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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Porting out of IC (Imperial City) when fighting other players needs a fix!

  • kringled_1
    React wrote: »
    Ingenon wrote: »

    Queueing for Cryo from IC must be very different on the PC. I can't just hit a few buttons. I go to the menu select which cryo to go to, click that, then there is at least a 2 sec delay and I have then I to click to accept. In no fight will I live while doing all that. I'm in menu mod and can't even heal.

    Exactly. This seems like a pc/add on issue, not a console one.
    By the time I’ve opened the menu, I’d be dead! 🤣

    Agreed. ZOS, please do not change availability of queue to Cyrodiil on console servers. Players on console cannot queue for Cyrodiil and accept the queue while actively in combat with an enemy PvP. We do not have access to the Tel Var Saver add-on on console servers. If action is needed, please ban the add-on, or make it not work by changing the game interface to add-ons.
    I feel like a lot of people are missing the point of the thread. Thank you @React in your responses for explaining the issue more clearly. Also, your suggestion about being able to queue out while in a sanctuary zone is a good solution, but as I wrote in my initial comment I also think you should be able to accept a queue if you haven´t done or taken damage from a player within a certain time frame. This allow people to get out if they´re still stuck in combat.

    First of all, bringing up the issue of ganking is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. A ganker either takes you by surprise and with enough burst damage kills you within 1-2 GCD´s, which gives you no time to abuse the queue system, or the fail the attempt to kill their target and once you know a ganker is nearby, you´ve the upper hand because you know what´s coming and can predict further attempts. So in either scenario, bringing up ganking to the discussion is irrelevant.
    There seem to be a few things going on here. The OP is upset because some PVPers are using an addon to one click out of a fight they are losing. I think this is a fair point. But before blaming the ability to port out to Cryo, try it on the console with no addons.

    I brought up the example with the addon to further highlight the problem. The addon(s) in this case is an issue, but the underlying mechanic I´ve problems with is that you´re allowed to bypass the entire risk/reward design of IC. And as React wrote in an earlier comment you can easily practice the sequence of what buttons to press in order to queue for a campaign, same on PC even without addons.
    We should not have to use /stuck and lose half our Tel Var.
    For me this is somewhat of an indication that getting out of IC through "un-intended means" is you know....not intended. Not saying it doesn´t suck when you get clipped into terrain/walls etc, but if my suggestion to be able to accept or initiate a queue if you haven´t taken damage within a certain timeframe becomes a thing, it would solve the issue you bring up as well (since you generally speaking can´t hit or get hit by things when you clip into terrain.

    @CameraBeardThePirate said it quite perfect
    Or, accept that you shouldn't just get to run away from a fight in an environment where fighting over a currency is the main mechanic.

    And I want to clarify, escaping through proper means like invis, streaking away, stage 4 vamp sprint or whatever proper combat mechanic that´s available to you (even out tanking the enemy and wait for your group to show up and help you) is fine. But why even have consumables (sigil of imperial retreat) designed to get you to safety in IC, when you can just bypass the entire design of IC.

    Queueing for Cryo from IC must be very different on the PC. I can't just hit a few buttons. I go to the menu select which cryo to go to, click that, then there is at least a 2 sec delay and I have then I to click to accept. In no fight will I live while doing all that. I'm in menu mod and can't even heal.

    Exactly. This seems like a pc/add on issue, not a console one.
    By the time I’ve opened the menu, I’d be dead! 🤣

    This isn't at all true. I'm from xbox NA originally, and I now play on PC NA using a controller and the base game UI.

    As I mentioned in an earlier comment, it isn't at all difficult to manually do this while in combat with a controller. You simply need to memorize the button combination, which really isn't asking much. It's been quite some time since I've needed to do it, but it's something like Start > RT > down > A > A > A to begin the queue, then when it pops you press start twice (to clear the accept delay), then start > LT > down > A > A. This might not be precisely the correct combos, as I've not had to utilize it in a very long time, but neither function takes more than a second or two to execute and can be done while midair from a jump, or with a defensive ult active to protect yourself.

    Navigating menus in combat isn't some crazy feat. Look at games like dark and darker, or any extraction style game. It's a common skill these days.

    Ok, but that's not how it works on the PlayStation. I can't press x multiple times and get out of IC. I have to use the menu. It takes more than 10 seconds and I'm in menu mode the whole time. I'm dead before I can leave. On the PlayStation while in menu mode you can't do anything else. My toon will just stand there like a target dummy.

    Did you not watch the video React posted 3 comments above? You can memorize the buttons to press and do it with very little time spent in the menu.

    People can and DO queue out of IC mid combat in gamepad mode.

    I tried it. It takes me about 7 seconds. Four initially and then another 3 after the 2 second queue time. My reflexes are *nowhere* near as fast as React's. I'm old no apologies. I'm pretty sure I would still be dead before I exited.

    TBH I don't think even many younger players are that fast. Possible doesn't mean common...

    The 7s is why React mentions that it often gets used in combination with a defensive ult. The ult buys you that time to execute.
    (Personally, I usually only queue for Cyro from the base in the sewers, and most of the time will just run back through the sewers, occasionally using a sigil from a safe area).
  • darvaria
    ZOS will never be able to fix the "Stuck in Combat". If they change the IC port, players will be STUCK. Just leave this alone.

    Players will stay "Stuck in Combat". You don't seriously think they can do anything to this port from IC without players being eternally stuck in combat. Stuck until they log off. Stuck if they have received no damage for 2 hours ... they will remain STUCK until they die. Porting to Cyro is the ONLY way to get out of this bug.
    Edited by darvaria on August 21, 2024 11:42PM
  • Ingenon
    React wrote: »
    Here you go @jaws343 @Ingenon @MidniteOwl1913 @SerafinaWaterstar .

    It is totally realistic to do in combat on console. This isn't just a PC issue, although the addons to auto accept certainly exacerbate the problem.

    Thanks for this post @React !

    I had to try this, so I took my PvE tank that normally does vet dungeons into Imperial City sewers, and light attacked an NPC. And was able to queue for Cyrodiil and accept the queue while in combat. Took me longer than it took you, and any decent PvP opponent would have killed me, but I can see that it is possible to escape combat in Imperial City by queuing for Cyrodiil.

    So then in Vvardenfell, I light attacked an NPC, and tried to teleport to my inn room, and the game said I could not do this while in combat. But it did allow me to queue for Cyrodiil and accept the queue while in combat.

    So if ZOS decides a change is needed, I agree with @SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    In any case, I'd be in favor of removing the ability for scripts and addons to access queue-related functions, and for removing the ability to join a queue if any direct damage has been received within the last couple of seconds. I mean, if I'm not allowed to open a door while an NPC or mob is attacking me, it seems odd to let me start a new queue while I'm under attack.
  • FlopsyPrince
    React wrote: »
    Ingenon wrote: »
    React wrote: »
    This isn't at all true. I'm from xbox NA originally, and I now play on PC NA using a controller and the base game UI.

    As I mentioned in an earlier comment, it isn't at all difficult to manually do this while in combat with a controller. You simply need to memorize the button combination, which really isn't asking much. It's been quite some time since I've needed to do it, but it's something like Start > RT > down > A > A > A to begin the queue, then when it pops you press start twice (to clear the accept delay), then start > LT > down > A > A. This might not be precisely the correct combos, as I've not had to utilize it in a very long time, but neither function takes more than a second or two to execute and can be done while midair from a jump, or with a defensive ult active to protect yourself.

    Navigating menus in combat isn't some crazy feat. Look at games like dark and darker, or any extraction style game. It's a common skill these days.

    I'm glad you can click all those buttons in one second. I cannot, especially not while I am being attacked and actively defending myself and fighting back. And the add-on exists on PC, which proves to me that there are others that cannot click all those buttons in one second. Otherwise, why would folks be using this add-on?

    And I'm still not getting why this is an issue that requires ZOS to change a base game feature. When I get killed in Imperial City while I am doing PvE quests, it is almost always from behind while I am attacking an NPC for my quest. And I don't know I'm under attack from the PvP enemy until I am already dead.

    I think the example of Tel Var farmers or PvE players doing PvE quests leaving Imperial City while in extended PvP combat does not happen very often. I think that far more often what happens is folks queue for Cyrodiil because they are done with what they are doing in Imperial City, and it takes too long to travel back to base through the sewers. Or they may see enemy player(s) coming towards them, and decide to leave, while the enemy is too far away yet to attack. Or they are stuck in combat from a battle they had with enemy NPC minutes ago. Or they are stuck in a wall.

    As others have already pointed out, the capability to queue to Cyrodiil from Imperial City has existed since at least ESO Update 22, which released in May, 2019 for PC. Five plus years, I believe we are all used to this game capability by now.

    You likely don't encounter it if you aren't a PVP player, because you aren't looking for fights or to kill people farming telvar. Further, these people probably wouldn't queue away from you if they don't think you're a threat.

    For us PVP players, it is a very common occurrence because the people who abuse this recognize players they fight frequently as threats, and queue out instantly.

    It's an exploit, plain and simple. Get me unstuck and imperial retreat sigils are proof that queuing was not intended as a way to exit IC. In order to fix this in a way where it can still be used in combat, but not in the exploitative way it is being used now, they could do the following two things in tandem;

    1. Make it take half your telvar if used within a dangerous area in IC. Get me unstuck already takes half your telvar when used anywhere in IC.
    2. Remove the half your telvar penalty when used in a safe area within IC. So after going through a door, when on a spawn, or within a sewer base.

    Then it wouldn't be able to be abused the way it is now, but would still be a safe exit option for people who aren't specifically exploiting it in combat to avoid dying to other players while farming telvar.

    If you don't believe people use the queue in this manner, check out this addon which is publicly available for free.


    Repeating "it is an exploit" does not make it an exploit.

    ZOS clearly does not see it as an exploit since no one has ever been banned for this (that I am aware of) and it has been in the game for years.

    Why should those of us wanting to avoid ganking get penalized?

    I did just become aware of the addon, but I have been doing this for years. I often get ganked anyway, but just because you can't get some more TelVar from me does not make it an exploit.
    Edited by FlopsyPrince on August 22, 2024 1:01AM
  • spartaxoxo
    darvaria wrote: »
    ZOS will never be able to fix the "Stuck in Combat". If they change the IC port, players will be STUCK. Just leave this alone.

    Players will stay "Stuck in Combat". You don't seriously think they can do anything to this port from IC without players being eternally stuck in combat. Stuck until they log off. Stuck if they have received no damage for 2 hours ... they will remain STUCK until they die. Porting to Cyro is the ONLY way to get out of this bug.

    This too. I don't see why IC needs a change that would make it have less players and create big, game-breaking problems for the ones that managed to stick around. Doesn't seem worth the trade-off.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on August 22, 2024 1:21AM
  • spartaxoxo

    I found this thread from September 2015 showing it was already possible to leave by queueing from home to guest. I accidentally necro'ed trying to comment about in on here, so be careful not to comment on it like I did.

    Here's another from November, with a question in the comments if it worked. The question was not answered.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on August 22, 2024 1:41AM
  • zaria
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    I found this thread from September 2015 showing it was already possible to leave by queueing from home to guest. I accidentally necro'ed trying to comment about in on here, so be careful not to comment on it like I did.

    Here's another from November, with a question in the comments if it worked. The question was not answered.
    Think it always was like this but most did not know. I did not know until in an guild run using it.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • spartaxoxo
    zaria wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    I found this thread from September 2015 showing it was already possible to leave by queueing from home to guest. I accidentally necro'ed trying to comment about in on here, so be careful not to comment on it like I did.

    Here's another from November, with a question in the comments if it worked. The question was not answered.
    Think it always was like this but most did not know. I did not know until in an guild run using it.

    Based off the googling, I think you're correct. I vaguely remember it working that way but I didn't play IC back then so IDK
  • LunaFlora
    this would make less people go to imperial city, especially people who aren't very interested in PvP.

    it's very unlikely to be seen as an exploit by ZOS as it's been in the game for what seems to be 8 or 9 years? and somehow it's seen as an exploit by some players.

    (general usage of the word You)
    - The person you wanted to fight and just saw vanish out of imperial city likely wasn't there to fight players anyways.
    - If you did engage them and they vanished anyways then they could've queued for Cyrod before you attacked them.
    - There's no way to know if they queued in the middle of battle unless you can see their screen.

    If in the future ZOS does remove the ability to queue to Cyrod to leave imperial city then i hope they also remove Death causing Tel Var loss as that's generally the reason people want to get out of imperial city as quickly as possible.
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • Heelie
    I do this quite frequently, even made my own addon to fast queue. The problem with IC is that the risk teward is asymmetric, there are a handful of players who has 0 telvar always and only hunt for PvP so they have 0 risk. Why should I fight them? The other problem is 40k hp wardens who are impossible to kill but do no damage, why should I waste my time? Solution should be to make risk more symmetric so that you can't take more telvar than you risk. And to allow me to use doors etc when fighting because those wardens are just wasting my time. Until then I will just port out when facing these players. Same goes for Xv1 andies.
    Edited by Heelie on August 22, 2024 10:16AM
    Most OwOrated healer of all time
  • Vaqual
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    React wrote: »

    Whoever made that addon should have kept it for themselves. What did they think would happen?

    Lol , everytime I log into the forums I hate add ons more. I envy the purity of console servers.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    At first I thought this thread was about PVPer bailing as soon as a fight got tough, and I thought it was kinda funny.

    Then I read on and realized it's about PVPers upset their easy-prey PVE victims managed to get away. Then I thought it was hilarious.

    Yeah, it's an exploit. Yeah, it's not playing the game as intended. But the whole IC PVPVE food-chain concept is inherently unethical, so if someone wants to cheat in order to subvert parts of the game intentionally designed to reward players for behaving reprehensibly, that someone has my support and admiration.

    It's about both.

    PvPers use it so they don't die. People farming TelVar use it to bypass the entire risk vs reward of IC.
  • Orbital78
    Vaqual wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    React wrote: »

    Whoever made that addon should have kept it for themselves. What did they think would happen?

    Lol , everytime I log into the forums I hate add ons more. I envy the purity of console servers.

    I couldn't deal with inventory management without personal assistant, etc. Thankfully pc has controller support, so best of both worlds.
  • Orbital78
    At first I thought this thread was about PVPer bailing as soon as a fight got tough, and I thought it was kinda funny.

    Then I read on and realized it's about PVPers upset their easy-prey PVE victims managed to get away. Then I thought it was hilarious.

    Yeah, it's an exploit. Yeah, it's not playing the game as intended. But the whole IC PVPVE food-chain concept is inherently unethical, so if someone wants to cheat in order to subvert parts of the game intentionally designed to reward players for behaving reprehensibly, that someone has my support and admiration.

    It's about both.

    PvPers use it so they don't die. People farming TelVar use it to bypass the entire risk vs reward of IC.

    If you're good you should be able to catch someone off guard. Most gank when at half life when fighting a boss that can easily kill you when adding more burst.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    At first I thought this thread was about PVPer bailing as soon as a fight got tough, and I thought it was kinda funny.

    Then I read on and realized it's about PVPers upset their easy-prey PVE victims managed to get away. Then I thought it was hilarious.

    Yeah, it's an exploit. Yeah, it's not playing the game as intended. But the whole IC PVPVE food-chain concept is inherently unethical, so if someone wants to cheat in order to subvert parts of the game intentionally designed to reward players for behaving reprehensibly, that someone has my support and admiration.

    It's about both.

    PvPers use it so they don't die. People farming TelVar use it to bypass the entire risk vs reward of IC.

    If you're good you should be able to catch someone off guard. Most gank when at half life when fighting a boss that can easily kill you when adding more burst.

    If you're good you shouldn't have to port out to prevent your death.

    Goes both ways, see?
  • Orbital78
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    At first I thought this thread was about PVPer bailing as soon as a fight got tough, and I thought it was kinda funny.

    Then I read on and realized it's about PVPers upset their easy-prey PVE victims managed to get away. Then I thought it was hilarious.

    Yeah, it's an exploit. Yeah, it's not playing the game as intended. But the whole IC PVPVE food-chain concept is inherently unethical, so if someone wants to cheat in order to subvert parts of the game intentionally designed to reward players for behaving reprehensibly, that someone has my support and admiration.

    It's about both.

    PvPers use it so they don't die. People farming TelVar use it to bypass the entire risk vs reward of IC.

    If you're good you should be able to catch someone off guard. Most gank when at half life when fighting a boss that can easily kill you when adding more burst.

    If you're good you shouldn't have to port out to prevent your death.

    Goes both ways, see?

    I never said I was a PVPer. I only go in there for the things locked behind Tel Var. If it were much more dead in there, they might as well retire that area to free up resources.
    Edited by Orbital78 on August 22, 2024 3:02PM
  • FlopsyPrince
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    At first I thought this thread was about PVPer bailing as soon as a fight got tough, and I thought it was kinda funny.

    Then I read on and realized it's about PVPers upset their easy-prey PVE victims managed to get away. Then I thought it was hilarious.

    Yeah, it's an exploit. Yeah, it's not playing the game as intended. But the whole IC PVPVE food-chain concept is inherently unethical, so if someone wants to cheat in order to subvert parts of the game intentionally designed to reward players for behaving reprehensibly, that someone has my support and admiration.

    It's about both.

    PvPers use it so they don't die. People farming TelVar use it to bypass the entire risk vs reward of IC.

    If you're good you should be able to catch someone off guard. Most gank when at half life when fighting a boss that can easily kill you when adding more burst.

    If you're good you shouldn't have to port out to prevent your death.

    Goes both ways, see?

    No it doesn't. You may claim that, but some of us like it when we happen to gain TelVar.

    But the worst problem has been noted. And I am ganked far more often than I am saved, so your point fails.
  • darvaria
    We have repeatedly told you that w/o this mechanic, players will be stuck in combat until they log off. STUCK IN COMBAT. Please do NOT ask for something that will leave players STUCK IN COMBAT. You can wait for 2 hours and unless you die or log out your are STUCK. So stealth around and you are STUCK. So only solution would be to log out and lose telvar to the game? PLUS, this is something to do while waiting for your 1 hour cyro ques.

    So for the few telvar some players might snatch from ganking, , please do NOT screw over the rest of the population. You can even stealth but you are still STUCK IN COMBAT. You can make it to a portal, and you are still STUCK IN COMBAT.
    Edited by darvaria on August 22, 2024 10:15PM
  • FlopsyPrince
    darvaria wrote: »
    We have repeatedly told you that w/o this mechanic, players will be stuck in combat until they log off. STUCK IN COMBAT. Please do NOT ask for something that will leave players STUCK IN COMBAT. You can wait for 2 hours and unless you die or log out your are STUCK. So stealth around and you are STUCK. So only solution would be to log out and lose telvar to the game? PLUS, this is something to do while waiting for your 1 hour cyro ques.

    So for the few telvar some players might snatch from ganking, , please do NOT screw over the rest of the population. You can even stealth but you are still STUCK IN COMBAT. You can make it to a portal, and you are still STUCK IN COMBAT.

    And anyone would need to make a truly compelling reason why ZOS has allowed this for years just so you can possibly get even more Telvar!
  • Yudo
    So we have to made due with non-solutions because of larger underlying problems like "stuck in combat"? Yeah, the convo is not getting anywhere. The main point of OP is those that are porting out to evade active combat. It is clearly an exploit, with or without addon. No one wants to take away the convenience of porting out in a safe spot. A solution is needed for both clearly.
  • acastanza_ESO
    Yudo wrote: »
    So we have to made due with non-solutions because of larger underlying problems like "stuck in combat"? Yeah, the convo is not getting anywhere. The main point of OP is those that are porting out to evade active combat. It is clearly an exploit, with or without addon. No one wants to take away the convenience of porting out in a safe spot. A solution is needed for both clearly.

    It is not an exploit. It has never been considered an exploit. It is simply how the game works. You can not like it and ask for ZOS to change it (they absolutely shouldn't) but your not liking it doesn't make it an exploit so stop calling it one.

    Making this change would only reward the people who abuse the unbalanced risk-reward Tel Var system even more than currently.

    Maybe ZOS should make it so if you aren't carrying within 10% of the other person's Tel Var value you aren't able to attack them at all. (Not really a serious suggestion).
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on August 23, 2024 6:46AM
  • Yudo
    Yudo wrote: »
    So we have to made due with non-solutions because of larger underlying problems like "stuck in combat"? Yeah, the convo is not getting anywhere. The main point of OP is those that are porting out to evade active combat. It is clearly an exploit, with or without addon. No one wants to take away the convenience of porting out in a safe spot. A solution is needed for both clearly.

    It is not an exploit. It has never been considered an exploit. It is simply how the game works. You can not like it and ask for ZOS to change it (they absolutely shouldn't) but your not liking it doesn't make it an exploit so stop calling it one.

    Making this change would only reward the people who abuse the unbalanced risk-reward Tel Var system even more than currently.

    Maybe ZOS should make it so if you aren't carrying within 10% of the other person's Tel Var value you aren't able to attack them at all. (Not really a serious suggestion).

    I understand this is how the queue system works. It has shortcomings and people can take advantage of these shortcomings. This is why I call them exploits. Just because the game works in a way or allows you to do something it is not a green card.
    Take another example, when you go through a gate in IC, you get a temporary buff that grans invulnerability. It is design to avoid ganking between transition points. However there are spots in IC where you can jump onto to become invulnerable again without using a gate, such as the upper transition gates and walls limits. People know there is a shortcoming in these areas and exploit it in active combat.
  • MidniteOwl1913
    darvaria wrote: »
    We have repeatedly told you that w/o this mechanic, players will be stuck in combat until they log off. STUCK IN COMBAT. Please do NOT ask for something that will leave players STUCK IN COMBAT. You can wait for 2 hours and unless you die or log out your are STUCK. So stealth around and you are STUCK. So only solution would be to log out and lose telvar to the game? PLUS, this is something to do while waiting for your 1 hour cyro ques.

    So for the few telvar some players might snatch from ganking, , please do NOT screw over the rest of the population. You can even stealth but you are still STUCK IN COMBAT. You can make it to a portal, and you are still STUCK IN COMBAT.
    Yudo wrote: »
    Yudo wrote: »
    So we have to made due with non-solutions because of larger underlying problems like "stuck in combat"? Yeah, the convo is not getting anywhere. The main point of OP is those that are porting out to evade active combat. It is clearly an exploit, with or without addon. No one wants to take away the convenience of porting out in a safe spot. A solution is needed for both clearly.

    It is not an exploit. It has never been considered an exploit. It is simply how the game works. You can not like it and ask for ZOS to change it (they absolutely shouldn't) but your not liking it doesn't make it an exploit so stop calling it one.

    Making this change would only reward the people who abuse the unbalanced risk-reward Tel Var system even more than currently.

    Maybe ZOS should make it so if you aren't carrying within 10% of the other person's Tel Var value you aren't able to attack them at all. (Not really a serious suggestion).

    I understand this is how the queue system works. It has shortcomings and people can take advantage of these shortcomings. This is why I call them exploits. Just because the game works in a way or allows you to do something it is not a green card.
    Take another example, when you go through a gate in IC, you get a temporary buff that grans invulnerability. It is design to avoid ganking between transition points. However there are spots in IC where you can jump onto to become invulnerable again without using a gate, such as the upper transition gates and walls limits. People know there is a shortcoming in these areas and exploit it in active combat.

    Zos decides what's an exploit. They usually fix them relatively quickly and warn players that using them can result in a ban. An exploit is a big deal. It's a loaded word.

    Calling something an exploit when Zos doesn't isn't the right way to express your dislike of the way some players use bits of the game.

    My opinion is that just like the rest of combat you shouldn't be able to port away while engaged. And the stuck-in-combat bug needs a stake driven through its heart. But until Zos intervenes it may not be fair but it isn't an "exploit".
    Edited by MidniteOwl1913 on August 23, 2024 10:05AM
  • spartaxoxo
    An exploit isn't using a function the way it is designed to work. There's a difference between "I don't think this ought to work this way," and "This person is taking advantage of a bug or other issue."

    The queues are being used to exit one area and go into another. That's their purpose. They work in combat likely because players are meant to be able to do other things while they queue up. They even modified the UI years ago to facilitate what happens while in combat. It is also a workaround for resolving various bugs.

    I understand why this add-on is pushing what is intended behavior for people just trying to do a little IC while they wait for Cyrodiil to pop into something that is cheesy and having a bad effects on gameplay.
  • FlopsyPrince
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    An exploit isn't using a function the way it is designed to work. There's a difference between "I don't think this ought to work this way," and "This person is taking advantage of a bug or other issue."

    The queues are being used to exit one area and go into another. That's their purpose. They work in combat likely because players are meant to be able to do other things while they queue up. They even modified the UI years ago to facilitate what happens while in combat. It is also a workaround for resolving various bugs.

    I understand why this add-on is pushing what is intended behavior for people just trying to do a little IC while they wait for Cyrodiil to pop into something that is cheesy and having a bad effects on gameplay.

    Preventing a bit of ganking and IC gain for minimal effort is not a huge "bad effect on gameplay".

    I completely agree with those saying this is not an exploit. Just claiming that over and over does not make it an exploit. ZOS defines (and deals) with those and has not done so for this for years.
  • SteveCampsOut
    React wrote: »
    Here you go @jaws343 @Ingenon @MidniteOwl1913 @SerafinaWaterstar .

    Using a controller, on console UI (which is identical to how it is on console), and using no addons.

    My apologies for the mistaken button combination in my original post - like I had stated, it was from memory and I wasn't sure it was correct. The reality is your menu remembers what interface you opened last, so it is actually even more simple than what I had suggested in my original post.

    Start by highlighting the campaign menu before you head into IC. That way the next time you open your menu, it requires no up and down movement or LT/RT to enter the campaign section.

    1. Start > A > A > A - Begins the queue
    2. When you hear the queue noise a few seconds later, Start > Start will clear the "forced 3 second delay" menu notification.
    3. Start > LT > Down > Down > A > A - Accepts the queue.

    In the video below, you'll see that from start to finish, I begin the queue and have exited the campaign in under 15 seconds. Furthermore, I spend a total of less than 5 seconds in the menu interfaces, and not consecutively. 2 seconds the first time, less than one second the second time, and 2 seconds the third time. I am actively defending myself the entire time, and I'm not just sitting in the menus for 15 seconds straight.

    It is totally realistic to do in combat on console. This isn't just a PC issue, although the addons to auto accept certainly exacerbate the problem.

    So kind of you to provide such a detailed tutorial on how to do this so that it now will actually become a greater issue for the OP to have to argue over when it wasn't a big issue til this thread showed up.
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.
    Steve's Craftiness Find out what I can make for you at my Google Doc Spreadsheet.
    Pacrooti's Hirelings Website:

    NA Server:
    Steforax Soulstrong CH782 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH782 Dragonknight AD
    Rheticia Le Drakisius CH782 Nightblade DC
    Razmuzan Thrasmas CH782 Templar EP
    Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
    Erik Ramzey CH782 Nightblade AD
    Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
    One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
    Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
    EU Server:
    Guildmaster of Pacrooti's Hirelings AD Based LGBT Friendly Guild.
    Stefrex Souliss CH701 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH701 Dragonknight DC
    Slithisi Ksissi CH701 Nightblade EP
    Pokes-With-Fire CH701 Dragonknight AD
    Josie-The-Pussi-Cat CH701 Templar AD
    Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
    One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
    Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
    Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP
    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • edward_frigidhands
    I think a good compromise would be being transported out of IC only after you are no longer engaged in PVP combat.

    They could balance this off by removing the timer to accept the que while in PVP combat inside IC.
    Edited by edward_frigidhands on August 23, 2024 10:44PM
  • SteveCampsOut
    I think a good compromise would be being transported out of IC only after you are no longer engaged in PVP combat.

    They could balance this off by removing the timer to accept the que while in PVP combat inside IC.

    So should we be unable to go through doors when we've gotten far enough away from a fight to get to a safe landing between districts too?
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.
    Steve's Craftiness Find out what I can make for you at my Google Doc Spreadsheet.
    Pacrooti's Hirelings Website:

    NA Server:
    Steforax Soulstrong CH782 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH782 Dragonknight AD
    Rheticia Le Drakisius CH782 Nightblade DC
    Razmuzan Thrasmas CH782 Templar EP
    Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
    Erik Ramzey CH782 Nightblade AD
    Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
    One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
    Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
    EU Server:
    Guildmaster of Pacrooti's Hirelings AD Based LGBT Friendly Guild.
    Stefrex Souliss CH701 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH701 Dragonknight DC
    Slithisi Ksissi CH701 Nightblade EP
    Pokes-With-Fire CH701 Dragonknight AD
    Josie-The-Pussi-Cat CH701 Templar AD
    Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
    One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
    Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
    Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP
    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • FlopsyPrince
    I think a good compromise would be being transported out of IC only after you are no longer engaged in PVP combat.

    They could balance this off by removing the timer to accept the que while in PVP combat inside IC.

    So should we be unable to go through doors when we've gotten far enough away from a fight to get to a safe landing between districts too?

    And if you get "stuck in combat" which happens too frequently you have to just wait around until someone kills you?
  • moderatelyfatman
    The vast majority of PvPers probably came into ESO originally as a PvEr. If we want more PvPers when we should give them something that gets them excited and motivated to PvP.

    RIght now I can't think of anything less motiviating than working all night to save up 10k telvar and getting ganked. Even if you ban porting out, people will still find a quick way out of IC (got invisible and log out). Not letting people port out while in combat is not a solution in a game where you can get combat bugged for 30 mins while crouching inside a keep.

    A possible solution would be to instantly bank half of all the telvar you picked up.
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