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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Flayedalive
    This has happened to me twice now. Both times from moving over to a bank alt, I received the pre-order, beta test and imperial items again in my mail. I checked my bank and the slots were down to 60 again with only a few items in there. All my various crafting and blacksmith training items were gone.

    I relogged to my main and a good portion of my items returned into my bank but not all and not the slots. Just before the first time this happened I was about to purchase 80 slots for 3300, I'm glad I didn't. I had repurchase the 70 slots as I cannot manage without them.

    So I am an unknown amount of items down, one I do know of is all embroidery has gone. Currently down only 2000g as too scared to spend more. I am losing confidence as its a major bug that seems to be affecting rather a few.

    I do like one of the bank NPCs that say something like 'I promise that all your valuables are safe with us'. If that isn't false advertising then I don't know is :-p'
  • Domstick
    Please add me to the list.
    The bug hit me yesterday on EU megaserver.
    Logged in on my alt and opened bank, wich was empty an down from 80 to 60 slots.
    Immediately logged back to my main and still only 60 slots, wich were filled with items again. Some of the exceeding 20 Items seem to be in my mains inventory. I can't tell how much i actually lost.
    I also received the mails with Explorer Editions items again.
    Opened a Help Request Ticket and submitted it as a Bug Report. (no reply so far)

    Now I'm struggeling wether to buy the bank upgrades again or wait for support to react and solve my issue. I really need the extra storage. Support-team, please reply if I can safely buy the bank upgrades again an get a gold compensation for buying them again.

    Edit: I submitted an additional ticket through support-website, as recommended in various replies (140409-007806).
    Edited by Domstick on April 9, 2014 7:01AM
  • nogaruk_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I have been affected by this as well. I logged in this mourning on an alt (All characters are Ebonheart) to mess around with the UI. I noticed I had mail which was all my bonus content being delivered again. I assumed you might have decided to give all characters the bonus's and ignored it.

    All I did the entire time on the character was /reloadui , open/close crafting stations, and open the bank.
    When I noticed no items were showing up under the research tab I went to check the bank. There was no items in the bank.

    Thus, I switched to my main. I figured there might of been a patch/hot fix in which you changed the shared bank to be character specific. I continued on my day with my /reload's as all my items were in the bank on that character as far as I could tell as items I knew I had in the bank were showing up in the research tab. I did not actually go to the bank to check.

    Hours later, I finally went to just go level (on my main, on a different computer) and when I logged back in and opened the bank on my main I found my bank was reset to 60/60 and some of my items were in my characters inventory. Which is what brought me to find this thread. I also checked my alt again, which now has all the items showing, though still only 60/60 slots.

    I guess for the moment I will start using a bank mule until this is fixed. I do not want to chance what re-buying slots might do, nor do I trust putting anything in the bank now. This is horrid of course as having my items on an alt means I won't be able to use any of it without re-transferring the items first.

    Please add me to the list as well.
  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    Anyone else just get this email?
    Greetings Adventurer,

    We wish to apologize that it has taken such a long time to respond to your request for help. We are deeply sorry that we have not met our expectation of responding to you in a timely manner to aid in resolving your issue.
    We have recently pushed through some updates which we believe has resolved most of our customers’ current issues. If you are still experiencing an issue that has not been resolved by our recent fixes, please feel free to respond back so that we can target your trouble directly and help you more efficiently. We value all of our players and wish to address your issue so that you can travel the wilds of Tamriel.

    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Response By Email (Draconis) (04/09/2014 01:03 AM)

    Hell, I'm pretty pleased with the apology.
    And if my missing stuff and cash show up in my in-game email like they say, I'll be beside myself.
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • allwebjunkb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Altairien wrote: »
    Requielle wrote: »
    They've posted a sticky here in the Customer Service Forum - and the issue is at least now publicly noted.

    Well that's a good start although it's at least a week late.

    I received the following email a short time ago:
    Response By Email (Draconis) (04/09/2014 01:16 AM)
    Greetings Adventurer,

    We wish to apologize that it has taken such a long time to respond to your request for help. We are deeply sorry that we have not met our expectation of responding to you in a timely manner to aid in resolving your issue.
    We have recently pushed through some updates which we believe has resolved most of our customers’ current issues. If you are still experiencing an issue that has not been resolved by our recent fixes, please feel free to respond back so that we can target your trouble directly and help you more efficiently. We value all of our players and wish to address your issue so that you can travel the wilds of Tamriel.

    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    So it appears something may have been done(?), but I can't tell for sure from such a generic email. Way too boilerplate. It doesn't even mention the bank issue that prompted opening my ticket - lost items and lost slots - and doesn't address when/how they'll be restored.

    I'm still not subbing until I'm reasonably sure the problem has been resolved (nothing in the latest patch notes) so I'll give it some time and see if reports (new forum posts) trickle to zero. If Zenimax wants to give me 7 days of game time so I can beta test for them, fine, but I'm still not willing to burn my 30 days of game time included with my game purchase to beta test their game.

    I had the exact same email, checked all my characters, and bank, and as far as I can see absolutely nothing has been done. Still missing bank slots, no gold reimbursement to buy them back, no lost items returned...nothing!

    Its looking like they have sent out a sweeping statement email to people affected without any action having actually been taken, which is extremely poor customer service!
  • cheeser123
    Its looking like they have sent out a sweeping statement email to people affected without any action having actually been taken, which is extremely poor customer service!

    That's exactly what happened. So, sadly, let's not get our hopes up....
  • rorkananimal
    Received the same damn generic email.

    Pretty pissed off right now.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Shukal
    They just sent out this e-mail to close all tickets because they probably couldn't keep up with so many. Just answer it again if you stuff still hasn't been restored. And I guess it hasn't been restored for anyone of us yet.
    Edited by Shukal on April 9, 2014 8:30AM
  • Noctique
    I reported it in game and got a email from the team saying they had passed it to the correct team:
    Greetings Adventurer!

    I'm sorry to know that you are experiencing this issue :(

    Rest assured, we are aware of this issue and are currently investigating a fix! This incident will now be transferred to our proper team.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,

    Since then I have had some items put back in my bank, still missing all the gold and bank slots.

  • Violatorrose
    I don't know if anyone else has noticed this before or mentioned it here but this problem only seems to affect people who play alts therefore character swapping a lot.

    I have now experienced the bank reset THREE times and each time it has been directly after a character swap.

    My partner and his brother both play this game and have never experienced this issue, the only difference between me and them is they both only have one character that they play, no alts.

    I asked in guild yesterday and again the people that haven't been affected are those that only have one character. People who swap between alts a lot have the bank reset problem.

    For the past three days I have retired all my alts (temporarily) and focused on one character only and so far (fingers crossed) my bank has stayed intact.

    Just putting this out there in case its relevant, and if it is at least we can all carry on playing just one character rather than missing out on the game completely until its fixed :)

    Apologies in advance if I'm wrong, but this seems to have worked for me! :)

  • AngryNord
    Shukal wrote: »
    They just sent out this e-mail to close all tickets because they probably couldn't keep up with so many. Just answer it again if you stuff still hasn't been restored. And I guess it hasn't been restored for anyone of us yet.

    It might be an idea to include phrases like 'Attorney General', 'Customer Rights', 'Class Action Lawsuit' and 'Trading Standards'
  • novek000b16_ESO
    Marduk wrote: »
    Same happened to me like 2 hours ago, but my stuff is already restored (my thanks to the support at this point!). Luckily I did not upgrade my bank so far, so I lost no slots/gold.
    I just hope they can get rid of this bug very soon...

    I do not know if I want to believe this for two reasons.

    1. Nobody has gotten their stuff back yet. Those who are at least a week ahead of you in queue regarding banks. I am one of those who has been waiting over a week now, if and when I get my stuff back I will let others know.

    2. I think everyone who has been affected had upgraded their banks past the original 60 slots. I do not remember anyone posting the problem with the basic 60 slots. Although at this point I am too lazy to check back through the other 16 pages.

    Sorry but lots of post state they recovered the items, actually I did recovered my items, (at least most of them, hard to remember everything).

    Nobody have recovered the extra slots as far I know.
  • rorkananimal
    Sorry but lots of post state they recovered the items, actually I did recovered my items, (at least most of them, hard to remember everything).

    Nobody have recovered the extra slots as far I know.

    Nobody has had their items actually RESTORED yet.

    What happened is that many people didn't initially notice that if your character had enough open bag space, the excess bank inventory got dumped into it.

    They then later log in and see the items there and go "wow, restored!", when nothing of the sort actually happened.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Zakaar
    What is going on over at Zenimax. I just logged in and all my bank space was gone AGAIN (Third time). Five seconds later I get in game mail with Explorer pack items for a THIRD time. I check my email and I have a message from Zenimax support saying my issue is resolved and will be closed in 120 days if I don't reply.

    Do you really want us to request a refund, because that's where this road leads to.


  • ionutn1
    If you’re experiencing an issue with ESO or our services, our customer support team is here to help. Support is available on the forums in English, French, and German, so please select the language you prefer.

    Edited by ionutn1 on April 9, 2014 9:39AM
  • Altairien
    I don't know if anyone else has noticed this before or mentioned it here but this problem only seems to affect people who play alts therefore character swapping a lot.

    I don't doubt that the problem is triggered at a minimum by logging on a character, but I don't know if it has to be swapping characters. It sounds probable and I could come up with numerous scenarios that could cause it, but I'd have to see the code to know for sure.

    As in all things in probability, the more you do something, the more likely that a particular event will occur, i.e. the more you log on or character swap, the more likely the bug will hit. If the probability that you'll get hit is 1%, then each and every log on or character swap carries that same probability and it adds up over time.

    Eventually it will hit you if you log on/swap enough. (Of course, it could also happen the very first time, but that's unlikely.) If it's a character log on that triggers it, well, we're kinda stuck. If it's swapping, then yes, eliminating or minimizing character swapping helps.

    I'm sure the dev team at Zenimax knows what's causing it by now. (If they don't, then I fear for this game long term and I want a refund.) I just wish they'd communicate with the player base about it. Is there anything that can be done to minimize risk Zenimax?
  • Vikes546b16_ESO
    Same thing happened to me 3 times, 2 of which wiped out 80 bank space upgrades. Contacted support and got a nice email back asking about further information, which I provided via reply. No word since. I won't be upgrading my bank space until this is resolved for obvious reasons, which is making it hard to play as my entire character roster is now full of bank mules. I can't make any more alts to play with friends which is EXTREMELY frustrating.

    Oddly after the 2nd time my 80 bank space slots briefly reappeared on one character showing a completely empty bank, but they've been gone since and it's 60 slots on all of them again.

    Some sort of gold reimbursement would be quite nice.
  • KindaMayvelle
    I have no way of knowing if my stuff has been restored, because I realized pretty quick that the more I switched between my characters, the more likely this bug was to strike me I haven't been playing. But if other people's posts are anything to go by, no one has had their items/gold restored yet, so it's safe to assume mine haven't been either.

    I'm past the point of caring if my stuff gets restored. Over a week I've been waiting now. I just want them to fix the bug so it will be safe for me to play!
  • Perseas
    the pre purchase maps can be added in the bank? My pre-purchase maps cant be added! Is it a bug?
    Edited by Perseas on April 9, 2014 2:27PM
  • Vikes546b16_ESO
    Perseas wrote: »
    the pre purchase maps can be added in the bank? My pre-purchase maps cant be added! Is it a bug?

    They can be added to the bank once removed from their respective bag.

  • Perseas
    oh thank u... havent done that yet.
  • jch.raelieb14_ESO
    Has anyone noticed though, that when you log back in when the bank disappears that the only thing you get back is gear. I want my gems, those are harder to get than stupid gear. I try not to store anything I dont care about losing now, but that means switching toons repeatedly to craft which means I am setting myself up for another bank reset!
  • Shukal
    Has anyone noticed though, that when you log back in when the bank disappears that the only thing you get back is gear. I want my gems, those are harder to get than stupid gear. I try not to store anything I dont care about losing now, but that means switching toons repeatedly to craft which means I am setting myself up for another bank reset!

    I actually got mostly crafting materials back.
  • KindaMayvelle
    Shukal wrote: »
    Has anyone noticed though, that when you log back in when the bank disappears that the only thing you get back is gear. I want my gems, those are harder to get than stupid gear. I try not to store anything I dont care about losing now, but that means switching toons repeatedly to craft which means I am setting myself up for another bank reset!

    I actually got mostly crafting materials back.

    Same -- the items that DID reappear in my bank were mostly my crafting items, though I think I was still missing some of those after the wipe (my bank was almost full and suddenly I was at like...41/60 or something in my bank where before it was almost 80 items. Yikes!). It was mainly gear that seemed to be affected for me (which made me REALLY GLAD that I stored most of my gear to be researched on alts before the wipe happened).

  • jch.raelieb14_ESO
    Interesting. Since I have lost my bank 3 times so far, the first time it was with only 60 slots and no upgrades (I noticed bored said something about that no one had lost it prior to, which I have and did post here) nothing was returned to me from that one. I started restocking, but made more toons to hold stuff in fear that I would lose it. Then of course I start upgrading the bank and lose it all again. This time nothing was restored either on logging back in (this was pre-April 1st) and then of course the 3rd time I lost it, again I had not upgraded again, but had mostly gear and a bunch of gems for crafting. I had relogged to my playing toon and there was only gear in the bank, nothing else and money gone that I was actually transferring to that character.

    Oh well, they will fix it one day ... but in the meantime the lack of real response is getting pretty old. I keep submitting on the same ticket I got the original response from, but never get a reply hoping that I can keep the ticket active. I sure get a quick response when reporting a gold spammer (probably automated).

  • Elegance
    Yay this just happend to me... switched chars and noticed that my bank got smaller from 80 to 60 and lost all my gold... now i dont dare to play because i wont be able to play without getting to use the bank so im just waiting for this to get resolved.
  • Shukal
    Shukal wrote: »
    Has anyone noticed though, that when you log back in when the bank disappears that the only thing you get back is gear. I want my gems, those are harder to get than stupid gear. I try not to store anything I dont care about losing now, but that means switching toons repeatedly to craft which means I am setting myself up for another bank reset!

    I actually got mostly crafting materials back.

    Same -- the items that DID reappear in my bank were mostly my crafting items, though I think I was still missing some of those after the wipe (my bank was almost full and suddenly I was at like...41/60 or something in my bank where before it was almost 80 items. Yikes!). It was mainly gear that seemed to be affected for me (which made me REALLY GLAD that I stored most of my gear to be researched on alts before the wipe happened).

    For me my bank was at like 63/80 and after the bank slots disappeared it was at 47/60. The rest of the items was in the inventory of my main character, but after I put them in the bank again I noticed it was only at 59/60 even though I put everything inside again. The numbers are not exact because I can't remember them exactly but I seem to have lost a few stacks of crafting materials and a trophy.
  • Vhalkyrie
    I've reported this in another thread, but I'll just keep responding to every similar thread I find on this. I also had my bank/bank upgrades wiped. This has happened to me twice. My ticket was closed as 'solved' last night, and it is not solved. I am opening another game ticket. My bank upgrade was reverted from 70 to 60 slots, and has not been returned.
    Edited by Vhalkyrie on April 9, 2014 3:37PM
  • muddybrown

    i get that there isn't a fix yet for the bank reset situation, but either you start communicating and keep the player base - especially those who have been affected by this bug - updated on what we can or cannot do while waiting for a solution, or we're going to have to do something to ensure we're being heard.

    should we repurchase bank slots and have the upgrade costs refunded? or do we need to wait till a fix is available?

    you have wasted five days of my time now. no reply via email, in-game mail, forum message, forum post and i suspect i won't hear a peep from you on facebook either.

    i'm not asking for the world here. i'd just like some official clarification on what we should or shouldn't do if we are affected by this bug. if you can't even do that, i'm going to make it my personal mission to make sure every damn media outlet hears about this, and the ridiculous level of service we've got to put up with.

    talk to your customers. keep them updated on the progress, even if that update is "we don't know". anything is better than your continued silence.
    Edited by muddybrown on April 9, 2014 4:17PM
  • Rotherhans
    They have added it in the "Known Issues" sticky of this board.
    So I guess they at least have had a "Huh? What Now!?!" moment.

    I´m having increasing "why bother with this game" moments after each new day I keep logging on to the forum, getting 50+ fresh notifications in the bank-bug threads. :(
    Edited by Rotherhans on April 9, 2014 4:20PM
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
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