What are you thoughts on having consequences upon death in ESO ?

  • SkaraMinoc
    No please, Here is why :
    I remember "leveling" backwards in my first MMO many years ago but it's not a fond memory. I think being penalized for dying is outdated and pointlessly tries to promote a specific playstyle, although it wouldn't bother me if it were introduced as an optional mode. For me it didn't add anything positive, I was one of the players who didn't especially worry about the penalty so I repeated many levels.

    That's gotta be Everquest.

    Monks could pull mobs to AFK players and then use the ability "Feign Death" next to the player. The AFK player would take all aggro and they'd die. Then someone would resurrect the player and repeat. This was in 1999 and there was no resurrection confirmation dialog. So you could literally de-level an AFK player if you were evil enough.
    PC NA
  • Dagoth_Rac
    No please, Here is why :
    Also, the death penalties in older MMOs were not because we players were tougher or the devs were cooler or game designers were less stifled. There is a weird nostalgia for this stuff that paints those who endured it as "hard" and modern games are "soft". But making you regain lost levels and gold and gear and so on was just a way to keep you playing without actually giving you new content. It was not a fun and engaging challenge. It was a time sink. MMOs, of course, still have ways to do this, but have moved on to techniques that are less reviled by players. Basically, the death penalty was always crude and unpopular, but devs had not yet really figured out anything better.
  • Cadbury
    I want permadeath to be more strict:

    I like the idea of losing your progress, but I think it should go further by having your account have five "lives". Once those "lives" are gone, that's it. Poof no more account. You have to rebuy the game and DLC again.

    Players can earn extra "lives" ingame during events like:
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Blinx
    No please, Here is why :
    my time is too valuable to waste on this sort of archaic nonsense, I would quit immediately!
  • Michae
    No please, Here is why :
    As fun as some of those options might sound they would get old really quickly.

    But if you want that kind of fun you can apply some of them yourself. Like for example you could delete your character after dying. Or you can respawn only at the wayshrines, no soulgems allowed. How about that?
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • jecks33
    No please, Here is why :
    Gnesnig wrote: »
    That's a good point :) , so the mechanics shouldn't change. But come on, in 3 months play I have accumulated >1k "spare" soul gems, after selling 2 stacks to make room in bank. Plenty repair kits and hardly use them, because going to a merchant is an option most of the time.

    Go try VMA, you'll spend all your soul gems :)
  • FeedbackOnly
    No please, Here is why :
    I tried to pull like this long ago. Nobody likes the idea
  • chattygeekHD
    No please, Here is why :
    Although I'm a no for ESO, I would be interested what an MMO would be like if this sort of ruling applied from it's original release.

    The reason I'm a no for ESO is that I believe one of the big pulls for this game is accessibility for low-skilled players, or people with other issues that may prevent them from being 'top tier' players that just enjoy the game and want to experience the story.

    It would be a shame for people who have already invested a lot of time and love into this game to suddenly start being penalized when they died.

    An MMO with a 'Souls like' struggle would be appealing for some players I can imagine - but the problem would be accessibility and how do you not exclude players with either physical or skill based disabilities. Especially important in an MMO which has community at it's core.. more so than a single player game like a Souls type.
    J'hattee the Geek: A friendly Khajiit Warden, spreading positivity and kindness around the wonderful world of Tamriel and beyond, and investigating everything Nirn and the realms have to offer. This one is always happy to meet new people and talk about all sorts like our old friend M'aiq..

    Xbox EU Server.

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  • Michae
    No please, Here is why :
    I'd just like to add that I'm always somewhat baffled when I see the calls to make ESO more hardcore in any way here on forums. ESO never sold itself as a hardcore game, it was always marketed as casual "do it your way" almost single player MMO. So I don't know where this expectation of hard content comes from. I mean there are plenty of hard, sometimes literally unfair games out there to take your pick from. ESO, bah, The Elder Scrolls in general, never was one of those games. Well, maybe Arena and Daggerfall were a bit more hard, but all of the games were like that back in the day and I certainly don't miss those times that much.
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • DinoZavr
    OP, try EVE Online, maybe?
    This game offers quite a lot of death consequences.
    PC EU
  • Nightowl_74
    No please, Here is why :
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    I remember "leveling" backwards in my first MMO many years ago but it's not a fond memory. I think being penalized for dying is outdated and pointlessly tries to promote a specific playstyle, although it wouldn't bother me if it were introduced as an optional mode. For me it didn't add anything positive, I was one of the players who didn't especially worry about the penalty so I repeated many levels.

    That's gotta be Everquest.

    Monks could pull mobs to AFK players and then use the ability "Feign Death" next to the player. The AFK player would take all aggro and they'd die. Then someone would resurrect the player and repeat. This was in 1999 and there was no resurrection confirmation dialog. So you could literally de-level an AFK player if you were evil enough.

    It was FFXI, actually, about 2003 or 2004. It's funny to think back on all the time I spent utilizing potions to sneak through zones filled with mobs that would instantly one-shot me to death if I was detected. Not because I wanted to explore there, necessarily, but because I had to get through for character progression. There wasn't much that wouldn't kill you in one or two hits if you were alone and at the appropriate level to need something in an area, for some reason. I know I enjoyed the game back then but the fact that I was able to despite how harsh it was seems somewhat bizarre, now.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    No please, Here is why :
    Lorewise the Vestige is immortal that is why.
  • peacenote
    No please, Here is why :
    I would hate any version of this. While not the same game at all, the reason I barely play Elden Ring even though it is a beautiful game is because I HATE having to run back to my body to get my gold after I die. Instead of making it feel like death has a consequence, it just disincentivizes me to try and engage with anything which is located far from a rally point.

    Plus, the torture of waiting for people after deaths in dungeons and trials would kill end game. Or grouping with people in general... especially that maze idea. Just... no.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Sjestenka
    No please, Here is why :
    State of Decay 2 has permadeath. Tiny community ive been playing for a year or so got overrun by zombies when i decided game was too easy and switched to nightmare difficulty :'( All happened so suddenly.. I couldn't save them! Still traumatized. No permadeath for me, thank you
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    No please, Here is why :
    Having to walk back through dangerous territory nekkid and unarmed to gather stuff from my mutilated corpse repeatedly (as mobs were still crowding around it and killed me again and again)… that‘s what nearly drove me away from playing Valheim.
    Then I discovered the game‘s single player devmode, and all was well again.
    I‘ve been playin Valheim for, well, about three months. Playing ESO since 2015. If permadeath or nekkid corpse trekking suddenly became mandatory in ESO, I‘d have to look for a new (or at least more fun) game to play.
    Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy getting my butt handed to me in Insurgency Sandstorm, but it‘s a different genre, and I play most of ‚my‘ games to unwind after a stressful workday.
    Edited by Ye_Olde_Crowe on June 28, 2022 11:12AM
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • Lugaldu
    No please, Here is why :
    Permadeath.... for my master crafter who can craft almost any style, recipe, and furniture plan I desperately need for housing?
  • AcadianPaladin
    No please, Here is why :
    My character finds death and resurrecting very traumatic due to roleplay reasons - seriously. More consequences would inhibit her from ever engaging in new and potentially dangerous things like DLC WBs or trying to solo some of the easier group dungeons. And though, she's not a fan of PvP at all, were there serious death consequences, she never would have ever set foot in Cyridiil. In fact, I should think PvP would have a very hard time getting newer players to try it. As for my character, it would tend to restrict her to fishing, fashion and maybe delves.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • _Zathras_
    No please, Here is why :
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Permadeath = char gets deleted if you died
    Levels, Skills, experience and CP lost upon death
    Equipment, Inventory and Gold destroyed or being left to be looted by other players
    Having to walk back to your body to get your stuff and respawn.
    Having to travel back to the area every time you died, as you respawn at a temple
    Having to go through an obstacle course in oblivion to come back to life

    No, because you can't add that severity of consequence 8 years in.

    It would be different if the game were in development and people got used to the idea beforehand. Then when launch came around, all the people that liked the idea of death penalties could support the game.

    While there certainly is a market for a harder-core gaming experience, especially in roguelikes, a very casual game like ESO would explode and uncontrollably hemorrhage its population if anything like that were instituted.

    Edited by _Zathras_ on June 28, 2022 11:40AM
  • Meiox
    No please, Here is why :
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Permadeath = char gets deleted if you died
    Equipment, Inventory and Gold destroyed

    You can do that allready if you want. Just play with these two rules and tell us in 1 month how fun it is. But you have to do some dangerous stuff, like kill dragons, do trials or solo arenas ;-)

  • emilyhyoyeon
    No please, Here is why :
    I come from the relatively early days of Runescape where if you died you had a very short time to run across the map and get your stuff before it shows up to other players after 30sec, free for taking, and before it eventually despawns permanently after another short time. That was awful.

    But the game gave you several methods like teleporting away before dying, and it was designed way differently than eso is and I think that's the fundamental problem with death consequences in eso. ESO and its content would have to be reworked.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • Syldras
    No please, Here is why :
    Permadeath can be an interesting concept, but not for a game like ESO where you collect all types of plans and recipes over several years. What would happen if we suddenly had permadeath? Probably most people would keep their "valuable" characters safe and would create a new "throw away" character for more difficult activities. Of course always storing everything in the bank and keeping their inventory at minimum, and never learning any styles and recipes with that character. I don't think it would add anything positive to the gaming experience.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
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  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    No please, Here is why :
    ESO has consequences for dying in Imperial City - you lose half your Tel Var stones. Notice how unpopular that is compared to Cyrodiil proper? It might be fun for the top 1%, but for everyone else it’s just a way to get time spent and progress made wiped over and over again.
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  • MorninStar
    No please, Here is why :
    My personal experience. When outward was dropped I bought it. I enjoyed it for about an hour. After dying and having to figure out where I dropped all my stuff and run back to it without dying again, that was it for me. ESO will not last a week if death consequences are added, especially ones like this.
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    No thank you. Just yikes and ewww from me.
  • Melivar
    No please, Here is why :
    There are lots of games available with similar penalties that I will play if I am in the mood. ESO is not that game and I like it the way it is.
  • CGPsaint
    No please, Here is why :
    LOL. Someone wants UO experience.

    My thoughts exactly. I played UO for years and spent an awful lot of time running back to my corpse to try and retrieve my vanquishing weapons. On the bright side, I didn't have to worry about losing my black sandals because I used a scroll to bind them to me!
    "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs—horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
  • BloodyStigmata
    No please, Here is why :
    Perma Death: If this were a single player game and for some reason you're one of those players who really enjoys wasting dozens, perhaps hundreds of hours randomly for a mistake that may be entirely outside of your control, then by all means this objectively unfun option would be right for you.

    Levels, skills, CP lost on death: Ah yes, nothing screams "rewarding progression" like having all of it taken away for making mistakes and learning in a game you're supposed to be having fun in.

    Equipment, Invetory, Gold can be looted from you: See above.

    having to walk back to your body: You mean having to waste my time for no good reason?

    Respawn at a temple: We already respawn at the nearest wayshrine if we don't have the soul gems. Going even further and making you respawn outside instances and dungeons just is just an even bigger time-killer that adds absolutely nothing to the game.

    Having to go through an obstacle course to respawn: lmfao. "Guys I know you need me to res so we can get back to the raid boss, but I need to run this ninja warrior course first."
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  • Marginis
    No please, Here is why :
    Because I play videogames to have fun in them, not get punished in them.

    Okay I guess there are some people out there who get pleasure by experiencing pain, but the majority of people aren't masochists.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • HelixUnited
    No please, Here is why :
    HELL NO and if any of that came into the game id quit the first day it was as 10 years of playing my main deleted because i go into a trail and one stupid person doesnt block or weapon swap no thank you.
  • EozZoe1989
    No please, Here is why :
    we already have broken armour .. so i think that should be enough and if this post cuases more chnages in the game iam going be very upset beacuse .. we dont need anymore issues with broken armour ..
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