I thought this thread was going to be about important game fixes but nope. This thread would had gotten locked by the tittle alone.
The last boss of that Dungeon has the BEST spell among ANY boss I've seen so far, including the two new one on PTS. That freacking GLASSWORK!!! I always ask players to not do much DPS on that fight, so we can enjoy the two "special" phase. That boss need to be boosted in health, seriously, if no one say anything players bypass that splendid attacks and it's one of the best things the game has. Please, buff that boss! The world need MOAR shattering Glassworks!ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »Vaults of Madness... it was the first dungeon I ever worked on. (I was the dungeon team lead waaaaayyyy back when)
It's my favourite zone too! My boyfriend is Norvegien, and so I'm really fond of that kind of landscapes in real life too!Orsinium currently... though there's some internal stuff we're working on that is shaping up to replace that.
If I had to choose just one... probably the Drake of Blades.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »Yep, all the time. I don't just lurk on the forums you know...
It's also tons of fun to run dungeons via LFG. I generally like to tell folks its my first time running a dungeon just to get them to explain mechanics to me. A large majority of the time the group is super welcoming and supportive which is awesome!
I play on PC and Console, though PC gets the vast majority of my play time. (Side note Matt Firor is a console nut and spends the majority of his time playing there)
Most memorable moments in-game:
- Logging into ESO for the very first time on launch day. Seeing the huge crush of people running around the world was amazing.
- (Spoiler) Finally being able to defeat Molag Bal. He was pretty tough at launch and pushing through that to defeat him was pretty satisftying.
- Completing Veteran Maelstrom Arena on my live character for the first time.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »
I'm only 9... I tend to get really angry in PVP when I get owned as badly as I do. We do have a bunch of Rank 20+ devs though.
It would be funny if the devs could wear the Akatosh armor from the main quest in Cyrodiil and roflstomp everyone.
Probably Vaults of Madness. I love that enviornment and storyline.hamburgerler76 wrote: »@ZOS_RichLambert
1.if you could pick one dungeon to go back and do a vet story mode for of the ones that don't have one what would it be?
Currently? I'm wearing a crafted Julianos set that made myself. There's new sets in the works though that are pretty cool.2.do you have a current favorite armor set?
Oops answered this above heh. (Julianos, with Engine guardian helm/shoulders, 2 Torags swords and a Maelstrom Resto staff)3.what sets does your main use?
Currently Engine Guardian. (Dwemer look is awesome!)4.whats your favorite dungeon helm/shoulder set?
There have been days where I wish I could. Our accounts on live are regular player accounts, we have no GM or Dev powers at all.@ZOS_RichLambert
Do you or any other devs gift yourselves items or is there any special dev only items like the Axe of Awesomeness that grants 1 million weapon damage?
It would be funny if the devs could wear the Akatosh armor from the main quest in Cyrodiil and roflstomp everyone.
Do you or any other devs gift yourselves items or is there any special dev only items like the Axe of Awesomeness that grants 1 million weapon damage?
It would be funny if the devs could wear the Akatosh armor from the main quest in Cyrodiil and roflstomp everyone.
Why would they want to do that - there is nothing more boring than being invincible.
I'll get found out at some point. For now I'm going to keep a low profile and lurk in game.puffytheslayer wrote: »
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »There have been days where I wish I could. Our accounts on live are regular player accounts, we have no GM or Dev powers at all.
We also have very strict rules against doing that kind of stuff and if broken, you lose your job. No ifs, ands or buts.
There are a ton of really great addons out there and I'm always trying out new ones to see what folks have come up with. A few of the addons I use currently off the top of my head:zerosingularity wrote: »How about favorite addons. Or addons you would love to see as part of the base game.