ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Matt Firor's Message from BE3. Read it for details about what Matt discussed at the Bethesda E3 Showcase, including OneTamriel!
RagnarFirehawk wrote: »Not sure if have said this yet but one thing has got me thinking...
"higher level players will be the same “level" as lower level players" <~~~ So that means no matter what zone i go to my Max lvl Characters will be there for decreased in level to match them
or dose Battle leveling make them " Maxed " as well the contradiction with the line.
" Characters will have their level scaled the same way that we currently scale players to the level of DLC zones "
Dam, what a Paradox
rhapsodious wrote: »So... if I'm understanding this properly... there's no longer a reason to buy the "Any Race, Any Alliance" pack?
Kalinblack wrote: »
Wrong. In PvP it is still good ^^
Yeah, we were discussing this over at UESP. Does it mean that this will introduce battle-levelling that goes up and down, or does it mean that everything will be max level and everyone will scale up? I'm thinking the latter (while preferring the former), but it's definitely something that's not as clear-cut as it first seemed.RagnarFirehawk wrote: »Not sure if have said this yet but one thing has got me thinking...
"higher level players will be the same “level" as lower level players" <~~~ So that means no matter what zone i go to my Max lvl Characters will be there for decreased in level to match them
or dose Battle leveling make them " Maxed " as well the contradiction with the line.
" Characters will have their level scaled the same way that we currently scale players to the level of DLC zones "
Dam, what a Paradox
Yeah, we were discussing this over at UESP. Does it mean that this will introduce battle-levelling that goes up and down, or does it mean that everything will be max level and everyone will scale up? I'm thinking the latter (while preferring the former), but it's definitely something that's not as clear-cut as it first seemed.
YES! YES! No more having to scrounge up people to do the few difficult veteran world bosses! This'll be a big boon to roleplayers too I imagine, I'm looking forward to this!
potirondb16_ESO wrote: »The worst issue about this announcement is ressource affectation. Lately we've seen a lot of ressource which had been dedicated to improve the overall experience of the newest player:
- Removal of vet-Rank:
- Dailies DLC model which are not requiring you to confront your skill with the other player
- Solo Content
The fact that they had created new trial hasn't created any real improvement through the game since most of those trial are still unaccessible to the community because they had been created for 0,5% of the playerbase, player who are pulling some unrealistic number* as far as a regular player can tell. (vMoL)
Also the fact that they had really lower the overall 4-man content and also that they haven't increase the number of those dungeon is also an issue. The fact that most of the end-game gear isn't consistent with what most player would find appealing in term of end-game possibility is also an issue**.
So overall the fact that they are rationalizing the game isn't for me an issue. The fact that this announcement gets prior starlight over all the end-game and overall continuity of the game is Something that does botters me.
* Pulling 45k Dps on a single characther when the really good group player reach 30k at best ! and when the good one does 24/28k.
** I would personnally love to see soft cap reintroduce and get some improvement in term of end-game gear instead of bringing some undermining bonus to some of those set.
Ah right yeah, that's probably why I didn't really consider that to be a possibility to start with.lordrichter wrote: »ZOS is already on record as saying that they don't like down scaling.
lordrichter wrote: »
ZOS is already on record as saying that they don't like down scaling.
nimander99 wrote: »
Everything will scale up to the current CP cap world wide. At every CP cap increase we will see Tamriel creatures "level up". So you will immediately battle level up to the Cap... Just like entering any DLC for the first time. The only thing that wont scale is crafting nodes, they will stay in line with the current leveling process, high end mats will remain DLC locked.
Darkonflare15 wrote: »Geez I get excited about the idea of this and I come back to the forums to see some new info on it. Bam! What do you know a bunch of negative comments that just kill my buzz. I am regreting my decision for reading other people comments about the subject.
I've been running all around the areas I have access to - and I've royally screwed a number of quest lines. I came across the Spinner's Cottage and completed"The Witch of Silatar" before I even met the Wilderking. It was somewhat disconcerting to be sent back to the Cottage to meet the Spinner.Even people who like questing shouldn't, the story won't make any sense if you don't do it in the right order.
Francis_Toliver wrote: »
I wholeheartedly agree.
First though I would like to congratulate ESO on these changes. Very cool and long wanted! Thank you!
This brings Eso much closer to how the traditional Elder Scroll games feel and play.
I also would like to see a difficulty slider added, with the current levels of difficulty in the game as the "easiest" setting. For those of us that have played a long time it would be very fun to be able to play a 4 person group while doing the "zone" content. For many of us even playing alone this content has become to easy (we have gotten good enough at the game, so much of the challenge is missing from this content). Simply adding a difficulty slider, adjustable by the player would reinvigorate a great deal of the older content and allow even more content to be done by groups of friends.
A lot of us are very happy with the direction you (hard working) DEVs have been steering the game. Thank you for a game that has remained fun for a great many of us for years. That is not an easy thing to accomplish. I especially like the battle leveling that allows my wife and I to play any of our characters together, and now from any alliance! Very happy players
ShedsHisTail wrote: »My only real beef with this is story continuity.
Please just make sure that the story quests are given prerequisite quests that need to be completed first.
Like, I don't see any problem with skipping Stonefalls entirely and goin right into Deeshan or the Eastmarch; but set it up in such a fashion that only the side-quests are available in these later zones unless you've completed the main story quests from the earlier zones. Otherwise you end up with continuity issues where you're doing the story all out of order.
I know it was said on the panel that you can "RP this however you want" but things like story continuity aren't really things that can be RPed away and, even as much a folks tend to shrug it off, story is a big part of these games; and if the story is nonsense the game will be significantly less engaging.
That said, do the same thing with cross-faction adventuring. If I'm playing as a Pact character and decide to head to Auridon, don't let me just pick the main story quest and start working for the Queen. I choose the Ebonheart pact as my main allegiance, allow tht to still be significant outside of PvP. Sure, let me do all the side quests and world bosses and anchors and whatever in Auridon as much as I want; but leave the main story of opposing factions off limits until I unlock them through Cadwell.
In short; I think this is a great addition, but make efforts to keep the story in tact, please.
nimander99 wrote: »
Everything will scale up to the current CP cap world wide. At every CP cap increase we will see Tamriel creatures "level up". So you will immediately battle level up to the Cap... Just like entering any DLC for the first time. The only thing that wont scale is crafting nodes, they will stay in line with the current leveling process, high end mats will remain DLC locked.
lordrichter wrote: »
According to Kai, they will be scaling the crafting to match what they do with DLC zones and Potency runes.
Naturally, this can change or he might be wrong (or I would not be wasting my time posting here). If they just leave crafting alone, it would be almost exactly what I asked for 2 years ago. However, the crafting nodes are a deal breaker for me. I am not interested in playing this game if they insist on changing crafting nodes globally.
So I can create a brand-new DC character, walk from Glenumbra to Auridon... and fight Covenant soldiers.
The game wasn't designed for inter-faction traveling. Silver and Gold interactions made that painfully obvious, and now they've just bum *** a battle leveling system on top of it.
"In general, higher level players will be the same “level" as lower level players, but they will have far more tools in their arsenal: better gear, more abilities, and of course more Champion points."
So the game really will be a CP-measuring contest now. Thanks guys.
"One Tamriel will not affect the PvP systems in Cyrodiil."
Of course it does. This makes PVP obsolete because you're now allowed to play all three sides at your whim. You're not a champion anymore. You're a tourist.
Welcome to Disneynirn.
xBHxTHEKILLz wrote: »This new "One Tamriel" is one of the worst things they can do. It defeats the purpose of levelling up. I would say, make it all playable but no level scaling.