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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • FoolishLittleMortal
    This bug just happened to me too.
    I got those Imperial and Explorer pack mails again and then my bank was empty and re-set to 60 slots.
    I wonder if cleaning up my ingame mailbox earlier may have caused this.

    Anyone else deleted their old Explorer and Imperial Mail (after taking the items) and then have this glitch happen next time you logged in with that character who deleted the old mail?
    Trying to figure out what may have caused this bank and mail glitch. The sooner we figure this out, the sooner they can find a fix.

    All I know is that I played with my Imperial earlier today. I cleaned up my mailbox. Then later switched characters to play with my Argonian. After some quests I put stuff in my bank and switched back to my Imperial character.
    The moment he logged in I received those Mails with items. I heard of this glitch from others, so I immediately went to check my bank. The slots were re-set to 60 and the entire bank was empty. After re-logging some of the items were back, but everything beyond the original limit of 60 is gone and my extra slots are gone too.
  • KindaMayvelle
    I didn't delete the original mail, even though I took the items from it, and I ended up receiving duplicate copies of them.
  • WildSide
    Same as @KindaMayvelle here. I still have the original mails as well.
  • Vhalkyrie
    I kept all copies of my original and duplicate Imperial mails so they could check my account and verify what happened. I don't know what triggers it. I had it happen to me twice. I've been switching through several characters today and haven't had the error happen (knock on wood). I know it's still out there because several guild mates had it happen to them today.

    I've now resorted to old fashioned MMO extra banks: mules. Haven't seen a backpack bug yet (and hope I don't).

    I think they should just lock the bank upgrades so people don't continue to waste gold on it.
    Edited by Vhalkyrie on April 11, 2014 12:37AM
  • KindaMayvelle
    UPDATE: so I received an e-mail back from CS since my last ticket got elevated. They said they've been working around the clock to find a fix, and that any details of what I was doing in-game when it happened would help them.

    Should anyone else get a reply from CS, I encourage you to do the same. If details of what we were doing at the time may help them narrow down the cause, we should all jump at the chance to help.
  • RickiHN
    UPDATE: so I received an e-mail back from CS since my last ticket got elevated. They said they've been working around the clock to find a fix, and that any details of what I was doing in-game when it happened would help them.

    Should anyone else get a reply from CS, I encourage you to do the same. If details of what we were doing at the time may help them narrow down the cause, we should all jump at the chance to help.
    The issue happened to me just as I made a new character(a bank mule) and I chose to skip the tutorial part in coldharbour. Don't suppose anyone else can recognise this circumstance?
  • KindaMayvelle
    RickiHN wrote: »
    UPDATE: so I received an e-mail back from CS since my last ticket got elevated. They said they've been working around the clock to find a fix, and that any details of what I was doing in-game when it happened would help them.

    Should anyone else get a reply from CS, I encourage you to do the same. If details of what we were doing at the time may help them narrow down the cause, we should all jump at the chance to help.
    The issue happened to me just as I made a new character(a bank mule) and I chose to skip the tutorial part in coldharbour. Don't suppose anyone else can recognise this circumstance?

    I haven't tried to create a new character for awhile, so I don't know if that's the case for me...but I have seen others on the forums say that they cannot skip the tutorial now when creating a new character after having their banks wiped. I don't think I've seen anyone else say it happened AS they created a new character, though...anyone else have this happen to them?
  • cosmoecogs
    Soul Shriven
    Just received my third set of preorder items after switching between alts about 5 minutes ago. Bank showed empty until I switched chars again. I have not upgraded my bank since the first time the issue popped up on the 2nd day of early access. I assume I would've lost any additional slots I had purchased.
  • Altairien
    UPDATE: so I received an e-mail back from CS since my last ticket got elevated. They said they've been working around the clock to find a fix, and that any details of what I was doing in-game when it happened would help them.

    Should anyone else get a reply from CS, I encourage you to do the same. If details of what we were doing at the time may help them narrow down the cause, we should all jump at the chance to help.

    I didn't get such a request when I heard back from CS, but I'd only be too happy to troubleshoot this thing for hours and give them the results, but I'm not burning up my included 30 days for beta testing (I still haven't subbed in order to preserve those 30 days). If ZOS wants to give me a few days of game time, I'd dedicate a large portion of this coming weekend for some quality functional and reliability testing. Highly doubtful they'd do that, unfortunately.

    What they really should do is open up a PTS to beta testers regardless of sub status (thus allowing us to preserve our 30 days) and let us try to duplicate the issue repeatedly in an attempt to determine what edge case causes it.
    Edited by Altairien on April 11, 2014 1:17AM
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    madak_ESO wrote: »
    Normally there should be a warning message in the launcher but obviously they don't want this bug comes out in the press. Given the number of people involved I'm not sure this is the right choice.

    We will see...

    ROFLMAO. Try warning people in game. Watch as a bunch of jackasses make you look bad by saying "My bank works fine."

    Even if they did warn people, they would still use their banks because it is not an easy reproduced bug. I think that the difficulty in get the bug to reproduce itself is probably what is slowing down a solution.
    Yeah I was one of those jackasses that said "my bank works just fine" and then it happened to me too. Went from 80 to 60 and lost 13 stacks of who knows what. Lucky for me I had zero gold in my account bank and had JUST finished removing all the high level crafting mats until I could use them into an alt's bags when it happened. I also had all my CE stuff in an alt's bags (even though I got the mail msgs with full replacement CE items too). I ticketed it 2 days ago, no response yet but it's obviously a huge problem since so many are effected. As long as they get it fixed I won't complain, I just hope it's on the sooner side.

    Well I did try and warn you. I know it was me that warned you, because you went to my ignore list afterwards. I bet you wished you had listened instead of arguing now, lol.

    Like I said before people like you make it really hard to try warning people about the problem.
  • Vhalkyrie
    I got an email from CSR asking me basically the same thing, to send them more info. So I sent them more info, and I had my ticket closed with a generic response. So, hope you have better luck than I did.

    My bank reset happened with a main character that was level 21 and an alt level 8 several days old, so it does not correlate to making a new character in my case.
    Edited by Vhalkyrie on April 11, 2014 2:30AM
  • madangrypally
    Not sure if its related but I just lost more items from bank inventory even though bank was not full and no upgrades to bank slots.

    My bank reset a few days ago and I loose a ton of crafting mats. Now while crafting I end up loosing half my enchanting materials. I am beyond angry at this point.
  • Requielle
    RickiHN wrote: »
    I am glad I went to this forum out of frustration with the support. The common users here seem to know more about the bug than the average support guy do.

    The support guys haven't had their bank accounts deleted.
  • begofrem

    Hit with the bank bug. 80 slots down to 60, and missing those 20 items.

  • andrantos
    Bah, I should've heeded my friends warnings of the so called 'Bank of Tamriel'. I stubbornly refused to believe their explicit concerns on hefty fees, pitiful customer support and most importantly, non-existent security protocols.

    I turned a blind eye when another patron was "accidently" provided temporary access to my storage boxes.

    I also willingly accepted the exorbitant storage expansion costs.

    But today was the last straw. They temporarily lost everything I have banked since I opened my account. It seems as though they have recovered most, but not all items. They also lost all documentation in regards to the expanded storage I scrimped and saved to pay for.

    What kind of bank is this?!

    PS. I really would like all my items back and most importantly, my banking slots. I hope it doesn't take too long as that is a lot of time that just went "poof" in an instant.

    So, Zenimax, I know you are working on a fix.... but faster... pretty please :)
    Edited by andrantos on April 11, 2014 2:43AM
  • Isdel
    I just got hit with it as well.
    My bank shrank from 90 to 60, about 30 items and gold are gone.
  • andreas.rudroffb16_ESO
    why this needs a fix .. that bug was encountered in beta wile logging between chars ... there should be no "please fix" ... there should be "fix asap and give me my slots/items/money and refund the time this is not fixed... i pay for every day in this game"
    Edited by andreas.rudroffb16_ESO on April 11, 2014 3:03AM
  • voltagebinarycub18_ESO
    @Antiqua is having this same issue but she cannot log into the forums because it's saying her "Invitation is not found" even though she has played in betas before.

    Is this an ongoing issue 8 days later? What is going on?
  • Norval007
    Soul Shriven
    I too lost my extra bank slots. No resolution yet. Just a generic email stating if they don't hear back they will consider the issue resolved. Wait? What? You didn't do anything and yet consider the issue resolved???
  • Norval007
    Soul Shriven
    Everyone should go on twitter and Facebook and post about this. The power of social media.
  • Arkurin244167
    Like a lot of people here in the thread its been over a week with no resolution, and no communication beyond the initial rp email.
    I understand they're working on it... its still frustrating not to hear anything from customer service.
  • Isdel
    This is a huge issue that's been around for too long and I haven't heard of it until I was affected by it. Can't they just warn people about this?
    Edited by Isdel on April 11, 2014 3:58AM
  • rrcottinb14_ESO
    It has been nine days for me and I am really getting tired of waiting. It is not just the crippling bank bug. Add in the broken quests, broken dungeons and miserable customer service. It is starting to change me from a fan into someone who feels taken advantage of by ZOS. I was really looking forward to ESO and it may be a decent game someday. But, to me it looks like a bug-ridden pile of dung serviced by *** flinging monkeys at the moment. ZOS should really be ashamed of themselves. This is not the way to treat paying customers. :(
  • Vladish
    Considering the amount of problems that surfaced at the launch and after, if feels like they are bout to scrap the game because they aren't competent enough to fix it. Bank space as aggravating as it is, is just a tip of a much larger problem at hand. I mean, all other ES games thrived on community-created content (mods, etc.). Maybe they were so used to people solving problems for them that they never learned how to do it themselves. [/end sarcasm]
  • Heimbad
    Same here.. April 11, all my extra bank slots disappeared, along with my money and, probably, the stuff that was in the extra bank slots (it was full). Need to fix this, and quickly... Going back to Minecraft until it is fixed -- there's no way I'm going to spend all that time again making enough money to rebuy all the lost slots...
  • bamajabub17_ESO2
    Soul Shriven
    I still have not received even an acknowledgement of my ticket submitted three days ago on the loss of the 7,000 in bank...Was luckier than some that my items reappeared after a few re-logs.
    I realize that the scope of issues plaguing the game at the moment, but CS should send out some message to ticket holders that they are working on their problem.
  • spyritwind
    Everything in my bank was gone and I lost the ten extra slots I had paid for. I then suspected that the bug may have triggered from having two of my characters in the same bank (not at the same time of course). I pulled one of them out of the bank and logged back in and my stuff came back, but I still lost the upgrade. I went ahead and paid the 1K again for the extra ten slots, but it would be nice to get that back. Thank you.
  • muddybrown
    Guys, please realize that Zeni is working on the bug, it's just going to be a while before a fix.


    Oh, and here is my response from Tech Support for the ticket I submitted regarding the bank bug:

    Thank You for contacting Elder Scrolls Online Support Team. Yes this is a known issue,

    Because of the great mudcrab migration. They left holes all over the land which caused or mail carriers to disappear. But be assured Vestige we have sent our High Elves to go investigate your missing items. And Molag Bal minions infiltrating the bank systems and causing problems for some of our players' characters. We've got an expert team of banking mages looking into the issue and working to reverse the effects of some stray spellwork. We appreciate your patience in this matter -- these spells can be pretty tricky and take some time to perfect! Rest assured,they'll get back to you as soon as they can. Until such time expires you shalt not fret this issue will be resolved in an timely fashion.

    However because you messaged us. We will be sure to take extra effort in assuring that your bank slots are replaced as soon as possible.

    So yeah, they are working on it, but will probably be a while before we get our stuff back.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to keep on playing, and just be careful with how i manage my bank inventory.

    no. no, no, no.

    none of us here believe, for even a second, that they aren't working on it. it's a complicated problem that's been around since beta. it's game-breaking. if they aren't working on it at the highest priority, then they don't deserve to be in business. it's that simple.

    the problem here is not about us giving them a damned break. it's why they've kept quiet all this time.

    so now you have an email saying they're working on getting your bank slots restored (i never got that mail, despite the three or four tickets i've submitted, which started from polite and leveled up to insane).

    we also have one other poster who've gotten assurances over the phone that there will be "replacement or compensation"

    but NOT ONCE have i heard a ZOS employee say to me "we've got your back. we've got you covered." NOT ONCE has anyone said those things publicly to the playerbase at large.

    all we've gotten is the cut and paste response with the ludicrous parody role play elements which makes us think they're treating my ENTIRELY SERIOUS complaint like a joke.

    it's not funny. the affected playerbase is concerned. some are even annoyed. and me? i'm livid. but still with the stupid joke responses. and still silence.

    i suppose that's it then.
  • Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO
    It's friday the 11th April, almost a whole week passed, and I am still missing my 30 bank slots.

    Would love to be added to the list of those who get in touch with the support and hopefully getting the 30 missing bank slots (or the gold to re-buy these) back this friday/weekend.

    So far no one has even reacted to my tickets. I have posted two last weekend (about bank slots and digital-content e-mails) , and one yesterday about my bank slots again ...

    Edited by Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO on April 11, 2014 5:27AM
  • madsurgery
    Has anyone received a response from Ingame Ticket and were addressed by a different name. I was called: Greetings Valiant Warrior Christopher, whence my account name is not Christopher.
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