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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    fiji wrote: »
    I guess those are the pets of doom now. If you see them in the mail again when you log in, you know your bank is @#$%ed.

    ^ Yup
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Xfan
    Lol, pets of doom! Fear the monkey or the mud-crab ... whatever makes you *** your pants :trollface:
  • Antarien
    Soul Shriven
    The same problem happened 3 days ago. I lost 2 upgrades, 1500+ gold, and few things. It happend when I relog to my alt.
    Edited by Antarien on April 8, 2014 8:42AM
  • madak_ESO
    6 days... and this bug is not hard to reproduce, the procedure is explained many times in this post. It should be relatively easy to debug.
  • Kefria
    Soul Shriven
    Unfortunately happened to me too. Logged a ticket via website rather than in game as per a post somewhere from a Zeni bod. No response as of yet.

    Had upgraded to 90 slots and it was jammed full of stuff. Then post-patch yesterday when I was asked to re-auth my machine I got the additional Imperial bonus mails and when I tried to drop loot into the bank I found I'd lost the 30 slots I'd bought. The character I was playing at the time had no pack space (hence visit to the bank) so I can't confirm that the lost slot items will return to inventory. If I'd known about this before hand I'd have created an alt with an emprty inventory to test that theory.

    As 90% of the items in there were for crafting or researching I've no idea what I might have lost at this point :(.
    Edited by Kefria on April 8, 2014 8:55AM
  • Shukal
    I'm affected by the bug too. The second set of customer appreciation mails didn't feel much like appreciation to me. When I got them on one of my alts 20 of my 80 bankslots disappeared and some of the items in the bank disappeared. I'm not exactly sure what disappeared (mostly crafting materials I guess), only item I can say for sure is gone is my Finvir's Trinket. Some of the items (though not all) that were in the bank before actually reappeared in the inventory of my main character when I'm 100 % sure they were in the bank. Got one response from support that said they are working on the issue and nothing since then even though I sent some more tickets.
    Edited by Shukal on April 8, 2014 10:32AM
  • Duccea
    Ichikai wrote: »
    I just find it disconcerting to not see a single person post they've gotten their stuff back. Even though people are supposed to have been getting their stuff returned for days now.

    I really hope it does not happen to me again, I keep seeing people say it has happened to them multiple times and I'd totally dread that moment.

    At this point, knowing it won't happen again would be a big relief.

    Just as a quick heads up: I experienced this bug yesterday and reported it via the "get help" option ingame before logging off for the night in order to wait for them to fix the other issues that came with the patch.
    When I logged back in today, I found the missing items in my inventory. The bank upgrades are still gone however, and I am not sure if I got a gold refund in order to repurchase them, as I do not know how much gold I had when logging off. I think my gold count did increas, but am not entirely sure.

    A meassage from CS telling me that items and also gold had been refunded would have been nice, but for now I am happy I got my items back.

  • muddybrown
    same. i found (most?) of my items in my inventory after logging in the following day, but no gold refund for the bank slots. i subsequently encountered the same problem as the OP - falling through the world endlessly.

    the second problem i solved (myself, thank you very much) by using battleping. for the first problem, i received an email saying they're looking into it. it's been... five days now, and i've sent two follow ups and NO RESPONSE.

    my big issue now is i don't know how ZOS plans to fix this, the timeline, and the mechanics. if they're refunding the gold i spent to upgrade the bank to 80 (4,400g) and the 500g that was inside the bank, then i can get right back to business by re-upgrading my bank (i'll be down a couple of thousand gold in the meantime, but my play won't be affected).

    but if i have to wait for them to restore my bank (i.e. they can fix it, but not send you gold reimbursements), then i'll have to wait. endlessly. with 20 less slots in my bank.

    so please, someone just give us players who are putting up with (and paying for) your buggy *** at least the decency of a response. tell me it'll take a month, and not to re-upgrade my bank. or tell me to go ahead, and you'll work around that.

    but tell me something.

    EDIT: every time the bankers in wayrest talk about trusting their "security and discretion", i feel like raising another petition.
    Edited by muddybrown on April 8, 2014 11:16AM
  • Shukal
    They should have made an announcement that you shouldn't buy bank upgrades or deposit gold when the first people started discovering the bug, not waited until so many people have that problem.
  • reksevrin
    Soul Shriven
    Yesterday this bug struck me. I had just that morning upgraded my bank to 90 slots. Then after the patch in the early afternoon I logged back in. After a short play session my character was full and I headed back to town. My procedure has been to dump items into the bank and then log in other characters to de-construct those items (by those characters crafting specialty).

    Upon loading my first character the bug struck. I got the group of emails, which I thought was odd, but went upon my merry way. I went to the crafting stations and noticed there was nothing to deconstruct (items were not pulling from the bank). So I went to the bank itself and noticed there was nothing in it. It was empty, and the slots were back down to 60.

    I figured this was a bug and re-logging would fix it. So I did so. But it did not fix it. I checked my other characters one at a time. The bank not having items seem to resolve itself, but it was still at 60 slots instead of 90.

    It was at this point I submitted a bug report and put in a customer service ticket. I also started researching in the forms finding several threads on the issue. One of which wanted people to submit a ticked though the web portal, which I did.

    At first this I was frustrated and unhappy. There are bugs and then there are game breaking bugs. This, to me, is a game breaking bug. Yes, I can play the game, but it adds a layer of aggravation and trouble to do so.

    Now I am getting angry. I have not heard from a Customer Service Rep even so much as to tell me they have received my tickets. They say they are looking into it on the forums, but without any indication of a solution on the horizon. It is bad business on Zenimax’s part so far.

    I do not have an eidetic memory, I do not know the exact contents of my bank before this happened to know if I lost items or what. But I fear I have. And more over I am wary of playing those initial characters for fear of losing more. I don’t know if they will fix my bank spaces, if they can/or will reimburse items that were lost. I don’t know because they are not talking to me.

    One of my disappointments in the game is inventory size. They could double the bank size and that may only begin to make it better. You need so many components (both to build from and deconstruct) when you work on multiple crafting skills it eats up space at an alarming rate. And then this bug comes and long rears its ugly head and stops me in my gaming tracks.

    This has been the worst customer experience in an MMO I have had (and I have been playing since early Everquest).
    Edited by reksevrin on April 8, 2014 12:58PM
  • madak_ESO
    reksevrin wrote: »
    This has been the worst customer experience in an MMO I have had (and I have been playing since early Everquest).

    Same for me, 10 years of MMO, first time I see a critical bug without neither official communication nor support.
  • veneficus
    Zenimax? Are you there? Two days now that I've suffered from this game-handicapping bug while from what I read others have had it far longer with no resolution.

    Can you at least tell us what you are planning to do? Are you waiting to publish a fix for this issue before restoring bank space, gold and items to people? Hello?

    As someone who has been playing MMORPG's since Ultima Online (which I beta tested) I can honestly say this is the first time I have ever experienced such a severe, game-breaking bug in a released game. I understand that bugs can happen but the silence regarding a solid plan to fix this issue and to compensate those affected is trying my patience. As much I like this game otherwise my spouse and I may seriously need to consider cancelling our 6-month subscriptions if this kind of treatment continues.
  • Qadir
    Whoever's keeping tally can add one more victim of the bank bug to the list.

    Same issue as all others have described. The response to my ticket so far has been a copy/paste of how to submit a /bug report, which I found infuriating. I don't need to inform the company of a bug they've been aware of for a week now and have done -nothing- about. Even the tale of Molag Bal minions would have been preferable to what I received, albeit just as useless.

    The game clearly wasn't ready for live, but I think most of us have been patient in waiting for them to be fixed while our subscription timer ticks on. If ZeniMax expects us not to cancel our subscriptions before the 30-day mark though, they need to get their ducks in a row. If the bugs can't be fixed timely, they need to at least be a lot more on top of their game as far as customer relations and compensation goes.

    I was on the fence on subscribing to begin with due to the bug-fest that was beta, but ZeniMax seems keen on pushing me and others straight off the fence and to another MMO.

    PS: For any Customer Relations employee, ticket is 140408-029717.
    Edited by Qadir on April 8, 2014 4:22PM
  • stefan9
    Restore all our banks or give us the gold as compensation asap. Also ps asap doesn't mean in a few hours or days it means within minutes ;P
  • Cheesybread
    Same problem here, i really think to ask a refund of the game. I can't stand the constant bugs of this game.
  • KindaMayvelle
    A week I've been waiting now. I'm so tired of switching between being annoyed and defending ZOS. I will still play the game, because I looked forward to it for so long...but I won't play until they fix this bug and give me back my stuff. I haven't touched the game since it happened for fear they might have to do rollbacks in order to fix the problem. As a result I also haven't started my sub yet -- I refuse to waste my 30 free days, unable to play, waiting for them to fix this.

    People here in the forums have done a pretty good job detailing the circumstances under which this bug has been occurring. Maybe if customer support read the forums more often, they'd see that. Even just an acknowledgement would be nice...I haven't heard from anyone in days. Being left in the dark, unable to play, afraid to log in for fear that what's remaining in my bank will vanish if I try to move it to an alt...not good time, ZOS, not good times.
  • Requielle
    I submitted a ticket when my bank went *poof* on Saturday. I got a canned response to an issue I didn't submit. 2 rounds of email later, I got a "we're aware of the bug" response. When I searched the forums I found posts going back to before launch about this bug. Whoever decided that it was OK to launch the game with insecure storage (a broken base game feature) is a perfect example of the Peter Principle.

    The complete inaction and official silence on this gamebreaking bug are really, really burning through my goodwill. Most other gaming companies have discovered the utility of a "Known Bugs" sticky post in the forums, at the bare minimum.
  • muddybrown
    I'm so tired of switching between being annoyed and defending ZOS.


    i pretty much raved non-stop about this since beta. sure it's buggy, but they'll fix most of it before they charge people good money for it, surely. no?

    as a direct result of my badgering, i now have five other friends playing... and paying... and frankly, i'm getting pretty embarrassed for having gotten them into this. i've even stopped trying to pressure my other friends to play (we need ten for guild bank? wtf!) until i can not feel like a *** for plugging the game.

    now i'm not silly enough to demand things get fixed right now, but a little damn communication would be nice. perhaps if no one is monitoring the situation via the forums or via email, then we'd have better luck on facebook? they're updating that regularly enough that someone must be alive over there...
  • novek000b16_ESO
    Hey folks,

    Just saw @boredpeonub17_ESO's post. Apologies for the slow updates -- we're still working on restoring items for those who had this issue. Please make sure all of you contact our Support Team. We are restoring items, though it's taking some time.

    WE can undertand that you are working hard, I can even understand that you dont want this to become too much public because it means prety bad publicity for the game but "we know the issue" is not enough.

    What you will do with the missing bank slots?

    Are you planing a rollback on our characters? this would mean the lost of any progresion after this issue.

    Edited by novek000b16_ESO on April 8, 2014 6:12PM
  • skhelterub17_ESO
    I was one of the first ones to post here and open ticket. Still no items. The items aren't even that big a deal, but the assurance that it is fixed is! It was supposed to be fixed yet people have had it not just once but multiple times. I haven't upgraded my bank yet because of the bugs posted here. It was already at 80 and thats where it will stay till i feel confident of the investment. I am not at this point.

    I posted on April 1st. I'm on page one.
    Edited by skhelterub17_ESO on April 8, 2014 6:22PM
  • jerome.demyttenaereb16_ESO
    Juste got the same pb.

    I have 80 slots in my bank, I switch some item, log out to take a reroll, and then I open my bank, 1rst time, I see nothing in it with only 60 slots. I logout and login again with the same char, I open again my bank and I see some item back (59) but with only 60 slots, not 80.

    Hope that help you :)
  • novek000b16_ESO
    I got my items back, at least I think I did because cant remember everything I have there but not the bank slots.

    The main problem here to me is that database is "sacred", how can this happen?, not even in the worst free to play games I have seen this happen, and worst is there is no real answer on this neither notice for other players to avoid.

    Im scared now to play, if this can happen, is everythig else safe? character progresion? skills? quests? etc?

    If players have been 1 week with this problem this mean no one on the "other side" knows how to fix this.

  • LordSock
    Hey folks,

    Just saw @boredpeonub17_ESO's post. Apologies for the slow updates -- we're still working on restoring items for those who had this issue. Please make sure all of you contact our Support Team. We are restoring items, though it's taking some time.

    Are the bank slots being restored as well or are you just mailing out the cash for compensation? Also is this problem being addressed/fixed?
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    Juste got the same pb.

    I have 80 slots in my bank, I switch some item, log out to take a reroll, and then I open my bank, 1rst time, I see nothing in it with only 60 slots. I logout and login again with the same char, I open again my bank and I see some item back (59) but with only 60 slots, not 80.

    Hope that help you :)

    Yep, that is exactly what I did. As soon as I saw the bank was empty I immediately logged out and back into the previous character. That seems to be the best way to "save" your items when you get the bug.

    However it is hard to warn people about the bug. At least 90% of the players ignore it because "My bank works fine." So it is hard to get them to listen so they know what to do IF it does happen.
  • aznlancersb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Add me to this bloody list... explain how you plan to remedy this concerns of your paying customer please!

    Got an email to validate my account, login in with my alt to craft, got 2 email from customer appreciation. Explorer pack and treasure map. Visited the bank shortly after, lost most of my Iron ore / ingot .... and all my gold.

    Lay out your post launch plan, how you guys will remedy this etc.... Lack of response like this will make you guys lose subscriber.

  • Ualde
    Any official answer? Still have not any information from the support service except auto email message.
  • paulb2905b16_ESO
    Ok so SECOND time my bank slots have reset.
    Only from 70 down to 60 this time (as i didnt have the cash to purchase the extra 10)
    So that's TWICE NOW!
    Owed 1000+3300+1000=5300gold plus 2 x sets of lost items when they reset.
    ps it literally just happened on my character(s) if "ANYONE @ ZOS" is actually reading this...........................
    pps also submitted ticket about this.
    FFS FIX IT! and refund my god-damned money and items!
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    My only worries is from my experience with other MMOs that the common easy way to fix the banks is to perform a rollback on the character overall. That could be the delay in resolving missing items because they are trying to think of a way to restore the bank items without having to rollback the whole character. Obviously they want to avoid rolling back any characters.

    Honestly I hate the thought of rolling back characters anything more than a day. I had my Star Trek Online account hacked and they had to perform a rollback to fix it. It took them almost three weeks before they could roll back the account to before it happened. Of course I played during those three weeks, so when they rolled it back, I was like what the hell fix it back. So I ended up having to accept the losses. I ended up quitting after and not playing it again, even while owning a lifetime subscription.

    Which makes me wonder about the whole showing user names in this game. STO had done the same thing and it was how I got hacked, someone brute forced the password after getting the user name from in game. All because STO was too lazy to put a lock system like Rift did (which locks the account from ANYTHING being sold or traded if it logs in from a different IP address.)

    So I am somewhat patiently waiting for that day someone from admin comes in and basically says "We are sorry we can not return your lost items WITHOUT rolling your characters back." I am hoping this is not the case, but I would rather accept the loss now then get hopes of seeing my stuff back and getting disappointed later.
  • KindaMayvelle
    That's why I haven't really touched my characters as all since my bank was wiped...I think I played for MAYBE two hours beyond that, but that's all. I'm pretty sure they'll have to do a rollback, so I'm prepared for that if it comes to it.
  • skhelterub17_ESO
    i'd loose aprox 20 levels if they did that! I'd quit from that too!
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