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Jabs...old vs. new

  • Hämähäkki
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    I guess its pretty clear where this poll is going.
    So please ZOS, take those changes back or redo them.
  • Arphalas
    The new animation is cool, keep it that way!
    I like the new onebetter. It looks like an actual spear rather than jerking off a toothpick
  • Hämähäkki
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Arphalas wrote: »
    I like the new onebetter. It looks like an actual spear rather than jerking off a toothpick

    Well, it's actually a destro staff copy
  • TairenSoul
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    The spear should look like a spear instead of a staff. The animation is too sweeping, making it look like my toon is flailing it around in the air instead of jabbing straight at the target.
    The new or old animation doesn't really matter either. It's literally not worth even slotting it on your bar anymore because it does no damage. You're better off just spamming blazing spear.

    I agree 100%. Neither of these points matter, because the damage has decreased enough that I don't like playing my favorite toons anymore. What is the point of being a 2100+ champ if I have to beat down even the smallest of enemy like I'm a level 3? I'm very surprised people aren't complaining more about the decrease in damage than they are the new look.
    Heavy is the crown.
  • Einar_Hrafnarsson
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    They stole the Templar identity and switched it with a shovel of light the character is apparently not sure what to do with. (Do i stab or swing with this?)
  • TechMaybeHic
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Templar new identity is Jesus beam.
  • Fischblut
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    It's not just animation change, they even changed the voice associated with this skill... The character used to perform powerful vocalization when using jabs. Now the character only sometimes performs a calm voice line during jabs :/

    My templar used to be my main character for PvP, dungeons, arenas and trials runner for years. Female redguard has one certain powerful and strong voice preset, and I loved every voice line used by her <3

    I also want to mention new Flurry animation, which I also dislike. I loved the old animation very much, my stamsorc and stamdk were using it as their main damaging ability :'(

    It's very sad when something like this is changed. Combat nerfs are sad, but cosmetic changes are much worse to me. There were few changes like this.
    For example, werewolf eating a corpse used to sound rather scary (and actually resembling a sound of big predator chewing his prey), but some time ago it was changed to the set of sounds which sound really unrelated. Or the combat bug which turned 1 year this month - our characters no longer scream when they Break Free.

    I can stomach combat nerfs while I still have all the cosmetic things to hear and see. Now more and more of these things are taken away too :(
    It looks weird to me, but I had the same thing when my other MMO changed an attack animation, hated it at first, then got used to it, now when I see the old one in videos that looks weird to me.

    I think you talk about Rifle Jump animation change in GW2. I can't get used to it, it feels less powerful now :s
  • Vahndamme
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Can you change the animation already? I can't watch this static animation anymore.
  • Hämähäkki
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Vahndamme wrote: »
    Can you change the animation already? I can't watch this static animation anymore.

    Have you tried jabs in a narrow passage? When the camera zooms in my eys start to hurt so badly :/
  • From_Siberia
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    As expected, this new jabs animation looks really bad. I actively used this skill for several days to be objective.
    1. this is not a spear, this is an power pole. Texture of new jabs is large and hypertrophied. Just compare with old jabs;
    2. this is a copied texture of the vampire motif. Why? This looks like a joke, a mockery. If you wanted to copy the motif for jabs, you could use Hircine's spear (Spear of Bitter Mercy) for example. But better - a unique texture. I don't think this is a problem for professionals like zos o:) ;
    3. animation. This feeling that you're not using a spear, but cutting butter for a sandwich. And you do it with a power pole. Very bad.

    This is very low quality. Old jabs was more thoughtful and elegant, but zos chose to destroy it. As a templar, I only see it as a punishment for playing as this class. Developers, please stop hating me. At very least, it's better to tell me how you feel directly instead of destroying what I like.

    I recommend zos to fix this mistake - hire an outsource studio to change the animation of the skill - and apologize for what happened to players. And more importantly, ZOS need to rethink their quality control.

    Jabs needs a more love!

    Edited by From_Siberia on August 26, 2022 11:21AM
  • Sidereum
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    I was wondering... if they really wanted to use an existing motif as model for the new animation, why specifically choose a vampiric motif? Why not Imperial Champion Staves or Ivory Brigade Staves that look more like Imperial spears/javelins?

    Regardless, I would prefer a revert anyway.
    PC-EU | @Sidereum
    Favorite race: Imperial
    Favorite class: Warden
    Favorite alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
    Favorite zone: Gold Coast
    Favorite chapter: Blackwood
  • Hvíthákarl
    The new animation is cool, keep it that way!
    Unpopular opinion, but while I hated it at first (as I did hate Flurry), it has grown on me for some reason. Feels more natural, opposite to the more anime-esque previous jabs (not a bad thing! just different). The damage, tho... they need to fix that shite asap
  • QuietOne
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    The spear style now clashes way too much with my characters style… especially since I use a staff already… it’s very clunky looking. In a game where people take fashion very seriously in all areas of gameplay, this is a big disappointment 😔
  • lardvader
    I don't care
    Always looked silly
    CP 1200+ PC EU EP
  • Eric_Prince
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    To be honest, the only thing I would change in the new animation is the last hit. Make it forward thrust (or whatever it's called) like the last hit in the previous animation.

    Well, it also would be cool to have Imperial-something style for the spear, but that's not bothering me too much. I just don't like that final sweep at all.
    To be the Chosen One really sounds like lots of fun,
    But in the end you'll just be someone's lunch
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    The new animation is cool, keep it that way!
    I much prefer that all skills are able to be cast within the one second cooldown for weaving purposes. The change from 1 second to .8 seconds was welcome. Functionally it is far superior in that aspect.

    I couldn't care less about the animation itself. I kinda like the new spear TBH, but it does not factor into my position on the change in the slightest.

    I am not sure if they got the damage adjustment correct or not, too soon to tell, but getting the skill on the GCD with a LA weave was the right call from my perspective (someone capable of a near perfect weave).

    Was it the right call from the perspective of the floor they are supposedly trying to raise, hmm... not so sure. Weaving just become more important on what is historically one of the easiest classes to play.

    I would hazard a guess that those complaining about function, werent the best at weaving jabs to its highest potential last patch. You really had to time the weave between the third and forth jab if you wanted the full benefit (maximum pace), and certainly, a lot of the population didnt do that. Weaving the skill is much easier now, but its also much more important that you do weave and that you do it correctly.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on August 26, 2022 7:29PM
  • kargen27
    I don't care
    I've decided now that I've played more I like the new animation. The movement can look a bit clunky with that last over exaggerated jab but I only notice it when soloing garbage fights.

    We did a vet Sanctum Ophidia run a couple of night ago and when stacked with a group the new animation is really easy to see. Makes it easier to get the timing of next skill down. I never liked stacking and not being able to see the jabs so would get right to the edge of the stack to see the jabs. Not seeing the jabs sometimes my rotation would get off. Now besides the muscle memory of doing a rotation I have a visual timer I can see even when stacked tight on the boss. I'm retraining myself on rotation timing but that doesn't take long.

    So overall I like the change.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    I love the new spearhead design, but absolutely hate the animation ! The 3 hits just throw off the rhythm, I thought I might get used to it but so far I still despise it. And the nerf is painful.
    PC/EU DC
  • Thecompton73
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Zone chat last night made it clear that Templars are no longer welcome in trials and dungeon groups. So what am I supposed to do now with my magplar main?


    Spend a million gold so you can run around in Mara's Balm in PvP with 15 people trying and failing to kill you as you laugh at them.
  • TechMaybeHic
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Silver shards is doing as much damage for me when hitting a vamp or werewolf in PvP. More if the target is wearing maras balm. And its range. And it weaves even better. And it is kind of lore friendly I guess in that its against undead rather than be a vampiric motif.
  • maxjapank
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    I don't like the new animation. Have used it repeatedly for several days now. It looks bad and is not really fun to use. Why, just why change something that's been part of a Templar's identity since the beginning? Seriously. Change it back.
  • tim77
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    the new animation is just cringe

    templar zerg:
  • Leogon
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    I also want the old Flurry back.
  • Hämähäkki
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Leogon wrote: »
    I also want the old Flurry back.

    You don't like the new one?


  • Jman100582
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Nibbling jabs is my new favorite spammable
  • AvalonRanger
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Dual wield skill "Flurry" motion also changed, right ?
    Not so ... bad ... but It looks like little bit "dancing motion" for me.

    Hire sword action stuntman, and capture it. That's more better.
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".
  • AvalonRanger
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Consider movement of center of the mass of torso little bit more.
    Swinging sword by only arms looks like weightless.

    The kinetic power start from feet, gradually transferred to the pelvis
    and torso, shoulder, arms, and finally impact happen at the edge of the blade.
    Simply say use whole body just like the "whip". Do not move whole body
    with same timing. Those type of motion is weightless and cheap.

    Look at movement of Geralt of rivia. He use whole his body just like whip.
    Edited by AvalonRanger on August 30, 2022 9:13AM
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".
  • Michae
    I don't care
    I honestly don't see much difference. If you guys didn't point it out I'd probably wouldn't notice. But I don't play much on templar so there's that.
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • huskandhunger
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    The spear itself needs to be sharp and piercing as of light breaking or bursting with light...not....a frying pan or gardening tool. 🤣
  • huskandhunger
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    In Skywatch Fighters Guild are spear using NPCs, try those animations 🙂
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