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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • bamajabub17_ESO2
    Soul Shriven
    My bank items disappeared along with 7,000 gold on April 8th while I was in game.. After two re-logs my item reappeared, but the gold did not.. Sent two messages to Support and put in ticket #140409-049728, but no acknowledgement of my problem has yet to be received.

    After seeing this long list I can understand they must now be aware of the bug and are working on fix, but some reply to all of us on status would be appreciated.
  • OniMalkav
    Those who lost items, try checking out inventories of all your characters, might be there or might not be there.

    EDIT: That is after you get your banked stuff returned.
    Edited by OniMalkav on April 10, 2014 4:11PM
  • Merlinus
    ya they keep telling us items are going to be returned and to keep an eye on your mail, this is good and all but i'm more worried about the 25k+ gold i've lost on bank upgrades. went from 100 slots down to 60 and every time i ask them about my bank slots being restored i just get a generic response saying they are working on returning items lost. at this point i don't even care about the items i want my bank slots returned or money reimbursed. or info on which option they will be doing that for. cause if they are just gunna give me the money back i might just buy the upgrades again if not, i'm not gunna buy a single upgrade, but as always been in the dark about this for 4-5 days and stuck with a 60 slot bank just sucks. i think i spend more time moving items to alts at this point then i do questing, frustrating? yes, lack of info on the matter? even more so...
  • WyeVxndzz
    My poor isolated character was returned to the fold!
    i.e. she's back on the group bank, and the couple things i put in her solo bank during the sundering were pushed into her bag. nothing lost.
    They're working their way through the bugs and tickets. =)
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • gsmcgowanb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Lost 40 slots, 38 items and 35k gold.

    Hope they get it fixed soon and can reinstate everything that was lost.
    Else there better be some damn nice compensation for the trouble as this isn't the kind of thing that needs to be handled badly before people have even committed to a subscription.
  • crowfl56
    ok I have read lots of posts here and just how are you people able to buy 50 or 60 more bank slots, come on are you buying gold? because playing the game properly won't get you enough gold to do this, I cry foul / cheaters / or just plain abuse.
  • korkibucek
    Same issue for me,

    Ticket 140410-044193
  • KindaMayvelle
    What's really sad about this is that I feel like we're not being given the attention this issue deserves... there are so many people still able to play the game, so it feels like they're focusing more on making sure those people continue to have a smooth experience so they'll sub instead of helping those of us who aren't having such a smooth time (because let's face it, people experiencing this bank bug are just less likely to want to keep playing than people who have had no problems so far). Which is sad, because I've been addicted to this game since beta, and I only got like, 2, maybe 3 days of my 5-day early access to play before I got hit...and I haven't logged into my account since for fear of making the problem worse. I rreeeaaalllyyy want to play. So this downright sucks.
    Edited by KindaMayvelle on April 10, 2014 4:32PM
  • Vhalkyrie
    If this happened to me before I committed to the 3 month subscription plan, I would have opted for the month to month instead. I was going to buy the palomino horse, but I'm holding off on that until I see how they handle this. Yes, the bug needs to be fixed, but people need to have their bank upgrades restored, not just items. A lot of people invested into those upgrades.
    Edited by Vhalkyrie on April 10, 2014 4:36PM
  • madsurgery
    @crowfl56 .... done with alot of crafting and selling these items. Very very time consuming ... and that's why now I am mad on losing the 110 Bank bags.
    Either I get reimbursed and thus be able to repurchase bags or I will/may unsubsribe.
  • Mabh
    Vhalkyrie wrote: »
    If this happened to me before I committed to the 3 month subscription plan, I would have opted for the month to month instead.

    You're not committed to the 3 month plan at this stage. Cancel your sub (you can still play on your 30 days) and then if you want resub on the monthly plan. It's only after the 30 days that you will be billed on whatever plan you've set up.
  • zeuseason
    I haven't really logged in to play since this happened to me last night. This is so discouraging! I want my bank upgrades back (110 slots), my 20+k gold I had stored in the bank and the 50 slots worth of items given back. They HAVE to have some kind of character track record of this stuff. Every top shelf MMO I know does.
  • madsurgery
    Just to be sure. Where should I actually send my bug report?

    I used the in-game F1 ---> Customer Support ---> Ask For Help (chose Account Hacked).

    Is this right ?
  • magickats242cub18_ESO
    Guys, please realize that Zeni is working on the bug, it's just going to be a while before a fix. A couple of years ago my WoW account got hacked, and the time it took for them to restore my stuff was anywhere between two to three weeks, due to the long queues and number of incidents.

    Now imagine the number of people who have lost their gold and bank slots here in ESO and consider the number of other issues the tech team has to deal with.

    This bank thing is a nuisance, but at the moment, refrain from buying bank upgrades, and keep the more valuable stuff on mules. Just have a little patience.

    Oh, and here is my response from Tech Support for the ticket I submitted regarding the bank bug:

    Thank You for contacting Elder Scrolls Online Support Team. Yes this is a known issue,

    Because of the great mudcrab migration. They left holes all over the land which caused or mail carriers to disappear. But be assured Vestige we have sent our High Elves to go investigate your missing items. And Molag Bal minions infiltrating the bank systems and causing problems for some of our players' characters. We've got an expert team of banking mages looking into the issue and working to reverse the effects of some stray spellwork. We appreciate your patience in this matter -- these spells can be pretty tricky and take some time to perfect! Rest assured,they'll get back to you as soon as they can. Until such time expires you shalt not fret this issue will be resolved in an timely fashion.

    However because you messaged us. We will be sure to take extra effort in assuring that your bank slots are replaced as soon as possible.

    So yeah, they are working on it, but will probably be a while before we get our stuff back.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to keep on playing, and just be careful with how i manage my bank inventory.
  • Vikes546b16_ESO
    crowfl56 wrote: »
    ok I have read lots of posts here and just how are you people able to buy 50 or 60 more bank slots, come on are you buying gold? because playing the game properly won't get you enough gold to do this, I cry foul / cheaters / or just plain abuse.

    Wow, really? That's your contribution to the thread? Selling items, questing, crafting (with what limited space is available to us now).
  • KindaMayvelle
    I don't even care at this point if I get any of my missing items/gold/bank slots back. I just want them to fix what is causing this so we can play safely. I'm sure others want their stuff to be returned, but I'm also sure that even more than compensation, they also want to see the bug fixed so we don't have to worry about it anymore.

    This bug has been around since beta. When it hit in early access, they shut down the servers for a very long time to try to fix it, because not only were banks being affected, but people were logging into each other's accounts. They fixed the account swap issue, but not the bank bug. In fact they literally just said, "we hope this patch fixed the issue, please check to see if it did" (aka they did nothing to target it specifically, they just hoped that fixing other things made it go away). Since people came back submitting tickets because no, it didn't fix the issue, it continued to happen, we've barely heard anything from them and it's the lack of communication that bothers us the most.

    Only recently did they add the bank bug to the list of Known Issues here on the forums, and they're still keeping mum on it to the larger population of players. As a result, more and more people are being affected and losing their items/gold/slots because they didn't know to be wary of the bank. Now they have even more items and gold they have to restore. They literally created more work for themselves because they refused to post a warning to the players. All it would have taken was a line in the Announcement box when you go to log-in to the game -- "be aware this issue may affect you, please be mindful of what you put in the bank until we work this bug out".

    They actually communicated fairly well in the beginning, but since then - silence. If they don't know how to fix it (yet), they should just say so, instead of leaving us in the dark.
  • dragonhugs_ESO
    I refuse to continue playing and I will NOT be subbing to ESO until the bug is fixed. It's bad enough you have to deal with such limited space in this game and the high prices on bank upgrades, but I refuse to work my butt off to pay for expansion just to have the upgrades and the items within disappear.
    No thanks. I'd rather lose my 30 days of "free" play time and play with a peace of mind rather than worry about my treasures I've acquired on my adventures.
  • KindaMayvelle
    Your 30 days free only starts when you set up your sub, so if you don't play/don't set up a sub, you don't have to worry about losing your free play time. That's why I haven't played in days -- don't want to waste my free days until they fix it.
  • Altairien
    I refuse to continue playing and I will NOT be subbing to ESO until the bug is fixed. It's bad enough you have to deal with such limited space in this game and the high prices on bank upgrades, but I refuse to work my butt off to pay for expansion just to have the upgrades and the items within disappear.
    No thanks. I'd rather lose my 30 days of "free" play time and play with a peace of mind rather than worry about my treasures I've acquired on my adventures.
    My understanding is you won't use (and won't lose) your included 30 days until you actually set up a subscription. I haven't set up a sub yet and my account still says:
    Game Time Remaining
    You have 30 days of game time remaining.
    Of course, this assumes that it is working as intended and we can see via the bank bug that not everything is working as intended.
  • DeiX
    Soul Shriven
    This bank bug is annoying. I've lost 20 slots and 10k yesterday. I'm still waiting for zenimax to fix this but it ruins my characters progression.....Fix this Zenimax
  • WildSide
    I am in the same boat...lost all my bank upgrades and items, as well as recieved a new set of collector items.....i submitted a ticket, but i did not get any confirmation email even saying ZM has received the ticket. I don't want to bog down the system with extra help requests, but i'm starting to think my ticket never even was made it to them.
  • Vhalkyrie
    Mabh wrote: »
    Vhalkyrie wrote: »
    If this happened to me before I committed to the 3 month subscription plan, I would have opted for the month to month instead.

    You're not committed to the 3 month plan at this stage. Cancel your sub (you can still play on your 30 days) and then if you want resub on the monthly plan. It's only after the 30 days that you will be billed on whatever plan you've set up.

    Thanks for the info!
  • per.t.pettersenb16_ESO
    Happned for the second time to me today.
    Lost all crafting items and storage reset from 80 to 60 again.

    And i havent got anything back from the first time it happend.
    Edited by per.t.pettersenb16_ESO on April 10, 2014 8:32PM
  • korkibucek
    Guys, please realize that Zeni is working on the bug, it's just going to be a while before a fix. A couple of years ago my WoW account got hacked, and the time it took for them to restore my stuff was anywhere between two to three weeks, due to the long queues and number of incidents.

    Now imagine the number of people who have lost their gold and bank slots here in ESO and consider the number of other issues the tech team has to deal with.

    This bank thing is a nuisance, but at the moment, refrain from buying bank upgrades, and keep the more valuable stuff on mules. Just have a little patience.

    Oh, and here is my response from Tech Support for the ticket I submitted regarding the bank bug:

    Thank You for contacting Elder Scrolls Online Support Team. Yes this is a known issue,

    Because of the great mudcrab migration. They left holes all over the land which caused or mail carriers to disappear. But be assured Vestige we have sent our High Elves to go investigate your missing items. And Molag Bal minions infiltrating the bank systems and causing problems for some of our players' characters. We've got an expert team of banking mages looking into the issue and working to reverse the effects of some stray spellwork. We appreciate your patience in this matter -- these spells can be pretty tricky and take some time to perfect! Rest assured,they'll get back to you as soon as they can. Until such time expires you shalt not fret this issue will be resolved in an timely fashion.

    However because you messaged us. We will be sure to take extra effort in assuring that your bank slots are replaced as soon as possible.

    So yeah, they are working on it, but will probably be a while before we get our stuff back.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to keep on playing, and just be careful with how i manage my bank inventory.

    The CS from blizzard is way better, friends of mine who have had accounts hacked and/or lost items have had a response within minutes/hours.
  • RickiHN
    This needs to fixed fast. This is sapping my will to want to play, having to constantly spend half an hour to solve the puzzle of how to get just a little bit of inventory space. All my bank items got spilled into my characters inventories so now all of them are completely bogged down. To make it worse, crafting is so extremely time consuming now because I can no longer have all the ingredients in the bank+character. So constantly have to shuffle items around back and forth from alts (like on of those puzzles where you can only move one piece at the time) to have the ingredients needed just now available.

    It is just so frustrating that I simply don't want to play any more, since doing a quest will just bring in more items to make the situation even worse. I am wasting game time on a bug that affects something as holy as our bank! It needs to be fixed NOW!

    And when it comes to the ingame support, the help and information they have offered on this matter have been laughable. Either they answer on something different than I ask and then mark the case solved, or they give some standard and vague reply that says nothing at all and then marks it as solved. Both resulting in that you can no longer get a reply from them if you have further questions. So you are forced to open a new ticket every single time you want a clarification to something they said.

    And not once has there be talk of doing anything to actually helping me out making me actually able to play the game properly. Not even something temporary like giving everyone a certain amount of bank slots or something.

    I am glad I went to this forum out of frustration with the support. The common users here seem to know more about the bug than the average support guy do.
    Edited by RickiHN on April 10, 2014 9:17PM
  • ionutn1
    anyone got items back?ive been waiting for 3 days for a reply now..:(

    We will do our best to respond within one (1) business day.

  • korkibucek
    korkibucek wrote: »
    Same issue for me,

    Ticket 140410-044193

    Items have re-appeared, not sure if this was fixed or just a temp bug?
  • korkibucek
    korkibucek wrote: »
    korkibucek wrote: »
    Same issue for me,

    Ticket 140410-044193

    Items have re-appeared, not sure if this was fixed or just a temp bug?

    Just realized by slots are back down from 70-60..... opening another ticket
  • korkibucek
    Same thing just happened to me, I lost all my items and a few hours later they return....

    Only to find my bank has gone back down from 70 to 60 slots.

    Honestly never come across such massive bugs in an mmo, its such a shame as its a good game and I am about to cancel my 3month subs. Just cant be playing an MMO where I am losing items through bugs like this.

    Ticket is 140410-065280
  • madsurgery
    After sending ticket I get an automated response as most of you have.
    I dunno but these automated responses should not even be part of Support.
    They just don't address any issue directly and are just gibberish.

    I want my Bank Bags/Slots back. From 60 -> 110 bags I have invested time, effort and I hope Zenimax will not leave this issue hanging on thin air.

    I am still playing but I have lost 50% of the fun ... which eventually if not addressed properly might lead to decreased interest in this MMO.

    A bank/slot refund of some sort here should be a must and not a possible option.

    I hope Zenimax or any other dev reads this and ponders on it.
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