Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Official Discussion Thread for "Matt Firor's Message from BE3"

  • Will16
    Not gunna lie I love this, all I think ZOS need to do now is reduce the huge effect of champion points, and then hopefully the game won't be so much of a grind-fest or CP-measuring contest, allowing newer players to participate in almost all content in the game.
  • Giraffon
    I think this is a strategic move by Zeni to lay the groundwork for some of those future DLCs. Housing especially I can see how this would make sense.

    For my own part, having leveled a few of my characters in Cyrodiil exclusively, it makes playing the regular maps a little less useless as I will be able to get gear and XP that is relevant.

    It's all good.
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • dannymcgr81b14_ESO
    Awesome! I came back at the right time! Looks like my sub game is changing from wow to eso!
  • MornaBaine
    Matt Firor said, "We will have much more information about upcoming updates and One Tamriel over the course of the summer and into the fall. Please stay tuned for more details, and until then, see you in Tamriel! "

    So this is NOT rolling out any time soon which is disappointing. Can we hope it will be before the end of the year???
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • bulbousb16_ESO
    The general concept of what they are trying to do isn't bad. But they already built the faction system into the game. To do "One Tamriel", you have to remove the faction system from the starting zones entirely. It makes no sense to have you join a faction and then quest against your own faction. It made little sense before, although Cadwell sort of explained it, but it's going to make zero sense if it's open right from day one.

    They should remove all references to faction from the quests and zones and keep it strictly in Cyrodiil. That's a lot of work, but the ONLY way this makes any sense.
    Lethal zergling
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    Matt Firor said, "We will have much more information about upcoming updates and One Tamriel over the course of the summer and into the fall. Please stay tuned for more details, and until then, see you in Tamriel! "

    So this is NOT rolling out any time soon which is disappointing. Can we hope it will be before the end of the year???

    He said fall 2016, Sept-Oct. I would guess, and it's only a guess, One Tamriel will be rolled out with, or close to the next DLC expansion.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • The_Great_Maldini
    The general concept of what they are trying to do isn't bad. But they already built the faction system into the game. To do "One Tamriel", you have to remove the faction system from the starting zones entirely. It makes no sense to have you join a faction and then quest against your own faction. It made little sense before, although Cadwell sort of explained it, but it's going to make zero sense if it's open right from day one.

    They should remove all references to faction from the quests and zones and keep it strictly in Cyrodiil. That's a lot of work, but the ONLY way this makes any sense.

    I was thinking similarly. It will be interesting to see how the quest continuity works. If you roll a DC character, then you have to complete the DC quest lines before entering cold harbor. The main quest line is not affected by this at all however.

    I mean if you really think about it, the hero of tamriel isn't supposed to be faction restricted. In fact once you go to Coldharbor, all the factions are working together to defeat Molag Bal. In the end, I think that it will work out okay.

  • Tiedän
    Giraffon wrote: »
    I think this is a strategic move by Zeni to lay the groundwork for some of those future DLCs. Housing especially I can see how this would make sense.

    He said fall 2016, Sept-Oct. I would guess, and it's only a guess, One Tamriel will be rolled out with, or close to the next DLC expansion.

    Yeah I agree with you guys. I wouldn't be surprised if it rolls out as the base game patch for housing, which is allegedly going to be the Q3 DLC. This way a player can buy their house in their favorite zone.
    "Battle-Born is a name out of legend, sung in the songs of old and heard in deeds of valor for a hundred generations. 'For Clan Battle-Born!' they cry in the mead halls. 'First into the fray and last to quit their ale!'" - Olfrid Battle-Born
    PC/Mac - NA
    Thian Battle-Born - Nord Stamina DK DPS
    Alynu Dreth - Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer DPS
    Reeh-Jah Nisar - Argonian Stamina Nightblade DPS
    Eraldil Riverrun - Bosmer Stamina Warden DPS
    Tsavani Khanai - Khajit Magicka Templar DPS
    Laila The Huntress - Nord Stamina DK Tank
  • Enodoc
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    pema wrote: »
    Hey guys.
    I wonder how this will play out. Will people find their way in all the content... won't they miss a lot.
    One thing the game does very well, is lead a character through the quest-content/zones in a very logical progression if a player let's the missions guide them. I imagine this will not change at all for the most part.

    And no, they won't 'miss' content, because the battle-leveling system will mean that it's always relevant (level/rewards/exp wise).
    Yeah the story will lead you through the zones well, but if you take the Elder Scrolls approach of running off in a particular direction for a while and only picking a quest you hit half an hour later, you'll be much further into the zone (or even into one of the later zones) than the story would suggest you should be. That's how you would "miss" content. Say for example you're running takes you right through Grahtwood to Malabal Tor, where you're helping the new Silvenar. You haven't yet actually done Greenshade to see that there even is a new Silvenar, and when you do get around to doing Greenshade, it makes no sense that the Silvenar is just discovering his powers because you've already seen him through the Handfast. Similarly, if you go straight to Reaper's March from Grahtwood, you are helping choose a new Mane, but you will have "missed" all the story appearances of the current Mane in Grahtwood and Greenshade, so when you go back to do that, it will also make no sense. So it's not missing the content in terms of not doing it, it's missing it in terms of continuity when going through the storyline.

    Faulgor wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Excited for the cross-faction announcement. Not too sure about battle-levelling everywhere, as it seems like the sense of progression through levelling may be severely impacted.
    I don't know about you, but I never felt stronger or weaker progressing through the game, as the game did a good job of incentivizing you to keep within a certain level range - if your level is too high, you get no or hugely diminshed rewards, if your level is too low, you just miss most of your attacks. Within that level range, you are always on equal footing against your enemies. Grinding Dreugh at Vivec's Antlers in Stonefalls felt absolutely no different to grinding Dreugh in Shadowfen, or grinding Dreugh in silver zone Stormhaven.

    What actually gave me the feeling of improving was 1) more skill points to unlock new skills and morphs 2) upgrading my equipment 3) upgrading my horse 4) completing main quests so I can advance to new zones. 1-3 are not affected by these changes at all, and 4 becomes obsolete.
    Fair enough, but you say that you were incentivised to keep in that level range; did it not feel good when you were able to go to a higher level area which you were not able to go to before (because if you tried, you'd keep missing your attacks and be killed)? Staying in your level range also of course kept you in the correct place in the storyline continuity.
    Edited by Enodoc on June 13, 2016 3:43PM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Valerien
    This seems like its removing any possible choice that matters.

    Now it doesn't matter if I'm Pact or AD or DC cause I'm not really any of these factions as NPCs will automatically see me as one of their own. And cause of the limits of the game I can't do anything than act like one of these NPCS.

    Case in point I get the crown that allows me to command all Mer, in the new world will I be able to keep it and become the new commander of the Elves. I'm not part of the AD so have no reason to protect the high elves or the wood elves and I like to be in charge. But wait... the limits of the game mean I'm forced to act like a loyal Dominion solider and for no apparent reason I am forced to destroy the crown or give it to my enemy it doesn't even work as a hat.

    There should be more either or choices in the game, not stripping perhaps the only one that matters at the moment the choice of your alliance.

    You are turning everyone into a factionless do gooder that wanders around asking to help everyone they can find, who is the champion of every faction and of ever guild. You are striping any personality from the character and making us all bland Mary Sue style bores.

    In short you have to offer more choices, more hard choice and more either or choices. Not everyone can be everything lets all hold hands across Tamiriel.
  • Vaoh
    Is One Tamriel going to take up the space of out 3rd quarter DLC? Or will we actually get a new zone and content?

    I'm really curious, because as cool as One Tamriel is, I want new content too!
  • ElfFromSpace
    Arato wrote: »
    0: Iron
    5: Steel
    10: Orichalcum
    15: Dwarven
    20: Ebony
    25: Calcite
    30: Galatite
    35: Quicksilver
    40: Voidsteel
    50: Rubedite

    Honestly, even that's a little messy, I'd have preferred it if it were:

    0: Iron
    15: Steel
    30: Orichalcum
    40: Dwarven
    50: Ebony

    But I guess you've already put out a ton of other tiers of materials despite them not fitting into what was already in the TES single player games so you make do.

    I really like the idea of cutting back on the number of tiers of materials. Right now the CP10-CP140 materials are virtually useless for the majority of players. Even with crafting bags, I would LOVE to see the crafting material types consolidated by about half, which could also create some ease on your inventory management. Just like you did to provisioning a year ago you could simply convert:

    0: Iron -> Iron
    5: Steel -> Iron
    10: Orichalcum -> Steel
    15: Dwarven -> Steel
    20: Ebony -> Orihalcum
    25: Calcite -> Orihalcum
    30: Galatite -> Dwarven
    35: Quicksilver -> Dwarven
    40: Voidsteel -> Dwarven
    50: Rubedite -> Ebony
    Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange
  • BigBressler
    Wait so what's the point of joining any particular alliance then?

    Every alliance has their own "instance." I'm a member of the Bebon Heart Pact for example, and have beaten the story in order to gain access to other alliances. But I can only play with other people in the Pact. The other alliances have their own levels set for each area. For example, Riften might be a level 40 area for the Pact, but for the Dominion, or Covenant, it's probably Champion level 100+. You can do group dungeons with people in other alliances, but that's it unless you're in Cyrodiil. Each alliance has their own community in a way. You can't fight for the Pact in Cryodiil as a High Elf without buying the "Any race any alliance pack."
    Main: Ioannes Jun Bressler - CP 560+ - Imperial Templar Tank
  • Faulgor
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Fair enough, but you say that you were incentivised to keep in that level range; did it not feel good when you were able to go to a higher level area which you were not able to go to before (because if you tried, you'd keep missing your attacks and be killed)? Staying in your level range also of course kept you in the correct place in the storyline continuity.

    The first time, yes, maybe (as I also noted in point 4 - advance to new zones). But after the first time it just becomes a chore to be funneled through the same areas again and again and again. Bein gable to chose my own path would make that much more enjoyable.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Mordiez
    Acrolas wrote: »
    So I can create a brand-new DC character, walk from Glenumbra to Auridon... and fight Covenant soldiers.
    The game wasn't designed for inter-faction traveling. Silver and Gold interactions made that painfully obvious, and now they've just bum *** a battle leveling system on top of it.

    "In general, higher level players will be the same “level" as lower level players, but they will have far more tools in their arsenal: better gear, more abilities, and of course more Champion points."

    So the game really will be a CP-measuring contest now. Thanks guys.

    "One Tamriel will not affect the PvP systems in Cyrodiil."

    Of course it does. This makes PVP obsolete because you're now allowed to play all three sides at your whim. You're not a champion anymore. You're a tourist.

    Welcome to Disneynirn.

    HAH one of the sillier posts of the day. "Makes pvp obsolete" do you even pvp bruh?
  • Enodoc
    Wait so what's the point of joining any particular alliance then?
    Every alliance has their own "instance." I'm a member of the Bebon Heart Pact for example, and have beaten the story in order to gain access to other alliances. But I can only play with other people in the Pact. The other alliances have their own levels set for each area. For example, Riften might be a level 40 area for the Pact, but for the Dominion, or Covenant, it's probably Champion level 100+. You can do group dungeons with people in other alliances, but that's it unless you're in Cyrodiil. Each alliance has their own community in a way. You can't fight for the Pact in Cryodiil as a High Elf without buying the "Any race any alliance pack."
    @BigBressler I believe the point of @Rouge_Sword's question is that none of this will be the case following the launch of One Tamriel, aside from presumably the "You can't fight for the Pact in Cryodiil as a High Elf" part of it.

    Alliances will not have their own "instances"
    You won't need to beat the story in order to gain access to the other alliances
    You will be able to play with all alliances
    There won't be set levels per alliance for each area
    Riften will be the same (most likely Level 50 CP 160) for all alliances, and you'll be battle-levelled to that
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Francis_Toliver
    hrothbern wrote: »
    Drelkag wrote: »
    Wow. This is what I always wanted out of ESO - to play with my friends and explore the world as we wanted.

    The update of my dreams.


    awesome improvement <3

    Next one the difficulty slider ?

    If you can handle this, the difficulty slider is "just" an extension.....

    please :)

    I wholeheartedly agree.

    First though I would like to congratulate ESO on these changes. Very cool and long wanted! Thank you!

    This brings Eso much closer to how the traditional Elder Scroll games feel and play.

    I also would like to see a difficulty slider added, with the current levels of difficulty in the game as the "easiest" setting. For those of us that have played a long time it would be very fun to be able to play a 4 person group while doing the "zone" content. For many of us even playing alone this content has become to easy (we have gotten good enough at the game, so much of the challenge is missing from this content). Simply adding a difficulty slider, adjustable by the player would reinvigorate a great deal of the older content and allow even more content to be done by groups of friends.

    A lot of us are very happy with the direction you (hard working) DEVs have been steering the game. Thank you for a game that has remained fun for a great many of us for years. That is not an easy thing to accomplish. I especially like the battle leveling that allows my wife and I to play any of our characters together, and now from any alliance! Very happy players :smiley:
    Edited by Francis_Toliver on June 13, 2016 4:04PM
  • Catches_the_Sun
    "One Tamriel will not affect the PvP systems in Cyrodiil."

    Technically speaking, this is probably true. However, I hate this "One Tamriel" concept, as it relates to PvP in Cyrodiil. Sure, you'll still be able to go to Cyrodiil & PvP the same way you always would, but why? What game mechanics give us a reason to care anymore? What are we fighting for in the short term or long term? What game mechanics give us a reason to have any Alliance pride? Are we supposed to be expected to sing *** Ba Yah with players of other alliances that are all over our overworld zones, then automatically just hate them because we hit a wayshrine to Cyrodiil? So, while technically their statement above is true, it certainly will impact the mentality of even participating in Cyrodiil.

    Matt Firor, you sir have lost any credibility that your DAOC roots have given you. People wanted to play any race, so you caved. You wanted to allow Guilds to earn their market stalls in Cyrodiil, and you caved on that. People wanted to explore the entire map, and for some reason you decided to no longer split the Alliances. I just don't understand that decision. You still could have provided the feature of allowing people to explore the entire map while still being divided by their alliance. It would be one thing if we could attack each other, but we're supposed to be expected to interact with each other on a daily basis in overland zones then for some reason, hate each other when we travel to Cyrodiil. Terrible.

    Think back to your DAOC roots...wrap your mind around the fact that a master Hib blacksmith is making armor sets for a dirty Midgard player and buying his food buffs from a filthy Alb. I can't even fathom that, but that's basically what you're doing here.
    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Francis_Toliver
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Arato wrote: »
    Honestly, even that's a little messy, I'd have preferred it if it were:

    0: Iron
    15: Steel
    30: Orichalcum
    40: Dwarven
    50: Ebony

    Agreed. There should have never been anything more powerful than Ebony, yet it is the most useless ore in the whole game.
    To streamline the whole progression system into skills and the champion system would make a lot of sense with this change - instead of giving out attribute points per level we could just increase set bonus and enchantment bonuses (there are only 2 attribute builds anyway, max magicka or max stamina), and give some skill points every other champion rank..

    While I agree that the crafting system strays far from the path of the Elder Scolls cannon, this list seems pretty simplified to me.

    The other point you make here is erroneous. I have a friend that plays a max health, Templar tank and does so Very effectively. He rocks about 55,000 health and his Blazing Sun shield is something to behold. One of the best tanks I've ever played with (been around since beta). The fact that most folks don't play max health builds doesn't mean they can't or that those builds don't work, just that most folks don't think outside the box.
  • MattLeMank
    Soul Shriven
    Guys i think this is awesome, we wont have lag issues i tell you why, not everyone will be at the same place at once, in fact this will help lag because people will now move freely and the numper of people in zones will be incremented thus, if you had lag in mournhold, no more, new players can go to more cities, if you didnt had lag in a zone, you will have a little bit more lag because people will travel there now too, or at least that is how i think it will work, also i just have 2 questions, how will crafting materials will be aquired? and does that mean that everyone will be cp160 or that everyone will be their own level but enemies will be at your same level, so Cp160 Char vs Cp160 Atronach, while besides him Lvl10Char vs Lvl10 Atronach.
    I assume Craglorn will be vet only still.
    Anyways i left the game when it first came out, i returned 1 month ago, and i see that the direction its taking is awesome especially for new players, THIS IS and elder scrolls game :smiley: .
    Nice work ZOS.
    PD: It would be nice for you to take care on the difficulty of the game, Group Bosses are more like Solo-Zone-Finish Bosses
    Mexican EP-loyal player.
    This one believes bestialic races are the best, may the hist guide you.
  • Tandor
    The general concept of what they are trying to do isn't bad. But they already built the faction system into the game. To do "One Tamriel", you have to remove the faction system from the starting zones entirely. It makes no sense to have you join a faction and then quest against your own faction. It made little sense before, although Cadwell sort of explained it, but it's going to make zero sense if it's open right from day one.

    They should remove all references to faction from the quests and zones and keep it strictly in Cyrodiil. That's a lot of work, but the ONLY way this makes any sense.

    I'm not sure I agree. If a player wants to follow the existing faction-based advancement path he'll still be able to do so and the questlines should support that. However, if he wants to join a friend in a different faction area for a group session or he'd prefer to advance through a different faction's content he'll have the opportunity to do that as well. It's all about choices, and choices are good. Much depends on how they weave Cadwell into it!

    From my own point of view, the main benefit is that any of the content can be done in any order. No longer will I have to leave the DLCs content until I'm level 50 which I have to do now because otherwise I simply over-level the base game content(more than normally) when I return to it from leveling in the DLC areas. I'd like my level 20 character to be able to do the Thieves Guild, for example, which he'll now be able to do without messing up his advancement back in the base game.
  • LindsC
    I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I'm happy that the,mats and treasure will be cp 160 for my cp 160 character. On the other hand, I don't like how the zones are going to be. There is going to be so much lag and over crowding. For craters it's going to be much harder to get materials
  • Giraffon
    Arato wrote: »
    0: Iron
    5: Steel
    10: Orichalcum
    15: Dwarven
    20: Ebony
    25: Calcite
    30: Galatite
    35: Quicksilver
    40: Voidsteel
    50: Rubedite

    Honestly, even that's a little messy, I'd have preferred it if it were:

    0: Iron
    15: Steel
    30: Orichalcum
    40: Dwarven
    50: Ebony

    But I guess you've already put out a ton of other tiers of materials despite them not fitting into what was already in the TES single player games so you make do.

    I really like the idea of cutting back on the number of tiers of materials. Right now the CP10-CP140 materials are virtually useless for the majority of players. Even with crafting bags, I would LOVE to see the crafting material types consolidated by about half, which could also create some ease on your inventory management. Just like you did to provisioning a year ago you could simply convert:

    0: Iron -> Iron
    5: Steel -> Iron
    10: Orichalcum -> Steel
    15: Dwarven -> Steel
    20: Ebony -> Orihalcum
    25: Calcite -> Orihalcum
    30: Galatite -> Dwarven
    35: Quicksilver -> Dwarven
    40: Voidsteel -> Dwarven
    50: Rubedite -> Ebony

    I think they should just change it all to skills based crafting where the material you choose only affects the appearance. Just require higher crafting skills to craft higher level gear. What it's made of doesn't matter. Let me make a level 50/160 cp sword out of any material I want as long as I have the crafting skills to do it.

    Likewise I want to be able to choose lower level armor looks and make them at higher levels. So if I want to make a level 50 Bosmer light armor that is currently only available at level 15, I should be able to do that. It should all depend on your crafting skills not the materials.

    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Turelus
    As the thread was closed (guessing for duplicate thread reasons) I wanted to post a link to it here as there was some good posts by members such as @Enodoc in it.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • TerraDewBerry
    Overall, I think this is a good idea, but I instantly think about what lag is going to be like in really populated zones (as there is already lag now), imagine what it might be like with 2 more factions of people there too.. and I wonder about crafting node resources. I already fight to get crafting nodes at times just within my own faction (I'm looking at you Craglorn), what will it be like when the other 2 factions are all there as well?
  • Enodoc
    Overall, I think this is a good idea, but I instantly think about what lag is going to be like in really populated zones (as there is already lag now), imagine what it might be like with 2 more factions of people there too.. and I wonder about crafting node resources. I already fight to get crafting nodes at times just within my own faction (I'm looking at you Craglorn), what will it be like when the other 2 factions are all there as well?
    @Ahnastashia It won't be any different. Consider now that there is an instance of Glenumbra with 90 DC players in it, an instance with 90 AD players in it, and an instance with 90 EP players in it. After this change, you'll have three instances of Glenumbra, each with 30 DC, 30 AD, and 30 EP. The server resources required (and the amount of crafting nodes available) should remain the same, it's just how the server allocates which instance to put you in that will be different.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • mistermutiny89
    Very subpar unveiling... The barbershop and player housing... Now that would have been something.

    Also farming for mats is going to be a bloody nightmare with One Tamriel... But I guess there's a lot of good to the change as well.
    Edited by mistermutiny89 on June 13, 2016 5:03PM
    Guild Leader : Defenders Of Miley
    XB1 EU
    EP | VR16 Breton NB -mistermutiny
    AD | VR16 Dunmer DK - Grigori
    AD | VR16 Altmer Sorcerer - Isvoleet
    AD | VR16 Imperial DK - Leonidas
    AD | VR16 Bosmer NB - Hood
    AD | VR16 Breton Templar - Dante
    AD | VR16 Redguard Sorcerer - Raiden
    AD | VR7 Khajiit Templar - Ike'ilyew
    DC | 160 Breton NB - Vergil

    "Hmmm... Very convincing.. Does the illusion apply to.. Everywhere? Perhaps this one should have a moment alone in private to double check" - Razum'Dar
  • Elsonso
    Akrasjel wrote: »
    Nothing about future DLCs :/

    Sounds like One Tamriel is a "free" second half DLC that will combine both the 3rd and 4th quarter DLC
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
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  • spammichtotb16_ESO
    Battle leveling? No thanks!

    I hate it in the DLC and in the offline games. There are different ways to support grouping such as adjusting levels to that of the group leader. Same technique basically but much less invasive. Leveling is a fun factor by itself that battle leveling destroys.

    Other changes like the ability to go everywhere sound great. Not that I need them with toons of every faction ...
  • Enodoc
    Akrasjel wrote: »
    Nothing about future DLCs :/
    Sounds like One Tamriel is a "free" second half DLC that will combine both the 3rd and 4th quarter DLC
    Would that count though? The purpose of DLC is new content, and stuff that you need to pay for (otherwise it's not DLC). One Tamriel is rehashing existing content. I could see One Tamriel being the main base game feature of Update 11, but Update 11 will also need some new, paid-for content for them to keep to their strategy of one DLC per quarter.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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