Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Latency on the European Megaserver - Looking for Additional Info

Community Manager
Recently, we’ve received reports that some of you have been experiencing extreme latency on the European megaserver. We want you to be able to have the best possible experience in Tamriel , so we’re looking to gather a bit more info to help us research this issue. If you are playing on the European megaserver, please reply to this thread and answer the questions below.
  • Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
  • What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
  • Who is your ISP?
  • Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
Thanks in advance for any information you’re able to share with us about this issue!
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Aerlim
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - London, UK

    Who is your ISP?
    - Virgin Media, 100MB/Sec

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    - All of the above. Most noticeably in Cyrodiil but also questing and dungeons. Lag manifests through skill lag and non-responsiveness to key presses. Sometimes I will press a key and have to wait up to 5-10 seconds for a response. I can, however, move around normally in this time. Other times I will be fighting a mob and have no response at all; then suddenly I am dead. I would like to heal in dungeons but am hesitant to do so because I don't want to screw my group up if my skills won't fire.
  • tylerhalversonb16_ESO
    Try moving the EU megaserver to the EU...?
  • c1r3gamerb16_ESO
    Many thanks for looking into this issue for us.

    My region is South-west England, U.K.
    ISP: Virginmedia (30mB cable)

    Specific moments:
    1) Latency more noticeable in crowded areas i.e. dungeons, busy towns/cities.

    2) Latency spikes when fighting (PvE) i.e. hit key but delay before anything happens or nothing happens at all.

    3) Zoning into areas/in-out dungeons very slow - sometimes 30-60 seconds or more.

    4) Quest NPCs do not appear so I have to log out/in to see them. Not sure if this is a game bug or packet loss.

    Hope this helps.
  • Night_Watch
    • Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

      Not as yet but will if situation does not improve.
    • What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

      England - Durham
    • Who is your ISP?

      PlusNet - Fibre to exchange and the 'local' boxes then copper to home - 9mb - 10mb.
    • Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

      Whenever playing! Mostly in crowded areas but occassionally when there are no or very few other players / npc around.

      My main problem in game is responciveness in combat - hit hot key and command / effect takes some time to register. This has ended up with my character being uncontrolable for varying durations and in character death several times due to inability to fight off the 'mob(s)' effectively.

      In testing to try to see if this was input lag rather than latency issue I have tried three different keyboards and two seperate mice but the issue persists and from this I believe there is a 'lag' or latency issue. I have not yet done any route tracing to look at potential 'bottle necks' or such.

    I often get error messages when trying to log on also but can usually log on straight away or within 3-5 attempts. I get 'kicked' from time to time also - this happened tonight and I have not tried to reconnect as I was here on the forums!

    When 'Zoning' (that is using transport between zones) the 'loading screen' can be present for many seconds - enough time to go into another room and get back sometimes). I also occassionally see the red 'missing' box for graphicl items from time to time but it is unsure if this is latency at work or the object just simply refused to load.

    I know moving the EU mega server to the EU may be costly but I agree with others in threads I have read that having the EU mega server in the EU would probably solve the latency or 'lag' problem for very many EU based EU megaserver users - if not all.

    I have read other posts where people are saying they will not pay a subscription when the game, because of 'lag' / latency, is unplayable. I find this no surprise as people are not going to continue to pay for a product they cannot use.

    Anyways! Thanks for taking the time to ask about this. I hope my post can be of some benefit.

    EDIT: Add issues and clean up.

    EDIT: To clean up a sentence that read wrong!
    Edited by Night_Watch on April 28, 2014 10:17PM
    "If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."

    Charles Fort - Lo! (1931)
  • magitsu
    Soul Shriven
    Haven't tried to contact support.

    Finland (Eastern)


    In Cyrodiil, esp. on Sunday evenings on Auriel's Bow and other packed campaigns (more than one locked/3 bar alliance).
    The lag is worst when zerg is around, but yesterday it was occasionally bad even when the zerg wasn't near. We got 2-3 second lag for example after pressing mount key (animation paused just before the horse should appear, similar delay when trying to unmount), Biting Jabs' last jab didn't appear (neither did sound effect) and Resto staff auto-attacks didn't channel or produce the visual. Hour before we were at less crowded Wabbajack and everything was ok lag-wise. This was the first time when we abandoned pvp session due to lag (most people from the group were from the Nordics and the UK)

    Sundays and locked campaigns could be related to lag.

    Maybe not lag-related:
    Cyrodiil loading screen bug hits also quite often and very unpredictably. Sometime you get in and sometimes you don't. Graphical settings shouldn't matter, but according to some players they do. I've gotten in without a hitch with ultra settings (like last night to Wabba) even in the peak capacity. On the other hand lowering graphics settings to minimum seems the only viable way to relog into packed Cyrodiil if you've crashed and your character is stuck there. When we switched last night from Wabba to Auriel most guild mates got in easy but i had to alt-f4 five times and even when I lowered to minimum with my 2nd try I got in only after 20 mins and 5 restarts. To play pvp you need to resort to all kinds of tricks a little too often.
    For example we found out during early access that if you made more than 12-man group before everyone was in Cyrodiil most would crash (some other guilds found out the same independently). So we started grouping only after everyone was in. This might have been fixed later.
    Edited by magitsu on April 29, 2014 1:36AM
  • Shinjocher
    Soul Shriven
    I´m pretty sure that EU player complaining about the latency issue since the first day of the game and you just start such a thread after MANY threads about the same issues from different players?.
    There are latency issues during EU primetime and NA primetime... the reason for that is that the entire world try to connect to a single datacenter.
    I have during primetimes (EU/NA) a ping around 220 + 300+ what is painful and besides of that... 150 what is still bad (from germany btw).

    NA Players = Overloaded Datacenter
    EU Players = Overloaded Datacenter + Distance latency

    We EU players got the short end of the stick... maybe it would be better if the servers are located at the east coast but even that would not help much.

    The only way to lower the latency for EU players is to finally move the server to EU (lower server load for NA players too) and something like that dosent take forever (you do not need weeks or months for that...).

    PS. sry for my bad english
  • nimrod1984b16_ESO
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - Frankfurt, Germany

    Who is your ISP?
    - Unitymedia, 150MB/Sec

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    - Most noticeably in Cyrodiil but also questing and dungeons. Lag manifests through skill lag and non-responsiveness to key presses. Sometimes I will press a key and have to wait up to 5-10 seconds for a response. I can, however, move around normally in this time.
    Lags at peak times and in high density zones in Cyrodiil since Friday evening 04/26 continue till monday 04/28

    Could we have the megaserver already in the EU? We pay a sub game not a F2P MMO.. still can´t believe one month after release no Server in the EU. We all rather play on laggy Server with low latency u know as a laggy Server in the US with high latency.
  • Kingslayer
    Cyrodiil Is hell right now We have to play on the few populated campaigns and given the server is STILL in the US. Its becoming a bit tiresome this is supposed to be a subscription based game just what is the word on the EU data center opening because the euro server will die if its not moved soon people won't keep up a subscription with this Laggy service.

    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    United kingdom,

    Who is your ISP?

    BT 100 MB/SEC

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Cyrodiil Is terrible You claim you will provide a polished service Instead what we got was a buggy latency filled game which we paid quite a bit for i might add. And you are asking us for information??. The answer is simple If you have a server in the USA their will ALWAYS be latency to EUROPE. Its just logic Data only travels so fast.

    Ability Delay this no cooldown policy is something to do with it, when people spam abilities and Obviously the queue is being overloaded.

    - Lower the population caps on each campaign also reduce the amount of campaigns to encourage people to group up onto the 4 to 5 top campaigns. Add more if needed, Isn't this better then having ghost campaigns which we have now? Also can't you cap each factions limit i.e compare it with other factions and make sure they all stay roughly the same amount in numbers.
    - Something needs to be done about these Dark anchors to i know this is off topic but don't know of anywhere else to post suggestions. They should be made so the difficulty or number of enemies changes with the amount of players around the anchor. They aren't enjoyable due to the zergfest a lot have become.
    - Please can we have name plates as an open for the interface a good portion of us want this. Also guild tags would be nice I'd like to know when a guild member is in the distance but i can't see his name. plus their are many other reasons for this. Seems as its a 5 guild rule put it in the options where we can choose which guild we show just like out title on the character screen.

    I hope you devs take the time to read some of our worries after all this game surviving is contingent on having us as customers and right now and judging from certain happenings shall we say it doesn't look good. I have noticed more leave then actually come into the game.
  • Bangstin
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - No

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - Finland(South)

    Who is your ISP?
    - TeliaSonera 20MB

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    - Yes to all of them. Makes combat terribly unresponsive and frustrating. I most likely won't continue paying for a triple A mmo that doesn't provide servers that are located in EU.
  • gerwin.kamstrab16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    sent is a lot of bug reports lately with latency issues, but haven't contacted support because it isn't my end that is failing. (if the whole group in dungeons and people around me have the same problems at the same time it definitely is the server and not our connections.)

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    The Netherlands, Groningen

    Who is your ISP?

    XS4ALL 50 Mb/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    All random. it happens everywhere but dungeon lag is often the worst. (dungeons lagging out between phases so no one sees anything till suddenly we are all dead while we were just able to move around without any lag. Huge lagspikes that freeze the whole team which ends up in wipes due to all the heavy hitting encounters, skill delays, skills not triggering etc etc etc.

    While questing: sudden lag spikes, skills not triggering or responding or delayed by a second or two.

    PvP: Sudden lag spikes, skills not triggering or responding or delayed by a second or two. (had one occasion two days ago where there was a delay of 45-60! seconds between input and output of skills. I was just running around and nothing happened so I just ran back to keep and was able to use the door properly to get back in and was inside for a second or 10 when suddenly my char starts swinging and blocking and triggering all the skills I requested 45 s before that (if it wasn't more))

  • Elunthir
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - No

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - Finland(South)

    Who is your ISP?
    - DNA 4G

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    - I don't know about Cyrodill. However, group dungeons during weekends are terribly laggy. Quite often, during fight, my skills simply vanished, doing no damage at all.
  • Cags
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    - I sent in a /bug about blocking and telegraphs which I have since come to the conclusion that it is in fact latency. Sorry, but I cannot remember the number.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    - East England

    Who is your ISP?

    - British Telecom

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    - It happens all the time, but there are some specific moments where it becomes more noticeable:
    Blocking during combat rarely works for me. I see the 'tell' of my opponent and press right-click to block, but half the time the block animation doesn't take effect in time and I still get hit. Sometimes the block does come up a split second before the attack, but the hit still goes through. I know it is not just slow reactions on my part, because I have tested it.
    The red 'telegraphs' on the floor from opponents are a pain too. Very often I will have moved 2 or 3 steps from the circle just before the attack takes place, but I will still be damaged. Again, I have tested this.
    In Cyrodiil, just as in Beta, the doors are problematic to go through. I will press 'E' to pass through a door, but it takes a random amount of time ( sometimes 5+ seconds ) before it takes effect. Which usually means I press the 'E' again thinking that I pressed the wrong button or something, only to end up going through the door and straight back through it again and so ending up on the side I started from.
    Also in Cyrodiil things like skills during combat can be very random in how quickly they take effect - most noticeably the 'ohcrapImgonnadie' healing skills. I will press the button repeatedly to heal myself, but sometimes it takes a second or two to happen and I am dead before the heal has time to work.

    These are just a few examples, but the lag/latency is noticeable throughout the game, but most especially during combat and/or in area's with a lot of other players around. The worst place for it is in Cyrodiil during PvP.

    Please move the EU server to Europe sooner rather than later. I don't expect it to miraculously solve all the problems, but it will improve things a lot for your European customers and make combat especially more responsive.
  • d.zid.816b16_ESO

    1) Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    - No, unless they can speed up moving/transfering/setting up the server in the EU, there is nothing useful that will come of it. Bar wasting a support reps and my own time.

    2) What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Who is your ISP?

    - Again, mostly irrelevant as the server is located across an oceon, but regardless I'm in the Uk and my provider is BT.

    3) Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    - All of the above, and in every aspect of the game.
    Since the game lacks (as far as I'm aware) a way to keep track of ping/latency, i have resorted to using Windows resource monitor. Which as far as i can tell is giving me what also feels like an accurate reading of my ping to the games server. Which is to say exactly what i would expect from connecting to a server halfway across the globe.
    (Betwwen 140-180ms when in towns/exploring/idling, 200-350ms when in combat, as high as 600ms when in Cyrodiil and a battle is taking place nearby)

    My question would be, is there any news on when the EU Mega-Server (the one in the EU) will be coming online? Or even any updates at all on the matter, as so far its been kept very hush hush.
    Unless of course theres been a fairly recent announcement regarding it that I've missed!
  • Caswallon

    1) Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    Not yet.

    2) What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    UK. Hampshire.

    3)Who is your ISP?

    4) Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Monday evening (28th April) it was extremely bad, as was Good Friday and Easter Saturday (before the server crash - which made me think it had to be server related). All other days it has been lag free for me. The lag would happen in both dungeons and regular questing.
    Edited by Caswallon on April 29, 2014 5:50AM
  • Tristis Oris
    - not.
    - Russia, Saint Petersburg.
    - SatNet, 100Mbit.
    - almost always. delay in action, talking with NPC, rendering animation (skill is over, but I can't use another), positioning of mobs. Comfortable playing only at middle night and early morning (+4 GMT).
    - I have ideal ping, no drops, and my internet full of divine light, but my lags is horrible. Please, move server to europe as quickly as possible. no shamanism not help us now.
    Edited by Tristis Oris on April 29, 2014 11:35AM
  • ImaginaryDimension
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    The problem is not with tech support, it's with the server being on the other side of the planet.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    London, UK

    Who is your ISP?

    BT 100MB/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Mostly skill activation delay. I'll activate a skill and then 2 seconds later it will activate. Also something else that always happens is I'll be killing some mobs when I'll get 0 response from the server for about 10 seconds and then when the server finally processes my requests it will perform them all instantly.

    Generally just experience severe bottleneck it seems.
    Edited by ImaginaryDimension on April 29, 2014 5:56AM
  • tuntuns
    1. No
    2. Poland, Warsaw
    3. UPC 100Mbit
    4. AvA
  • whykillme
    1. Not yet - Figured everyone was having those problems.
    2. Netherlands, province Noord-Holland (north-west part).
    3. UPC 120Mbit
    4. Dungeons, almost every time. PVP sometimes. And rarely doing other things. Whispers are always delayed.
  • Hexagar
    I think they just buying time with these silly questions.. its normal for us Europeans to have lag... we try to connect into a server which is beyond an ocean.. sadly if they are not going to move the servers in Germany I will have to cancel my sub.. I love the game but lag makes it an awkward experience..
  • sahib
    We want you to be able to have the best possible experience in Tamriel

    No you don't. If you were, the EU server would be in the EU at launch.
  • steveb16_ESO46

    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No. They just close tickets automatically and assume the problem is solved so it seems pointless.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Who is your ISP?

    North West England. BT provider. But using a game proxy with a tunnelled connection to reduce lag. Happens when I don't use it as well.

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Any situation at all. Can happen three times in a row just running to the Daggerfall bank.
  • ruibright178b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Ireland co Dublin
    Who is your ISP?
    Last Result:
    Download Speed: 205776 kbps (25722 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 12455 kbps (1556.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 6 ms
    Jitter: 1 ms

    My Connection is not the issue as you can see above. The issue is data transfer takes at least half a second to send and reach the server,
    than server as to process and send results to the client. over all is 1 or 2 seconds at least, if it takes a little longer, while playing as a sorcerer, I die of Latency.
    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    While running dungeons, not just Dungeons, every cell is affected if I'm surrounded by a group of NME(doesnt have to be a large group it also happens with 3 NME group).
    Being surrounded by a group my skills wont trigger properly in time(also noticed that, when buffs run out(ex: 10 sec +10 weapon DMG)
    takes at least 1 or 2 second to be able to cast a skill again. 2 seconds is enough for a sorcerer to die).
    I'm atm V9 and I die to many times due to latency playing with Light armor as a sorcerer.
    chat server is always with high delay, 5 to 10 sec delay for the chat server to send or receive msg.
    the worst is public dungeons, I die many times cause my skills wont trigger.
    Graphics Card
    AMD Radeon HD 7970
    # of cards
    2,048 MB
    Core clock
    1,000 MHz
    Memory bus clock
    1,500 MHz
    1 Card http://www.3dmark.com/3dmv/4559969
    2 Cards http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/6034684
    Intel Core i5-2500K Processor
    Reported stock core clock
    3,300 MHz
    Maximum turbo core clock
    4,800 MHz
    Physical / logical processors
    1 / 4
    # of cores
    Manufacturing process
    32 nm
    95 W
    Operating system
    64-bit Windows 7 (6.1.7600)
    ASUSTeK Computer INC. P8Z68-V PRO
    16,384 MB
    Hard drive model


    Edited by ruibright178b16_ESO on April 29, 2014 5:43PM
  • Doowie
    How about stop asking people for this information and instead do the normal thing and don't refer to it as a EU Megaserver, when the server itself is still located within Texas.

    We all know what to buy Zenimax for Christmas .... large amounts of jam, so they can keep licking those windows!

    This is NOT a problem with the connection of those within Europe, but this is a problem with the fact you are openly lying to customers.
    [Name]: Doowie Doucheolas
    [Level]: Veteran Rank 5 / [PvP Rank]: Veteran
    [Class]: NightBlade / [Race]: Woodelf
    [Server]: EU Megaserver / [Faction]: Ebonheart Pact
    [Skills]: Medium Armour / Bow / Dual Wield / Werewolf / Clothing

    "The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."
  • nez
    Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batmaaaan
  • Brayton
    - Haven't contacted customer support because I'm in Japan
    - Japan
    - NTT

    I realize there is little chance of a server in the Asia-Pacific region, but the lag issues even from Japan to the US are serious. EU customers must be experiencing even more. I moved to the EU server from the NA server just for the community and the lag issues increased for some reason.
    I get lag in dungeons mostly. When there are others around, my keys won't respond, or if they do they are delayed. As a tank, blocking is sometimes impossible and even though I move out of the way of the red area of attack, I still get affected.
    I didn't expect a perfect connection because I'm nowhere near the server, but I have played other games with overseas servers and not had this much lag.

    Hope you can do something to fix this as I am enjoying the game A LOT!
  • villiansvb16_ESO
    Thouht I'd add my info too.

    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number? - No. I don't see how they could help.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area) - UK, London

    Who is your ISP? Sky Broadband, 25Mb/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil? - Rarely in dungeons, almost never while questing. Cyrodiil is the worst, I am forced to avoid zergs because the moment 100 players are in my vicinity I will lag out and disconnect or be forced to alt-f4. Small-scale skirmishes are fine. It's not a hardware issue, as the FPS doesn't drop by itself.
    Last night I was in Bangkorai around the WW/Vamp spots as people were waiting for them. You can imagine a lot of players were around - and once again lag was constant around those areas, and really bad (think 10+ second lag spikes all the time).
  • Mendoze
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    No, I have not yet.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Finland, Lahti

    Who is your ISP?
    DNA, 100MB/sec

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    I have lately only played in Cyrodiil, and there I sometimes ( last weekend all the time ) get huge lag. Skills won't trigger at all, or take 5-10 seconds to do anything. Not even normal light/heavy attacks work. Sometimes people and whole world just stops and nothing happens for several seconds. Most annoying thing is, that when my character dies or I use transitus shrines, I quite often get eternal loading screens.
  • emailgosurwb17_ESO
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    No, posted a topic on this forum instead.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Who is your ISP?
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai. ISP Name is "DU" Bandwith 16mb

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    Both in PvE and PvP.
    But my concern is PvP because I am not interested in PvE.
    I can accept this latency in PvE, because mobs are simple.
    But it is unplayable in Cyrodiil PvP

    I know that Dubai's internet is bad, but I usually have around 120-140 ping to any online game server (EU), I expect at least that.
    Edited by emailgosurwb17_ESO on April 29, 2014 8:04AM
  • stefan9
    Ticket: Not submitted yet.
    Region: South Africa,Gauteng. City:Pretoria
    ISP:Openweb and Mweb. Same issue on both.
    Occurence:During dungeons and normal questing but worse in cyrodill.

    Issues are skill activation,log ins and loading screens.
  • tmcgr75
    1. No i didn't, no reason to open a ticket since its distance related
    3. Greece
    2. two different provider Cytanet 34 dnl / 3 upl , Forthent 24/1 (distance from Dslam is less than 200 meters and the connection are packet loss free , noise free.

    Huge latency during Prime times, normal times are about 200 - 250 ms (again its bad for real time application). Major latency in dungeons and big cities all the time

    Please move the EU server to EU

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