Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Futrix
    Went from 80 bank slots to 60 slots. Beyond some trait stones and alchemy plants, I don't even know what items I lost. Mainly I just want to be able to store things without fear of loosing my items. Those two upgrades cost what... about 4300 gold? I'm level 23 so I could afford to rebuy some space, but I shouldn't have to. And if I do, do I have to worry about loosing it again like others here?

    Crafting in this game is horrible without the use of a bank. I really hope this gets resolved soon.

    The worst part is going to a bank now and having the banker tell me that I can trust them with my money and items. The bankers just rub it in. :(
    Edited by Futrix on April 6, 2014 1:19PM
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  • Yakum0
    Add me to the list plz banck slot reset to 60 and lost all the deposit, about 11.700 gold so i lost 20 slots full of mats and money plz help.
    If can be of any help i got in game again the emails with the special contenent.
    Edited by Yakum0 on April 6, 2014 2:39PM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Skethis
    Just had this happen to me - SUPER pissed as I had all of my major crafting mats stored away in there. Is there an official statement on this? Because right now, I can't touch my current bank - otherwise when they add back all the items they'll have no place to go, unless the do so via the mail system.
  • Radianze
    Add me to list. Same thing just happened to me, all items gon slot reset, byebye gold
    atleast i got around 60/80 items back with a relog.
    Still missing 20 and 11k gold tho and slots. :(

    Edit: i pulled as much stuff as i could to my chars in hope the 20 others would show up. didnt tho.
    Edited by Radianze on April 6, 2014 2:55PM
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  • BergisMacBride
    Add me to the list. Bank was at 70 slots and now back to 60. Lost quite a few crafting materials in the process. We need some action on this as soon as possible and some better communication about this problem. I won't put anything valuable into my bank as it stands now
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Violatorrose
    Add me too, I lost all my bank items (full bank stuffed with crafting resources) around 4 days ago. I sent a petition to which I got a reply back saying items would be restored to me via ingame mail....so far nothing.

    Now to make matter worse I have just lost my extra bank slots (4200 golds worth) in a separate incident today. Losing all faith in putting anything in the bank which makes the game unplayable for me as I'm a crafter on multiple alts and have nowhere to put my crafting resources :(
  • Aphexine
    Another one for the list. Lost all bank upgrades and some items.
    Made a new character and didn't get the option to skip Coldharbour.
    And I received all my preorder bonuses again.
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  • Skethis
    Radianze wrote: »
    Add me to list. Same thing just happened to me, all items gon slot reset, byebye gold
    atleast i got around 60/80 items back with a relog.
    Still missing 20 and 11k gold tho and slots. :(

    Edit: i pulled as much stuff as i could to my chars in hope the 20 others would show up. didnt tho.

    I just finished up doing the exact same after 60 items popped back into existence. I feel your pain. I have no idea what ten items of mine went missing, but I grabbed all my racial motifs and anything of utmost importance, such as my major crafting mats.

  • Radianze
    I just relogged onto another char that i made as bankchar, it appears those 20 items spawned into bank now. still missing my gold tho and the upgrades. Sadly theres no way for me to tell if i rly got all 80 back :/

    EDIT: Almost sure now i got all the items back found some on my main char that appareantly got shoved into the inventory. Still no money tho
    Edited by Radianze on April 6, 2014 3:41PM
  • Annaya
    Soul Shriven
    Same thing happened to me - not sure if I got my items back, but in any case went from 80 slots to 60 and lost the upgrade money in the process...

    Micro-managing items is bad enough as it is, would be nice to have this fixed asap.
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  • Stillian
    Lost upgrade and 20 items.
    Edited by Stillian on April 6, 2014 6:12PM
    Elitist Scum Guild PC EU
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  • Yakum0
    I think that it's happen when the system changed today from free pre play to 1 month (free) charged ...the problem now is that the bank is full, chars are full, and no gold for expand again the slots lol ...bye bye the free days of play until they fix ... for me -_-. Better don't waste time with bugged account for me now -_-.
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    You guys need to file actual tickets. A post in the forums is not how you get anything fixed.

    I tried warning people again last night. As usual some idiot replies back "Mine works just fine, I just checked it." Tried explaining it has to do with connecting to a bad overflow server or something that causes the bank to be wiped. He still did not get it.

    I think the worst part of it is they are creating more work for themselves by NOT warning players.
  • cooper336b14_ESO
    Been almost 7 days and haven't had items restored yet!!!!
  • phoenixgoldb16_ESO
    2 day for me i opened a ticket and still nothing back to normal.Dont know if they will do something to.
  • KindaMayvelle
    Day five and counting, still no resolution for any of my tickets. This is getting ridiculous.
  • krashwire_ESO
    I had my bank up to 100 slots, Back to 60 now and no extra gold to compensate me.
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  • ImageGuru
    This is going to be a short-lived game if they don't resolve this critical bug asap. It's going to get them a lot of bad press. The early access period just ended and they want me to set up a subscription for my account, but I'm seriously considering not doing so until this problem is resolved, so I can make full use of my 30 day sub included with the game.

    I hate to not be playing the game, especially because the friend I bought the game with and who I group with hasn't had this problem and is still playing, but this bank issue is really making crafting and inventory management more difficult...and it looks like people are still having their bank items go missing, even today? So not only is it taking ages to get money and bank slots and such back after the fact, but the underlying problem is still happening? If they don't have engineers working on fixing this around the clock, then Zeni is shooting itself in the foot.
  • Charkat
    Add my name to the list. I went back to 60 slots and lost all items associated with the 20 other "vanished" slots. It has happened to me twice now, and I will not be purchasing anymore upgrades.

    This needs to be resolved or I will not be playing beyond the free month. I will try to remain optimistic, but playing with limited storage space now is a hassle that detracts from just enjoying the game.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Takanami
    Upgrade my bank and add new items.. acsg8mfdxkkh.jpg
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  • Valcyriel
    Add my name to the list. I have 90 slot bank and now i went back to 60 slots. Mainly there was crafting mats but also some gear. I have also opened ticket ingame.
    Edited by Valcyriel on April 6, 2014 8:27PM
  • Squandarler
    ROFLMAO. So you wasted time on the phone talking to someone in person just to hear the same "we are working on it garbage" the rest of us have received by email and in forums.

    I never received an actual response in email from my tickets, so to get a response at all I don't consider it wasted time. If you already got a response in whatever form then no reason to call. I mean for people whose tickets are getting closed with zero response whatsoever.
  • vaydenarazonb14_ESO
    Another victim of the bank bug. I only lost about 1,200 gold, but a few mats as well. Hope this bug gets resolved soon. Its frustrating not having access to a bank for fear of all your items going poof.
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  • krazmedicb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I have had a very similar thing happen to me as well. Fortunately it seems that all my items are intact, they got moved to the inventory of my main character, but I did lose 30 bank slots and the associated gold. WTT 30 bank slots or associated gold for duplicate Imperial edition/preorder items which are still in my mail. Also, the email for support is not working, neither is the ingame support at the moment.
  • skhelterub17_ESO
    Honestly not sure i want to enter my credit card info to pay for a game broken in this way. Will be holding off to see if its resolved. The original problem seems to persist as some people have lost their bank stuff more than once. Also I haven't received any items back from the first time.

    I love this game but it has some serious issues to work thru and an uphill climb to get those plagued by these curses to return.
  • Aleksanderrhb16_ESO
    All my bank spaces are gone and so is banked gold i had about 10k
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  • Rawr
    Add me to the list. Lost my gold and some items while my bank space went back to 60.
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  • Lordwebster
    Same here, bank space droppped from 70 to 60, some items (crafting resources mainly) that occupied the space went missing, too.
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  • Requielle
    Insecure storage = unplayable game. After I lost my bank upgrades I pulled everything remaining out onto my characters. Who were already a bit overloaded because storage is such a premium in this game, especially if you craft. Now my characters have all been turned into bank alts.

    Amazingly enough, I am not overly interested in paying to play Inventory Management Online. Today is the second day I've been off playing something else, because ESO is non-fuctional for my preferred playstyle with this bug.

    The lack of actual response is disheartening. No, I don't count cut&paste replies on a ticket as 'responses', especially when they don't actually address the issue on the ticket.
  • RogerWillstone
    Soul Shriven
    This happened to me too, lost a massive amount of trait items I was saving for research, most of which I traded/bought from other players and lost 2 bank upgrades.


    LOOOOOLLLL, I just logged in as my alt and everything I thought was lost from the bank are sitting in his inventory XD.

    Ok, the bank retrograde is annoying (especially with how expensive they get) but at least my items are still safe and sound in the backpacks of my toons (I'll just use them as mules till this issue is fixed)
    Edited by RogerWillstone on April 6, 2014 11:52PM
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