Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Rollback yes or no

  • babylon
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Anyone unhappy about this proposal is a duper. Anyone who isn't a Duper who has ever played an MMO should demand a rollback +30 days free gametime for all accounts.

    Lawd no. I've done resource farming and crafting on characters and do not want a rollback. I'm not an exploiter, I just don't want my time to be wasted because of some rotten apples.
  • LazerusKI
    Dominulf wrote: »
    Duping is the most damaging thing in a game. Devs can restore glitched items, return hacked accounts,nerf farm spots, but duping is like nuclear fallout that can never be repaired on a macro level.

    I know people that have 800 Dreugh Wax. Do you know what that means? Every piece of armor from now until they quit the game will be Legendary Tier for free.

    Coming from Diablo 2 and Mortal Online I can tell you one thing, NO one will take the game seriously if this isn't addressed.

    This is BAD.
    if they have logs (see the bank-reset bug)...why shouldnt they be able to check for those anomalys? suddenly a player has billions of gold, hundreds of legendary stuff...if there are can write a script taht searches through them.
    Nordak wrote: »
    Citraka wrote: »
    I'm just not thrilled by thought of the same quests over again /yawn, waste of my life.

    Someone earlier said all games were a waste of your life and a bunch of other such crap.

    No, the time played was entertainment, re playing the same content to get back to where i already was, IS a waste of my time however because it wouldnt be Fun

    Then just run a different faction. If this isn't fixed *CORRECTLY* then the majority of us who didn't cheat *WILL* leave. Rollback is the only proper fix.

    and no one would quit if he loses hours or days of gaming? if he loses EVERYTHING he found legit?
    in what kind of dream do you live, that you think, players would accept such a massive rollback?
    Edited by LazerusKI on April 18, 2014 4:38PM
  • Dolenz
    Nordak wrote: »
    Citraka wrote: »
    I'm just not thrilled by thought of the same quests over again /yawn, waste of my life.

    Someone earlier said all games were a waste of your life and a bunch of other such crap.

    No, the time played was entertainment, re playing the same content to get back to where i already was, IS a waste of my time however because it wouldnt be Fun

    Then just run a different faction. If this isn't fixed *CORRECTLY* then the majority of us who didn't cheat *WILL* leave. Rollback is the only proper fix.

    Complete exaggeration.

    The majority of people who did not cheat don't have the slightest clue any of this went on. I have been checking the forums and the Facebook page every day and i still don't know the particulars. So the majority of people who didn't cheat won't leave.

    Rollbacks won't happen. That is more of a penalty for those of us who did not cheat

    Should the exploiters be banned or punished? Yes, but it needs to be done in a way that does not affect the average player, the majority of who has no idea that anything has even happened.
    Edited by Dolenz on April 18, 2014 4:39PM
  • Twicebit
    EQ did rollbacks.
  • Nordak
    Do you really think I need you to Agree? I'm a crafter, I have spent countless hours gathering resources. I could have apparently just sat at the bank for an hour and had everything I ever needed to make Legendary everything while others will have lesser equipment.
  • Dominulf
    Squishy wrote: »
    Dominulf wrote: »

    I know people that have 800 Dreugh Wax. Do you know what that means? Every piece of armor from now until they quit the game will be Legendary Tier for free.

    This is BAD.
    Then report them?

    You are missing the point. This is much more devastating than one person with 800 Dreugh Wax. Entire guilds were doing this together. Duping hurts legit crafters/harvesters/farmers the most and undermines the integrity of the game on a very deep level.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - Where the best spells are AoEs and the strongest weapon is a Shield!

    "I used to be the most beloved roleplaying series of a generation... but then I took $14.99/mo to the knee."
  • Endolith
    The majority of players may not even be aware of precisely what happened, and the majority aren't going to leave if there is no rollback. That's just nonsense, as will become clear when they don't roll this all the way back. A little realism of perspective would help the discussion in these forums.
  • Citraka
    Nordak wrote: »
    Do you really think I need you to Agree? I'm a crafter, I have spent countless hours gathering resources. I could have apparently just sat at the bank for an hour and had everything I ever needed to make Legendary everything while others will have lesser equipment.

    If thats all it is then you want to waste everyone elses time because you feel you've wasted yours.
    I spent countless hours questing and killing things to level when apparently i could have gone to PVP and made VR in a day.

    Not sure who you think you are "Do you really think I need you to Agree?"
    You need people to agree with you IF you really want to mount a credible
    campaign to support a rollback, if not then you'll be just one whiney voice in the minority.

    Edited bit, If i ignore the Do you really think I need you to Agree? bit, then i would actually agree with you, If crafting aand making money etc from it are your thing then yes it sucks and your play style is compromised, along with all other trader/crafter types. and that sucks only 2 weeks in.
    Edited by Citraka on April 18, 2014 4:54PM
  • marcweiss81nrb19_ESO
    Endolith wrote: »
    The majority of players may not even be aware of precisely what happened, and the majority aren't going to leave if there is no rollback. That's just nonsense, as will become clear when they don't roll this all the way back. A little realism of perspective would help the discussion in these forums.

    If you are so content with the game there's really no need to be on the support forums dispensing your wisdom.
  • Etchesketch
    Absolutely nothing will be done... as had been seen aleady, the devs of this game spend their time cowering under there cubicle desk hoping the upset customers will just go away.

    They will not be banning the dupers and they certainly will not rollback. Anyone that thinks this game will go back to beta and refund money, doesn't understand the root problem of gaming business models. This game is already on the books. It now has to continue to make money.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • JohnG
    Nordak wrote: »
    Do you really think I need you to Agree? I'm a crafter, I have spent countless hours gathering resources. I could have apparently just sat at the bank for an hour and had everything I ever needed to make Legendary everything while others will have lesser equipment.

    So because you and a handful of others think this is so devastating and kills the game blah blah blah I should have to start over on characters I have been building for 3 weeks. This game is not easy to level in, it takes lots of time and work, some of it enjoyable some of it very tedious. I have no intention of doing it over again to satisfy the few who think this is some big deal.

    As I said before all these duped crafting materials will slowly get used up over the course of a few months and that will be the end of it. If they roll back the game that will be the death of the game, you will be lucky if half the games population comes back after that.

    The solution is simple, now that this is out turn off guild banks until they fix it, then just let the market work itself out over time.
    Edited by JohnG on April 18, 2014 4:55PM
  • Kyosji

    Vote and be heard! [rollback poll]

    You do know that creating polls on the forums is against the rules, right?
    Edited by Kyosji on April 18, 2014 4:57PM
  • starkerealm
    Dominulf wrote: »
    Squishy wrote: »
    Dominulf wrote: »

    I know people that have 800 Dreugh Wax. Do you know what that means? Every piece of armor from now until they quit the game will be Legendary Tier for free.

    This is BAD.
    Then report them?

    You are missing the point. This is much more devastating than one person with 800 Dreugh Wax. Entire guilds were doing this together. Duping hurts legit crafters/harvesters/farmers the most and undermines the integrity of the game on a very deep level.

    Unless they're playing dice with their items? No. They need about 20 of those (without perks) to get a 100% crafting chance on an item. That means they have enough for 40 legendary items for free. Sure, they can sink fewer resources into them, and risk destroying the item, chewing up their blue and purple converters. But, 800 Dreugh Wax is not an infinite supply. It sounds good now, but trust me, that crap will go fast.
  • Citraka
    Endolith wrote: »
    The majority of players may not even be aware of precisely what happened, and the majority aren't going to leave if there is no rollback. That's just nonsense, as will become clear when they don't roll this all the way back. A little realism of perspective would help the discussion in these forums.

    If you are so content with the game there's really no need to be on the support forums dispensing your wisdom.

    The problem with that tho is a one sided thread, and the potential 'fix' if that thread is acted on is maybe not what the masses would have wanted.

    Nothing wrong with open discussion and possibly opposite viewpoints surely ?

  • marcweiss81nrb19_ESO
    Citraka wrote: »
    Endolith wrote: »
    The majority of players may not even be aware of precisely what happened, and the majority aren't going to leave if there is no rollback. That's just nonsense, as will become clear when they don't roll this all the way back. A little realism of perspective would help the discussion in these forums.

    If you are so content with the game there's really no need to be on the support forums dispensing your wisdom.

    The problem with that tho is a one sided thread, and the potential 'fix' if that thread is acted on is maybe not what the masses would have wanted.

    Nothing wrong with open discussion and possibly opposite viewpoints surely ?

    Of course. Its also easier to claim to be the voice of the masses while ignoring the majority. Hence why I created a poll for people to voice their opinions.

  • Dolenz
    They will not be banning the dupers and they certainly will not rollback.

    They may or may not ban the dupers but so far, from what I have seen, they have been more than willing to ban users.
  • Dolenz
    Dolenz wrote: »
    They will not be banning the dupers and they certainly will not rollback.

    They may or may not ban the dupers but so far, from what I have seen, they have been more than willing to ban users.

    Your poll results won't be any indication. It's like going to the complaints counter of a business as asking folks what they think of the company they are complaining about.
  • marcweiss81nrb19_ESO
    Dolenz wrote: »
    They will not be banning the dupers and they certainly will not rollback.

    They may or may not ban the dupers but so far, from what I have seen, they have been more than willing to ban users.

    I received a 3 day in game ban for a comical forum post. If they dont ban people exploiting in game mechanics I think I have reason to be bemused.

  • Endolith
    If you are so content with the game there's really no need to be on the support forums dispensing your wisdom.

    I didn't say anything about that or my personal opinion on the rollback proposal in that post. In addition to a more realistic sense of perspective, basic reading comprehension is also in short supply here.
  • R0M2K
    Bah this sucks, had so high expectations on this game....

    I dont think gold or mats have a unique id...

    I dont think they can even track the offenders.

    I vote for a FULL SERVER WIPE.
  • Kyosji
    Nothing can/will be done about the items that are already out there. The company cannot and will not do a 3 week rollback for any reason without killing the game. People will not stand for having 3 weeks worth of work dispensary just because less than 1 percent of the game population did something stupid. You guys keep acting like people won't leave because of this. I would. I'd also demand a refund, which the company would most likely be required to give, most definitely in Europe because of their consumer protection laws. They would most likely have to do the same for the US if people ask because of the severity of the action against their players. Just like Sony Online Entertainment had to issue refunds for Star Wars Galaxies when they suddenly implemented that NGE crap.

    You can keep saying "They can also issue you another free month". That doesn't matter, people don't want to redo everything they spent hundreds of hours on. Also, most companies can't turn around and say "Sure, lets not make any money for a whole month, This won't hurt our customers!"

    Most of the people in this forum are just hoping for the impossible, and it's mind boggling that they are even considering these ideas without thinking of the consequences.

    All the company CAN really do is get rid of the duping process, find the ones that took advantage of the exploit and suspend or ban them, and that's really it. All these other suggestions would literally kill the company and game FAR MORE than people getting pissy and quitting because of a single duping incident.
  • South_of_Heaven
    Dolenz wrote: »
    They will not be banning the dupers and they certainly will not rollback.

    They may or may not ban the dupers but so far, from what I have seen, they have been more than willing to ban users.

    I received a 3 day in game ban for a comical forum post. If they dont ban people exploiting in game mechanics I think I have reason to be bemused.

    In-game ban for a forum post? What did it contain? Can you put it err... eloquently?
  • babylon
    R0M2K wrote: »
    Bah this sucks, had so high expectations on this game....

    I dont think gold or mats have a unique id...

    I dont think they can even track the offenders.

    I vote for a FULL SERVER WIPE.

    How would you know about whether or not mats had IDs in the server?

    And sure they can track all of this. Bans will be incoming.
  • Kyosji
    Citraka wrote: »
    Endolith wrote: »
    The majority of players may not even be aware of precisely what happened, and the majority aren't going to leave if there is no rollback. That's just nonsense, as will become clear when they don't roll this all the way back. A little realism of perspective would help the discussion in these forums.

    If you are so content with the game there's really no need to be on the support forums dispensing your wisdom.

    The problem with that tho is a one sided thread, and the potential 'fix' if that thread is acted on is maybe not what the masses would have wanted.

    Nothing wrong with open discussion and possibly opposite viewpoints surely ?

    Of course. Its also easier to claim to be the voice of the masses while ignoring the majority. Hence why I created a poll for people to voice their opinions.

    I do believe petitions and polls are not allowed in the forums per the community rules.

    Also, the results would be meaningless, as the only people who will actually see your poll are the ones complaining about it in the first place. 80% of the game probably don't even know this happened and don't even visit these forums.

    Edited by Kyosji on April 18, 2014 5:16PM
  • Endolith
    Kyosji wrote: »
    I do believe petitions and polls are not allowed in the forums per the community rules.

    Also, the results would be meaningless, as the only people who will actually see your poll are the ones complaining about it in the first place. 80% of the game probably don't even know this happened and don't even visit these forums.

    Yeah, the poll is meaningless. If you want to get a good result based on a sampling of the population is to get a random sample, which isn't happening here.
  • South_of_Heaven
    Of course. Its also easier to claim to be the voice of the masses while ignoring the majority. Hence why I created a poll for people to voice their opinions.

    Too bad that the first choice is actually an illusion and virtually impossible to do.

    As for the second - they prefer no rollback at all costs which is understandable.
    However most of them must crave a solution so the choice is redudant (except if everyone who voted there are dupers, which wouldn't be that surprising considering how long the bug was active).

    Forgive me but it's not a correct poll.
    Edited by South_of_Heaven on April 18, 2014 5:22PM
  • marcweiss81nrb19_ESO
    Kyosji wrote: »
    Citraka wrote: »
    Endolith wrote: »
    The majority of players may not even be aware of precisely what happened, and the majority aren't going to leave if there is no rollback. That's just nonsense, as will become clear when they don't roll this all the way back. A little realism of perspective would help the discussion in these forums.

    If you are so content with the game there's really no need to be on the support forums dispensing your wisdom.

    The problem with that tho is a one sided thread, and the potential 'fix' if that thread is acted on is maybe not what the masses would have wanted.

    Nothing wrong with open discussion and possibly opposite viewpoints surely ?

    Of course. Its also easier to claim to be the voice of the masses while ignoring the majority. Hence why I created a poll for people to voice their opinions.

    I do believe petitions and polls are not allowed in the forums per the community rules.

    Also, the results would be meaningless, as the only people who will actually see your poll are the ones complaining about it in the first place. 80% of the game probably don't even know this happened and don't even visit these forums.

    Actually that poll is mainly being viewed on Reddit. Plenty of positive discussion there. This game has a huge Reddit following.

    Edited by marcweiss81nrb19_ESO on April 18, 2014 5:24PM
  • Kalizaar
    DracoBlanc wrote: »
    I feel like such a dupe.

    I've just been running around enjoying the game, not even aware that there was a duping scandal...

    Then again I simply enjoy the game, I don't care what someone else has or has not done ingame as it does not impact my life.

    I'm exactly the same way.
  • Dega
    Soul Shriven
    Kalizaar wrote: »
    DracoBlanc wrote: »
    I feel like such a dupe.

    I've just been running around enjoying the game, not even aware that there was a duping scandal...

    Then again I simply enjoy the game, I don't care what someone else has or has not done ingame as it does not impact my life.

    I'm exactly the same way.

    It will eventually if you intend to enjoy the game for any extended period of time. Exploits such as this one will effect you and everyone else in a meaningful way if not properly dealt with.
  • AngryNord
    LazerusKI wrote: »
    Nordak wrote: »
    LazerusKI wrote: »
    if they do a rollback, they can shut down the servers completely^^
    No one would accept a rollback after release.

    No, life will go on. and it will restart with less BS
    yeah...just without players. if there would be a rollback, our whole guild would quit, and i think we would not be the only ones.

    Rollback for 99% of players because 1% exploited...great idea ;)

    Some people will quit no matter what... Which solution will have the biggest long-time consequences, isn't good to say.. But yeah, I doubt they'll do a system-wide rollback unless something _really_ bad happens.
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