Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • jch.raelieb14_ESO
    THIRD TIME, the THIRD time I have lost my bank now. It seems due to switch characters as the first and the third times I had not bought upgrades but been switching between characters when I lost them again. This time SOME items stayed, but most disappeared and all my gold that I was transferring to another character, gone. 7 days and the half-assed remarks you MIGHT get from support are not cool.
  • l-wilson-1986b16_ESO
    Happened to my partner today, took alot of encouragement to keep him in the game, especially when I told him people had been waiting 4+ days for their items. Does anyone at Zeni read the forums? Unlike most complaints this issue is seriously game breaking. I've been letting my guild know not to upgrade just so they can avoid this ordeal.
  • dragonsfire73
    Soul Shriven
    Adding myself to the list of Bank loss gone bad. I will be dropping the game if this is not resolved by the end of the week.
  • LordSock
    Same issue here. Put me in the list ;) I've put in a ticket already in game. I had 80 slots now only 60.
  • Swoop
    @jch.raelieb14_ESO Wow! Three times so far? I'm sooo sorry! I wonder what is causing this glitch to trigger? It would seem as if your account would be prime for devs to investigate, given the frequency. Based on the relatively few people that have posted here (compared to the millions playing), it would seem like a rare glitch. So 3 times, suggests some kind of trigger that you're setting off.

    So it seems that we have figured out that getting your explorer pack mailed to you again is an indicator that your bank is wiped.

    Now, can we figure out (if anything) is triggering this response.

    I have this paranoia now about switching alts while my bank window is open. Before logging out, I now close my bank window, and back up a little bit before I log out. Every time I log in and my bank is still intact is a sigh of relief!
  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    Unfortunately I'll also need to be added to this list.

    On April 3 after the servers came back up from their 3-4hr downtime, I checked my bank and everything was gone-- same as you guys.
    Beyond that though, my 90 inventory slots had been reset to 60; that's 11,100gold lost.
    I submitted a ticket as soon as I realized /reloadui, /stuck, and relogging weren't fixing it.
    Oddly, the next day, all of the items reappeared in one of my characters' inventories. (At least, I think 99% of them showed up.) I, believe it or not, had an out-of-game inventory list going because I was tracking the items I needed to collect for research, so I was able to cross-check it with what showed back up, and, unless my list was inaccurate, all but 3 items were accounted for.
    How he was able to hold all that extra stuff, I don't know. I'm almost positive his personal inventory was near full anyways, so I have a hunch whatever the heck he was carrying was erased to make room.

    I was determined to wait until my bank space was restored before upgrading my bank space again, lest I waste even more money, but as a super-dedicated crafter, 60 slots is just out of the question; it's simply not enough.
    I've since upgraded to 80 slots [again], but I had used all of my cash to get it to 90 the first time, so it's slow going.
    At this point I'd just be happy with a spontaneous refund of that 11,100 gold.

    My original ticket for this was [Incident: 140403-038625]

    Good luck in getting this all straightened-out, ZOS--- judging by the 6hrs I've been waiting for a return call, you guys are pretty well buried.
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • rorkananimal
    So Its happened to me twice, losing money deposited from the bank and my bank slot upgrades. Each time was switching between alts. And in each instance I suddenly had my "welcome gifts" in my mail again. Has this happened to anyone else where you got yer welcome gifts and it meant that yer bank was affected?

    Happened to me both times.

    I think the accounts are being reset to day one, no upgrades, empty banks, CE items mailed in, but the characters themselves are not touched.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Tokstar
    Soul Shriven
    This happend to me too last night, got mail with maps and pets and after that my bank was reset from 90 to 60 slots and some of the stuff from bank was on my char but not all I bet.
  • veneficus
    About two hours ago I received a duplicate set of emails containing all of the starting account items I received when I started. I thought that was weird so I filed a ticket via email to report it.

    Imagine my shock when I went to my bank a couple of hours later and saw my 100 spaces reset to 60 with all of my acquired inventory and deposited gold gone! I really hope this can be fixed and restored in a timely manner.
  • Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO
    Oh man, good I haven't re-bought any bank slots yet. Had my bank upgraded to 90 slots and lost everything on sunday morning (european time) when I switched between characters after having bought stuff from the guild-store.

    Me, too, got at the same time all the Pre-Ordner & CE Content e-mails again... but I haven't picked up the stuff from the mails. I do not trust it and rather want my bank slots or the gold for it back!

    Send two tickets (bank slots & e-mails) straight away as I became aware of the magnitude :-(
    But I am aware, that it might take them some time to fix it so I do not expect any useful reaction all too soon. I really and honestly feel sorry for the support guys who have to handle that flood coming in.
  • madak_ESO
    Same here, I received a duplicate set of emails containing all of the starting account items and my 90 bank slots have been reset to 60.

    This is a serious bug !
  • Aleksanderrhb16_ESO
    madak_ESO wrote: »
    Same here, I received a duplicate set of emails containing all of the starting account items and my 90 bank slots have been reset to 60.

    This is a serious bug !

    I also got a dublicate set of mails
  • SuperCahouete
    bank resets, duplicated mails and new characters created can't skip the tutorial. It seems that some account's parameters have been reset.
    Edited by SuperCahouete on April 7, 2014 10:29AM
  • veneficus
    I was determined to wait until my bank space was restored before upgrading my bank space again, lest I waste even more money, but as a super-dedicated crafter, 60 slots is just out of the question; it's simply not enough.
    I've since upgraded to 80 slots [again], but I had used all of my cash to get it to 90 the first time, so it's slow going.

    I am a super-dedicated crafter as well. I have each crafting profession spread across 6 characters. My bank contained all of my crafting materials, rares and gems for traits. At this point the game isn't really playable for me in terms of crafting. Hopefully they fix this issue very soon...
  • Niria
    Swoop wrote: »
    @jch.raelieb14_ESO Wow! Three times so far? I'm sooo sorry! I wonder what is causing this glitch to trigger?

    Many of the people posting here spoke of the "transfer failed" messages or problems loading and/or crashing when zoning. I saw the transfer failed messages but never posted about them. I didn't think about them at the time since it happened an hour or so before. I think that is the culprit and getting the duplicate pre-order mails is just a consequence of that.
  • Altairien
    madak_ESO wrote: »
    This is a serious bug !

    This is a serious "game shouldn't have gone live yet" bug.

    I'm more concerned with how this is being handled. Given Zenimax's lack of attention and urgency (they won't even warn the playerbase with an announcement like they did the entitlements issue!), you'd think this bug was just some minor inconvenience. It's not. I can't enjoy a game when I'm in constant fear that my bank's contents could go *poof* at any moment.

    Therefore, I haven't set up a sub. I have no intention of burning my 30 days of included game time to beta test this game.
    Edited by Altairien on April 7, 2014 12:47PM
  • Daredelvis1
    Soul Shriven
    I lost all of my bank items during the prolonged downtime 4/1-4/3. I reported it and that I had lost my preorder items. I got those back as they were still in the mail. I have not heard anything about the bank stuff. Granted they were low level items. But they was my trash :)
  • ajmckelveyub17_ESO
    Add me to the list also. Was transferring crafting materials between alts (fairly rapid relogs between multiple chars), deposited 10,000 into my 70 slot bank. Logged back in with my main to grab the money and the bank was 60 slot and completely empty. Quit the entire game and restarted. The items were back in the 60 slot bank, with the extra having been pushed into the chars accounts and the set of CE reward emails had been resent.

    Haven't tried remaking a char yet to see if I can skip coldharbor, but definitely seems like the account settings shared between chars got reset.

    Tried to get called, sent an email, and an in-game ticket yesterday morning, but no response on any front :(
    Edited by ajmckelveyub17_ESO on April 7, 2014 2:23PM
  • Requielle
    After 3 rounds of email with customer support, I finally got an answer that they are aware of the bug. That said...
    a) I shouldn't have to go 3 rounds of email to get a confirmation of a bug that has reported since before launch.
    b) Still no info on what is being done to fix it, an ETA on a fix, or even a public acknowledgement that there is this gamebreaking bug.
    c) The game is functionally unplayable for me, since all my characters are currently functioning as storage alts, and I don't even trust the bank enough to use it for transfers between characters to free up enough inventory space to play one of them for a bit.
    d) The longer this fiasco continues, the less likely I am to return whenever they get around to fixing it.
  • david_cornetteb16_ESO
    Please can i also be added to the list ?
    My bank got reduced from 90 to 60. I have also received all welcome item mails again that are still in my mailbox. I have bought upgrades again to 80 now because i needed the space. If i could just get the 10K gold back that i invested i'd be happy. I don't think i am missing any items or gold with the bankreduction. It just turned up in my inventory when accessing the bank.
  • Mujuro
    Requielle wrote: »
    Insecure storage = unplayable game. After I lost my bank upgrades I pulled everything remaining out onto my characters. Who were already a bit overloaded because storage is such a premium in this game, especially if you craft. Now my characters have all been turned into bank alts.

    Amazingly enough, I am not overly interested in paying to play Inventory Management Online. Today is the second day I've been off playing something else, because ESO is non-fuctional for my preferred playstyle with this bug.

    The lack of actual response is disheartening. No, I don't count cut&paste replies on a ticket as 'responses', especially when they don't actually address the issue on the ticket.

    Agree completely. With some luck, the patch coming in right now will resolve this issue.
  • jch.raelieb14_ESO
    "@jch.raelieb14_ESO Wow! Three times so far? I'm sooo sorry! I wonder what is causing this glitch to trigger? It would seem as if your account would be prime for devs to investigate, given the frequency. Based on the relatively few people that have posted here (compared to the millions playing), it would seem like a rare glitch. So 3 times, suggests some kind of trigger that you're setting off."

    I have noted a pattern to mine and brought it to the attention of the support without any word back. The first and third times I did not buy upgrades and was switching between toons pretty frequently as I have 6 toons all crafting 1 different profession. I have not gotten any failure message or loading or crashing on zones. Other than having to reloadui on occasion because something is glowing but is "under the ground" I have not had any trouble with the game. Mine does seem linked to moving in and out of the game. However, I have done it for days in between and it doesn't glitch out and eat my bank.
  • Felyae
    I too lost many items, slots and golds with this bank bug. It's a known bug from beta.

    Hey Zenimax, take a look at this youtube clip of another user who caught the bug in action, if you don't believe us ! We have yet to hear anything other than the "you sent a help request" or "don't worry we are investigating this issue" message about this issue. And please also restore the gold we lost, as well as the slots.

    And move your asses, this bug was signaled during betas.
  • Yankee
    I wonder if the reason I have not had it happen yet is because of having only a single character created so far. Knock on wood.

    This is a big deal for sure. The level 50 quest bug preventing some from going to VR, the subscription payement riots, and now disappearing bank space and items.

    I am enjoying the game and want to see it succeed, and not see a huge exodus of players.

    Come on ZOS, I am rooting for you but there is little time to fix the game breakers.
    Edited by Yankee on April 7, 2014 3:36PM
  • Squandarler
    Seeing as this was reported before launch, they really should have pushed back the launch date... :neutral_face: I'm waiting on my 3rd ticket for bank problems now, but I don't expect to hear anything useful. I really love the game and am giving it the 30 days despite bugs, but if not enough is fixed at the end of those 30 days (primarily this!! and the quest breaking bugs!) I'm out. :disappointed:
  • KindaMayvelle
    I'm REALLY hoping the patch they're pushing through now fixes it...but I honestly, honestly doubt it. If they'd thought they'd found a solution I'm sure they would have said something on the forums. But no go.

    Edit to add: so patch notes have gone up. Not a peep about this issue. It's been happening going on a week now, yet instead of warning people it's happening and assuring the players that you're trying your hardest to get a fix, you worry more about fixing minor quests and horse mounting issues? Really? I've been extremely patient so far and have come to ZOS's defense more than once about this but now I'm getting livid.
    Edited by KindaMayvelle on April 7, 2014 4:20PM
  • phoenixgoldb16_ESO
    6hours maintenance and they dont fix this bug,wow congrats
  • paulb2905b16_ESO
    I have also lost my bank upgrades and 20 odd items.
    Noticed last night that my bank had reset from 80 to 60 slots.
    Purchased another 10 slot upgrade and checked toons to see if the money for the upgrades had been refunded - it hasn't.
    Submitted in game ticket about the issue.
    (please return lost items, reinstate the 80 slot bank and refund the extra 1000gold paid to upgrade again to 70 slots)(alternatively just refund the 4300gold paid for the 10+10upgrades and return the items as and when)
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    Ok pay attention people......


    If you think posting "add me to the list" in the forums is going to get your problem fixed then you are going to be disappointed a VERY long time.

    Not to mention when you fail to file a ticket because you posted "add me to the list" you are kinda screwing the rest of us because they are not seeing how many people are actually affected.
  • fiji
    I submitted a ticket for this and received a canned response. I'd really like to know if we are going to have our bank slot upgrades reinstated or be compensated in gold for the upgrades we lost.
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