Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Latency on the European Megaserver - Looking for Additional Info

  • Jade1986
    Swampster wrote: »
    I'm not entirely sure it's all about distance to the server though.. while clearly it doesn't help having and inbuilt latancy due to distance, in other games I've not found it to have anywhere near as much impact as with ESO.

    LoTRO has US servers, and I'm pretty sure Rift and Defiance do, and I have little problem with latency on those games.. well nothing near the same level as I do wit ESO.

    Pretty much the same experience as everyone else.. major skills activation lag, can happen almost anywhere, tends be worse in dungeons. Funny when the character is still fighting 2-3 seconds after the NPC is dead.
    You have become accustomed to having a sub par experience. Its simple physics, and if you have done any speed tests, you will see, that distance matters. If they keep the servers in the US (which they thankfully aren't) People in Russia, Africa, the middle East, and even parts of ASIA would be screwed. They are dealing with 600- 1500 ms constant lag atm. Which they wouldn't have, if the servers were in Europe. They would have max 150-200. Which is what we, in Europe, are getting right now.

  • emailgosurwb17_ESO
    They do not move for now because some of ours initial 30 day game time is still active. They will only realize how many people left on next renewal of subscription.
  • mark.quinnb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    Not Yet. This is not local latency

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Who is your ISP?

    I am playing from the UK. I am with BT on Infinity 3 Fibre direct to the house. 210Mbps

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Cyrodil is extremely bad. Other times there is noticeable delay between key presses and for actions or spells to fire. This evening 20:15 BST (+1 GMT) the latency in an around The Rift is so bad Ive died numerous times. At one stage I was wandering around for 30+ seconds before I could loot and the snare on me dropped.
  • Nurmi
    Finland - DNA Welho 50/5, I get that 60-80ms to Germany and another 60-120ms to the east coast but anyways, haven't felt like dying on the veteran content for a week and the PvP experience is hilarious as the 2h uppercut pops enemies air somewhere in the distance.

    You have 9 days of game time remaining. The clock is ticking. :cold_sweat:
  • Kallion
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No, as it's a common problem that appears randomly. Common sense dictates that the EU server is in another continent and susceptible to multiple server hops and traffic jams, besides the server's own responsibility. I have become used to the very delayed responses and has been one of the key factors to altering my sub status.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Who is your ISP?

    Corinth, Greece (line passes through the Athens backbone). My ISP is OTEnet DSL Conn-X 24MBps.

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    The few dungeons I've tried appear to be more fluid. The open world questing can become bad. I've seen players porting (as in cut-cut-teleport) instead of walking/sneaking. I even attacked a mob when a lag spike hit. After 7-8 seconds I moved away and the mob didn't even realize it was attacked. This means that the clicks actions were performed locally but failed to reach the server completely. This translates to lost info as the system interpreted that I teleported through an entire area.
    The usual delay is 1-2 seconds for the server to respond. Only extremely late at night I can say the actions are more responsive (0.5 - 1sec).
  • Markuseb17_ESO15
    Latency this morning without end.

    Location: Germany
    ISP: German Telekom (50 MBit/sec)
    Combat practically impossible. Harvesting takes ages. Workbenches take ages. Tried different alts in different regions. All the same: Auridon, Grahtwood, Khenarthis Roost, Glenumbra, etc.
    No ticket yet as this is the first time I experience such a latency which makes it nearly impossible to play.
    Edited by Markuseb17_ESO15 on May 3, 2014 3:42AM
  • Swampster
    laced wrote: »
    You have become accustomed to having a sub par experience. Its simple physics, and if you have done any speed tests, you will see, that distance matters.

    Please don't try to patronise me.. I am well aware of the science behind the issue, hence why I said..
    Me wrote:
    .. while clearly it doesn't help having and inbuilt latancy due to distance, in other games I've not found it to have anywhere near as much impact as with ESO.

    What I'm suggesting is that there are other issues at play here in ESO too... you only have to look at the players in the USA complaining about lag spikes etc on the US server! The distance or the 'physics' is simply exacerbating the problem.

    Swampriel - Nightblade (Archer Build) - Ebonheart Pact - Veteran
    Swampess - DragonKnight - Eboheart Pact - Lowbie Faceroller
  • Jade1986
    Swampster wrote: »
    laced wrote: »
    You have become accustomed to having a sub par experience. Its simple physics, and if you have done any speed tests, you will see, that distance matters.

    Please don't try to patronise me.. I am well aware of the science behind the issue, hence why I said..
    Me wrote:
    .. while clearly it doesn't help having and inbuilt latancy due to distance, in other games I've not found it to have anywhere near as much impact as with ESO.

    What I'm suggesting is that there are other issues at play here in ESO too... you only have to look at the players in the USA complaining about lag spikes etc on the US server! The distance or the 'physics' is simply exacerbating the problem.

    There I will agree. Moving the servers will not fix everything, but It will fix a lot. The lag spikes people are having in the US are NOTHING in comparison to the lag we are getting here, and not to mention our Asian, and African compatriots. Yes they are getting some, but its nothing compared to having a 160 ms - 1500 ms ping.

    Edited by Jade1986 on May 3, 2014 12:39PM
  • Trake
    We can expect another month or two before ZOS are prepared to migrate. By then, if subscriptions have fallen and an EU Data centre becomes financially questionable, then it will not happen.

    ZOS is running a business, they will only invest towards a stable and profitable future, which encourages a merger of the EU/NA servers, before the game turns Free-To-Play.
  • kaspar.pab16_ESO
    Trake wrote: »
    We can expect another month or two before ZOS are prepared to migrate. By then, if subscriptions have fallen and an EU Data centre becomes financially questionable, then it will not happen.

    ZOS is running a business, they will only invest towards a stable and profitable future, which encourages a merger of the EU/NA servers, before the game turns Free-To-Play.

    Well, the subs will go down just because the servers are still in NA, nobody wants the play a action game with huge latency problems...
    If they are so stupid to understand it, then I don't know how they can run a business.
    I'll give them one month and if they don't move it I cancel my sub.
    Edited by kaspar.pab16_ESO on May 3, 2014 4:35PM
  • DragonFlyM13
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    No, Because it is probally because the EU server is situated in the US.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Netherlands, Gelderland, Bennekom

    Who is your ISP?
    Telfort (100Mbit Up/Down)

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    All the time. It does not matter what i am doing. Lag = Lag
    For some reason there wasn't any lag around 18:00, but after 19:15 the lag started, WHICH has killed me for the 20th time or so already in the past 5 days.

    The fact that the EU server is still standing in the US is most likely the cause for the lag.
    If i had known this in advance i'd prolly waited with ESO

    The issues that signify it the most are:
    NPC's being invisible
    NPC's not moving at all
    If it happens in mid combat (like it has at least 20 times orso allready) i die right after the lag spike ends.
    Skills not activating.
    Edited by DragonFlyM13 on May 3, 2014 5:41PM
    VindyaMiriel (Nightblade) on Aldmeri Dominion

    I really wish there was a bow based class...
  • Jade1986
    Trake wrote: »
    We can expect another month or two before ZOS are prepared to migrate. By then, if subscriptions have fallen and an EU Data centre becomes financially questionable, then it will not happen.

    ZOS is running a business, they will only invest towards a stable and profitable future, which encourages a merger of the EU/NA servers, before the game turns Free-To-Play.
    The EU ESO population is double that of the US population. Even if we lose half our population, it will be well worth it. Or, by your logic, they might as well abandon the US datacenters and bring everything here. =).

  • KleanZlate
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?


    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Iceland, Selfoss (near Reykjavik)

    Who is your ISP?


    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Can happen anywhere but usually during mid day (ca. 4 - 7 PM)
  • mook-eb16_ESO
    cyrodiil is no fun hit keys nothing happens dead. or ok cant see anything then
  • guvnorgreig
    •Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number? Yes, I received a response asking me to provide a data log, which I did, but have had no further response or update. ref no. 140405-017002

    •What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area) UK, West Yorkshire

    •Who is your ISP? Virgin Media

    •Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil? Typically in cities, public dungeons (solo playing) and any area where there is a high player population. I haven't tried pvp or groups yet, so I don't know if these situations will also result in unplayable latency.
  • Rusie
    Soul Shriven
    1. No I didn't, it's pointless.
    2. Italy (northern region)
    3. Fastweb (100 mb/s download & 10 mb/s upload)
  • adaminski44
    Soul Shriven
    1. yes number is = 140502-030468
    2. UK East midlands
    3. Virgin Media (100mb )
    4. with the amount of different ISP's and Countries listed here i find it very hard to believe that it is Virgin Media's problem as told to me in the customer support email's i have recieved.
    5. i just can't play at all the longest time i have got before lag and DC to login screen with generic error msg no number, is 22 mins, but on average its about 7 mins.It doesn't matter what character i am playing nor which zone i am playing in.
    6. this has only started happening for me since Thursdays patch i didn't report it on Thursday as i wasn't online for very long was just showing a friend the game. so i started reporting this issue on Friday when i had time to play. i have tried the repair and sent the report .txt as requested by customer support, also uninstalled the game re formatted my hard drive did a fresh install and tried to play with no add-ons just the standard set up and still lagged and crashed to login screen.
    7. So i am asking here to see if there has been any news on what exactly this is and i do hope that i will not be charged for this lost game time and the huge repair bills on my characters they have died so many times due to this. And what sucks the most is i just bought a brand new gaming mouse and keyboard which set me back a small fortune and now i can't use them to play ESO lol Ironic isn't it.
    8. Sorry to complain but feeling very frustrated here :(
    Edited by adaminski44 on May 4, 2014 1:44PM
    History Repeats itself because no one ever listens
  • Mikeriddle1b16_ESO
    •Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    Reported as a bug using the in-game tool; but not submitted an actual ticket.
    •What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    UK, London
    •Who is your ISP?
    •Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    Mainly whilst PvE questing, but also whilst grouping. This tends to result in graphics being occasionally missing in the game or taking a few seconds to load in front of me. More seriously, are instances of total non-responsiveness to any key presses (can still appear move, but not sure if movement is recorded server side or just on my local machine).
  • Zolyok
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    No support team won't resolve lag
    What region are you playing the game in?
    France - South-east
    Who is your ISP?
    Numericable 30 mega connection
    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    No real moment it's random huge spike, delay with activation/interaction
    Edited by Zolyok on May 4, 2014 10:21AM
  • Backrub
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    No, I haven't yet.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Belgium (west)

    Who is your ISP?
    Telenet (one of their fastest formulas)

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    During questing where other people were questing, both PvE and PvP areas. In combat, some abilities may not respond and other may have a delay. This lag is not constant, though. It just seems to happen sometimes.
  • Sharlakh
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No i haven't tried this...thought it is not something you can fix on a single person.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Milan, Italy.

    Who is your ISP?

    Fastweb fiber 100mb download, 10mb can't get better in Italy!

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    I used to know very few lag issue, now after last downtimes, i get nearly unplayble Cyrodiil. Sometimes is extreme LAG from 5 to 10 seconds, some other times the game just freeze and after several seconds i get kicked out of the game with an error message wich requests me to log in again within few frustrating and disappointing.
    WarInc italian multigaming community, we are out there since the AGE OF RECKONING!

    For more about us:
    forum -
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  • Feisty
    Today I noticed that on EU server(s), I can login barely and when I get logged in, I can play for less then 1 minute until I get kicked out again.

    What is the reason behind this?
  • Strontium-Dog
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No. Dont believe they can resolve this via their tools.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Who is your ISP?

    Highlands, Scotland. ISP is British Telecom (BT Openreach) Im less than 600 m from my exchange in the village and get maxed out speed for non fibre optic lines ie 8mb

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    Cyrodiil is bad at times because thats where you REALLY notice it. PvE is more forgiving . Of course should say Cyrodiil has some weird mass FPS drop for lots of us at times but I suspect thats grouping bug. We have all had the join a group run along in big crowd and then ...nothing...everyone stops.

    Just move EU server asap or rename it to NA2. There wasnt a need to keep them all stateside, not like we dont have the odd tech over here in europe :|
  • Jade1986
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No. Dont believe they can resolve this via their tools.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Who is your ISP?

    Highlands, Scotland. ISP is British Telecom (BT Openreach) Im less than 600 m from my exchange in the village and get maxed out speed for non fibre optic lines ie 8mb

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    Cyrodiil is bad at times because thats where you REALLY notice it. PvE is more forgiving . Of course should say Cyrodiil has some weird mass FPS drop for lots of us at times but I suspect thats grouping bug. We have all had the join a group run along in big crowd and then ...nothing...everyone stops.

    Just move EU server asap or rename it to NA2. There wasnt a need to keep them all stateside, not like we dont have the odd tech over here in europe :|
    Lol, we have better tech in Europe actually. =P

  • adamgoonb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    -Yes: 140420-065601
    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    -Devon, UK
    Who is your ISP?
    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    -Lag spikes (5-10 seconds) can happen anywhere during the game, but Cyrodiil is by far the worst. As soon as there are 20+ players on screen, the game starts to lag. At approx 40+ the game looses connection with the server.
  • filc
    Soul Shriven
    ad 1) 140504-031245, your CS is useless, response was to set up port forwarding on my router LOL
    ad 2) EU, CZ
    ad 3) UPC
    ad 4) Cyrodiil, non-stop lag in crowded areas, perma loading screens, 10-20 secs lag on skills etc. Your servers just can't handle the load.
    Edited by filc on May 4, 2014 9:13PM
  • Kingslayer
    Trake wrote: »
    We can expect another month or two before ZOS are prepared to migrate. By then, if subscriptions have fallen and an EU Data centre becomes financially questionable, then it will not happen.

    ZOS is running a business, they will only invest towards a stable and profitable future, which encourages a merger of the EU/NA servers, before the game turns Free-To-Play.

    I started to suspect this a while back.
  • steveb16_ESO46
    The 10 second style freezes are getting worse and worse. Any time, anywhere, doing anything. It really is getting beyond ridiculous into the 'maybe-I'll-just-have-to-stop-playing-today' realms. You're taking our money - you really need to sort it.
  • chriss23
    UK - Southwest England

    Went into Cyrodil for the first time yesterday - Auriels Bow. There was a lot of lag in areas where there were battles etc and combat was slow and difficult. Otherwise, in Tamriel wherever there are a lot of players close together eg Davon's Watch.
  • Drakoleon
    Maybe the best MMO ever....but unplayable!!!...its ridiculous
    I wonder why its released for Europe! Server distance? I dont think its the major problem i pinked at the servers area and i got 119ms which is not that bad
    Server load? i would understand that for weekends etc... but early morning Monday?
    Am not going to give my coordinates cause this is the only game i have major lag issues so...its not "my" problem its yours...FIX IT
    Edited by Drakoleon on May 5, 2014 12:40PM
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