Lord_Dexter wrote: »Dark Elf Vampires are dommed, Imperials 1% gold gain? bretons and High Elf are further improved along with Khajit and Nords, Argonians are now called healers..
Why even bothered Orc and Wood Elf?
Redguard buff is funny indeed, who wants Consumed Food duration buff?
World Building
A few new buildings were added to several zones, and the zone maps were updated accordingly. These buildings are not accessible at this time. In some of these locations, wildlife, and/or bystanders were removed or adjusted to make way for the new construction. In addition, some residents have been moved from their homes, and those buildings are no longer accessible. These changes are in preparation for the upcoming release of Player Housing.[/b]
- Fixed an issue where the weapon charge depletion sound was playing upon exiting a conversation.
- Bards may no longer be killed.
I must admit, that went better than I expected.
You've wasted your time posting in this thread 3-4 times already, the reason no sorc changes were made is because the vast majority of players aren't seeing the issues you are, since they've taken time to learn and adapt. L2P issue
No new motifs being added to learn from this DLC?
You've wasted your time posting in this thread 3-4 times already, the reason no sorc changes were made is because the vast majority of players aren't seeing the issues you are, since they've taken time to learn and adapt. L2P issue
You buffed the strongest stamina class in the game, in Khajits. Why did you think this was a good idea? The only reason behind this buff is to force people to change to khajit and make money. Give us another option for stamina. What the hell?
cpuScientist wrote: »Nothing new for Sorcs. Just a crap class forever more and now this necropotence nerf, the only damn thing I had to look forward too. Screw it. Just delete the SORC class. Wow does ZOS just suck. Thus was the last shred of belief I had in this company.
Love the Khajiit and Argoninan change
Great Work!
Oh I knew it. How was I naive to believe, that ZoS would just buff something for a change instead of buffing and nerfing at the same time.
Now I wish it would just stay V12 instead. What's the point when the V16 version is much worse than as the V12 version is right now.
sentientomega wrote: »At what point would the appearance change token be consumed?
When you entered the appearance changer screen to take a note of your character appearance bar details and the like and then exit, or only when you make changes, confirm them and then exit?
The_Great_Maldini wrote: »
Wow, what a drama queen.
You seriously raised the cap by 30? only 30? I hate you so so so so so much Zenimax I really really do. You are lucky your riding the coat tails of Bethesda and the series they have made awesome.