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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Requielle
    If their solution, after ignoring this known bug since before launch, is "account rollback", they will lose my subscription. And probably the subscriptions of all the folks I persuaded to come along and play. It's not like there aren't other options out there. Options with functioning, safe storage.
  • madak_ESO
    The best solution is to fix this bug, give us the gold needed to buy again the extra slots, and maybe some extra gold for compensate the loss of items.
  • Sedalias_Hope
    Wow... Seriously this makes me very sad. When this hit me yesterday I submitted a ticket and received a response from the staff saying they had a "team" dedicated to restoring my bank.... (I lost 40slots and about 2500 gold) seemed like it was going to be fixed pretty quick. Only to discover this has been going on since the early access STARTED and no one has got their stuff back. Wow do I feel sad about this ):
  • Altairien
    The sad thing is that Zenimax's current lack of meaningful communication may rapidly burn through the goodwill that usually accompanies a highly anticipated launch such as ESO. The longer this goes on, the more frustrated impacted players will get. As this goes on longer even more players are being hit with the bug. Also, more items, especially long worked for items (crafted, dropped, etc.), may be potentially lost. This will only increase overall player base frustration. Will Zenimax respond this way to all serious, gamebreaking, possibly character breaking bugs? That's a scary thought...

    I once experienced a similar bug in LOTRO's shared storage (essentially the same as ESO's bank). A bug had resulted in available slots initially increasing, then decreasing when it was "fixed". Thankfully that team communicated the situation fairly well and, unlike ESO, nothing was lost at any time, even if available slots ended up fewer than the number of stored items. When the slots dropped back to the correct level, e.g. to 60, if the player had 70 items in Shared, it simply displayed all 70 items with the count showing as "70/60". All you had to do was grab the extra 10 items and all was well.

    This ESO bug doesn't work that way. I have no idea what may or may not have been lost simply because I didn't have an up to the minute list of my bank when it happened. I hear some players have received their newly truncated items in character inventories. But what if the next character you log on has a full inventory? Will the system try on another character? Is this somehow tied to the AD faction as has been suggested? Will our extra bank slots be restored or will we be given the gold to repurchase? Or are we out the gold we spent? Is bank stored gold also going to be restored? Will restoring lost items require a character rollback? If we continue to use the bank, will that somehow perturb the database and make it harder to restore lost items?

    So many questions yet all we get is a vanilla "we're working on it". Yes, of course you are. You'd be silly to not work on it. But in this case, increased communication is vital. A general notification to the player base to start with. Have you considered a "known issues" post? This issue is certainly worthy of that as a minimum. Believe me, if I had known about this problem before, I would never have purchased the extra slots that I lost. I also wouldn't have kept anything in my bank longer than was necessary to transfer items to a mule character.

    I remain unsubscribed and awaiting a fix and a more appropriate level of communication. (Yes, I'm amazed I can even post because I haven't subbed and yes, my Game Time Remaining still shows as 30 days.)
  • Requielle
    Maybe the "team" dedicated to restoring lost banks is still busy picking out jerseys and a mascot?
  • rorkananimal
    Right now, I'm down 8600 gold (from buying two bank upgrades twice) plus about 15 stacks of stuff I lost in my second bank wipe. Fortunately I don't store gold in the bank, which would have left me literally broke.

    The problem, however, is not really the gold or the items, but the confidence that I no longer have in the game. I'm no longer confident in storing my stuff, I'm no longer confident in even playing.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Yakum0
    I like to know if they found the problem and working for fix it and refound us.... So i can log and play again, plz support be clear with us.
  • Noctique
    I've also had my bank reset / rolled back. Lost all the crafting mats, extra slots and gold I had in there.
  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    Altairien wrote: »
    Is this somehow tied to the AD faction as has been suggested?

    Where was this discussed?
    I hadn't heard anything of the sort, but I did have an AD bank-alt when I lost all my bank slots on April 2nd. (Items reappeared on an alt but I'm still out the 11,100 gold from the bank upgrades.)

    (Just don't like rumor-mills; I much prefer to see original sources) :)
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • silver.dragonb14_ESO
    Juste got the same pb.

    I have 80 slots in my bank, I switch some item, log out to take a reroll, and then I open my bank, 1rst time, I see nothing in it with only 60 slots. I logout and login again with the same char, I open again my bank and I see some item back (59) but with only 60 slots, not 80.

    Hope that help you :)

    Yep, that is exactly what I did. As soon as I saw the bank was empty I immediately logged out and back into the previous character. That seems to be the best way to "save" your items when you get the bug.

    However it is hard to warn people about the bug. At least 90% of the players ignore it because "My bank works fine." So it is hard to get them to listen so they know what to do IF it does happen.

    Same here. It happened to me yesterday evening around 11pm EDT. Bank started at 79/80. I had just switched to an alt, received notification that I had new mail (duplicates of the explorer pack, beta, and imperial emails), went to the bank, and it was empty and at 0/60. I logged into another alt, went to the bank, and it was up to 59/60. Went back to the original character and realized the extra items were now in her inventory. I put in a ticket in game, but had to log off. I have now put in a support request here, but based on the comments so far, I'm not sure what to expect.

    I would like to see the bug fixed, and my gold refunded so I can repurchase the 20 bank slots. I would also like to have some notification of how long this might others have said, I am reluctant to play because of this issue. I don't have the money to repurchase the slots, and don't believe I should have to carry or destroy the items that took me so long to gather.
  • Mujuro
    I'm pretty sure they'll have to do a rollback, so I'm prepared for that if it comes to it.

    That's one of the few things ZOS/Bethsoft won't do, unless they grant the entire player base additional, substantial free play time. Given that a wipe would cause many players to ragequit the game, I just don't see it happening.

    What I do envision happening is that players impacted by the bank/gold reset bug being utterly screwed and not getting anything when the bug finally gets fixed. The reason I say this is because there have been multiple resets already and assuming, arguendo, ZOS tracks resets against an account, I'd be shocked if they had the foresight to accommodate multiple reset glitches.
  • novek000b16_ESO
    Altairien wrote: »
    Is this somehow tied to the AD faction as has been suggested?

    Where was this discussed?
    I hadn't heard anything of the sort, but I did have an AD bank-alt when I lost all my bank slots on April 2nd. (Items reappeared on an alt but I'm still out the 11,100 gold from the bank upgrades.)

    (Just don't like rumor-mills; I much prefer to see original sources) :)

    Im not AD so not related to that...
  • Trake
    I got my items back, at least I think I did because cant remember everything I have there but not the bank slots.

    Were your bank slots restored also?
    Edited by Trake on April 8, 2014 9:46PM
  • ionutn1
    ive lost tons of mats and over 100k gold 2hours ago
  • Grizzly_UK
    Trake wrote: »
    I got my items back, at least I think I did because cant remember everything I have there but not the bank slots.

    Were your bank slots restored also?
    So far I haven't seen anyone state that they got their lost bank slots restored or got the gold they paid for them refunded, but I may have missed a post or two so I'm not going to say that's fact!
    Elder Scrolls gaming since November 2002 (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim & Elder Scrolls Online)
  • Marduk
    Soul Shriven
    Same happened to me like 2 hours ago, but my stuff is already restored (my thanks to the support at this point!). Luckily I did not upgrade my bank so far, so I lost no slots/gold.
    I just hope they can get rid of this bug very soon...
  • mrwilson714_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I had this happen again today. 1st time was a week ago. My items showed back up in my bank after changing toons, so I lost nothing. I lost my bank upgrade last week and it still hasn't been fixed. Not re-buying until I am sure the problem is fixed. I also received all the maps and pet mails again and I am sure that if I were to make another toon it would not have the option to skip Coldharbor.
  • ionutn1
    now ive lost even more stuff.. whatever i deposit in my bank disappears
  • cappaspada
    As i wrote before yesterday i received for the second times the items of the explorer pack and i lost 20 spaces in my bank with all the items in those 20 spaces. No refund yet and still missing the 20 spaces. For some weird reason some minutes ago i received for the third time the items of the explorer pack. I wonder what happened this time to my bank...
    Edited by cappaspada on April 8, 2014 11:17PM
  • Cuddler
    UPDATE: I just received copies of my pre-order bonus items in the in-game mail - pets, treasure maps and such, and my ticket was marked as Solved. However, I never lost those. I have not received any of the 70 items I actually lost - gear and crafting materials, some of them rare. I had to send yet another email, 5th or 6th already, asking to re-open my ticket and provide an ETA for item restoration and permanent fix.
  • daemonios
    I hope they don't do something stupid and do account rollbacks... I've been researching non-stop since early access, have dozens of traits researched that take 1+ full days to research. I just want my bank slots and deposited money back.

    So far I'm out ~7300 gold: 1000+2300 for the two upgrades lost, 3000 in lost gold that was deposited, and 1000 for a new upgrade, since my gameplay was being affected while the issue is looked into... As far as I can tell I've lost no items, but there's no way I'll ever be sure because my bank can get pretty messy and I certainly don't keep track of it all the time. [EDIT: make that 8300 gold lost, since I believe the second bank upgrade is 3300 and not 2300 gold]

    I've already submitted two tickets (# 140407-072521, which got the standard "we'll consider the issue resolved if we don't hear back from you", and # 140408-042420, which had a more personalized response but only said the issue had been forwarded to the "appropriate department".
    Edited by daemonios on April 9, 2014 12:06AM
  • Kefria
    Soul Shriven
    Well after 24 hours I'd settle for any sort of response. 'We're aware of this issue and investigating' would be good but I'd settle for a 'Sorry about this, we'll take a look and give you some idea of what we intend to do but we can't offer an eta'.

    I know that MMO's are complex beasts and I understand that not everything can be fixed in 5 minutes. Some sort of reply would go a long way.

    Thing is I've logged in once for 5 minutes since this occured. Mainly because I feel putting more items in the bank could complicate the issue and also because I've had my fingers burned by a similar issue in another MMO. Rollback, while sometimes neccesary, is not something I enjoy so much I'll grind a little more before it happens (or not as the case may very well be).
    Edited by Kefria on April 8, 2014 11:59PM
  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    Altairien wrote: »
    Is this somehow tied to the AD faction as has been suggested?

    Where was this discussed?
    I hadn't heard anything of the sort, but I did have an AD bank-alt when I lost all my bank slots on April 2nd. (Items reappeared on an alt but I'm still out the 11,100 gold from the bank upgrades.)

    (Just don't like rumor-mills; I much prefer to see original sources)

    Im not AD so not related to that...

    Alrighty. That burns up that possible rumor then, doesn't it?
    Thanks for chiming in. :]
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • SenseiKnight
    Add me to the list of the affected. As a lot of people have said here, this is one scary-as-hell bug as it destroys confidence completely. I don't even want to play due to not knowing if everything is simply going to be rolled-back at some point.

    And the shame of it all is I've been singing the praises of the game to my friends who I'd finally convinced to come join me in Tamriel. And (literally) the hour they signed up, my bank goes kaputt.

    I took a week's holiday from work just so I could play this game but now I'm scared to progress any further. Simply horrible. The quality of the content is phenomenal as far as I'm concerned and I want to play, to explore the world Zenimax have created, but now ... now what do I do!? Aaggh!

    It's like your wife (or girlfriend) that you love intensely suddenly being struck by amnesia and not knowing who you are - all those times together lost, all the memories gone, all that time building a relationship forgotten. Horrific.

    Please sort it out ASAP, Zenimax. And get the gold spent on the extra slots back to the accounts concerned. I've spent 50% of all the gold I've found upgrading my bank so I can delve into Crafting with a passion, only to find out that to do so randomly destroys the game at some point when this "bug" occurs.
  • robacooperb16_ESO
    I've had the shared items disappear on me, while the items the character I'm playing on remained, and lost 20 bank slots. Re-logged. Then pre-order items appeared in my mail again, while everything in the bank popped back along with slots. Re-logged. 2nd set of per-order items sitting in mail, everything in bank looks fine. I've submitted a ticket of course... but I found the loss of slots and items from other characters interesting since it seems to hint at an issue with the sharing of items: character I was playing didn't purchase any of the bank slots nor took original per-order items.
    The only negative experience in ESO is those that make it negative.
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    Marduk wrote: »
    Same happened to me like 2 hours ago, but my stuff is already restored (my thanks to the support at this point!). Luckily I did not upgrade my bank so far, so I lost no slots/gold.
    I just hope they can get rid of this bug very soon...

    I do not know if I want to believe this for two reasons.

    1. Nobody has gotten their stuff back yet. Those who are at least a week ahead of you in queue regarding banks. I am one of those who has been waiting over a week now, if and when I get my stuff back I will let others know.

    2. I think everyone who has been affected had upgraded their banks past the original 60 slots. I do not remember anyone posting the problem with the basic 60 slots. Although at this point I am too lazy to check back through the other 16 pages.

  • berkajerk
    I lost all my items the night of 1 April after receiving an extra copy of the explorer's pack and imperial novelty pet. However even though I had upgraded my bank slots I never lost those. I just lost all the items in the bank at the time. Many many crafting mats, blue,purple and orange tempers. Plus assorted gear.

    The common theme seems to be the extra mailing of imperial and Explorers pack.
  • Requielle
    They've posted a sticky here in the Customer Service Forum - and the issue is at least now publicly noted.
  • starstruck
    Marduk wrote: »
    Same happened to me like 2 hours ago, but my stuff is already restored (my thanks to the support at this point!). Luckily I did not upgrade my bank so far, so I lost no slots/gold.
    I just hope they can get rid of this bug very soon...

    I do not know if I want to believe this for two reasons.

    1. Nobody has gotten their stuff back yet. Those who are at least a week ahead of you in queue regarding banks. I am one of those who has been waiting over a week now, if and when I get my stuff back I will let others know.

    2. I think everyone who has been affected had upgraded their banks past the original 60 slots. I do not remember anyone posting the problem with the basic 60 slots. Although at this point I am too lazy to check back through the other 16 pages.

    @Marduk‌ could u verify what u mean by item restored? Did CS give u back the item or you just found the items in your character inventory.

    From what I can tell is that the bank slots and gold get wipe and any overflow of item in banks are thrown into the logged in character inventory. So if your character has enough inventory space, you will most likely not lose any items, else items that has no space to be thrown in will be lost as well.
  • Altairien
    Requielle wrote: »
    They've posted a sticky here in the Customer Service Forum - and the issue is at least now publicly noted.

    Well that's a good start although it's at least a week late.

    I received the following email a short time ago:
    Response By Email (Draconis) (04/09/2014 01:16 AM)
    Greetings Adventurer,

    We wish to apologize that it has taken such a long time to respond to your request for help. We are deeply sorry that we have not met our expectation of responding to you in a timely manner to aid in resolving your issue.
    We have recently pushed through some updates which we believe has resolved most of our customers’ current issues. If you are still experiencing an issue that has not been resolved by our recent fixes, please feel free to respond back so that we can target your trouble directly and help you more efficiently. We value all of our players and wish to address your issue so that you can travel the wilds of Tamriel.

    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    So it appears something may have been done(?), but I can't tell for sure from such a generic email. Way too boilerplate. It doesn't even mention the bank issue that prompted opening my ticket - lost items and lost slots - and doesn't address when/how they'll be restored.

    I'm still not subbing until I'm reasonably sure the problem has been resolved (nothing in the latest patch notes) so I'll give it some time and see if reports (new forum posts) trickle to zero. If Zenimax wants to give me 7 days of game time so I can beta test for them, fine, but I'm still not willing to burn my 30 days of game time included with my game purchase to beta test their game.
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