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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • mun
    I also lost my upgrades, but it pushed my items into an open characters bags. I had just upgraded from 80 to 90 slots.
  • Nopales
    yeah same thing happen to me i slot my bank slots and some items too
  • Nopales
    *i lost my bank slots
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    Well apparently since it is still happening they are not bothering to fix affected accounts until a solution is found.

    I have yet to see anyone affected post they got their stuff/upgrades back.

    Has been over 48 hours for me since reporting it, nothing but "copy paste we are working on it" responses.

    I also notice customer support has stopped posting in the thread as well. Which kinda reinforces the fact they are not really working on a solution or fixing affected players.
  • aesmodienb14_ESO
    This just adds to the posts about a lack of communication from Customer Service. I even setup to be called and got an email saying I would hear from them within the hour. 3 hours later and I still have not got a call just an email closing my ticket saying resolved yet I am missing everything still.
  • rorkananimal
    I lost all my bank upgrades and may have lost items, though I'm not completely sure.

    I'd love to at least get my bank upgrades back or the gold to buy them back.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Rylanor
    If they say they're working on it, then you might be right that they're leaving off fixing it for anyone until they know both the solution and the cause so they can do everyone at once. It's bizarre that stuff disappears, oddly I now can't find the bankers in the Aldmeri Dominion manor, but bank stuff is fine (I've only got a ton of food mash and the monkey). I hope they give everyone's stuff back, there really should be a way to record it all and restore it.
    Edited by Rylanor on April 5, 2014 9:42AM
    If at first you don't succeed, keep trying. And again. Eat a cookie, read a wiki, I dunno, just try to relax, the frustration will only give you a headache.
  • deef85b16_ESO
    Rylanor wrote: »
    ..I hope they give everyone's stuff back, there really should be a way to record it all and restore it.
    That's the reason why companies use databases, It will be recovered eventually :)
  • Guybru5h
    mun wrote: »
    I also lost my upgrades, but it pushed my items into an open characters bags. I had just upgraded from 80 to 90 slots.
    Same thing had happened to me. a time after upgrading from 80 to 90 the bank made a reset to 60.

  • Incarnatus
    Same thing has happened to my wife. Everything disappeared from her bank including early access rewards. They were in her bank because that was what ZOS instructed if you want to remake a character. She has sent in more than one ticket. Whoever at ZOS has responded does not even look like they read what her issue was and they closed the ticket as resolved. She is waiting for them to now contact her by phone as you evidently can't directly contact them....

    This is very bad customer service (and that is the first bad thing I have ever said about ZOS).
    Edited by Incarnatus on April 5, 2014 12:25PM
  • Lucifer108
    Runé/EU same problem here lost legendary items in the process, and my husband just quit the game due to the insane amount of bugs D:
  • kjvermillion85ub17_ESO
    This issue happened to me on April 1st, I contacted customer support via email regarding the issue and I received a response approximately two hours later. It was a colorful response, mentioning ghosts who were raiding the banks and I should wait approximately 120 hours to see if my items had been restored.

    Like many of us, I had stacks of materials, my maps and collectibles in the bank per the recommendation. Sharing my story and bumping the thread as I'm certain the developers are on top of the issue seeing as wide spread as it is.

    Thanks to any moderators who are reading these threads and relaying the information to the appropriate ends. Cheers to the next few weeks of hopefully bug-free (or minimal buggy) gameplay!
  • rorkananimal
    Bumping this up. The issue remains on my account.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Zakaar
    Getting really tired of this. Game is broken more than any other MMO I've played. This bug still exists and is the 2nd time it's happened to me. I just upgraded my bank to 90 slots and then when I logged back in later it was reverted back to 60 slots.

    Not sure if it matters, but this coincided with me getting the Explorers pack items in the mail again, which I already got (I was a digital download). So maybe it thinks the account is new or something.
  • Incarnatus
    The thing that is making me unhappy more than the bugs, which are fixable, is the lack of response from a mod on this official forum ... respectfully, I request a reply from a moderator.
    Edited by Incarnatus on April 5, 2014 6:14PM
  • aesmodienb14_ESO
    Incarnatus wrote: »
    Same thing has happened to my wife. Everything disappeared from her bank including early access rewards. They were in her bank because that was what ZOS instructed if you want to remake a character. She has sent in more than one ticket. Whoever at ZOS has responded does not even look like they read what her issue was and they closed the ticket as resolved. She is waiting for them to now contact her by phone as you evidently can't directly contact them....

    This is very bad customer service (and that is the first bad thing I have ever said about ZOS).

    I hope you have better luck than me. I submitted a ticket to be called, sent a PM to a ZOS forum admin that was online, and replied to the ticket email requesting an update and to speak to someone. All I got was a canned msg reply that they have been using since day 1 of EA and a closed ticket saying resolved even though my stuff is still gone. I'm shocked at how *** poor their customer service has been.
  • Zakaar
    Just a quick update, I created a new character and it didn't give me the prompt to skip the tutorial. I think they screwed up and reset peoples accounts to base settings or something.

    Bad programming all around. Having regrets about trusting them with my credit card and personal information.
  • Squandarler
    ZOS please at least post here again so we know you're still working on the problem.

    This is severely affecting my gameplay as I have a big focus on crafting.
  • Knottypine
    Can you add me to this list? I had my bank upgrade to 70 and it was full. I entered the game with my alt and my bank reverted back to 60. So I lost 10 slots and 10 slots worth of items.
  • EvilsResonance
    Please add me to the list...

    I lost all my upgrades from 100 slots back to 60 Slots. Including items. And mail Items are also gone.
    And if i create a new character i dont get the "skip dialog".

    Very annoying... :neutral_face: Please help...
  • Cuddlekins
    Same for me. Had the 90 slot upgrade, mostly full bank. Logged onto an alt to fiddle for about 5 minutes, logged back into my main char and my bank had reverted to 60 slots and most of my items are gone. Have contacted support and was told they were working on it, but when I asked a further question I never heard back. A day and a half now and I can't really play - can't trust the bank, and my character's inventory is full while I wait. Why would I pay $15/mo for this game, again?
  • babylon
    Maybe game take away the extra slots when you log onto an alt after upgrading bank...because the alt you logged onto didn't buy the upgrade themselves so game thinks bank should be back to 60 slots.

    Just a thought.
  • KingFunnyBunny
    Hmmmm.....seems like a bad theme here. I think ZOS should dedicate a communications person to this thread to keep folks in the loop. Growing pains aside.....could cost them a lot of $$$ in lost players/customers....
  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    babylon wrote: »
    Maybe game take away the extra slots when you log onto an alt after upgrading bank...because the alt you logged onto didn't buy the upgrade themselves so game thinks bank should be back to 60 slots.

    Just a thought.

    It may be the case for some people but it happened to me without ever making an alt or ever deleting a character
  • babylon
    babylon wrote: »
    Maybe game take away the extra slots when you log onto an alt after upgrading bank...because the alt you logged onto didn't buy the upgrade themselves so game thinks bank should be back to 60 slots.

    Just a thought.

    It may be the case for some people but it happened to me without ever making an alt or ever deleting a character

    Okay, thought I'd noticed a pattern there for a sec.

    Did you upgrade your bank at all?

  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    Yes i did upgrade my bank the day before it happened so this may also be tied into the problem
  • Incarnatus
    Yes i did upgrade my bank the day before it happened so this may also be tied into the problem

    Not sure if this is the case. My wife put her preorder rewards (well most of them) in the bank and passed some to an alt. She then deleted the character that put them in the bank remade and the going back to the bank it was empty.
  • babylon
    Incarnatus wrote: »
    Yes i did upgrade my bank the day before it happened so this may also be tied into the problem

    Not sure if this is the case. My wife put her preorder rewards (well most of them) in the bank and passed some to an alt. She then deleted the character that put them in the bank remade and the going back to the bank it was empty.

    So your wife hadn't upgraded the bank?

  • Incarnatus
    babylon wrote: »
    Incarnatus wrote: »
    Yes i did upgrade my bank the day before it happened so this may also be tied into the problem

    Not sure if this is the case. My wife put her preorder rewards (well most of them) in the bank and passed some to an alt. She then deleted the character that put them in the bank remade and the going back to the bank it was empty.

    So your wife hadn't upgraded the bank?

  • rorkananimal
    The issue we're having here seems to be accounts being reset back to day one when the game officially launched. But only partially, because I had bought backpack upgrades for all my characters and none of those went away, only the account-wide bank upgrades.

    So, it seems the game basically reset our accounts back to day one, but left the characters as they were. Some people were lucky enough to get the excess bank inventory dumped into a particular character's bags, others simply lost their items.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
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