Porting out of IC (Imperial City) when fighting other players needs a fix!

  • ApoAlaia
    darvaria wrote: »
    Well NB's can do it all the time and Sorcs can streak and use invis potion. Or any class can use invis potion.

    Using this is the ONLY way to get out of combat. This isn't really a problem. In fact, it would ruin it for many players not to be able to que back and forth between IC and Cyro.

    It is a convenience that I'd very much rather they didn't touch.

    I don't use it often because I go to IC mainly to do a daily for the merit and get out therefore bloodporting is even faster but when I do I'm happy that the ability to jump between IC and Cyro is there.

    I can also see how for some players this is as satisfying as slamming a keep door shut on the face of an attacking group.

    There are precious few sources of joy in that Z'en forsaken place - and for yours truly in PvP as a whole - and an abundance of inconvenience in the game at large; personally I hope they leave it alone.
  • Synapsis123
    Had someone disappear on me the other night. I had a detect pot running so I thought they were cheating or something, but this explains it.
  • Digibrax
    I use this method regularly. I have a lot of alts at low lvls, and often level them doing quests in IC.
    I WILL NOT give all the gankers and dirty players the opportunity to kill me (while I am doing a quest on my lvl 20 or 30 toon). I will port out if I can survive long enough, or if I see you coming towards me. No matter how much telvar i am carrying in that moment... Most of the times its les than 50, but you will get 0 if I can help it.
    Don't attack low lvl playersPVE-ers doing quests, and you won't have to complain about things like porting in the middle of "the fight".
    Edited by Digibrax on August 19, 2024 1:40PM
  • React
    React wrote: »
    React wrote: »

    In the spoiler below, here are some time stamped videos of me taking vastly outnumbered fights with 25k, 40k, 80k+ telvar on me. I routinely risk large amounts of telvar as I run around trying to kill people in IC.

    Yes, that's nice and all, but I still don't know what risk take ganker who goes to IC while holding 0 tel var and attacks person who holds large amount of it. Like I said in my previous post "(...) if they fail they lose nothing, if they succed they gain a lot of reward". There is no difficulty or risk if you don't carry any tel var on you and you attack other player who does carry them.

    You've yet to explain what your point is? Whether or not the person attacking you while you're farming is holding telvar has no bearing whatsoever on the core mechanics of imperial city or the telvar system. You suggested that people don't risk anything when attacking you, and I provided you with examples to demonstrate that that isn't always the case.

    PVP players in the PVP zone have no obligation to risk anything when looking for PVP. The onus is on the PVE or farming oriented players who are looking to financially benefit from a PVP centric currency by PVEing within a PVP zone.

    TelVar doesn't come from players, it comes from NPCs. If you want to farm tel var, you run the risk of dying to a player if you're unable to adequately defend yourself or otherwise escape. That is the entire system that props up the value of telvar. If it was farmed in a PVE only zone, the value of everything associated with it would be worthless.

    The exploit involving the queue system is becoming so widespread that we are approaching a point where there is truly 0 risk involved in farming telvar.

    My point is to figure out what sort of risk take gankers who go to IC with 0 tel var on them, the "risk" you stated in your first post that I responded to. I'm also very convinced that it does matter if person who attacks me holds tel var and it is directly related to IC mechanics. When I kill ganker who attacks me and holds 0 tel var I get noting out of it, however if this same ganker who holds 0 tel var manage to kill me, he takes half of my tel var which I needed time to farm. You provided here one example where you hold tel var while fighting in IC, yet I stated that it's common for gankers to hold 0 tel var, I never stated that always person who attacks you hold no tel vars.

    So if you say that "PVP players in the PVP zone have no obligation to risk anything when looking for PVP" then about what risk you were talking about eariler? that's what I'm trying to figure out here, because it seems like you admit that there are players who take no risk and gain whole reward. In regarding to main topic here I could make argument that PVE players have no obligation to risk anything when looking for PVE or thier tel var, and that is why they port out of IC, and if you are looking for PVP you can go to cyrodiil, BGs or do some duels, however if some players are looking for tel var they have no other place to go.

    I do agree with you that tel vars come from NPCs, however it's players who have to spend time to get them, and that is why they don't want to lose them, because they are losing time. And when it comes to defending myself I do understand that point, however on multiple, and I mean multiple occasions I died due to server delay/lag and not my lack of skills, basically I was dead before I had any chance to react, so because of this I do understand when people prefer to simply port out with thier tel vars instead of engage in fight.

    Should I call sever delay an exploit in that case? No, developer of this game created this mechanics/system and players just use it.

    Again, since you seem to not understand, there is no responsibility to risk anything for the PVP players doing PVP in the PVP zone. The risk is assumed by players who are looking to financially benefit via PVE within the PVP zone.

    But if you aren't convinced this is a flat out exploit, check this out. There are 3 (intended) methods to return to the bank within IC.

    1. You can run back.
    2. You can use a sigil of imperial retreat - which ports you back, but has a cast time and cannot be used in direct combat.
    3. You can use "get me unstuck", which has a cast time, but more importantly takes half your telvar and counts as a death. Furthermore, the UI for "get me unstuck" INFORMS you that it will count as a death and will remove half your telvar.

    It is quite obvious from both the sigil and the mechanics of "get me unstuck" that the developers never intended for you to be able to just poof out of IC at will with no risk whatsoever.
    Edited by React on August 19, 2024 2:18PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • darvaria
    It's been in the game for years. No reason to fix it now.

    How about fix "Stuck in Combat" first ...............

    It's not possible to play without this mechanic because you will always be "Stuck in Combat".

    A lot more important things to fix in game. This affects no one.
  • davidtk
    darvaria wrote: »
    A lot more important things to fix in game. This affects no one.
    Agree, that is allowed for years and more important things are here for fix.
    It affects some cranky gankers and heroes who attack from behind low lvls in that garbage called IC.
    And I enjoy pvp... I love Cyro and BGs but IC? Only for hakeios and merits, nothing more here.
    Edited by davidtk on August 19, 2024 2:49PM
    Really sorry for my english
  • gariondavey
    Certain players do this all the time. Terrified of dying, especially if they realize that your group can beat their group.

    Often I'm in queue for bgs with friends and we just run around ic while waiting for the queue to pop. Taking a bg queue is a bit different than a cyro queue to get out.

    I agree that taking a cyro queue while in combat shouldn't be allowed.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Digibrax wrote: »
    I use this method regularly. I have a lot of alts at low lvls, and often level them doing quests in IC.
    I WILL NOT give all the gankers and dirty players the opportunity to kill me (while I am doing a quest on my lvl 20 or 30 toon). I will port out if I can survive long enough, or if I see you coming towards me. No matter how much telvar i am carrying in that moment... Most of the times its les than 50, but you will get 0 if I can help it.
    Don't attack low lvl playersPVE-ers doing quests, and you won't have to complain about things like porting in the middle of "the fight".

    All this reads as is "I joined a PvP Zone but don't want to PvP"
  • Auldwulfe
    I take it one step further - I have a NB Vampire in each faction, built to stealth and gank - and I am a member of several guilds -- we set up times for them to harvest, where I deliberately do NOT join the group, nor partake in any harvesting fights, as I do NOT want telvar --- I am there in case someone wants to go after low levels to farm them..... you come in, I go for you.
    It doesn't matter to me, if I win, or not - my charges get to safety, and even if you win, I have zero telvar.....

    You still get your PVP fight, so all is fair, right?

  • SeaGtGruff
    Had someone disappear on me the other night. I had a detect pot running so I thought they were cheating or something, but this explains it.

    In Cyrodiil, I sometimes queue for IC while I'm sitting on my mount waiting for the flag on a resource to flip, so I can go turn in a completed quest for an IC district and then queue back to Cyrodiil to turn in the completed resource capture mission. This is usually, but not always, during Whitestrakes Mayhem when I'm trying to quickly complete and turn in a Cyrodiil quest and an IC quest to get my daily event tickets. When I do that, I wait until the flag is about 85% flipped before queuing, since the queue for IC pops pretty quickly and I want to be sure the flag finishes flipping before I queue out. One time I was sitting there at an EP resource that I was flipping for a mission and an EP player came riding up as the flag was flipping and I had just accepted the queue to IC. Rather than attack me, they sat there on their mount and watched me vanish.

    If I'm not in a hurry to turn in an IC daily quest and am more interested in spending time in Cyrodiil, I'll just stay there on my mount until the resource flag finishes flipping, then ride off to capture another resource. Sometimes an enemy player will ride up and attack me as I'm waiting for the flag to finish flipping, and I'll just sit there while they're attacking me, because even if they kill me while the flipping indicator looks like it's only at 80% or so, as I'm lying there dead I'll see the messages pop up about earning Alliance Points and directing me to go see the quest turn-in NPC back at my alliance base. :)

    Another thing I used to do in Cyrodiil after flipping a resource and riding away on my mount was to pop up the Alliance War screen, queue for IC, and then accept the queue, all while riding along, such that I would vanish while riding my mount. I know a lot of players complain about having to ride around Cyrodiil, jokingly calling Cyrodiil a "riding simulator," but I love to ride around Cyrodiil, and I've gotten pretty good at doing other things while riding, such as popping up the map to see where there is any current activity. :)

    As for queuing out of IC, I nearly always dash to the nearest side exit and queue out from the safe balcony on the other side, although on rare occasions I might duck into a building and hope that an enemy doesn't spot me while I'm trying to pull up the Alliance War screen and queue out. I very rarely have enough Tel Var on me to worry about losing half of it, so if I get attacked I'll usually just stand there and let the other player(s) kill me, or else try to just continue whatever I'm doing-- killing Daedroths and cultists for the Arboretum daily, killing Daedra to free citizens for the Arena daily, riding around in a circle putting thingies in the skeletal workers for the Memorial daily, etc.-- and hope I can get something done before the other player(s) kill me.

    I've never used any addons in ESO, and I never use any third-party mods or addons in other TES games, except ones available for Skyrim through the Creation Club. I'm not against addons and mods if that's how other players want to play their games, but as for me personally I'd rather play my games in plain vanilla. I don't even play Daggerfall Unity, just good ol' Daggerfall.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • ApoAlaia
    Digibrax wrote: »
    I use this method regularly. I have a lot of alts at low lvls, and often level them doing quests in IC.
    I WILL NOT give all the gankers and dirty players the opportunity to kill me (while I am doing a quest on my lvl 20 or 30 toon). I will port out if I can survive long enough, or if I see you coming towards me. No matter how much telvar i am carrying in that moment... Most of the times its les than 50, but you will get 0 if I can help it.
    Don't attack low lvl playersPVE-ers doing quests, and you won't have to complain about things like porting in the middle of "the fight".

    All this reads as is "I joined a PvP Zone but don't want to PvP"

    More like 'I joined a PvPvE zone and the whole 'P' always comes before 'E' is an opinion that I don't share'.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Digibrax wrote: »
    I use this method regularly. I have a lot of alts at low lvls, and often level them doing quests in IC.
    I WILL NOT give all the gankers and dirty players the opportunity to kill me (while I am doing a quest on my lvl 20 or 30 toon). I will port out if I can survive long enough, or if I see you coming towards me. No matter how much telvar i am carrying in that moment... Most of the times its les than 50, but you will get 0 if I can help it.
    Don't attack low lvl playersPVE-ers doing quests, and you won't have to complain about things like porting in the middle of "the fight".

    All this reads as is "I joined a PvP Zone but don't want to PvP"

    More like 'I joined a PvPvE zone and the whole 'P' always comes before 'E' is an opinion that I don't share'.

    It is a PvP enabled zone, which means PvP is part of the environment. Go somewhere else if you don't want to engage with it.

    Besides, the complaint of this post has little to do with the PvErs that port out, and much more to do with the PvPers that will only fight you while outnumbered, and queue out immediately as soon as they start to lose a fight.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on August 19, 2024 3:11PM
  • ApoAlaia
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Digibrax wrote: »
    I use this method regularly. I have a lot of alts at low lvls, and often level them doing quests in IC.
    I WILL NOT give all the gankers and dirty players the opportunity to kill me (while I am doing a quest on my lvl 20 or 30 toon). I will port out if I can survive long enough, or if I see you coming towards me. No matter how much telvar i am carrying in that moment... Most of the times its les than 50, but you will get 0 if I can help it.
    Don't attack low lvl playersPVE-ers doing quests, and you won't have to complain about things like porting in the middle of "the fight".

    All this reads as is "I joined a PvP Zone but don't want to PvP"

    More like 'I joined a PvPvE zone and the whole 'P' always comes before 'E' is an opinion that I don't share'.

    It is a PvP enabled zone, which means PvP is part of the environment. Go somewhere else if you don't want to engage with it.

    PvP enabled, but has PvE too, and people are free to prioritise whatever they feel like prioritising and find the part that they don't prioritise as insufferable as they want.

    Edited by ApoAlaia on August 19, 2024 3:13PM
  • davidtk
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Digibrax wrote: »
    I use this method regularly. I have a lot of alts at low lvls, and often level them doing quests in IC.
    I WILL NOT give all the gankers and dirty players the opportunity to kill me (while I am doing a quest on my lvl 20 or 30 toon). I will port out if I can survive long enough, or if I see you coming towards me. No matter how much telvar i am carrying in that moment... Most of the times its les than 50, but you will get 0 if I can help it.
    Don't attack low lvl playersPVE-ers doing quests, and you won't have to complain about things like porting in the middle of "the fight".

    All this reads as is "I joined a PvP Zone but don't want to PvP"

    More like 'I joined a PvPvE zone and the whole 'P' always comes before 'E' is an opinion that I don't share'.

    It is a PvP enabled zone, which means PvP is part of the environment. Go somewhere else if you don't want to engage with it.

    PvP enabled, but has PvE too, and people are free to prioritise whatever they feel like prioritising and find the part that they don't prioritise as insufferable as they want.

    I remember on of old free wow servers...
    Cata was there and half of the map was pvp enabled. Super fun when rogues was ganking at quest areas where someone wants only kill quest boss. And they sais the same... Blah blah you are in pvl zone blah blah lol.
    Really sorry for my english
  • Auldwulfe
    The issue, here, is that some people think the telvar are a reward, and that, somehow, everyone agrees to play by their personal rules, and become prey for other people's enjoyment ......

    Telver stones are a bribe, to get people to risk being victimized to get items they want, that are locked behind a gate, where the thing they need to do to get passed that gate is volunteering to be prey for predators that like to hunt lower levels, etc......

    I am all for people porting to Cyrodiil ... because if they have some success at gaining some telvars, rather than just successfully looking at a death screen..... then there might actually, one day, be a population of players that have a reason to improve, and come out to join in....

    As of right now, it's a bribery to play the luck lottery, and hope you, eventually, have enough to get something you want, for most of the lower level, or newer, players that haven't bought, paid for carries, or ground long periods, to have the newest proc and kill set armors......

    Personally, I'd love to see a rule where you cannot attack someone more than 5 levels below you, or 100 CP lower....up to about CP 1200 --- anyone up there can attack each other at will - it would not balance out the issue of people making characters, keeping them low, while researching, and then coming out wearing 2 sets of trial gear, but it would bring some fairness back for low levels ....

    Or, more people can take on time being bodyguards .... as I noted above. I usually get paid by the guilds that I guard for.... so it works for me.

    Edited by Auldwulfe on August 20, 2024 12:06AM
  • BergisMacBride
    I actually use port to Cyrodiil out of IC all the time, mostly during Whitestrakes when I'm doing dailies. I'll finish the quest, go to a corner somewhere and port out while crouched. So convenient to do that rather than do the sewers backtrack. If I happen to get ganked, no biggies, I let them get their jollies for the few telvar they get and its a free trip back with one less loading screen.

    I always bank my telvar every time before entering up top so any TVs a ganker gets are minimal.

    I do consider this "bug" to be one of the redeeming features of IC\Cyrodiil for my gameplay purposes. For my part, I couldn't care less about folks using or not using it to avoid losing telvar or a PvP fight.
  • The_Ayatollah
    React wrote: »
    Again, since you seem to not understand, there is no responsibility to risk anything for the PVP players doing PVP in the PVP zone. The risk is assumed by players who are looking to financially benefit via PVE within the PVP zone.

    But if you aren't convinced this is a flat out exploit, check this out. There are 3 (intended) methods to return to the bank within IC.

    1. You can run back.
    2. You can use a sigil of imperial retreat - which ports you back, but has a cast time and cannot be used in direct combat.
    3. You can use "get me unstuck", which has a cast time, but more importantly takes half your telvar and counts as a death. Furthermore, the UI for "get me unstuck" INFORMS you that it will count as a death and will remove half your telvar.

    It is quite obvious from both the sigil and the mechanics of "get me unstuck" that the developers never intended for you to be able to just poof out of IC at will with no risk whatsoever.

    Again, because it seems like you also don't understand, in your initial post that I responded to you stated that "Most of the time these are players that are in IC to farm telvar, which is a high value resource because of the "risk" associated with farming it - but that risk is non existent when you can simply press a key (...)", so people who go in particular to hunt for other players that already accumulated tel var are also farming (they just farming it in diffrent way) this high value resource yet they have no risk associated with framing it. So that is why I asked what risk do they take when they go to IC with 0 tel var on them. Now you say that there is no responsibility to risk anything for the PVP players but if we grant that IC is PVP zone, then everyone who enters it is a PVP player in there, so no one have responsibility to risk anything. It is a bit in denial to me to state at first that there is a risk associated with farming tel var only to follow it up with statment that there is no responsibility to risk anything. Also financial benefit comes from both sources because you can farm PVE npcs to gain tel var but you can farm tel var by killing players who have tel vars on them. If you enter IC while having 0 tel vars on you, don't kill a single npc but kill a lot of players and leave that zone with 10K tel vars, you still farmed them, you just used diffrent path to achieve it (in that case it is exclusively PVP).

    And yes, I'm not convinced that this is exploit because I'm fully aware of those 3 methods to return to bank you stated in your post, yet I still don't know what am I supposed to do about server lag/delay that contributes a lot to people dying in PVP zones and that happens often, there are even multiple threads about this issue on forum and also what am I supposed to do about being stuck in combat even when I lost pursuit. In both of those cases the simplest solution is to port out and that's it.
  • jaws343
    The problem I foresee is players, like myself, who enter into IC as a layover to Cyrodil while waiting in the queue.

    Sorry, but if my hour long queue for Cyrodil hits mid-fight in IC, I am accepting that queue. Because the consequences of not accepting it is another hour long wait in the queue.
  • React
    React wrote: »
    Again, since you seem to not understand, there is no responsibility to risk anything for the PVP players doing PVP in the PVP zone. The risk is assumed by players who are looking to financially benefit via PVE within the PVP zone.

    But if you aren't convinced this is a flat out exploit, check this out. There are 3 (intended) methods to return to the bank within IC.

    1. You can run back.
    2. You can use a sigil of imperial retreat - which ports you back, but has a cast time and cannot be used in direct combat.
    3. You can use "get me unstuck", which has a cast time, but more importantly takes half your telvar and counts as a death. Furthermore, the UI for "get me unstuck" INFORMS you that it will count as a death and will remove half your telvar.

    It is quite obvious from both the sigil and the mechanics of "get me unstuck" that the developers never intended for you to be able to just poof out of IC at will with no risk whatsoever.

    Again, because it seems like you also don't understand, in your initial post that I responded to you stated that "Most of the time these are players that are in IC to farm telvar, which is a high value resource because of the "risk" associated with farming it - but that risk is non existent when you can simply press a key (...)", so people who go in particular to hunt for other players that already accumulated tel var are also farming (they just farming it in diffrent way) this high value resource yet they have no risk associated with framing it. So that is why I asked what risk do they take when they go to IC with 0 tel var on them. Now you say that there is no responsibility to risk anything for the PVP players but if we grant that IC is PVP zone, then everyone who enters it is a PVP player in there, so no one have responsibility to risk anything. It is a bit in denial to me to state at first that there is a risk associated with farming tel var only to follow it up with statment that there is no responsibility to risk anything. Also financial benefit comes from both sources because you can farm PVE npcs to gain tel var but you can farm tel var by killing players who have tel vars on them. If you enter IC while having 0 tel vars on you, don't kill a single npc but kill a lot of players and leave that zone with 10K tel vars, you still farmed them, you just used diffrent path to achieve it (in that case it is exclusively PVP).

    You risk nothing until you kill a boss. The PVP player risks nothing until they kill you. What's the difference here?

    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • React
    jaws343 wrote: »
    The problem I foresee is players, like myself, who enter into IC as a layover to Cyrodil while waiting in the queue.

    Sorry, but if my hour long queue for Cyrodil hits mid-fight in IC, I am accepting that queue. Because the consequences of not accepting it is another hour long wait in the queue.

    Sure, this is a reasonable concern - but let's not pretend like that is what is occurring in the situations OP is describing.

    Players are farming telvar, and activating a queue the moment they see an enemy player, circumventing the entire core mechanic of telvar and imperial city.

    Players are also using this to avoid fighting people they don't want to fight - which is pathetic, but not as big an issue as the telvar loophole.

    Bare minimum, they should make it function like get me unstuck, but with safe zones being excluded. If you accept a queue while in a "dangerous" area within IC, it counts as a death and you lose half your telvar. At least then there is some incentive for the people who farm 24/7 to actually engage in the PVP aspect of IC rather than being able to circumvent it entirely with no repercussions. Won't affect people who are just in IC to PVP while waiting for a BG or cyro queue, or for people just in IC to do their dailies.
    Edited by React on August 19, 2024 4:14PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • barney2525
    so see if they will ban the addon

  • Major_Toughness
    React wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    The problem I foresee is players, like myself, who enter into IC as a layover to Cyrodil while waiting in the queue.

    Sorry, but if my hour long queue for Cyrodil hits mid-fight in IC, I am accepting that queue. Because the consequences of not accepting it is another hour long wait in the queue.

    Sure, this is a reasonable concern - but let's not pretend like that is what is occurring in the situations OP is describing.

    Players are farming telvar, and activating a queue the moment they see an enemy player, circumventing the entire core mechanic of telvar and imperial city.

    Players are also using this to avoid fighting people they don't want to fight - which is pathetic, but not as big an issue as the telvar loophole.

    Bare minimum, they should make it function like get me unstuck, but with safe zones being excluded. If you accept a queue while in a "dangerous" area within IC, it counts as a death and you lose half your telvar. At least then there is some incentive for the people who farm 24/7 to actually engage in the PVP aspect of IC rather than being able to circumvent it entirely with no repercussions. Won't affect people who are just in IC to PVP while waiting for a BG or cyro queue, or for people just in IC to do their dailies.

    Most sane forum user.
    PC EU > You
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    React wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    The problem I foresee is players, like myself, who enter into IC as a layover to Cyrodil while waiting in the queue.

    Sorry, but if my hour long queue for Cyrodil hits mid-fight in IC, I am accepting that queue. Because the consequences of not accepting it is another hour long wait in the queue.

    Sure, this is a reasonable concern - but let's not pretend like that is what is occurring in the situations OP is describing.

    Players are farming telvar, and activating a queue the moment they see an enemy player, circumventing the entire core mechanic of telvar and imperial city.

    Players are also using this to avoid fighting people they don't want to fight - which is pathetic, but not as big an issue as the telvar loophole.

    Bare minimum, they should make it function like get me unstuck, but with safe zones being excluded. If you accept a queue while in a "dangerous" area within IC, it counts as a death and you lose half your telvar. At least then there is some incentive for the people who farm 24/7 to actually engage in the PVP aspect of IC rather than being able to circumvent it entirely with no repercussions. Won't affect people who are just in IC to PVP while waiting for a BG or cyro queue, or for people just in IC to do their dailies.

    Another, potentially easier solution is to just make it so that you can't start a new queue if you've taken or dealt damage recently. You can still accept a queue pop in combat, and thus can still run around IC while queued for BGs or Cyro, but can no longer use it as a free escape tool.
  • cyclonus11
    If people are porting out during a fight, they already were trying to leave before you attacked them. They aren't opening the PVP menu and queueing mid-fight. This is not an issue.
  • React
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    If people are porting out during a fight, they already were trying to leave before you attacked them. They aren't opening the PVP menu and queueing mid-fight. This is not an issue.

    You must have missed the part where we spoke about the (multiple) addons that can start a queue for you with one single hotkey press, without ever opening a menu, and then accept the queue for you without any additional inputs. Meaning you never have to stop actively fighting back/defending yourself in order to do that.

    That said, speaking as a controller player on PC, it is extremely easy to do this manually by simply memorizing the inputs. I haven't needed to do this in quite some time myself, but it's something like Start->RT-> A -> A -> A to begin a queue, and then start -> LT -> A to accept it. Both can be done in just one or two seconds. Not at all difficult or unrealistic, especially with things like defensive ults and the current state of survivability in the game. Managing menus while in combat is a pretty common skill in general these days, looking at games like dark and darker as an example. It's even easier to do this on MnK.

    Edited by React on August 19, 2024 5:43PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • SeaGtGruff
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Digibrax wrote: »
    I use this method regularly. I have a lot of alts at low lvls, and often level them doing quests in IC.
    I WILL NOT give all the gankers and dirty players the opportunity to kill me (while I am doing a quest on my lvl 20 or 30 toon). I will port out if I can survive long enough, or if I see you coming towards me. No matter how much telvar i am carrying in that moment... Most of the times its les than 50, but you will get 0 if I can help it.
    Don't attack low lvl playersPVE-ers doing quests, and you won't have to complain about things like porting in the middle of "the fight".

    All this reads as is "I joined a PvP Zone but don't want to PvP"

    More like 'I joined a PvPvE zone and the whole 'P' always comes before 'E' is an opinion that I don't share'.

    It is a PvP enabled zone, which means PvP is part of the environment. Go somewhere else if you don't want to engage with it.

    Besides, the complaint of this post has little to do with the PvErs that port out, and much more to do with the PvPers that will only fight you while outnumbered, and queue out immediately as soon as they start to lose a fight.

    Players who go to a PvPvE environment are not obligated to "engage" with PvP. Yes, it is part of the environment, and as such they are obligated to accept the fact that they can be attacked by enemy players-- but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed to run away instead of "engaging" with their attackers.

    Personally, I think players who choose to enter a PvP or PvPvE zone should just get over their fear of getting killed by other players-- but from some of the posts defending the OP's requests, it sounds like the issue isn't timid PvE players who are too afraid to engage with their attackers, but supposedly PvP players who are queuing out to avoid the risk of losing half of their TV. Most PvE players in IC probably don't have enough TV on them to be worried about losing half of it, although to some of them even a small amount of TV might be a precious commodity.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Bammlschwamml
    There are more pressing issues than "run away prey" and missing out on stealing tel'var stones from other players.

    If someone doesn't want to play with me, i respect that and leave them alone...

    (Edit: removed some stuff that could have been misunderstood)
    Edited by Bammlschwamml on August 19, 2024 9:35PM
  • Personofsecrets

    And the few players they can't kill? They have to be exploiting something or playing unfair or cheating or whatever. It's their fault, they are playing wrong, or the game is broken, and something has to change. Because the perfect pro player with the big ego wants to be able to kill everyone, everywhere, all the time.

    The funny thing about that idea is that "being good" may have a skill component, but also has a large component that revolves around exploiting a few cheesy skills, over-performing set bonuses, and the poorly functioning los/targeting system. All of that is completely on par with queing out for any of the many good reasons that people have to port out.

    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • React
    I don't understand this mindset.

    Some players farm obvious noobs for hours and upload videos where they kill them over and over again. Taking away their chance to have fair and fun fights, and wasting their time until they log off frustrated and might never come back. Someone else is making "fight of the week" compilations with those videos, so even more people can watch the noobs get destroyed and laugh at them. In their mind that's normal and how it's supposed to be. Killing other players like they are overland npcs.

    And the few players they can't kill? They have to be exploiting something or playing unfair or cheating or whatever. It's their fault, they are playing wrong, or the game is broken, and something has to change. Because the perfect pro player with the big ego wants to be able to kill everyone, everywhere, all the time.

    Most players are really nice and relaxed about the game, but there will always be some who just can't handle losing and everything has to be serious and stressful. Dying to another good player or group already hurts and makes their stress hormones, blood pressure and pulse spike to unhealthy levels. But the absolute worst thing for them are healers, tanks and players who just don't really want to fight. It makes their heads explode, and then comes the drama...

    Why can't we just enjoy the game while it works, and stop calling each other cheaters or losers or both. The game is far from perfect, and there are more pressing issues than "run away prey" and missing out on stealing tel'var stones from others.

    It's the same thing with players running away from a fight in Cyrodiil, and enemies following them all over the map. There have been endless discussions about this, and i am sure they will go on forever.

    If someone doesn't want to play with me, i leave them alone and don't cry about it...

    Talk about gaslighting.

    As indicated by the mechanics of "get me unstuck" within IC and the existence of imperial retreat sigils, the developers did not intend for you to be able to instantly exit IC with 0 telvar loss at will. The way this is currently being being utilized to avoid having to PVP so that players can farm telvar risk free is exploitative in nature.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Ingenon
    I think disabling queue to Cyrodiil from Imperial City is a bad idea, and that ZOS should not do this.

    However, if folks want to argue risk/reward requires disabling queue, then I say ZOS should at the same time change the telvar loss to a maximum of 50% of what you are carrying AND what the enemy player is carrying. So if I get killed by an enemy player currently carrying 0 telvar, I lose 0 telvar, and respawn back at my faction base with all my telvar. The enemy player took no risk, so they get no reward, right?
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