Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Latency on the European Megaserver - Looking for Additional Info

  • Jade1986
    Drakoleon wrote: »
    Maybe the best MMO ever....but unplayable!!!...its ridiculous
    I wonder why its released for Europe! Server distance? I dont think its the mayjor problem i pinked at the servers area and i got 119ms which is not that bad
    Server load? i would understand that for weekends etc... but early morning Monday?
    Am not going to give my coordinates cause this is the only game i have major lag issues so...its not "my" problem its yours...FIX IT
    "Not that bad" for you doesn't mean it isn't bad for others in Europe. I have a constant 160 ms, and upward to 600 at times. Then you have the people in Asia and Africa who are using the EU servers as well, and they have a constant 600-1500ms, which, when the servers were actually located in the EU, they would have what we have right now.

  • dr.frostb16_ESO

    No reason to open a ticket for this. Tried all the things possible on my end, including reducing settings (even though I understand this is not even lag related)

    I am playing from the Netherlands, Groningen, Groningen, ISP is XS4ALL.

    Lag occurs all the time, with random spikes in it. such as when joining a large grop in Cyrodiil. Lag mostly occurs during combat and is most noticeable there too.
    Seems worse than it was before.
  • Artemiisia
    I first experience it last night, and it was when I entered Rivenspine, the first zone before entering the city, took like 1 minuet before even getting the USE to show to take the skyshard

    1. Didnt open a ticket, since after 10-15 minuets it was gone again.
    2. Denmark
  • Drakoleon
    [/quote]"Not that bad" for you doesn't mean it isn't bad for others in Europe. I have a constant 160 ms, and upward to 600 at times. Then you have the people in Asia and Africa who are using the EU servers as well, and they have a constant 600-1500ms, which, when the servers were actually located in the EU, they would have what we have right now.


    Got me wrong..."not that bad" goes for my connection to the EU/USA server and it doesnt mean am happy with this....anyways my point was... even with that "ping" the EU net providers are not the problem for those lags and freezes etc...
  • drkeys143
    I am in Manchester UK, also haven't raised a ticket on this issue, but have experienced the same problems as the previous posters, lack of responsiveness in skills, pressing buttons and nothing happening, I don't do Cyrodiil at the mo so this is when questing and PvE. I'm on BT 20meg b/b, and always get between 18-20meg, I'm a BT engineer and have measured my speed with a tester, not by an internet speed checker, so I know my connection is up to speed.

    Glad you are aware of the problems, but we really do need this EU server where it belongs, in the EU :)
  • pema
    1. Yes, 140503-024109
    2. Nederlands, Amsterdam.
    3. UPC, 100 MB
    4.While tyring to login, when using a wyshrine or swiching characters, when entering a big city I even fall trough floors or stairs sometimes and get stuck.

    Sometimes in combat I become unable to move or fight, the hotkeys no longer respond and also clicking to swing a weapon does no longer work.
    Sometimes it helps to go into a screen like C or I for it to reactivate but not always.

    Sometimes when I travel from quest to quest on my horse (higher speed then on foot) then it won't load the area I'm in or show the NPC's/enemies leaving me under attack by a gosth.

    When I enter a big city like the eldenroot it takes a couple of minutes before the NPC's show.

    I clearly see a dive for the worst since the last patch. I had some of the issues before but since a week I have big issues with logging in and getting timed out.
    As a paying customer this is starting to be very irritating and I hope it solves quick.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site
  • Bollerlotte
    laced wrote: »
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number? No, why would I open a support ticket when its obvious we are getting lag due to the servers being in the middle of the desert half way across the planet!?

    [*] What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area) Dielheim, Germany

    [*] Who is your ISP? Kabel BW

    [*] Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?I get lag all the time, everywhere I go. I tried Cyrodiil once and it was so laggy I wanted to throw my computer out the window......

    Just for some information, I did a speed test to Houston texas. Here are the results.


    Now here are the results for Frankfurt, where the servers SHOULD BE FOR THE EU!


    Get your *** together ZM. This isn't rocket science.

    No but this is an USA company confrontated with EU-law.
  • Tarwin
    laced wrote: »
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number? No, why would I open a support ticket when its obvious we are getting lag due to the servers being in the middle of the desert half way across the planet!?

    [*] What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area) Dielheim, Germany

    [*] Who is your ISP? Kabel BW

    [*] Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?I get lag all the time, everywhere I go. I tried Cyrodiil once and it was so laggy I wanted to throw my computer out the window......

    Just for some information, I did a speed test to Houston texas. Here are the results.


    Now here are the results for Frankfurt, where the servers SHOULD BE FOR THE EU!


    Get your *** together ZM. This isn't rocket science.

    No but this is an USA company confrontated with EU-law.

    I think this is what Obama and Merkel were meeting about this weekend
    Edited by Tarwin on May 5, 2014 7:33PM
  • bjornthv
    Soul Shriven
    • Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    Not yet, looked in the forums first, and apparently I'm not the only one.
    • What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
      Who is your ISP?

    Region: Europe, Netherlands, Amsterdam Area.
    ISP: UPC 100Mbit down / 8Mbit up.
    • Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Since a couple of days the latency is all over, so I'm experiencing it everywhere. However, It's FAR worse in cities and crowded area's such as dungeons, Cyrodiil, Cities and Popular area's. The busier a location (Such as a bank, or crafting stations), the longer it takes to load and the lower the FPS.

    Today in cities such as Daggerfall, my FPS didn't come above 5FPS and I got stuck in a wall TWICE. I had to take of all my armor and commit suicide (/stuck) in order to free myself. Not the preferable way to do it.

    Earlier this week I never had this much of an issue, sure the FPS dropped, but never below 14... Today my FPS has barely been above 15...
    Edited by bjornthv on May 5, 2014 7:57PM
  • Backrub
    You know, some of these people, i think, are confusing their own client-side performance with the server-side lag.

    I have had a change in PC during my game time on ESO. On my previous PC (high-end of 6 y old) the game would randomly "lag" or "freeze" for a few seconds and then continue without noticeably bad fps (30ish).

    Since I have my new high-end PC I have not had 1 freeze whatsoever. It's always at max 60fps and the only apparent server-side lag seems when you perform actions (like combat abilities) and they have a few sec delay.

    I also used to think it was caused by the servers as it usually ran smooth at 30 fps and then all of a sudden, everyone stood still for a few seconds and then ported ahead again. This was clearly caused by client-side performance.
  • Jade1986
    laced wrote: »
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number? No, why would I open a support ticket when its obvious we are getting lag due to the servers being in the middle of the desert half way across the planet!?

    [*] What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area) Dielheim, Germany

    [*] Who is your ISP? Kabel BW

    [*] Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?I get lag all the time, everywhere I go. I tried Cyrodiil once and it was so laggy I wanted to throw my computer out the window......

    Just for some information, I did a speed test to Houston texas. Here are the results.


    Now here are the results for Frankfurt, where the servers SHOULD BE FOR THE EU!


    Get your *** together ZM. This isn't rocket science.

    No but this is an USA company confrontated with EU-law.
    LOL, that has NOTHING to do with the servers what so ever. Are we supposed to apologize for having laws that PROTECT our consumers? Get real.

  • adaminski44
    Soul Shriven
    hmmm doesn't seem to be any reply to our situation from the ESO staff, i am hoping that this new patch today will sort it out as not being able to play isn't much fun. :(
    History Repeats itself because no one ever listens
  • Kallion
    Speaking of Texas, most server nodes in that state are located in Dallas. In that case, my fastest ping is 199ms. That's when the EU is mostly asleep and the backbone between the two continents is not so packed.
  • mad.hatterrb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    My subscription was for 3 months, changed it for 1 month.
    That's all the delay I give them to fix the latency and that's enough.
    Won't pay another months for an unplayable game.
  • tim_barteneb17_ESO
    Backrub wrote: »
    You know, some of these people, i think, are confusing their own client-side performance with the server-side lag.

    I have had a change in PC during my game time on ESO. On my previous PC (high-end of 6 y old) the game would randomly "lag" or "freeze" for a few seconds and then continue without noticeably bad fps (30ish).

    Since I have my new high-end PC I have not had 1 freeze whatsoever. It's always at max 60fps and the only apparent server-side lag seems when you perform actions (like combat abilities) and they have a few sec delay.

    I also used to think it was caused by the servers as it usually ran smooth at 30 fps and then all of a sudden, everyone stood still for a few seconds and then ported ahead again. This was clearly caused by client-side performance.

    Freezes are something different than lag and the lag spikes ( we dutchies all have somehow).

    Still having the lags and the worst spikes sometimes kick me from the server.
  • emailgosurwb17_ESO
    Maybe they are afraid that people will do a referendum and polite Putin will steal their host in EU? :smiley:

    By the way, you are rights, many people are mistaken their own PC lag for delay/latency. However that does not change a fact that most of us have huge delay.

    According to my tracert to their game server, my ping is around 330. Also during busy hours it is getting only worse.
    Edited by emailgosurwb17_ESO on May 6, 2014 6:52AM
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Backrub wrote: »
    You know, some of these people, i think, are confusing their own client-side performance with the server-side lag.

    No we're not.
  • TigTrivers

    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No don't see the point there is too many issues right now and too many tickets to send in it would take too long for a reply

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Dublin, Ireland

    Who is your ISP?

    Eircom fibre optic 50mbs do't have a problem loading anything ever other games are fine so I don't think it's me

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    It used to be like everyone it lags for 2 to 3 seconds before I can see any animations except me and others moving then everything gets fired at once and I die every time but now it's so much worse.

    While walk in it's not like I'm walking anymore it's like I'm teleporting a ft in front of me with ever step everything like mountains, trees, walls and so on render a few feet from my chapters face some of the smaller things take longer and I fin myself often walking through what appears to be nothing but I realise a few seconds later when it appears that I'm walking into a wall.

    I constantly get quest markers and here NPCs talking but see no one an have to wait anywhere between 30-60 seconds for them to appear so I can interact,the same happens with creatures I hear them attackin me and see them on the compass (red dot) but don't see them and can't interact until they appear

    I hope this gets sorted and yeah great thanks for the 3 days free play but not much point for the eu if the game is not playable and when it is it's just not fun
  • EzikielStorm
    Moderator edit : off-topic
    Edited by ZOS_HugoP on May 6, 2014 3:22PM
  • wickedhageb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    No, since it's a known issue

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Budapest, Hungary

    Who is your ISP?

    Aktív1, 66mb/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency?

    Questing is all I risk doing, it happens at random, often one spike closely followed by another. More noticable in largely populated areas of course.
  • Jade1986
    Kallion wrote: »
    Speaking of Texas, most server nodes in that state are located in Dallas. In that case, my fastest ping is 199ms. That's when the EU is mostly asleep and the backbone between the two continents is not so packed.
    Oh god so it really is in the middle of nowhere!

    Maybe they are afraid that people will do a referendum and polite Putin will steal their host in EU? :smiley:

    By the way, you are rights, many people are mistaken their own PC lag for delay/latency. However that does not change a fact that most of us have huge delay.

    According to my tracert to their game server, my ping is around 330. Also during busy hours it is getting only worse.

    Considering what is going on in the Ukraine, and people are DYING there now, this is completely inappropriate.

  • emailgosurwb17_ESO
    laced wrote: »
    Kallion wrote: »
    Speaking of Texas, most server nodes in that state are located in Dallas. In that case, my fastest ping is 199ms. That's when the EU is mostly asleep and the backbone between the two continents is not so packed.
    Oh god so it really is in the middle of nowhere!

    Maybe they are afraid that people will do a referendum and polite Putin will steal their host in EU? :smiley:

    By the way, you are rights, many people are mistaken their own PC lag for delay/latency. However that does not change a fact that most of us have huge delay.

    According to my tracert to their game server, my ping is around 330. Also during busy hours it is getting only worse.

    Considering what is going on in the Ukraine, and people are DYING there now, this is completely inappropriate.

    Yea it is sad that people are dying, but I am from Ukraine and I am waiting when we become Russia again, the sooner the better. We all know who is behind those deaths in Ukraine, anyway it was a joke and lets not start a political dispute here.
  • SaintX
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?


    What region are you playing the game in?

    Belgrade, Serbia

    Who is your ISP?

    Ikom, 100 Mb/sec

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    In almost every case mentioned above.
    Gave up on Cyrodiil long time ago, I am grateful though, since playing this game has bestowed me with short term premonition
    (a skill widely needed for playing across Tamriel).
    It stopped being funny so long ago, at launch, that now... it is funny again;
    and I can now really enjoy and appreciate the humor behind having a EU server located in NA.
    Giving it another month, though. Constant latency has thought me patience.
    Even my own ragequit is lagging.

  • Jade1986
    Just to put it in perspective ZoS THIS is what we are dealing with atm.

    As funny as it is, it is not funny in game.

    A life with lag-
  • vonBismarck
    Soul Shriven
    1. No ticket opened since the problem isn't on my or my ISP's end
    2. Sweden, Gothenburg
    3. Bredbandsbolaget
    4. Get latency regardless of what I'm doing. Just banking can sometimes give latency on busy times. However most often while fighting, can be fairly low population in the area at times aswell. Potion/Quickslots is really one of those, but attacks aswell, can move around but not using abilities. PvP more often then PvE but on primetime PvE can be just as bad.

    Please move the EU server to Europe, you will be losing customers that get fed up with this, not to mention the countless of unfixed bugs, bots etc...
  • adaminski44
    Soul Shriven
    im still getting lag spikes but whatever u guys did in the last patch your heading in the right direction as now at least i can actually play without constant crashes to the loading screen, but there is still alot of room for improvement :)
    History Repeats itself because no one ever listens
  • NeonRising
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No - I only get lag at peak time, it appears to be a problem at your end.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    United Kingdom, Newcastle Upon Tyne

    Who is your ISP?
    Virgin Media 10Mb/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Questing, in towns, everywhere really. NPC's can take ages to load even running around, Unable to talk to NPC's once they do load.

    It only seems to get worse around 5pm local time, I was able to play fine during my day off on Monday. After around 4-5pm it started to get worse and was unplayable after 5.
    Edited by NeonRising on May 7, 2014 2:44PM
  • Zentara
    Playing in Sheffield, UK.
    ISP: Virgin media, 50mb cable
    No support ticket as yet.

    Apart from 'normal' lag of suddenly halting when running around/ NPCs not appearing for several seconds and losing combat due to lag, I am also constantly disappearing beneath floors/ bridges/ roads and on entering a building. I end up screaming in the air. Nothing to do for the latter other than type /stuck - but this results in my 'dying' and needing equipment repairs. Surely the latter should not happen - if I get stuck due to a problem with the game, I don't expect my character to be penalised. It has got worse since the latest patch - today, this has happened 5 times. I reported it as a bug, but haven't had any support ticket issued.

    Towns and cities and other busy areas are the worst. But it can happen even in open country where there are few other players or NPCs around. And if I try to play in the evenings, the game is almost unplayable.

    Oh, and I keep reducing the graphic quality - now on low, but doesn't seem to have helped at all. Since gone back to medium as low is awful!!! But have kept all graphics such as grass turned off.

    As for this being my PC as someone else suggested - I have no problems with other MMOs that I play, including Lotro and Rift, plus the beta for Wildstar. Even at busy times, I can play those without experiencing any lag at all. So all I can assume, is that it has to do with ESO.

    Thanks for listening.
    Edited by Zentara on May 8, 2014 7:49AM
  • DrPainZA
    Ticket: None submitted
    Region: South Africa, Western Cape. City: Cape Town
    Occurence: I only play in the PVE area at the moment. The lag is quite bad at times and almost impossible to fight a hard enemy. For example I would fire off a spell and mana gets deducted, but it never fires and the enemy never gets damage.

    It also affects picking items up quite badly. Sometimes up to 3 seconds before the command sent it recognized and action-ed.
    "I don't have the time or the crayons to explain it to you"
  • Zoar
    The cause of the problem is packet loss

    Edited by Zoar on May 8, 2014 8:59AM
    Al­ways for­gi­ve your ene­mies; nothing an­noys them so much. Oscar Wilde
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