Would that count though? The purpose of DLC is new content, and stuff that you need to pay for (otherwise it's not DLC). One Tamriel is rehashing existing content. I could see One Tamriel being the main base game feature of Update 11, but Update 11 will also need some new, paid-for content for them to keep to their strategy of one DLC per quarter.
dethbl00ms wrote: »I'm concerned about over-population, but am going to hold off on criticism because I have been pleasantly surprised before.
A couple of suggestions for implementation: add banks to all cities (not just zone capitals) and allow crafting writs to be turned in at any city. This might reduce overcrowding in areas/zones.
Also consider adding trial hang-out areas outside of the instanced areas.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »My only real beef with this is story continuity.
Please just make sure that the story quests are given prerequisite quests that need to be completed first.
What, One Tamriel? I'm seeing that as more of a name like Tamriel Unlimited; a name to indicate a change in the direction of the game, not the name of a piece of content.lordrichter wrote: »Well, it is a DLC if they call it that
potirondb16_ESO wrote: »The worst issue about this announcement is ressource affectation. Lately we've seen a lot of ressource which had been dedicated to improve the overall experience of the newest player:
- Removal of vet-Rank:
- Dailies DLC model which are not requiring you to confront your skill with the other player
- Solo Content
The fact that they had created new trial hasn't created any real improvement through the game since most of those trial are still unaccessible to the community because they had been created for 0,5% of the playerbase, player who are pulling some unrealistic number* as far as a regular player can tell. (vMoL)
Also the fact that they had really lower the overall 4-man content and also that they haven't increase the number of those dungeon is also an issue. The fact that most of the end-game gear isn't consistent with what most player would find appealing in term of end-game possibility is also an issue**.
So overall the fact that they are rationalizing the game isn't for me an issue. The fact that this announcement gets prior starlight over all the end-game and overall continuity of the game is Something that does botters me.
* Pulling 45k Dps on a single characther when the really good group player reach 30k at best ! and when the good one does 24/28k.
** I would personnally love to see soft cap reintroduce and get some improvement in term of end-game gear instead of bringing some undermining bonus to some of those set.
@Arato I'm assuming quests will be changed to work like the Guild quests and Main quests. Those always give XP that is appropriate to your level.Another question @ZOS_JessicaFolsom .. how is xp going to be dealt with for people who are over the level of the quests now that the zones won't be for veterans anymore. Will the quests for level 50 characters still be considered level 50?
If they're not level 50 and are their original non veteran levels, they will give veterans really awful xp. Currently doing the silver/gold content will give you at least 100 champion levels of xp. That could be gone.
You'd think that would make sense, but that isn't the case right now, either. I can skip all quests until the last zone, say Bangkorai, do the questchain there and get acces to Coldharbour, without even touching the quests in the other zones. Never really made sense to me.
Yeah exactly. With everything being the same level, the prospects for doing the "Elder Scrolls thing" and running in a particular direction until you find something to do will likely cause a lot more people to unintentionally end up in a story inconsistency.ShedsHisTail wrote: »
Yeah, and that's always bugged me.
but that's a pretty rare instance, you don't get a lot of folks doing that; and those who do, do it deliberately. But when you open up the entire world for that sort of thing you're going to get people who do it inadvertently. Those people are the ones who will then complain that the story makes no sense.
It's one thing to bypass the story intentionally for reasons of expediency; it's another thing to make it so easy that people will do it by accident.
Yeah exactly. With everything being the same level, the prospects for doing the "Elder Scrolls thing" and running in a particular direction until you find something to do will likely cause a lot more people to unintentionally end up in a story inconsistency.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »My only real beef with this is story continuity.
Please just make sure that the story quests are given prerequisite quests that need to be completed first.
Like, I don't see any problem with skipping Stonefalls entirely and goin right into Deeshan or the Eastmarch; but set it up in such a fashion that only the side-quests are available in these later zones unless you've completed the main story quests from the earlier zones. Otherwise you end up with continuity issues where you're doing the story all out of order.
I know it was said on the panel that you can "RP this however you want" but things like story continuity aren't really things that can be RPed away and, even as much a folks tend to shrug it off, story is a big part of these games; and if the story is nonsense the game will be significantly less engaging.
That said, do the same thing with cross-faction adventuring. If I'm playing as a Pact character and decide to head to Auridon, don't let me just pick the main story quest and start working for the Queen. I choose the Ebonheart pact as my main allegiance, allow tht to still be significant outside of PvP. Sure, let me do all the side quests and world bosses and anchors and whatever in Auridon as much as I want; but leave the main story of opposing factions off limits until I unlock them through Cadwell.
In short; I think this is a great addition, but make efforts to keep the story in tact, please.
@Llevndryn Do you have any specific examples? Most of these places become inaccessible because the story has destroyed them, so being able to get back into them anyway would be inconsistent. You can't enter a destroyed location.Are you going to open up the zones which become locked after certain quests with One Tamriel, like we ask here ?
frateanu.luiseb17_ESO wrote: »Why nerf everything ZOS ? At least u can do it like RIFT online. Or like a mentoring system.
@Arato I'm assuming quests will be changed to work like the Guild quests and Main quests. Those always give XP that is appropriate to your level.
stypsyb14_ESO wrote: »
I read through the 8 pages of comments and still do not fully understand the battle-leveling announcement. It suggests content will be level-appropriate. Does this mean every zone a CP160+ character goes to will be CP160?(nodes, mobs, etc.)? or will players be down scaled to the zone appropriate?
RIFT, SWTOR, and GW2 do just this .. scale a player to the zone.
If every zone is scaled up to you then that means CP160+ characters will never be able to harvest or gather (wood, ore, cloth) for lower tiers.
Anyone have further insight?
ShedsHisTail wrote: »Yeah, I like the way GW2 handles it.
Players are scaled down to the zone (rather than the zone scaled up to the player) -and- zones still have a minimum level. You can go there at any level, but you're likely to get your ass handed to you if you're too low.