Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Squandarler
    Ok pay attention people......


    To be fair, there WAS a list, way back on April 1st when @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ was actively participating in the conversation. No word since then.

    The list is no more, travelers. File a ticket. And then probably several more as they get closed without resolution.

    P.S. to people complaining that the newest patch fixed minor things with horses etc and not this, do keep in mind that it's a lot easier for them to find the problem and fix it if it's a small bug. I'm just as upset with the lack of communication on this problem as any of you--they really should be keeping us updated--but if what CS says is true they still don't even know what's causing the bank problems, so they can't fix it.
    Edited by Squandarler on April 7, 2014 6:40PM
  • sandmanpub19_ESO
    Same story here, more or less
    • Happened after a client crash
    • Bank from 80 => 60 slots
    • Money in bank (+- 2500GP) Lost
    • "Overflow" of banks dumped in a Char
    • Duplicate of Emails congratulating me of having bought the Exlorer edition with all the bells & whisles received
    • Originally bought the Digital Early Access, upgraded to Imperial Edition

    Only happened once so far, but in the meantime, I'll be creating Banking Alts...
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • madak_ESO
    The problem is still not resolved in the latest patch...
  • dragonsquarterb16_ESO
    Almost 5 days and no reply from CS.
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    To be fair, there WAS a list, way back on April 1st when @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ was actively participating in the conversation. No word since then.

    Well guess what, she has not been back here in almost a week. So what does that tell you?

    One of four possible things...

    1. She no longer works for the company.
    2. She has been absent from work for a week.
    3. She was told to stay away from the topic.
    4. She is ignoring the problem and hopes it goes away.

    My money is option three. Especially considering there was a patch today and still no fix for the banks mentioned. Although the problem with the banks is most likely completely server side and the client does not need to be patched. Which judging by how few of us that have been affected makes me believe it is something with the overflow system.

    The other reason I am going with option three is the fact this is a customer service nightmare. What she was posting was borderline "making promises you can not keep." Which is what happens when you are the "middle man" in the problem and have to pass the customer to someone else.

    What irks me the most about the whole problem is you can not even warn people. Every time I try warning anyone I always get some jackass that argues back "Mine works fine." Mean while it only takes ONE bad log in and POOF it is all gone. I think my "listening ratio" for warning people is maybe 1 in 10 at best.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Hey folks,

    Just saw @boredpeonub17_ESO's post. Apologies for the slow updates -- we're still working on restoring items for those who had this issue. Please make sure all of you contact our Support Team. We are restoring items, though it's taking some time.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • cappaspada
    I have the same problem. After today patch on an alternative character i received again all the items of the Explorer Pack but my bank space resetted to 60 spaces (full of items) but before they were 80 space prolly full (i'm not completely sure about if the bank were full or not)
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • allwebjunkb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same just happened to me, its like someone pressed a account reset button. Extra bank slots gone, bank empty, re-received explorer pack mails and (when I created a new char) couldn't skip the prison. I've just subbed for a 3 month package but I'm seriously considering cancelling now and moving on, which is a shame because bugs aside its a great game.

    Guess the efficiency of customer support will decide which way I go...
  • Duccea
    cappaspada wrote: »
    I have the same problem. After today patch on an alternative character i received again all the items of the Explorer Pack but my bank space resetted to 60 spaces (full of items) but before they were 80 space prolly full (i'm not completely sure about if the bank were full or not)

    I have exactly the same issue. Contacted customer support ingame and hope this issue gets sorted out soon.
  • Rin9les
    Yup same - all my hard gathered enchanter runes - gone, and the *** of food mats - gone. Im off to have a cry :)
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • EBTrigger
    Soul Shriven
    Oh god.....Now I am terrified to look at my bank......at the very least I have been storing most of my items/gold on mules I created, but still would have lost every trait gem I have been saving since launch. At least I can farm those back, can't farm the explorer pack/pets.
  • Knottypine
    Hey folks,

    Just saw @boredpeonub17_ESO's post. Apologies for the slow updates -- we're still working on restoring items for those who had this issue. Please make sure all of you contact our Support Team. We are restoring items, though it's taking some time.

    Thanks for the update! :smile:
  • Altairien
    Hey folks,

    Just saw @boredpeonub17_ESO's post. Apologies for the slow updates -- we're still working on restoring items for those who had this issue. Please make sure all of you contact our Support Team. We are restoring items, though it's taking some time.

    I appreciate the update, although it's more than items. It's also bank space that either needs to be restored or gold given to the players to repurchase lost bank slots. Is this happening?

    But none of that matters if the bug that caused this isn't squashed! Because it could just happen again. And again (as has happened to some). What's the status of the long term fix?
    Edited by Altairien on April 7, 2014 10:10PM
  • Ualde
    Same story here, more or less
    • Happened after a client crash
    • Bank from 80 => 60 slots
    • Money in bank (+- 2500GP) Lost
    • "Overflow" of banks dumped in a Char
    • Duplicate of Emails congratulating me of having bought the Exlorer edition with all the bells & whisles received
    • Originally bought the Digital Early Access, upgraded to Imperial Edition

    Only happened once so far, but in the meantime, I'll be creating Banking Alts...
    I have the same issue.
    Lost all slots upgrades. Lost money in the bank. And some stuff.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • madak_ESO
    One week to see an off topic answer... Very impressive
  • ImageGuru
    Here's a question that I'm completely baffled about...why hasn't ZOS disabled bank upgrades until this problem is resolved?!?!?! People are STILL reporting the problem as recently as today, so obviously there's a major problem. Staunch the bleeding and disable further bank upgrades so that they don't have to deal with a growing number of people with this problem. Items seem to be getting restored, but over and over, people are reporting that their bank upgrades and deposited gold disappeared and haven't been restored. I'm one of those people, too.

    I just can't understand why ZOS customer service is handling the this way. There are threads all over the big community boards...Reddit has a big thread about it and the original poster described virtually exactly what happened to me. People have captured the bug IN ACTION in videos posted to YouTube...this is a press nightmare, and they could have just acknowledged the problem after the first rash of them, and disabled bank upgrades until they found the problem and fixed it...

    Baffling...truly baffling.
  • fiji
    I just got hit with this bug again. On the plus side, I now have 3 mudcrab pets.
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    Hey folks,

    Just saw @boredpeonub17_ESO's post. Apologies for the slow updates -- we're still working on restoring items for those who had this issue. Please make sure all of you contact our Support Team. We are restoring items, though it's taking some time.

    Well thanks for the update. However at this point there is no real rush on returning the items until the problem itself is fixed. Sure, it would be nice to buy my bank slots back, but what is the point if they just going to possibly reset again.

    My advice to the rest is make alternate characters to store stuff on. Play for whatever X amount of time, then when you are done just use the bank to temporarily hold your items while transferring to safer permanent storage. That way if you lose anything you are only losing a few hours worth of stuff instead of days worth. Take what gold you would spend on bank slot upgrades and upgrade character bags instead, you would end up buying them at some point anyways. not to mention gold per slot wise it is cheaper to buy the bag upgrades across multiple characters.

    Honestly I do not think you will see anything in patch notes when it is fixed. It seems more like a server side problem and has nothing to do with the client. Even then it sounds like it is a single computer out of a server farm doing it otherwise the problem would be more wide spread among the player base.

  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    Altairien wrote: »
    Hey folks,

    Just saw @boredpeonub17_ESO's post. Apologies for the slow updates -- we're still working on restoring items for those who had this issue. Please make sure all of you contact our Support Team. We are restoring items, though it's taking some time.

    I appreciate the update, although it's more than items. It's also bank space that either needs to be restored or gold given to the players to repurchase lost bank slots. Is this happening?

    But none of that matters if the bug that caused this isn't squashed! Because it could just happen again. And again (as has happened to some). What's the status of the long term fix?

    ^ This.
    I reported this 5 days ago (almost to the hour) and got this from customer support the following morning:

    Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 120 days.

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    When I logged back in with one of my characters a minute ago, I had received two emails. I

    Response By Email (Tiago) (04/03/2014 01:52 PM)
    Greetings Adventurer!

    Our soothsayers have determined that the minions of Molag Bal have unjustly relieved you of some of your hard-won possessions.
    The mages in charge of our wards of protection are deeply sorry for this oversight. They wish to assure you that they have identified each and every adventurer who lost items, as well as each and every item that was lost.
    This state of affairs will not stand! Our mages are busily summoning the missing items back from Molag Bal’s vaults in Coldharbor. As quickly as they can retrieve them, we will dispatch our trusted and honorable Gamemasters to return your goods to you.
    Keep an eye on your in-game mailbox, as your items shall be returned to you as soon as they become available.

    In what concerns the duplicate mails I will have to escalate this incident to our proper team for further investigation.

    If you have any further issues please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for you! :)

    Thank you for your continued interest and support

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Question Reference # 140403-038625

    Date Created: 04/03/2014 01:30 PM
    Date Last Updated: 04/03/2014 01:52 PM
    Status: Unresolved

    And while the RP response was relatively amusing and did something to pull me out of my despair, it's been 5 days.
    I took heart in seeing that you guys [apparently] have some way of knowing who all was affected and know of every item that was lost, but notice my use of the past tense and you'll know how confident I am 5 days later.

    I'll probably stick around for as long as my break between deployments/schools allows, but I can't say the same for the rest of your player/customer base, Zeni.
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • starstruck
    If we encounter this problem, should we try to upgrade our bank space again or wait for the problem to be solve?
  • Silverion
    More or less what happened today AFTER 1.02 patch :(

    As it look like ... there is no check on database for overwriting and with lag my ALT info on empty bank overwrite my bank stats .. items are saved in separate file so they survive but character bank data is overwritten ...
    • Happened after i visited my ALT that have EMPTY bank and 60 free slots in it
    • Bank from 90 => 60 slots ... it is a lot of gold !
    • Money in bank (1500GP) Lost
    • Items in Bank Vanished i dont even know what was in ...
    • Duplicate of Emails congratulating me of having bought the Exlorer edition with all the bells & whisles received

    I was thinking that shared bank was removed, and that because of this i got all 4 emails with pets .... until i loged on my main and i have seen that money vanished from bank, i have 30 slots less and 30 items that was in this slots also vanished :( i have 4 alts so i have still to go to check them all if i recognize something in its inv as bank overflow :(

  • WyeVxndzz
    Is this actually a bug or - I have a full bank and play mostly AD but hopped over to my DC toon. Yesterday it was on the shared bank (I can prove it, she's rocking the daggers my main made) but when she hit the bank today, empty. And new email containing pets/maps. Went back to AD toon in a panic and.. that bank is just as I left it.
    - Did they split the factions off from one another?
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • Talins
    fiji wrote: »
    I just got hit with this bug again. On the plus side, I now have 3 mudcrab pets.

    First time for me, and it JUST happened! Was transferring from my DC Sorc main, to my AD Templar Blacksmith, and then to my DC alt-enchanter. The vault was full at 80 items when I logged from my sorc to the Templar, and was at 76 items when I logged from the Templar to the DC alt. When I went to the vault - boom...60 out of 60 items!

    I'm sad I never bothered to track what was in my vault. The good thing is I kept no gold in it - but still, to lose 4300 worth of upgrades + whatever items is disheartening to say the least.

    Of course, I DO have a brand new set of the "exclusive" items in my mail. Is that a plus? I guess?

    Edited to add that I DID receive a response to my ticket within 13 minutes of filing it. Hopefully they figure out exactly what's going on quickly!

    Edited by Talins on April 8, 2014 4:08AM
  • l-wilson-1986b16_ESO
    Ok pay attention people......


    To be fair, there WAS a list, way back on April 1st when @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ was actively participating in the conversation. No word since then.

    The list is no more, travelers. File a ticket. And then probably several more as they get closed without resolution.

    P.S. to people complaining that the newest patch fixed minor things with horses etc and not this, do keep in mind that it's a lot easier for them to find the problem and fix it if it's a small bug. I'm just as upset with the lack of communication on this problem as any of you--they really should be keeping us updated--but if what CS says is true they still don't even know what's causing the bank problems, so they can't fix it.

    I don't care if they don't know what's causing it. What I do care about is that they actively refund the people affected and disable the godamn functionality to stop it from continuing. People have been waiting days and nothing has been done and tickets are being ignored. I know this because it's happened to my partner and he is very close to leaving the game due to his inability to get a response in a reasonable time about the epic crafting mats and 40k+ gold he's lost.
  • slayer.slaymakerb14a_ESO
    Had the same issue. Was changing characters & changing items in the bank & had the 5 mails of preorder items. Went to the bank & that was all that was in my bank also but I know there were provisioning items in there for sure. The bank size went down to 60 again as well & the gold I had stored in the bank is gone too. Thought maybe it was just a display issue so logged out & logged back in. The preorder mail wasn't there anymore. The bag space was still at 60 & my gold still wasn't back in the bank.
  • Ryan_ScouseUK
    I also had this problem, I have the imperial edition aswell got like 3 monkeys 3 crabs 3 rings of mara etc etc? All I want is the bank upgrades & gold back cheers, can keep the other toys :)
  • Anulaibar
    Soul Shriven
    Just wanted to post here too, since this happened to me also. Bank space is down to 60, not sure what happened to the items, and do not remember what they where(mostly crafting mats). Have submitted a ticket also, so hopefully this gets restored by the time I log in after work.....
  • starstruck
    I have the same issue. Lost all bank upgrades, mats and gold in bank. The issue happened when I received a duplicate mail for imperial edition.

    I have also send a customer service report, and still waiting for a solution.
  • Ichikai
    I just find it disconcerting to not see a single person post they've gotten their stuff back. Even though people are supposed to have been getting their stuff returned for days now.

    I really hope it does not happen to me again, I keep seeing people say it has happened to them multiple times and I'd totally dread that moment.

    At this point, knowing it won't happen again would be a big relief.
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    fiji wrote: »
    I just got hit with this bug again. On the plus side, I now have 3 mudcrab pets.

    Is that how I got a second set? They did appear after I got the bank bug, but I assumed they were resent to everyone. Especially seeming how they came in my mail the day the 3 day early releasers came around.

    I guess those are the pets of doom now. If you see them in the mail again when you log in, you know your bank is @#$%ed.

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