Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Porting out of IC (Imperial City) when fighting other players needs a fix!

  • RaikaNA
    I have the solution... get rid of the Telvar currency, and let us buy armor/weapons, etc with AP in IC.
    Edited by RaikaNA on August 25, 2024 4:06AM
  • darvaria
    I think a good compromise would be being transported out of IC only after you are no longer engaged in PVP combat.

    They could balance this off by removing the timer to accept the que while in PVP combat inside IC.

    ^ But you will be STUCK IN COMBAT until you x out of the game. One time I hid in a corner watching Netflix and TWO hours later was still STUCK IN COMBAT. I use this in Cyro more than in IC. It is the ONLY way to get out of combat unless you go up to Cheese Mongers. People will lose their telvar to the game, not players if this is ever changed. All it will do is reduce the number of players that go to IC.

    In Cyro, you will get STUCK IN COMBAT with no npcs or players around for 20 minutes. You have to run to forts, where you can port but you are still STUCK IN COMBAT and can not mount.

    Just leave this mechanic alone.

  • Auldwulfe
    I am going to note, that if we consider the people in forums, which we know to be a small percentage, but a good representation of the community, much like any poll will use... then this isn't as much as much of a problem as is being portrayed.

    How many people, in this thread alone, are openly stating that they had NEVER even heard of this addon? Seriously... it is looking more and more like advertising for the Addon, than a legitimate complaint... and if, somehow, it is legitimate.... it is still beginning to feel more and more like someone saw someone loot a chest, or kill a cunning scamp, or something... and then that person escaped.... and they are irritated by not getting their chance to bully that person's lunch money.

    And considering I have SEEN some of these regulars that are "so scary" per the post, that people run from them and do this to get away, ALSO, teleport out in the sewers.... it really is the pot calling the kettle black ....

    I do not use addons, not at all - I have never been a fan of using a 3rd part software to help me play a game... I have seen people run from me. Mind you, I am running Rush of Agony, with Macabre Visage, on a DK Wood Elf with the Cleave Maul from DSR.... when I am not running a NB to bodyguard -- that is what I use to harvest for my telvar.

    And yes, the instant someone comes for me, I dragon leap to the nearest daedra group... it activates ROA, and when they explode, they do half their health as splash onto the PVPer chasing me.... so there are people, out there, that will avoid me like the plague. I am fine with that, as I only attack you, if you attack me first.... but I am built for PVP.

    I tend to the same in Cyrodiil.. the number of people that will try and pull a fight close to their own guards... but that isn't part of this discussion.

    The point is, people port in and out a LOT - many people do it, as noted repeatedly, because they queued for a campaign, and were waiting for it to pop.

    Yes, you might be able to enter a queue as fast as above... but you WILL NOT get it to pop that fast... I have NEVER seen it happen in less than 3 to 5 seconds after I queued for that .... so, using the above example, 6 seconds to get yourself queued, and then, 3 to 5 for the queue to accept, and send you the offer... and since MOST of the people don't have the auto accept, as noted by the number of people that NEVER heard of this addon..... that is 9 to 11 seconds to kill them, during which time, they have popups going, menus their screens, etc...

    If you can't pop someone in that time frame.... it might be time to reconsider your build. Because GCD still only allows for one action a second.... and unless they are in a party with multiple HOTs going... you shouldn't have that much trouble taking a person in 10 seconds, trying to do multiple actions at once....

    The other option is accepting that your opponent has 4 or 6 arms, multiple keyboards or controllers, and has a far more sophisticated system than you can imagine, and there never was a chance for you to defeat them, in any way.

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