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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Shukal
    At least they made a sticky post where they say they are working on it. But nothing else :(
    Edited by Shukal on April 9, 2014 4:24PM
  • muddybrown
    not good enough. we don't need to know they're working on the problem. god knows they should be.

    we need to know what we should do NOW. keep playing? keep upgrading the bank? don't? all of this is eating into my damned 30 days and i'm pretty damn sure i'm not giving them a cent more until i hear an official source tell me what i should or shouldn't do until the problem is resolved.

    i've plastered this same notice on every facebook thread i could, and sent an email to support as well. the only response thus far has been to kick me off the server, then deauthorize my machine (requires access code, which they haven't mailed me).

    nice one ZOS. if you don't think i can follow through on my threat, you've got a lot to learn...
  • KerinKor
    Just lost the gold in my bank, but no items are missing, and also recieved a duplicate set of pre-order and beta-gifts in the mail .. I doubt these two events are unrelated.

    Opened a ticket but no e-mail confirmation of it so no idea what its' number is. :(
    Edited by KerinKor on April 9, 2014 4:42PM
  • Lestierse
    My bank upgrade was reverted from 70 to 60 slots, any help please?
    Also diseappered items from 68/70 to 60/60

    edit:also received a duplicate set of imperial pre-order and beta-gifts in the mail

    edit2:just noticed all my gold in bank box is gone too, and i received again (3 times now) all the imperial pre-order and beta-gifts stuff in the mail

    and 2 of my characters keep seeing the bank empty
    Edited by Lestierse on April 9, 2014 7:33PM
  • ionutn1
    how many employees they have? no response in 24h+
  • casrich_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    same :-/
    I had 80 slots. All full. Now I have 60. So 20 items gone.
  • kirrasha
    Well you can add me to this list....

    I have my main character and 6 mules total for materials and such. I had just been taking out materials from the bank to a mule, when I logged onto another mule (the first one I ever made), and blam....

    There it was. The mails with explorers pack and ***. At that moment, I knew the bank had been wiped.
    Luckely I had all my improvement materials, the gems, ingots and so on, spread out on my mules.
    I lost all my style materials however, and other things I cant exactly remember.

    GJ ZOS, letting a bug like this slide... Probably would had been found with an open beta..

    EDIT: I just logged back onto my main character, and actually found all the items there were in the bank.
    But the upgrades are still gone however.
    Edited by kirrasha on April 9, 2014 7:30PM
  • Requielle
    kirrasha wrote: »
    GJ ZOS, letting a bug like this slide... Probably would had been found with an open beta..

    It was found in beta (according to some posters who state that they reported it during beta). It just wasn't fixed before release.

    I was definitely reported before launch, per current forum threads.
  • rorkananimal
    ionutn1 wrote: »
    how many employees they have? no response in 24h+

    We have been waiting a week or more now. Get in line.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • kirrasha
    Requielle wrote: »
    kirrasha wrote: »
    GJ ZOS, letting a bug like this slide... Probably would had been found with an open beta..

    It was found in beta (according to some posters who state that they reported it during beta). It just wasn't fixed before release.

    I was definitely reported before launch, per current forum threads.

    Well jeez... I dont know what to say to that, except just /facepalm at ZOS.
  • Hyhz
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ please add me to the list of players who lost ALL their items in the bank + the gold for upgrading...

    I must say this is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare... you spend so much time building up a stash of things to see it all disappear...

    Bots, re-logging and quest bugs is annoying as hell, but your items vanishing makes it unplayable...

    Logged in with another char and now its back... but received an email with my starter items again (digital pre-order stuff like pets, etc.)... pulling all out of the bank now out of fear for losing it again...

    Update: I saw a thing that might be of interest. When I logged in with low level char the bank could only hold 60 items despite having upgraded it on my main, logging in with my main the capacity was back up to 70, so maybe some bug disables the upgrade across chars and screws it up??
    Edited by Hyhz on April 9, 2014 8:11PM
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    Oops. I think I caused that mass mail, lol. Last night I sent a ticket in because it had been a week. This what I got back.

    "Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team. I understand that you have some concerns about your bank.

    While I do understand that since this process is taking some time, it can seem like we are no longer investigating on your behalf. Before a decision is reached, we want to make sure that nothing we do is going to break again, so we ensure that we cover and repair as much as possible before that."

    Ya, I tried warning people in game today again. As usual some jackass tells everyone "my bank works fine, there is no bug." His reasoning was because his bank worked fine and the bug did not exist because he had never heard of it. So I told him I hope he gets the bug and his bank gets wiped then put him on ignore.

  • quasicat
    I am having the same problem. I had a 100 slot bank and it reverted to 60 slot, throwing the remaining 40 items into my inventory. My inventory had at MOST 10 open slots, thus deleting 30 or more stacks of items. It occurred specifically after logging onto another character and opening the bank which at the time appeared as empty (without a loading icon) and seemingly unlinked to my bank. I didn't deposit anything, and immediately logged back onto my main character and that's when the problem appeared. Thanks in advance.
  • Altairien
    Oh goodie. I just got an email from The Elder Scrolls Online Customer Services inviting me to take a survey. However did they know I wanted to provide feedback regarding their handling of this situation?
  • Vikes546b16_ESO
    Hyhz wrote: »
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ please add me to the list of players who lost ALL their items in the bank + the gold for upgrading...


    Update: I saw a thing that might be of interest. When I logged in with low level char the bank could only hold 60 items despite having upgraded it on my main, logging in with my main the capacity was back up to 70, so maybe some bug disables the upgrade across chars and screws it up??

    I had the same thing happen, I logged over to another character (the one I actually spent the gold on for the upgrades...twice... >.<) and saw my bank had been restored to 80 slots but that all the items had been removed, again. It went back to the "normal" 60 slots as soon as I relogged though, with the items being returned and me receiving yet another spam of 5 in-game mails with more stupid pets.
  • jenis023
    Add me in line. My bank slot WAS 90, but now i have only 60 slots. It happened yesterday, my birthday :'(
    It's horrible birthday gift T.T I can't keep play because of this problem.
  • Zanen
    Just happened to me too, lost 40 slots, much of my gold and most of the tempers I've been saving up since day one.

    I could have avoided most of the pain if I'd been aware of the issue. "I'll just keep my legendary tempers nice and safe in my bank"...pretty frustrating.
  • veneficus
    After waiting several days for assistance with this bug I received a generic CSR response and asking me to contact them if I need any additional assistance!

    Really? Where is my 40 purchased slots, my missing bank items and my missing gold? So in essence I had to submit another ticket and start over. Unbelievable...
  • major_newbie
    Just been hit by this.

    Bank size has been reset and looks like some items are missing (I know I had a daedra heart in there!). *le sigh*

    Can't tell you how many times I've heard them say "even if you die and come back we'll still have your stuff" ... apparently not ;)
  • Thurallyon
    Soul Shriven
    Same happened to me last night, received the pre-ordered items again. lost 7k gold from bank, 80 slots back to 60 the itens refering to the 20 slots i had are missing. dont know if should be using the bank for the moment too :(
  • zeuseason
    I've been hit with this bug too. Lost 50 bank spaces worth of very valuable materials. This is so discouraging. I've also been reading this bug often hits the same players multiple times so I can't even log into the game to play (not to mention bag space is so limited I need those 50 slots!). I easily lost tens of thousands of gold or more considering how valuable the rare upgrade mats are.
  • madak_ESO
    Normally there should be a warning message in the launcher but obviously they don't want this bug comes out in the press. Given the number of people involved I'm not sure this is the right choice.

    We will see...
  • Squandarler
    Anyone else get the email from ZOS claiming this bug was fixed? I got one yesterday saying everything should be back. It's not. I am down 4600G. Where is my gold, ZOS? Agents of Molag Bal stole it? Really? No actually I think you had a server side problem and you want so badly for it to be fixed that you're now telling (at least some of) us that it IS fixed but it's not.

    I emailed them back to say no, no I really don't have banked gold back (luckily that was only 300) AND I spent 4300G again so I could have a vaguely playable crafting experience. I could have bought the 3rd upgrade by now, but 4300G worth of upgrade just went poof. I told them to send me the gold equivalent and I'll consider it solved for my particular case.... as long as it doesn't happen again.
  • muddybrown
    so i stumbled on this other thread.
    UPDATE: I received a call phone customer support, and the issue is currently being worked on. Once they get the problem fixed I was told that my items will be restored or compensated for.

    this right here. that's the magic sauce.

    let me repeat it. "items will be restored or compensated for". it's not that hard to say, right? once you say it, it means it doesn't matter if i've lost my bank. i will be compensated. it means it doesn't matter if it happens again and again, i will have my multiple upgrade costs refunded and items restored or replaced. it means i can go ahead and play the game, try to enjoy it, and not have to worry about getting screwed over.

    now, if only someone from ZOS will come out and say these exact words here on the forums, or in an email reply. i don't trust the word of someone who heard someone say it over the phone.

    in black and white, please @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌, and we can all go back to having some peace of mind.
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    madak_ESO wrote: »
    Normally there should be a warning message in the launcher but obviously they don't want this bug comes out in the press. Given the number of people involved I'm not sure this is the right choice.

    We will see...

    ROFLMAO. Try warning people in game. Watch as a bunch of jackasses make you look bad by saying "My bank works fine."

    Even if they did warn people, they would still use their banks because it is not an easy reproduced bug. I think that the difficulty in get the bug to reproduce itself is probably what is slowing down a solution.

  • Vhalkyrie
    I still haven't received my lost bank upgrade, or the gold equivalent. CSR keeps closing my tickets. I'm going to keep opening new tickets until this is resolved.

    I get the feeling they are treating my tickets like I am just 'informing' them about the issue. What I want is my bank upgrade returned.
    Edited by Vhalkyrie on April 10, 2014 2:37PM
  • DeLindsay
    madak_ESO wrote: »
    Normally there should be a warning message in the launcher but obviously they don't want this bug comes out in the press. Given the number of people involved I'm not sure this is the right choice.

    We will see...

    ROFLMAO. Try warning people in game. Watch as a bunch of jackasses make you look bad by saying "My bank works fine."

    Even if they did warn people, they would still use their banks because it is not an easy reproduced bug. I think that the difficulty in get the bug to reproduce itself is probably what is slowing down a solution.
    Yeah I was one of those jackasses that said "my bank works just fine" and then it happened to me too. Went from 80 to 60 and lost 13 stacks of who knows what. Lucky for me I had zero gold in my account bank and had JUST finished removing all the high level crafting mats until I could use them into an alt's bags when it happened. I also had all my CE stuff in an alt's bags (even though I got the mail msgs with full replacement CE items too). I ticketed it 2 days ago, no response yet but it's obviously a huge problem since so many are effected. As long as they get it fixed I won't complain, I just hope it's on the sooner side.
  • OniMalkav
    Made a ticket about the issue, got all bank content returned to me (woo for that) in like less than 30 min. However about the 3 bank upgrades I had bought, well they were gone and no gold refund for them.
  • scruffycavetroll
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    madak_ESO wrote: »
    Normally there should be a warning message in the launcher but obviously they don't want this bug comes out in the press. Given the number of people involved I'm not sure this is the right choice.

    We will see...

    ROFLMAO. Try warning people in game. Watch as a bunch of jackasses make you look bad by saying "My bank works fine."

    Even if they did warn people, they would still use their banks because it is not an easy reproduced bug. I think that the difficulty in get the bug to reproduce itself is probably what is slowing down a solution.
    Yeah I was one of those jackasses that said "my bank works just fine" and then it happened to me too. Went from 80 to 60 and lost 13 stacks of who knows what. Lucky for me I had zero gold in my account bank and had JUST finished removing all the high level crafting mats until I could use them into an alt's bags when it happened. I also had all my CE stuff in an alt's bags (even though I got the mail msgs with full replacement CE items too). I ticketed it 2 days ago, no response yet but it's obviously a huge problem since so many are effected. As long as they get it fixed I won't complain, I just hope it's on the sooner side.

    so here is a guy who got two emails getting the pets & ce items, and i'm going on 8 days just trying to get them restored once.


  • madsurgery
    I have had this problem today as well.

    I had all Bank Storage reverted back to 60 from 110
    Some items stored have of course gone

    I also noticed that each time I log ingame ... I receive the welcome email I received the first time I logged in ; ie with email with the pre-order items etc etc

    I hope this resolved and get all back. I am desperate.
    Edited by madsurgery on April 10, 2014 4:07PM
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