Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Known Issues for Update 4

  • sirjohndeluxeb16_ESO
    cyrodiil's vendors still don't sell blue vr13 + vr14 bags.

    @tinythinker unfortunately both gates. only the elite gear vendors seem to be updated.
    Edited by sirjohndeluxeb16_ESO on September 23, 2014 5:20PM
  • Thejollygreenone
    Vendors in Cyrodiil are not currently selling gear or containers above VR12.
    STATUS: Fixed in patch 1.4.4

    This is *still* not fixed @ZOS_GinaBruno‌

    Which gates? I saw VR14 gear/boxes at Elite Vendors at the Morrowind gates earlier today.

    I saw vr14 gear, but not vr14 boxes, this is at the Elswyr gates. Checked earlier today as well.
  • Leovolao
    Vendors in Cyrodiil are not currently selling gear or containers above VR12.
    STATUS: Fixed in patch 1.4.4

    This is *still* not fixed @ZOS_GinaBruno‌

    Which gates? I saw VR14 gear/boxes at Elite Vendors at the Morrowind gates earlier today.

    I saw vr14 gear, but not vr14 boxes, this is at the Elswyr gates. Checked earlier today as well.

    The elite gear vendor does have v14 items, but if you look closely at the stats the items are exactly as v12 items.
    tea pot

    "What if my problem wasn't that I don't understand people but that I don't like them?"
  • Merlin13KAGL
    • Overload activation still causes swap to some unknown skill bar.
    • Vaults of Madness quest advancement still broken right after defeat of Bone Colossus. Quest marker is present, NPC to save is not. (All students disappear at completion of battle, too - don't know if the one is related to the other.)
    • Still periodically spawning below Daggerfall on login after logging out of bank. Sometimes fall to death, sometimes land in ethereal sea below the city.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • okraus
    PvP Vendors in Cyrodiil are still incomplete! There are some vr14 items which seem ok. Some show as vr14 items but have old vr12 stats (only the enchantment seems to scale right). And there are vr14 items just missing like the dominion set rings (10% spell crit / weapon crit).

    There is no system recognizable at which PvP containers are sold at vendors in cyrodiil. VR14 containers are still missing.

    Sometimes you get a "group bug" which means that you cannot leave the group. Someone else can send you an invite but you cannot accept it. Systems does not give any output - it just happens nothing. Relodui or Relogging does not fix that problem; you catually have restart your client.

    There is a really bad invulnaribility exploit going on. I do not have a clue how this works but it seems to spread! People abusing this in PvP are increasing in numbers - i expect a brutal ban policy here!

    Then i have to agree with Merlin13KAGL about the Overload Ulti skill bar - something is totally wrong about that. Sometimes the bar switches back to your weapon when using a skill sometimes it seems to happen without doing anything (and there is still enough ultimate left to continue firing).
    This wayusing skills from this skill bar is a lottery and keeps skipping you out of overload - mode; really annoying and hardly to control.
  • FauxHunter
    There is still a pretty bad issue with the Night's Silence (NS) set that can easily be exploited.

    When you crouch it seems to lock your speed based on how many NS pieces are equipped upon crouching.

    From http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/133074/nights-silence-5-piece-unequip-all-your-armor-weapons-first-then-it-works-patch-1-4-4 :

    "Removed 2nd weapon for the set. Started crouched running with 1st weapons, so set was 5/5. Weapon swapped while autorunning and was at 4/5 for NS however, running speed was still in effect. Stopped, started moving again, run speed still in effect.

    I had to uncrouch and crouch again with 4/5 NS for the run speed to end while crouched."

    This also works inversely, so if you crouch with one NS set weapon (like a bow) and 3 NS set armor pieces equipped for a total of 4/5 NS set, then do a weapon switch to two NS set weapons (like dual daggers) for a full 5/5 while still crouching, the set bonus speed doesn't apply/update. You will still move as if you have 4/5 NS items equipped. Also unequipping armor pieces after crouching works the same way.

    I was able to unequip all of my armor and weapons after crouching with 5/5 NS set items. Kept the same movement speed while completely naked ha!

    A character may also be able to equip another set while keeping the first crouch's NS speed boost. Haven't tested this yet.

    Can anyone else confirm this?
    -Orion Snow-Lichen
    Bosmer Hunting Warden
  • FauxHunter
    Simplified version (tldr) of last post:

    You can crouch with a full set of Night's silence equipped, then while still crouched, unequip everything and retain your speed bonus.

    This mainly affects weapon switches, but could be exploited to equip another set while keeping the Night's silence speed boost.
    Edited by FauxHunter on September 23, 2014 11:36PM
    -Orion Snow-Lichen
    Bosmer Hunting Warden
  • mousekime111rwb17_ESO
    Any information regarding cycle of life - - - The patch notes said that it now restores more magicka on heavy attacks in place of damage, whereas in game it now does both.
  • Garion
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • Mitrenga
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    themizario wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ any status update on skill rollbacks?

    What is skill rollback?

    some of the skills are rollingback like 50 to 49, 25 to 24.
    Can you let us know which skills specifically are rolling back?

    Also, we just updated the first post with fixes that went in today, and are gathering additional issues reported from the weekend to dig into. As always, we'll update the first thread when we have more information!

    In my case; Assassination and Shadow. There are some info about other skills on the topic below.


    I have reported this issue and added some screenshots to understand the situation better, Incident: 140918-001979

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ Hey Gina,

    In addition to the skills above, I have levelled up resto staff from 39 to 40 in 4 times in about 80 mins. Same char.


    Hello Gina,

    Is there any word about this problem? The problem is affecting more than one skill trees for me now. It's not good to spend time and lose the progress over the time. What do you suggest, do you think I should stop playing until you find a possible fix? It really is disturbing.

    Please advise. Thanks.
  • Thechemicals
    cc breakout for werewolf still doesnt work.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • static_recharge
    From Patch 1.4.4
    The Restoration staff passive Cycle of Life now increases magicka restore instead of increasing damage.

    Either this statement is incorrect or that the ability in-game is not working correctly. According to the patch notes the increased damage was supposed to be replaced by the magicka gain on heavy attacks. However the tool tip now states both bonuses are present.

    Thinking the tool tip might just be a big typo I decided to try it. By equipping a destruction staff and casting Endless Furry I was doing 154 damage / hit (not including the explosion or crits). Simply switching to my restoration staff I was doing 171 damage / hit with the same ability (again not including the explosion or crits). So we are still getting the damage bonus and the new magicka return bonus.

    I have yet to test if the new bonus with the magicka is behaving as it should and will edit this post when I have time to test.

    I really hope this gets fixed. I think it is absurd that to do high DPS I should be equipping a restoration staff.
  • iqoologiceb17_ESO
    EDIT: My bad :)
    Edited by iqoologiceb17_ESO on September 24, 2014 5:14PM
    PC EU
  • Darkonflare15
    From Patch 1.4.4
    The Restoration staff passive Cycle of Life now increases magicka restore instead of increasing damage.

    Either this statement is incorrect or that the ability in-game is not working correctly. According to the patch notes the increased damage was supposed to be replaced by the magicka gain on heavy attacks. However the tool tip now states both bonuses are present.

    Thinking the tool tip might just be a big typo I decided to try it. By equipping a destruction staff and casting Endless Furry I was doing 154 damage / hit (not including the explosion or crits). Simply switching to my restoration staff I was doing 171 damage / hit with the same ability (again not including the explosion or crits). So we are still getting the damage bonus and the new magicka return bonus.

    I have yet to test if the new bonus with the magicka is behaving as it should and will edit this post when I have time to test.

    I really hope this gets fixed. I think it is absurd that to do high DPS I should be equipping a restoration staff.
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. The damage increase is actually still present, but this is not intended and will be removed in our next patch. Sorry for the confusion! The current patch note is what we're intending for the restoration staff.

    It has been noticed already.
  • Palidon
    9/23/14 Hotfix - Stealth Fixes [COMPLETE]

    ZOS as far as I am concerned it has not been fixed. Case in point.

    Location Khenarth's Roost Temple of Morning Springs

    There is a Rune stone that is located up against a high wall at the Springs. Above the wall there are two Harpies that sit there. Prior to Update 4 and the hotfix on 9/23/14 that stated the detection radius was fixed I could approach that Rune while crouched and never be detected by the Harpies. I went to the same location on 9/24 and am still being detected after the hotfix. I wear a full set of medium armor so according to the Improved Sneak Passive I should be getting a 35% detection area decrease. I think that is where the problem ls. The Passive is broken.
  • Thejollygreenone
    Pretty sure Acid Spray's DoT still crits with spell crit.

    Furthermore, Poison Arrow's DoT (at least Poison Injection morph) doesn't crit at all.

    Anyone else notice this? The Poison Injection thing particularly is a buzz-kill. Ticks for 230s when in execute range, but can't crit? Could be so awesome...
  • Tavore1138
    Although the English version is absent I see there is a claim to have fixed stealth?

    This is not correct.


    5 pieces of medium armour
    5 pieces of medium including 3 Nightshade.

    Stelth radius was the same in all cases.

    The set and the medium armour passive are both still busted.

    Perhaps someone could take the 5 minutes required to test these before making claims to have fixed stuff?

    For some reason the French version refers to Night's Silence and not Nightshade??
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Elsir
    • Overload activation still causes swap to some unknown skill bar.

    I'm not so sure this is considered a bug as this ultimate states it replaces your heavy and light attacks. Essentially it's giving you a third bar which, while Overload is active, you can swap in and out whatever skills you like for use when Overload is active in the future. For example, on my sorcerer, I run Restoration Staff/Destruction Staff. When my Overload is active, I have that bar set up as stand-alone for abilities only such as Evil Hunter, Silver Bolts, Lightning Form, etc etc. In essence, Overload is a third weapon and this is it's customise bar of skills.
    Anna (AKA: Elsir)
  • Elsonso
    Although the English version is absent I see there is a claim to have fixed stealth?

    This is not correct.


    5 pieces of medium armour
    5 pieces of medium including 3 Nightshade.

    Stelth radius was the same in all cases.

    The set and the medium armour passive are both still busted.

    Perhaps someone could take the 5 minutes required to test these before making claims to have fixed stuff?

    For some reason the French version refers to Night's Silence and not Nightshade??

    Since you went to all this effort, and because they asked earlier, and they probably did take the 5 minutes to test, I thought I would just pop in here to repeat something they said:
    Ok everyone, this hotfix is now complete! Let us know if you continue to see any issues with stealth (and please be specific when making your reports).


    They will probably be interested in:
    • What other buffs/effects were active on you
    • What medium armor was being used
    • What monster was used to test this, if PVE
    • What buffs/effects/passives were active on the other player, if PVP
    • How the stealth radius was determined
    • How you determined that the passive was broken
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • b-l-a-d-eb16_ESO
    Thursdays at 8:00am EDT (12pm GMT)

    Did you give up to fix Bugs or where was the Maintenance?
  • bunnytrix
    Stealth is still broken. It's now obvious to most NBs that it was far more than just Stealthy and Nightshade issues. Detection radius is far greater no matter what passives/equipment/abilities you use.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    themizario wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ any status update on skill rollbacks?

    What is skill rollback?

    some of the skills are rollingback like 50 to 49, 25 to 24.
    Can you let us know which skills specifically are rolling back?

    Also, we just updated the first post with fixes that went in today, and are gathering additional issues reported from the weekend to dig into. As always, we'll update the first thread when we have more information!

    In my case; Assassination and Shadow. There are some info about other skills on the topic below.


    I have reported this issue and added some screenshots to understand the situation better, Incident: 140918-001979

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ Hey Gina,

    In addition to the skills above, I have levelled up resto staff from 39 to 40 in 4 times in about 80 mins. Same char.


    Hello Gina,

    Is there any word about this problem? The problem is affecting more than one skill trees for me now. It's not good to spend time and lose the progress over the time. What do you suggest, do you think I should stop playing until you find a possible fix? It really is disturbing.

    Please advise. Thanks.

    Yes, was actually just about to add it to the original post. Jessica just discussed it over here, but this is basically a visual error relating to the UI. You are not losing any experience - there's just an issue where the client and server aren't syncing up correctly at times. We are working on a fix for this, but in the meantime, please take comfort in knowing that this is strictly visual.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    PaulScelus wrote: »
    • Overload activation still causes swap to some unknown skill bar.

    I'm not so sure this is considered a bug as this ultimate states it replaces your heavy and light attacks. Essentially it's giving you a third bar which, while Overload is active, you can swap in and out whatever skills you like for use when Overload is active in the future. For example, on my sorcerer, I run Restoration Staff/Destruction Staff. When my Overload is active, I have that bar set up as stand-alone for abilities only such as Evil Hunter, Silver Bolts, Lightning Form, etc etc. In essence, Overload is a third weapon and this is it's customise bar of skills.
    It's supposed to have it's own bar. It used to share that bar with the werewolf bar but that was fixed some time ago.
  • Thejollygreenone
    So, nothing on Poison Arrow's (Poison Injection) inability to crit? This is a bit gamebreaking for me :-/

    Nor about Acid Spray still using spell crit?

    Pretty please? :)

    EDIT: I'm continuing to test with acid spray since no one will comment, might actually be working fine. Really can't tell :-/

    Using a potion to bring my weapon crit from 51% to 74% didn't seem to increase the rate of crit whatsoever, while adding magelight . I'm leaning back towards that Acid Spray still calculates wtih spell crit.
    Edited by Thejollygreenone on September 25, 2014 7:20PM
  • Thejollygreenone
    Finally got someone to confirm the Poison Arrow DoT crit incapability bug, a guild-mate went out and started killing things with Venom arrow and said with their 43% weapon crit chance there were no DoT crits.

    I'm absolutely sure this is occurring. Tested it myself with one morph, had a friend test it out with the other morph, neither's DoT portions are capable of critting.

    @ZoS_GinaBruno , can we get a response on this? It can't be intended. And if it isn't, I'd really appreciate a fix. My DPS would appreciate it too.

    Furthermore, still haven't gotten any word on NB cloak being revealed by stealth detection potions which have no mention of invisibility revealing properties. A change or mention is in order here too, methinks. I'm certain it would be greatly appreciated by some frustrated NB's such as myself ;)

  • Elsir
    PaulScelus wrote: »
    • Overload activation still causes swap to some unknown skill bar.

    I'm not so sure this is considered a bug as this ultimate states it replaces your heavy and light attacks. Essentially it's giving you a third bar which, while Overload is active, you can swap in and out whatever skills you like for use when Overload is active in the future. For example, on my sorcerer, I run Restoration Staff/Destruction Staff. When my Overload is active, I have that bar set up as stand-alone for abilities only such as Evil Hunter, Silver Bolts, Lightning Form, etc etc. In essence, Overload is a third weapon and this is it's customise bar of skills.
    It's supposed to have it's own bar. It used to share that bar with the werewolf bar but that was fixed some time ago.

    I cannot be certain without confirmation. In my experience, it's been working pretty seamlessly in the way I described. So if it's intended, then it's working correctly and bug free (beyond possibly the fact that it has skills slotted already on first activation requiring you to make the changes you desire to have on that bar instead). On the other hand, if it's not, then it's a very thoroughly well-working mistake haha.
    Anna (AKA: Elsir)
  • Palidon
    Although the English version is absent I see there is a claim to have fixed stealth?

    This is not correct.


    5 pieces of medium armour
    5 pieces of medium including 3 Nightshade.

    Stelth radius was the same in all cases.

    The set and the medium armour passive are both still busted.

    Perhaps someone could take the 5 minutes required to test these before making claims to have fixed stuff?

    For some reason the French version refers to Night's Silence and not Nightshade??

    This seems to be quite common now. SAYING THAT THEY HAVE FIXED AN ISSUE WHEN IN FACT IT HAS NOT BEEN FIXED. You would think that something that was working just fine prior to an update that was broken with a new update could be fixed with little or no problems. Guess they need to do some serious quality control or employee replacements. In other words if your current staff cannot fix these issues then get people that can.
  • Darthryan
    Having mobs still chasing me with cloak active 5 times in a row. They'll even follow me behind rocks when I'm trying to los them. In upper craglorn. Scorpions and wasps.
  • Rune_Relic
    Palidon wrote: »
    Although the English version is absent I see there is a claim to have fixed stealth?

    This is not correct.


    5 pieces of medium armour
    5 pieces of medium including 3 Nightshade.

    Stelth radius was the same in all cases.

    The set and the medium armour passive are both still busted.

    Perhaps someone could take the 5 minutes required to test these before making claims to have fixed stuff?

    For some reason the French version refers to Night's Silence and not Nightshade??

    This seems to be quite common now. SAYING THAT THEY HAVE FIXED AN ISSUE WHEN IN FACT IT HAS NOT BEEN FIXED. You would think that something that was working just fine prior to an update that was broken with a new update could be fixed with little or no problems. Guess they need to do some serious quality control or employee replacements. In other words if your current staff cannot fix these issues then get people that can.


    Please read...
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • martin.cowiepreeb18_ESO
    DK skill still broken since patch

    •Burning Embers - No longer heals on death of mob! If it dies before dot runs its course...

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