Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Rollback yes or no

Hello Everyone.

I know there is already many post on the forum about this issue iam sorry to make a new one.

I know i will get lots of people over me that will complain about it.

i think i thought of the best solution the can do.

1. Ban all the people who participate on those exploits.
2. Do a complete rollback.
3. Give all the other people 1 free month game time again.

What i think this way everyone who did participate to the exp[loits get punnished for it.
And people who didnt use the exploits are getting a month free game time and used the last weeks as some kinda Open Beta.

This game will be broken because this exploit already and it will hard maybe impossible to get it back because to many people are already involved with this.

Lots of people walking with legendary gear ...doing like they didnt know make me laugh tho.

anyway i think this is best solution for everyone.
  • Tetrasoli
    No way to know without the most vital piece of the equation: How many exploited and to what degree.
  • Doowie
    I know there are people out there who abused the world bosses and leveled from VR1 to VR10 within a matter of days and those in my opinion should be rolledback and suspended.

    However there are far more important things that Zenimax needs to do first before they can then focus on those people.
    [Name]: Doowie Doucheolas
    [Level]: Veteran Rank 5 / [PvP Rank]: Veteran
    [Class]: NightBlade / [Race]: Woodelf
    [Server]: EU Megaserver / [Faction]: Ebonheart Pact
    [Skills]: Medium Armour / Bow / Dual Wield / Werewolf / Clothing

    "The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."
  • AstroCat
    Yes, once they finish their analytic investigation they need to make a bold and sweeping move in order regain the faith of their players. Otherwise this game is toast.
    Edited by AstroCat on April 18, 2014 2:26PM
  • babylon
    No rollback, just ban the exploiters and make sure you get the money laundering trail so you ban not only their second accounts, but their main accounts as well.
  • Aci
    I wouldnt mind even a complete rollback as long they fix things. But yeah, this wont happen, no it wont :) whatever youre writing in this thread they wont do it.
  • South_of_Heaven
    I don't think there's anything more damaging than duping atm. And it seems to be on a large scale. Makes all other problems and bugs seem like nothing.

    Yes to rollback coming from an almost maxed char. It won't happen, but yes. What at least needs to happen is a real mass banning of dupers.

    Or they could divide the mega server bandwidth and resources and maybe start separate clean mega-server?
    Edited by South_of_Heaven on April 18, 2014 2:31PM
  • Evergreen
    I like your second idea of a complete rollback if Zenimax cannot somehow delete all the legendary items and gold acquired from the duplication exploit.

    Another idea that would be technically easy for Zenimax to do is just make a vendor where all legendary mats are free so that the advantage exploiting guilds and their members enjoy will be nullified.
  • sbanned_245443
    Rollback wont Happen. Still 95% of the Player Base dont know nothing about this and i bet most of them dont care. They are not going to do a rollback because 0,1% of player Base wishes so
  • crowfl56
    90% of the players don't exploit or abuse this game, ZOS just needs to do something real about the other 10%.
  • Damia
    Soul Shriven
    rollback or quit, or suffer with your low lvl char and gear while they dupers laugh at you killing you 1000's of times in pvp.

    there is no choice but rollback after the issues are fixed or the game is dead anyway and you can move on to pay another company that does not let dupers ruin the game.

    this is a no choice rollback,,any other action will just kill the game for honest people, an eventually they will all quit anyway.
  • AngryNord
    There'd have to be some sort of compensation, I think... At least as mentioned resetting the free gametime...
    Kinda on the fence about this, they'd likely lose a lot of subs if they did a rollback, but they may well end up losing a lot of subs if the game economy really is as broken as it is made out to be, too...
  • Daverios
    Will not happen.

    Rift had bigger issues from launch. Like the people getting hacked on day one via internal means and it did not rollback. People signed petitions and left in mass exodus and still no rollback. Even the original ffivx did not roll back and thet instead let everyone on for free but did relauch entire title.
  • babylon
    The exploiters have been duping since early access (weeks ago). We can't rollback till then, might as well just set fire to the server farm and walk away.

    No, they need to look at player wealth/legendary stacks etc and investigate those accounts and the item and money trail associated with them.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    just delete the dupers characters, clear out their bank, make them start over. dont punish those of us not affected by this bull by a rollback
  • Mufasa
    Um, how many people would leave the game. People value their time highly and rarely forgive. They would lost a mass amount of people, aka money.
    raykay wrote: »
    Rollback wont Happen. Still 95% of the Player Base dont know nothing about this and i bet most of them dont care. They are not going to do a rollback because 0,1% of player Base wishes so

    Exactly this. Now imagine all those people logging on to completely lost time. Would be devastating.
    Edited by Mufasa on April 18, 2014 2:35PM
  • Korereactor
    No rollback - it won't happen. It rarely happens in other MMOs, even WoW. They will ban offenders and we'll move on.
  • MoMoOG
    You guys are delusional if you think they are going to do a week+ rollback.
  • kimika
    Iv yet to have a problem in Pvp fighting vets with nice armor so I feel this is over exaggerating. Also why should I be punished for something others did? I vote no to roll backs
    Edited by kimika on April 18, 2014 2:36PM
    "insanity is just a state of mind" Hawkeye
  • Samadhi
    Damia wrote: »
    rollback or quit, or suffer with your low lvl char and gear while they dupers laugh at you killing you 1000's of times in pvp.

    there is no choice but rollback after the issues are fixed or the game is dead anyway and you can move on to pay another company that does not let dupers ruin the game.

    this is a no choice rollback,,any other action will just kill the game for honest people, an eventually they will all quit anyway.

    We're talking a rollback to day 1 of Early Access?
    I think that would kill the game for honest people -- anyone who made any legitimate progress with their character would have it nullified.

    A full investigation and a permanent banning of abusers is what counts.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Endolith
    A rollback wouldn't bother me so long as they left all my characters in places, but rolled back, so I didn't have to recreate them. Never going to happen though.
  • linda912
    I wouldn't mind a rollback, as long as I don't have to create my characters again. I like my names and how they look, but haven't played the actual game much because of all of the problems.
  • South_of_Heaven
    I would prefer a rollback but they probably regard it as "business suicide".

    Instead of rollback can't they divide the megaserver resources and start a clean server?
    Edited by South_of_Heaven on April 18, 2014 2:38PM
  • Tetrasoli
    No matter how bad we perceive the client to be on our end, they DO have metrics and logging, so there will be no rollback, but I'd imagine they will investigate players based on a set of rules, such as acquisition of X item at Y location over the course of Z minutes. There is no legitimate way to come into possession of hundreds and thousands of pieces of legendary crafting mats in such a short period of time. Furthermore, since it would be impossible to verify how much wealth the player accumulated via duping (the money can be laundered, of course) the only way to handle it fairly is to ban the account.
    Edited by Tetrasoli on April 18, 2014 2:40PM
  • babylon
    linda912 wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind a rollback, as long as I don't have to create my characters again. I like my names and how they look, but haven't played the actual game much because of all of the problems.

    Well the rest of us have, and we've played legitimately and will not be happy with a rollback because of a bunch of dirty players.

    I want to see ZOS properly investigate all wealthy players and follow the item/money trail on them so they catch exactly who did this crap. Then punish them severely with bans/item and money deletion.
  • pxtc_ESO
    I say yes but the only problem is there are more ways to duplicate that they are not even addressing yet. This dupe was reported in beta and they did nothing. I have heard reports from Guild Mates that the Mail system is exploitable as well. Plus if you search the internet you will see the other ways to dupe. So if they rollback now and don't fix the problems then how many times will they have to roll back. They need to take the game off line and fix it all. Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn was ruined at launch and it took them 2 years to fix it.
  • kcolasaccob14_ESO
    LMAO at the idea of rolling back anything more than a few hours at the very most. Games are very sophisticated in how they can track people who duped. Even the original Everquest with it's technology that's completely outdated at this point was able to keep track of every last copper on the servers and in the game and knew when someone got it through exploits and hacks when they had to. There was a banker in the game that was allowing coin dupes and all the people using it were banned. The same thing will happen here. There's not going to be a rollback, but there will be a bunch of people crying on the forums that they were banned even though they're "innocent".

    Hint: They're not.
  • scruffycavetroll
    babylon wrote: »
    linda912 wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind a rollback, as long as I don't have to create my characters again. I like my names and how they look, but haven't played the actual game much because of all of the problems.

    Well the rest of us have, and we've played legitimately and will not be happy with a rollback because of a bunch of dirty players.

    I want to see ZOS properly investigate all wealthy players and follow the item/money trail on them so they catch exactly who did this crap. Then punish them severely with bans/item and money deletion.

    they should be able to roll back those who did it / ban account

    If DICE can reset an individuals stats for battlefield for cheating/hacking, ZOS should (emphasis on should) be able to roll back individuals as well.
    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 18, 2014 2:43PM
  • vahadar
    CrazyRoyal wrote: »
    Hello Everyone.
    1. Ban all the people who participate on those exploits.

    This is enough, dont assume everyone invested all that time in this game for a waste rollback, i certainly dont.

    About items i'm sure they can track them and remove them from the game.

  • SinfulSoul
    If they were to do a rollback, they'd have to rollback since the 1st day of Early Start and they're obviously not going to do that. The vast majority of players had no idea about this so they should just ban all the people that used this exploit and prevent them from ever being ingame again (block their name/CC/etc).

    A rollback at this point is only going to annoy the vast majority of the players that don't come to the forums and will only affect the people that learned about the Bank exploit within the last 24 hours and it'll not do anything against the people that have been using this since release.

    ArenaNet hunted down and banned everyone involved in the exploit in GW2 and NW did a few hours rollback during the AH exploit, so either a rollback or banhammer has precedence. Now, question is, how much manpower does ZOS actually have? A easier way would be to just rollback as it doesn't need that many GMs/Devs going around logs but it'd annoy a lot of people off AND it would not send a message to the exploiters at all. Or they can invest their time into hunting down all of the people that exploited and show by example that exploiting will not be tolerated and do a mass banning of people, even the people that duped a single item.

    I can only hope they will do SOMETHING. They can't just let this stand.
    Edited by SinfulSoul on April 18, 2014 2:44PM
  • CrazyRoyal
    Its kinda fun tho, first post i made i dont get realy flamed on:P

    Anyway i just thought about a solution...yes i know honest people will be punished this iam a honest player myself aswell..and realy wont vote for a roleback but i think this is kinda the oly solution to fix this whole exploit and economy.

    but then again iam not a technicus so dont know about what they can or cant do aboutthis whole thing..i just want it to be fixed..else it WILL affect honest players in their gameplay aswell.
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