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Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • rorkananimal
    Also, I won't play until I can trust that this won't happen again. FIX this.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Squandarler
    I got a call back from ZOS with the same "we are still working on it" message someone else received, but also an assurance that since I verified it was really me and my account they will escalate the issue for my userID. For others it might be worth asking for the call and waiting. It took a few hours in my case. Still, they did respond.
  • Incarnatus
    And the issue is also that here is a fundamental system (Shared Bank) that is designed so players can have multiple characters so they CAN do everything they wont in the game (very elderscrolls) and when they try to use it as intended the whole sorry thing falls apart. Not very good design imo.

    I myself so far have been fortunate that even though I deleted characters my bank is not bugged. However, can I use it as intended, knowing I could lose everything at any moment?
  • babylon
    Incarnatus wrote: »
    babylon wrote: »
    Incarnatus wrote: »
    Yes i did upgrade my bank the day before it happened so this may also be tied into the problem

    Not sure if this is the case. My wife put her preorder rewards (well most of them) in the bank and passed some to an alt. She then deleted the character that put them in the bank remade and the going back to the bank it was empty.

    So your wife hadn't upgraded the bank?

    Worrying because so far it seems like there's no pattern to this.
  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    ((UPDATE APRIL 5TH 4:55est)) So a few hours after my forum post on April 1st Zenimax had contacted me through email, on this forum and also in-game (the in-game support needs to be tweaked a bit so people don't have to sit with the tab open).They said that they will be working hard to get us our items back and that they are well aware of the problem but they do not know how long it will take them to fix. It has been a few days and i understand they are trying to send our items back to us but might i suggest a short-term solution, alot of us lost ALOT of crafting materials and just stuff we found after our adventures, but for the time being would it be possible to send us back the items we lost before we even started, which would be the Pets/Maps/RingsofMara. I say this because i can deal with losing alot of materials for crafting, but i would like to do the maps as i level and not have to backtrack to low level zones and receive gear that is outdated. Hopefully this might be a decent idea for you all to consider and please just keep us informed on any new data, thanks =)
  • rorkananimal
    I got a call back from ZOS with the same "we are still working on it" message someone else received, but also an assurance that since I verified it was really me and my account they will escalate the issue for my userID. For others it might be worth asking for the call and waiting. It took a few hours in my case. Still, they did respond.

    Problem is, I live in Brazil. I'm pretty sure they are not gonna call me. This will happen to more international players as well, so it CANNOT depend on getting a phone call from support.
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • Nyrielle
    Incarnatus wrote: »
    Yes i did upgrade my bank the day before it happened so this may also be tied into the problem

    Not sure if this is the case. My wife put her preorder rewards (well most of them) in the bank and passed some to an alt. She then deleted the character that put them in the bank remade and the going back to the bank it was empty.

    No, my stuff disappeared after the April 2nd patch (Incarnatus is my husband). Logged off before the patch and all was ok. Before logging in after the April 2nd patch I was on the forums and actually read about this bug. First thing I did when I logged in was check my bank only to find out I was affected. :( For those speculating about the bank increase. No, I did not upgrade my banks or backpack.

  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    I got a call back from ZOS with the same "we are still working on it" message someone else received, but also an assurance that since I verified it was really me and my account they will escalate the issue for my userID. For others it might be worth asking for the call and waiting. It took a few hours in my case. Still, they did respond.

    ROFLMAO. So you wasted time on the phone talking to someone in person just to hear the same "we are working on it garbage" the rest of us have received by email and in forums. I know you were just trying to help with advice, but you really did not make it any farther then the rest of us.

    For those people who are replying "add me to the list" please use some common sense and go file an actual ticket. They are not going to fix your problem based off a post in the forums.
  • Ghost_Avatar
    Just logged on to find this had happened to me to, submitted an in game request for customer support, loosing the materials is harsh, loosing racial motifs on top of that is painfull :(
  • Nyrielle
    Just wanted to update. I just received an email from a CSR saying they restored my preorder collectors items. Logged in and yes they have been reissued via the mail. In my case that is all I was looking for. There was no word on the bank fix. I am sure that my bank is likely still bugged. I will not put anything I don't want to lose in there till I am sure it is sorted. If you have your items restored I recommend you use the bank with caution till there is some official word about it being fixed.
  • iBeahm
    Yeah they emailed me saying they're still working on getting our items back so it might be awhile
  • drazilelite
    Incarnatus wrote: »
    The thing that is making me unhappy more than the bugs, which are fixable, is the lack of response from a mod on this official forum ... respectfully, I request a reply from a moderator.

    This is how I feel as well. I understand the need to be patient while bugs are being fixed, but a word on how this is going would go a long way for helping my morale. Every ticket I've sent has been a generic response of "we are working on it" and "we will contact you soon". Soon was 2 days ago :(

  • aesmodienb14_ESO
    There are enough people affected that ZOS should be warning players about this issue but they are tight lipped about it. They are more worried about keeping up the facade that everything is wonderful in release than actually protecting the rest of the player base. This should be a sticky on the first page.
  • raygundan


    All items lost. Nothing in the bank at all. My first ticket was closed with no resolution at all. I don't have much hope this one will get fixed, either. If this isn't taken care of (bug fixed, and all items returned) during my free month, there will be no further subscription from me.
  • boredpeonub17_ESO
    raygundan wrote: »


    Yep, I was afraid of that and that is why I created alts just to store items. I also did not bother purchasing the bank upgrades a second time.

    If the problem is related to the overflow servers it is going to happen repeatedly until they fix it.

    They should warn players about it. I tried warning people about it and I get "well mine works fine." Which of course is stupid because your bank might be working fine for the moment, but all it take sit one logging in and out to break it.

  • Altairien
    This just happened to me, sort of. I logged a character on and my entire bank was blank. Everything was gone. I logged that character off and logged on another character. 60 of my items showed up BUT the 10 slots I purchased hours ago were gone along with some items that took the count over 60. I'm out items, slots, and the 1000g I used to purchase the slots.

    Ticket submitted with no response yet. What's the status? And why is this game live with this level of bug?
  • Knottypine
    Altairien wrote: »
    Ticket submitted with no response yet. What's the status? And why is this game live with this level of bug?

    I have not yet received a response on my ticket either. I'm out the same as you. Usually I wouldn't say anything about bugs on something that just released... But I do agree that this is a pretty high level bug that they really need to address. Losing items, and storage space in a MMO is a pretty big bug IMHO. As well as the 1000g I used to purchase the space. For me that's a lot as it takes me a while to make gold.
  • KindaMayvelle
    Been waiting four days since this started...I haven't touched the game since. I'm afraid to log onto my alts to move my stuff from my bank into their packs for fear that logging in/out of them will cause my bank to wipe, again. No word today from them at all, and all previous communications gave the same answer -- "we're working on it/soon".

    Tomorrow, I have to set up my subscription and switch my account to live. Rest assured, I will NOT begin my 30 days free play time until this is fixed. I refuse to waste them. I'm just afraid something may happen to my characters once the grace period is up and I still haven't set up a sub.
  • brian.loefflerb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    So Its happened to me twice, losing money deposited from the bank and my bank slot upgrades. Each time was switching between alts. And in each instance I suddenly had my "welcome gifts" in my mail again. Has this happened to anyone else where you got yer welcome gifts and it meant that yer bank was affected?
    Edited by brian.loefflerb14_ESO on April 6, 2014 2:51AM
    A Lawful Good Templar
    does not mean
    a Lawful Nice Templar
  • KindaMayvelle
    Yes. When my bank was wiped, I received IE items in my mail even though I had already claimed mine... I'm assuming the two are related, and more than likely the others who have been affected has also received duplicates.
  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    ((UPDATE APRIL 5th 11:00pm est)) I was just pvping in cyrodil and i got failed to transfer character and now im falling threw the earth. I cannot /stuck because im in cyrodil and i cant die because im falling. Altf4 does nothing and if i log out and back in im still just falling. So now my bank has most likely been deleted with all my items a 2nd time AND i cant even play the game because my avatar is forever falling....i want to love this game but this is absolutely ridiculous

    I just got booted from the server and my items are still in my bank =) yaaay (still no items from first wipe but at least i can play)
    Edited by xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO on April 6, 2014 3:18AM
  • Niria
    I've been waiting for the restore for 5 days now. In the last 3 days, I have asked the CSRs via email 3 times if it is safe to use my bank now or if using it will somehow affect getting the restored items back. They keep responding that they are working to fix the issue but they never answer the question. Very aggravating. Based on responses here, I'm guessing they wont because they know I'm not going to like the answer. I am not impressed with their support nor with the fact that we are not being supplied with updates on the progress of this issue or any kind of ETA. If we are, can someone point me to the post? because I'm not seeing them.
    Edited by Niria on April 6, 2014 4:18AM
  • Yetinator
    So Its happened to me twice, losing money deposited from the bank and my bank slot upgrades. Each time was switching between alts. And in each instance I suddenly had my "welcome gifts" in my mail again. Has this happened to anyone else where you got yer welcome gifts and it meant that yer bank was affected?

    This is exactly what happened to me yea.
  • felixgamingx1
    Didn't the Argonian say the bank was unbreachable? blah blah
  • per.t.pettersenb16_ESO
    Got this aswell . Got the standard response from support.
    So it can happen again? darn, i'm afraid of shuffling between alts and i won't buy the upgrades again. I realy hope they give us something realy nice when they have fixed this. A 100 slot free bank would be great..
  • Banshi
    same problem
    got an explorer pak, and lost my bank space

    Edited by Banshi on April 6, 2014 11:09AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Ichikai
    Has ANYONE AT ALL gotten their items back yet? They keep saying they're working on it and sending us the crap back.. but I have not gotten mine back and don't see anyone claiming they did.

    So I'm going to assume absolutely no one of the affected have had their stuff returned to them.

    Any ETA at all? I've probably out-lvled the usefulness of most of the items by now. Not very impressed.
  • Banshi

    omg.... i have 3 explorer pak on my game-email and was resetted once again

    Edited by Banshi on April 6, 2014 3:49PM
  • Takanami
    My bank went from 70 to 60 slots yesterday, lost some items :(
    Too scared to upgrade it again
    Edited by Takanami on April 6, 2014 11:47AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Kaskako
    My bank has been reset to the default size and deposited gold has dissappeared. (Items are still there, mostly i think...)
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