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Known Issues for Update 4

  • rook75
    I noticed that my stealthed or cloak is active... I get seen alot, even when showing as hidden. Either its STILL broken, someone is cheating or someone is spamming pots.

    I just don't understand.
  • Thejollygreenone
    So... Nothing about Poison Arrow's DoT not being able to crit? Pretty obvious bug here D:
    Edited by Thejollygreenone on September 26, 2014 9:39PM
  •  Acemcfly101
    DK skill still broken since patch

    •Burning Embers - No longer heals on death of mob! If it dies before dot runs its course...

    ^Isn't this how it always has been? Are you just noticing this and assuming it's from the update?

    I mean.... Maybe I'm wrong and maybe they changed it at some point, but this was the reason I found it not a worthy morph and completely useless for all things besides an all out DPS race against a single target boss that takes sufficient time to take down.

    This morph option has been debated since launch and you're describing it's major pitfall. It only heals you when the DoT naturally runs it's course on a live enemy. If the enemy is killed, you get a negative alert sound to signify the heal failed. The only thing I forget is whether or not you get the effect of the heal if the DoT is purged using effects like purify, ect.

    In fact, both morph options play into the fact that they expect most enemies to die while under the effect. Hence the alternative (instead of being a solid numerical increase to the DoT's damage) increasing strength by a percentage every 2 second (or something) that the DoT stays active (This is specifically so that both morphs give you a greater reward if the DoT can run it's course before the mob dies.)

    But in any case, unless I'm insane, this is nothing new.
  • Leovolao

    Can you please update this post? The vendors in Cyrodiil are still missing the v14 boxes, at least on the AD side of the map.
    tea pot

    "What if my problem wasn't that I don't understand people but that I don't like them?"
  • Elsonso
    Leovolao wrote: »
    Can you please update this post? The vendors in Cyrodiil are still missing the v14 boxes, at least on the AD side of the map.

    It seems to me that @ZOS_BrianWheeler‌ commented during ESO Live that the itemization people were working on this.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Leovolao
    Leovolao wrote: »
    Can you please update this post? The vendors in Cyrodiil are still missing the v14 boxes, at least on the AD side of the map.

    It seems to me that @ZOS_BrianWheeler‌ commented during ESO Live that the itemization people were working on this.

    I already got a response from someone (don't remember the name) that they are aware of this. But the fact they still can't update this is driving me insane.
    tea pot

    "What if my problem wasn't that I don't understand people but that I don't like them?"
  • martin.cowiepreeb18_ESO
    DK skill still broken since patch

    •Burning Embers - No longer heals on death of mob! If it dies before dot runs its course...

    ^Isn't this how it always has been? Are you just noticing this and assuming it's from the update?

    But in any case, unless I'm insane, this is nothing new.

    No! I've been using Burning Embers for ages, they fixed the 'no heal on death' hmm 4-6 months ago?

    Broke it again last update...
    Edited by martin.cowiepreeb18_ESO on September 27, 2014 9:58AM
  • Origin
    The leather drops for medium armor are now downgraded to the player level if the animals are having a higher level.
    For ex, with a VR7 in Craglorn, killing VR11 animals get you superb hides while is was shadowhide before the patch.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    DK skill still broken since patch

    •Burning Embers - No longer heals on death of mob! If it dies before dot runs its course...

    ^Isn't this how it always has been? Are you just noticing this and assuming it's from the update?

    I mean.... Maybe I'm wrong and maybe they changed it at some point, but this was the reason I found it not a worthy morph and completely useless for all things besides an all out DPS race against a single target boss that takes sufficient time to take down.

    This morph option has been debated since launch and you're describing it's major pitfall. It only heals you when the DoT naturally runs it's course on a live enemy. If the enemy is killed, you get a negative alert sound to signify the heal failed. The only thing I forget is whether or not you get the effect of the heal if the DoT is purged using effects like purify, ect.

    In fact, both morph options play into the fact that they expect most enemies to die while under the effect. Hence the alternative (instead of being a solid numerical increase to the DoT's damage) increasing strength by a percentage every 2 second (or something) that the DoT stays active (This is specifically so that both morphs give you a greater reward if the DoT can run it's course before the mob dies.)

    But in any case, unless I'm insane, this is nothing new.

    They changed it in 1.2 to give back health when the target dies.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    The weapon skills that were supposed to receive a cost reduction still didn't receive it or didn't receive the reduction listed in the patch notes.

    Old base cost of Uppercut and Snipe was 476, reducing that by 20% would have dropped it to ~382, not 420. Thats not even "approximately" 20%.

    Volly didn't get decreased at all.
    Burning Breath and Engulfing flames (fiery breath morphs) rank 4 at least is no longer getting the extra 2 second duration from the Searing heat trait. At rank 1 is is getting 2 seconds increasing it from 8 to 10 seconds, but at rank 4 it is back down to 8 seconds. unknown if it is also not getting the damage increase.

    At least, this is what it has listed in the tooltip.
    Idle (out of combat) health, stamina, and magicka recovery are not being affected by jewelry enchants for health, stamina, and magicka regen enchants.

    Update, not being affected by item set bonuses either, only traits and skills.
    Actually, my UI error isn't related to online status, but trying to discard inventory items.


    Starts happening at random, even as soon as logging in.
    Drain Essence can't perform critical hits (ongoing)

    Just incase they got missed.
  • DennaGayne
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I just wanted to reiterate something I've seen mentioned in this thread. The Wasp Nests, at least in Craglorn, have no loot. I haven't seen any response to this, and considering how prevalent and sometimes challenging these things are, it seems like it is probably a bug, not an intentional change. Is there any way we can get this addressed, please? Thank you for your time!
  • Mitrenga
    Still no status update on skill rollback problem.

    Let's all close our eyes and pretend it has never happened., maybe all problems go away.
  • Elsonso
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Still no status update on skill rollback problem.

    Let's all close our eyes and pretend it has never happened., maybe all problems go away.

    @Mitrenga‌ They already posted a update and said that you are not losing skill line experience. It is a visual bug. They are working on a fix.

    Edited by Elsonso on September 27, 2014 6:50PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Mitrenga
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Still no status update on skill rollback problem.

    Let's all close our eyes and pretend it has never happened., maybe all problems go away.

    @Mitrenga‌ They already posted a update and said that you are not losing skill line experience. It is a visual bug. They are working on a fix.

    @lordrichter‌ thanks a lot. I saw that one and exchanged some e-mails with ESO help team before and after that post. In my case, unfortunately it's not a visual issue. I'm logging out and waiting to relog for about 15 mins every time I see an increase on a skill tree.
  • Elsonso
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Still no status update on skill rollback problem.

    Let's all close our eyes and pretend it has never happened., maybe all problems go away.

    @Mitrenga‌ They already posted a update and said that you are not losing skill line experience. It is a visual bug. They are working on a fix.

    @lordrichter‌ thanks a lot. I saw that one and exchanged some e-mails with ESO help team before and after that post. In my case, unfortunately it's not a visual issue. I'm logging out and waiting to relog for about 15 mins every time I see an increase on a skill tree.

    Ok. Drats. I was hoping I had good news for you. :smile:

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Grim13
    Srugzal wrote: »
    Night's Silence 5-piece bonus - "Ignore movement penalty while sneaking"

    This means that sneaking, which incurs a movement penalty (i.e., is slower than normal walking), no longer does. You sneak at normal movement speed.

    Other effects will be with respect to this normal movement speed starting point.

    That's how it USED to work before the patch:

    Walking at normal speed - crouch and movement speed slows down - detection eye icon closes - movement speed goes back up to normal walking speed

    Now it just stays at the slower crouching speed...

    It's broken.
  • Ageless
    New math. When destroying guts, I am destroying guts to the power of p. Wonder how much gold that is. :)


    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Elsonso
    Chuckle. A couple items do that when destroyed.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Thejollygreenone
    Just thought I'd pop back in with my two issues.

    -Poison Arrow's Dot cannot crit.
    -Stealth detection potions erroneously reveal shadow cloak and morphs.

    I could probably list a whole bunch of other issues but these two seem like the simplest while still holding great importance in my playstyle.

    Poison Arrow's DoT component not critting hurts my PvE game pretty badly, stealth detection potions revealing my NB invisibility hurt my PvP game pretty badly. If both were resolved I'd be one happy Bosmer ^.^
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Ageless wrote: »
    New math. When destroying guts, I am destroying guts to the power of p. Wonder how much gold that is. :)

    Another fine job from our QA spell checkers. By the way 0x0=0 so nothing.
    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on September 29, 2014 4:33PM
  • rsiloliveiraub17_ESO
    Stuck in Two Handed charge (Stampede) almost 100% of the times in Cyrodiil. Animation freezes, can't use skills, can't hit. All I can do is run and wait for the animation to unfreeze.

    It usually takes like 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Elsonso
    Stuck in Two Handed charge (Stampede) almost 100% of the times in Cyrodiil. Animation freezes, can't use skills, can't hit. All I can do is run and wait for the animation to unfreeze.

    It usually takes like 5 to 10 seconds.

    FYI. Not 100% outside of Cyrodiil, but I did report this happening yesterday in The Rift. One time.

    This used to happen a lot more, particularly when there was some obstacle between the character and the target. Now the character runs around the obstacle, but I wonder if there might not be a little of that sort of problem left.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Contagious
    Soul Shriven
    Below is a list of known issues we've identified since rolling out Update 4. You will see a status below each issue, and we’ll update this thread as we have more info on each.

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Vendors in Cyrodiil are not currently selling gear or containers above VR12.
      • STATUS: Fixed in patch 1.4.4

    This is NOT fixed.
    We can buy gear VR 13 and 14 but there are no containers above VR12 in any of the stores in Cyrodiil for DC faction. Maybe you added them for EP and AD but DC has nothing like that.
  • Thejollygreenone
    Contagious wrote: »
    Below is a list of known issues we've identified since rolling out Update 4. You will see a status below each issue, and we’ll update this thread as we have more info on each.

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Vendors in Cyrodiil are not currently selling gear or containers above VR12.
      • STATUS: Fixed in patch 1.4.4

    This is NOT fixed.
    We can buy gear VR 13 and 14 but there are no containers above VR12 in any of the stores in Cyrodiil for DC faction. Maybe you added them for EP and AD but DC has nothing like that.

    Not for AD either.
  • DuelWieldingCheesyPoofs
    Noone cares anymore - Nov 13th.
  • Sablemane
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    themizario wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ any status update on skill rollbacks?

    What is skill rollback?

    some of the skills are rollingback like 50 to 49, 25 to 24.
    Can you let us know which skills specifically are rolling back?

    Also, we just updated the first post with fixes that went in today, and are gathering additional issues reported from the weekend to dig into. As always, we'll update the first thread when we have more information!

    In my case; Assassination and Shadow. There are some info about other skills on the topic below.

    I have reported this issue and added some screenshots to understand the situation better, Incident: 140918-001979

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ Hey Gina,

    In addition to the skills above, I have levelled up resto staff from 39 to 40 in 4 times in about 80 mins. Same char.

    Along with this I have reported multiple times in game the point rollback for Earthen Heart skill line 31/32.
  • Sablemane
    Stuck in Two Handed charge (Stampede) almost 100% of the times in Cyrodiil. Animation freezes, can't use skills, can't hit. All I can do is run and wait for the animation to unfreeze.

    It usually takes like 5 to 10 seconds.

    FYI. Not 100% outside of Cyrodiil, but I did report this happening yesterday in The Rift. One time.

    This used to happen a lot more, particularly when there was some obstacle between the character and the target. Now the character runs around the obstacle, but I wonder if there might not be a little of that sort of problem left.

    This is still an issue with Critical Charge (morph). Occurs most often due to pathing, but sometimes seems to just happen with no apparent cause.
  • Thejollygreenone
    Just wanted to come back and repost my issues, saw in the guild summit that stealth detection potions were being reviewed. Thank you dev team. :D

    However, still no word on Poison Arrow's DoT component being unable to crit. Would really appreciate some attention thrown towards this issue.
  • smee_z
    Switch characters and you come back to your main with no sound coming out of actions your character does (i.e. attacks, damage from falling, mount)
    PC NA

    Games are meant to be played.

    Back in Auriel's Bow 1.0, I have thought that the best way to handicap a faction with the HUGE pop advantage is to temporarily disable their grouping functionality and their ability to fight in 3rd person point of view! Let's see if these do not even up the odds.
  • Darkonflare15
    Glyphs of Potion Speed are not affecting potions in certain level ranges. For example, the Glyph will work for a VR1 potion, but not a VR5 potion.

    STATUS: Investigating

    All of the problems that are label are shown fixed except this^
    When is this going to be fixed? Since before update 4 they said this is going to be fixed in update 4. Then when update 4 arrived in the patch notes it is said that they have fixed it. Now I really wanted this fixed so I can finally have a fast pace VR5 potions usage.

    I made my build so he would be two handed alchemist who use potions to either strengthen his abilities or restore resources when needed but I cannot do this to the full potential. I want to make vet 5 potions with my ingredients but they are completely useless in battle because they take too long to heal or block me from using an important potion.

    So I have to make Vet 1 potions just to be able utilize the speed but potions are not as powerful. I have several cloud mists in my inventory and bank that are not in use and I hate wasting valuable ingredients on weaker potions. I just want to know when this is fixed so that I know that the work I put into this build is not wasted.
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