Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Jabs...old vs. new

  • heaven13
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Remember when the “theme” of the year was player’s power fantasy and that was the focus of changes? I know it was about as successful as the year of performance and now the year of accessibility but I’d love to know what the devs’ vision is for how it all is supposed to work together.

    What player power fantasy involves an oversized, poorly chosen style (vampire motif for aedric light ability) staff that feels like a broom, or a noodle? What players are you targeting with this change? ZoS said they’d never go back and change existing assets. And then they did. It’s atrocious. Almost every templar main hates it and feels as though their identity on the class has been completely changed. For what purpose? Why did the timing not get adjusted? Why was an entirely new animation necessary? Change for the sake of change is always bad.

    Please give us our jabs back.
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • joseayalac
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    The animation per se is fine, but it's very lore-breaking that they used a Vampire staff motif for an Aedric light spear tbh.
  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Zone chat last night made it clear that Templars are no longer welcome in trials and dungeon groups. So what am I supposed to do now with my magplar main?


    Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main - Killed by U35
    Jahsul at-Sahan | Redguard Sorcerer | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites | PVP Main
    Derrok Gunnolf | Redguard Dragonknight | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites
    Liliana Littleleaf | 9-Trait Grand Master Crafter/Jeweler (non-combat)
    Amber Emberheart | Breton Dragonknight | Stamina | Master Angler
    Vlos Anon | Dunmer Nightblade | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina
    Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka
    Tithin Geil | Altmer Sorceress | Magicka
    Dhryk | Imperial Dragonknight | Stamina

    Guild Master - ESO Traders Union
    PC/NA - CP 2320+
  • DarcyMardin
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    How could they ruin one of the coolest skills in the game? Revert the change, please!! (Reverting the whole patch would be even better).
  • Firstmep
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    After using it for a while, I dont mind the skin so much, but the actual animation is really bad.
    Gone is thrusting/jabbing with martial expertise, we instead have some rookie flailing around.

    Also I can almost never tell if I'm hitting something, only the dmg numbers tell me.
  • UnabashedlyHonest
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    xthrshx wrote: »
    If you mained templar you are now trying to figure out what class you're going to have to switch to if you want to keep playing ESO.

    I canceled my ESO+ subscription and have stopped spending any money on the game. My interest in playing has been dying since this patch was announced and this trash animation was made public. It’s probably not too long before I abandon the game altogether and it is 100% because they destroyed my main character. The jabs animation is an enormous part of that.

    I was a templar main. U35 absolutely gutted the game for me. I hate the new jabs animation, but the real problem is how radically they gutted the templar play style and abilities. I'll have to learn to play a new class all together now and/or just find a different game to play. With changes this drastic even after all the warnings from content creators and the player base and the changes still going live, I'm leaning toward finding a different game to play that won't do things like this to the player base.
  • kargen27
    I don't care
    I'm getting used to the change. Fighting world bosses I don't really pay attention to the animation. I'm guessing if this animation had been around forever and the change was made to the old one we would be just as upset. People tend to dislike changes.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • haelgaan
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    idc if they want to change the spear model, but wth is the wobbly crap at the end. i'm jabbing, not waving around a floppy noodle.
    Edited by haelgaan on August 23, 2022 10:37PM
  • Hämähäkki
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    kargen27 wrote: »
    People tend to dislike changes.

    Off course people don't like changes, but this change was totally unnecessary. The old one wasn't overly pretty but it felt more accurate in comparison with the new one. Now you just wave around something that just looks like some kind of telephone pole.
  • Ragnork
    I don't care
    It looks awful - but I really do not care.
  • Ardriel
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
  • merpins
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Week 1 PTS: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/611212/revert-puncturing-strikes/p1

    Week 2 PTS: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/611452/rip-jabs-please-dont-change-jabs-7-29/p1

    Week 4 PTS: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/614539/if-nothing-else-please-rethink-the-visual-change-to-jabs/p1

    Been calling for it since the PTS. New jabs sucks, and I don't care if it does terrible damage; it's the animation that sucks.
  • Roztlin45
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Just because people complain does not mean that they are obstinant. It is human nature to resist things that have little value or a negative impact. This is not about the old animation, this is about the new one being sloppy and thrown together. It interrupts the combat feel and reminds you that it was half done. If this change had been smooth and in accordance with the normal game flow then ok..but clearly this was a complete and utter failure of design.
  • ClericPro
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Why was it necessary to change what worked and suited everyone?
    Why waste resources that could have been spent on something useful?
    Edited by ClericPro on August 24, 2022 8:27AM
  • Seewul
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Last few weeks been having toughts that i miss my templar a character that i made last time i came back to eso for few months, well i felt disgusted after seeing what was happening in pts and needless to say wont be coming back this year then.
  • Neriala
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!

    horrible, ugly...absolutely wrong, what was the reason to create one so awful animation? My templar and I - we are both crying and want to get rid of this....pls bring the old animation back :(

    Life is like a river. Wisdom is knowing when to paddle and when to float. There's a time to grab your paddle and forge your way ahead in life and there's a time to just chill, relax and just go with the flow.

  • biminirwb17_ESO
    I disliked the old jab animations (there have been a couple) and I dislike the new one as well.

    I also dislike the skill (mag morph) that does direct damage, aoe damage and heals for one button press. Being able to clear most non DLC dungeons using one skill solo was always going to end in misery.
  • Hämähäkki
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Being able to clear most non DLC dungeons using one skill solo was always going to end in misery.

    You can actually do that with all skills that do damage, even with LA's and HA's.
  • SammyKhajit
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Finally got around to trying out the new jab change.

    Sammy is not into it. Looks and feels awkward.
  • Hämähäkki
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Finally got around to trying out the new jab change.

    Sammy is not into it. Looks and feels awkward.

    I totally get you. A couple of days ago, your jabs were deadly and on point like this...


    But now they are lame and look strange, like this...

  • mmtaniac
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    I like jabs right now it's not jabs it's become spears you can't jab jab jab with spear now you do spear spear spear not jab jab jab. It's weird logic but this is how i see this thing , we have unique animations that no one can have right now everyone can have those thing just by using Nighthollow motif on staff. Older one was feeling better right now it's different, Isobel still use old animation.
  • WaywardArgonian
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    I was going to keep using jabs even with the nerfed damage because I like the feel of them. I instantly decided to stop using them when I experienced the new animation. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels weird, clunky and non-impactful.
    PC/EU altaholic | Smallscale & ballgroup healer | Former Empanada of Ravenwatch | @ degonyte in-game | Nibani Ilath-Pal (AD Nightblade) - AvA rank 50 | Jehanne Teymour (AD Sorcerer) - AvA rank 50 | Niria Ilath-Pal (AD Templar) - AvA rank 50
  • TechMaybeHic
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    I've seen one person use jabs in PVP since the update. For like 2 seconds and they died. Need an emote for "one for my homie"
  • DocFrost72
    The new animation is cool, keep it that way!
    I'm genuinely starting to wonder if I'm insane, because I agree with every single person in these comment threads in reverse. I think the old animation is a wet noodle slapping around haphazardly, and the new animations is a fresh and crisp spear being thrust realistically.

    I don't much care for the damage changes, but the animation change was a good one, and the skill now weaves like a dream.
  • ElvenOverlord
    I don't care
    Meh, heard all the complaints and tried it out. Its not that bad, if they keep it I'm ok with it. If they don't, its not a big deal either way. So really I don't care one way or another, nowhere near as bad as some would have you believe imo.
  • Sheridan
    I don't care
    I've never played templar
  • MasterSpatula
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    What, you don't like waving a spear vaguely in the direction of your enemies?
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    Neriala wrote: »
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!

    horrible, ugly...absolutely wrong, what was the reason to create one so awful animation? My templar and I - we are both crying and want to get rid of this....pls bring the old animation back :(

    They could have easily changed the timing without changing the animation. And I'm still baffled by why they chose to use a Night Hollow style stave as the "spear" or why the flailing around is necessary rather than a straight back and forth motion.

    The changes made to jabs is the most inexplicable change in U35 in my opinion. Nothing about the changes makes any sense.
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    The new animation is horrible, bring back the old one!
    What, you don't like waving a spear vaguely in the direction of your enemies?

    But it's not a spear. It's a Night Hollow style stave.
  • Auldwulfe
    I don't care
    I am not sure that "I don't care" is exactly appropriate -- I do care, but my templar doesn't use jabs. He's an imperial Tank, and since jabs doesn't pull aggro, I tended to use different skills .....I've always used the thrown spear, as I can use it to help others when I can't get to the enemy - and I use shield rush with pierce armor up close, and stampede and cleave with 2 handed, when dealing with groups ..... using my other slots to buff and support -- I ALWAYS kept a heal on bar in case my healers needed that extra bit of support.

    And since I started learning tank, I have never had a complaint about my ability to do so, and I have been happy for the constructive criticism and advice I have gotten...... and, NONE of the changes from U35 effect my play with that character, as he was ALWAYS a bit different ... that said. I was refused entry in 2 different groups last night, because I am a Templar .....

    So, yeah, I am a tad annoyed that the damage that ZOS did, is destroying an entire class, and who KNOWS how many play styles .....

    Not a single skill I use was nerfed past the overall damage changes EVERYONE got.... but Templar means not wanted, now.

    But switching from my level 50 Templar in all purple gear, with some gold, to my level 6 Nightblade that I have been wanting to build for some months, now .... that character got 3 invites to go fight WB's...... at level 6 --- he even got invited into a Harrowstorm in Eastmarch ......... mind you, after 2 hours, he is level 11 .... but really, how is that even a thing ..... a level 50 Templar, proven tank, and much praised by others kicked aside for a level 6 Nightblade.

    Edited by Auldwulfe on August 24, 2022 5:23PM
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