -Sprint cost, -Dodge Roll cost

    This would also effectively mean that 2 traits get removed from the drop table and 1 is added, which should by most calculations increase the chances of any given drop by a few percent %.

    ZOS could even remove the BoP from the combined (Training + Prosperous + Decisive) trait gear making it TRADEABLE and make it a LEGENDARY gold or EPIC purple drop at the gear max cp level, meaning if no-one wants to buy it for the gear, it would potentially be worth at least the temper value at resale.
    FAO: @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_MattFiror

    Edited by Coolio_Wolfus on July 20, 2016 11:42PM
  • xXMichonneXx
    Definitely remove prosperous and training from trial drops and add Impen. No one I know wants to work their butts off in a trial and get that junk from drops. thank you for asking!
    XBoxOne NA
    910 CP
    50 Imperial Stamblade DC
    50 Argonian Templar Healer DC
    50 Altmer Mag Sorc DC
    50 Imperial Stam Templar DC
    50 Dunmer Mag DK DC
    50 Imperial Stam Sorc DC
    50 Nord Stam DK Tank DC
    50 Redguard Stam DK DPS DC
    50 Altmer Mag Templar DPS DC
    50 Imperial Stam Warden DC
  • arkansas_ESO
    Remove the concept of random loot altogether and give us a token system. This makes it easier for casual players (which is the audience you guys are after now, right?) to get geared at end-game, and increases the quality of life for hardcore players. You guys already know the current system isn't going to work, otherwise you wouldn't be implementing the tradeable BOP system next patch. Why keep adding onto a flawed system? That's just time you could be spending on working on a new system.

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • Junkogen
    Remove training and prosperous traits from all loot tables everywhere. Make them only craftable traits. It's safe to say the vast majority of players would support that. Please add impenetrable to all loot tables. It's very sought-after in PvP.
  • Ankael07
    I never understood why every item set in the game doesn't have every trait option. Aren't we encouraging players to build in diverse ways?
    Edited by Ankael07 on July 23, 2016 5:17AM
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Phinix1
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    MORE randomness to the RNG system? No, I don't think that is a good idea at all! Random drops, in random types, with random traits... and you want to multiply the odds of getting anything you want AGAIN?!?

    No offense guys, but how many YEARS have people been trying to explain to you the reason why every other game adopts a token system? You cannot have a sustainable game built on an absent guarantee of eventual reward. Yes, the grind is part of an MMO, but it isn't "cruise control for cool."

    A rat won't run the maze if it can't smell the cheese. Get it?


    Create a proper token system already! Alternately (or additionally), allow crafters to re-trait/re-style gear. Create a safety net where even if you NEVER win the slot machine jackpot that is gear progression in this system, you EVENTUALLY save up enough to just buy it outright for tokens in whatever trait you want.

    You guys can control how many runs that time takes. You can also control how much mats for re-trait.

    Why is this so difficult?

    The absence of an eventual guarantee creates burnout.


    Not trying to sound rude but there have been SO many threads talking about this and to my knowledge, the possibility of a token system or crafting re-traiting has NEVER been acknowledged or addressed.

    I have rarely seen a system as universally hated as the current RNG system.

    Edited by Phinix1 on July 23, 2016 5:29AM
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Instead of adding Impenetrable on everything, can you fix PVP critical damage so that Impenetrable isn't a must? If you don't run Impen on your armor you die so insanely fast.

    Right now, all those other armor traits go to waste in PVP.
  • Phinix1
    Instead of adding Impenetrable on everything, can you fix PVP critical damage so that Impenetrable isn't a must? If you don't run Impen on your armor you die so insanely fast.

    Right now, all those other armor traits go to waste in PVP.

    I actually agree with this as well. Something needs to be done to increase the TTK (time to kill) a bit more. Battle Spirit worked somewhat but that was before all the stamina changes and the burst meta.

    As for the token system, I fear it will be ignored because my post wasn't overly positive, though it wasn't overly negative either.

    Honestly, it is just a simple safety net against perpetual unluckiness leading to burnout.

    Nothing more.
  • code65536
    I would like to take a moment to re-iterate just how useless Prosperous is. So useless that it can't even outperform Impenetrable for mob grinding.
    code65536 wrote: »
    More data from a classic grind, in response to certain critics who say that I didn't have enough data or that data from trials shouldn't count...

    I had a romp today in the Imperial City and Imperial Sewers for a few hours, grossing around 12K stones.

    Total gold from kills: 1128g
    Total gold from vendorables: 8395g
    Total repair bills (with 5p Impen): 971g

    (Vendorables are white/green trash armor/weapons. I deconned my glpyhs and also deconned any non-ornate ancestor silk and rubedo leather pieces, and those were not counted towards the vendor total.)
    1. Yes, Impen does work. During one of my repair sessions, my Impen gear had around 50g each in repair costs, while my non-Impen gear had around 100g in repair costs.
    2. Impen saved me around 50% in repair costs on 5 of 7 pieces of armor. If I had no Impen gear, my repair costs would've extrapolated to around 1510g. Wearing 5p Impen saved me around 539g.
    3. If I had instead worn 5p Prosperous, I would've gained 35% more gold, or 395g.
    4. So, when grinding PvE mobs in the Imperial Sewers and City, 5p Impen outperformed a hypothetical 5p Prosperous by 144g. Oh, and Impen also helped keep me (mostly) alive during the few player encounters I had.
    5. Of course, the big elephant in the room is that 88% of my gold gain during this session didn't come from gold drops at all--it came from all the dropped trash loot that I vendored--the value of the vendorables so greatly overshadow gold drops that even if Prosperous could outperform Impenetrable, it would still be irrelevant.

    ZOS going out of their way to remove Impenetrable from the Sanctum and Undaunted loot tables (yes, it was possible to get Impen monster gear and Impen Sanctum trials gear before Dark Brotherhood) and adding in Prosperous shows just how out of touch they are with what players want or even how the math works in their own game. Their move last patch to replace Impenetrable with Prosperous in the loot tables was, frankly, an insult--an unintended one, but one nonetheless. And it absolutely needs to be reverted.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • PurifedBladez
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    You should remove prosperous and training from all end game loot tables. How do you guys not understand that?

    And while your at it the useless traits on maelstrom weapons should be removed. Back to sharpened, precise, and defending.

    I would like to see:

    - Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop

    - Remove Training and Prosperous as valid Trait from all cp160 gear that drops in the game, yes, I don't think people want monster sets with those traits either.....

    - Fix prosperous trait, right now you gain nearly nothing by using it under normal play as explained here:

    I would like to see prosperous trait revamped as a farming set like this (Per piece, in values in white, green, blue, purple, legendary quality):

    - Increases gold gained from killis by 10/20/30/40/50% and a 1/2/3/4/5% chance of double the harvest from nodes.

    A legendary prosperous item would then give 50% gold gained from kills and a 5% extra chance of double harvest from nodes.

    Full legendary set of prosperous would give 350% gold increase from kills and 35% extra chance of double harvest nodes. Pretty balanced right, and useful for farming or while questing and exploring? I guess with some tweaking of these numbers you can easily balance it while still making it useful.

    I trust you to figure this out ZOS @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Edited by LEGENDARYYY on July 24, 2016 12:57AM
    CP capped.

    EP - Nord - Eystein Blodsbringar - Tristat DK Tank
    EP - Nord - Eyjolf Blodsbringar - Stamina NB PvPer
    EP - Argonian - Tired-Of-Cats - Magicka Sorc PvPer
    EP - Khajit - Cutepaws - Banker
    EP - Redguard - Jathod Trearan - Stamina DK DD
    EP - Redgaurd - Dhenus Okzhat-Si - Stamina Sorcerer DD (vMSA toon, 569K)
    EP - Altmer - Haqsin - Magicka Sorc DD
    EP - Altmer - Minia Feaine - Templar Healer

    + about 20 deleted alts

    GM of Pact Veteran Trade (Craglorn), Traders of the Ebonheart (Mournhold), Pact Veteran Trade II (Mournhold)

    All part of the "Akatosh Imperium".

    Want competitive Cyrodiil? Support THIS thread.

    Me soloing Veteran Elden Hollow and AA: HERE
  • DRXHarbinger
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom to piggy back on this.

    Can cp150 wrothgar dailies be removed too? From cp160 toon onwards. They are as useless to us. The cp150 briarheart inferno I got yesterday was well....a kick in the face whilst being trolled by the orc that gave it to me.

    Removal from chests would be good too 9 months down the line and some people don't have a full max level set yet.

    Can I get some agrees?
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Dubhliam
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , this is the last week of PTS, and there is still no change in Tel Var sets.
    Old Tel Var sets are unavailable in Sturdy.
    These include:
    Meritorious Service
    Powerfull Assault
    Shield Breaker
    Black Rose
    Reactive Armor

    Can you give us some insight about this?
    Is this intended?
    And if not, why is it still not fixed?
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Ashtaris
    Remove training and prosperous from all CP160 dropped sets, add impen. That's it.
    Edited by Ashtaris on July 24, 2016 2:46PM
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