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What are you thoughts on having consequences upon death in ESO ?

  • Malyore
    Yes please, Here is why:
    Coming from fromsoftware games where you REALLY don't want to die (which adds fun stakes) this games death is non-existent in comparison. Even in Skyrim if you had to make a risky jump and saved right beforehand, if you died from the jump you at least had to retry. Here, you can just toss your soon-to-be corpse off a ledge and respawn right there and continue. Only actual downside to death right now is wiping causing bosses to reset.

    That being said though, with how lazily one-shotty dungeon bosses are one may not want too drastic of consequences. Certainly not a permadeath
  • rpa
    No please, Here is why :
    By the way, have you tried to start the main quest lately on a new character? Or done Soul Survivors quest in the Village of the Lost public dungeon?

    Edited by rpa on June 29, 2022 3:45AM
  • M0ntie
    No please, Here is why :
    This is fundamental to the sort of game it is, and it isn’t ESO.
    I love The Dark Souls series that has consequences for death but I’ll play that game if that’s what I feel like.
    Also Eso does have some achievements for no death runs so people have the choice to strive for them if that’s what they want.
  • ESO_Nightingale
    No please, Here is why :
    Because that's dumb? That mechanic is what turns me off so many games because it's apparently fun to lose progress.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on June 29, 2022 5:59AM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher for ESO-U. Frost Warden PvE Build Article: Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • VDoom1
    No please, Here is why :
    Nope, please nope.

    WoW has this quite annoying thing that you have to walk back to your body if you die in the open world. That can be fast and easy, it can also be a nightmare. I recall several times when I had to spend a good amount of time just running across the map back to my body. x.x

    ESO doesn't really have any death penalty, but that is intentional. Our penalty, if you wanna call it that, is having to respawn at a wayshrine. I wouldn't want to see more severe penalties. It would discourage exploration and more difficult content, content where you're more likely to die.

    At their core the Elder Scrolls games are exploration games. There is no real need to add death penalties, this isn't Dark Souls.
    Edited by VDoom1 on June 29, 2022 12:08PM
    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
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    PC - EU
  • DragonRacer
    No please, Here is why :
    Work and life are stressful enough. I don't need more of that added to my video games, which are a leisure activity.

    If you want penalties for death, you are free to self-punish yourself by destroying your Maelstrom staff after you die or whatever you feel is suitable punishment for your gaming kink.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • WiseSky
    TaSheen wrote: »
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    This is the most one-sided poll I've ever seen on these forums.

    Probably one of the very few things most of us can agree on...

    No kidding. I wonder what the OP is thinking right about now.

    1. That the overland feedback thread is directly linked into this topic as having no death consequences in an mmo makes every mob and new questing zone exploration subpar, and asking that feeling of engaging content in eso is asking a different game design direction.

    2. That a lot of people never experienced the old school mmo feel that was extremely brutal but extremely rewarding also, where progression and exploration had a feeling only possible of understand once experienced. Thinking of such mechanics in a game to be so unpopular 99% of the community and not linking how come so many people played those games back in the infancy days of MMOs is a huge example of not understanding the appeal of those games. ESO is not one of them and should not try to be.

    3. That making a poll to ask people a questing does not mean you support one way or the other. I was expecting this outcome for sure out of the community. I just wanted to see if we can all agree, was expecting more around the 95% against, Glad I have a poll that Unites ESO for once. Btw I don't see the need of a the Repair your EQ mechanic in ESO nor the need of Soul Gems which I would remove, but who cares. The only idea I would maybe fancy to see in ESO out of the things I have listed would be a Cyrodiil mode where just like Tel Var, a player can accumulate Gold and multipliers killing them one could earn lots of gold or staying alive for long bouts make you a lot of gold just like Tel Var, but it's just an idea out of the dark that I really don't care about.
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • sPark101
    Yes please, Here is why:
    You should lose a little bit of experience when you die.

  • Ragnork
    No please, Here is why :
    My favourite space game has a dead is dead mode. You die, not due to your inability, but random factors (RNG) in the game designed to "make it more fun". It sucks. No thanks.

    "lose a little experience when you die"
    Why? If you are dying due to RNG why should you wish to be punished for it?
    Another thought.
    You level up to be able to take on "end game" encounters and you need to learn the mechanics involved. You die, lose experience and set yourself back in the ability to take on end game.

    THIS IS A GAME - (a time sink) - a diversion from everything else that is going in your life.
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    No please, Here is why :
    There are countless other games in that subgenre, why make ESO something it's not?

    It's like wanting ESO to have sniper rifles and SMGs instead of just playing CS.
  • AdamLAD
    No please, Here is why :
    Id much rather have rewards for being good than penalties for dying. If this is the case then everyone would just go full turtle mode and be a tank. No idea why you would even suggest an idea
  • Kiralyn2000
    No please, Here is why :
    WiseSky wrote: »
    1. That the overland feedback thread is directly linked into this topic as having no death consequences in an mmo makes every mob and new questing zone exploration subpar...

    ...for some people.

    Not everyone experiences/engages with content in the same way.
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on June 29, 2022 12:42PM
  • Ragnarok0130
    No please, Here is why :
    That's a solid no from me. I used to be into the Souls games and it fit those, but this doesn't fit in the TES/ESO/MMO style of game. I wouldn't be opposed to some optional hard core mode for those video game masochists to enjoy but I'm skeptical at how many people would actually participate in it and if that number of people would justify the budget and manpower expenditure when it could be used to address long standing grievances that the community has had with the current game. I personally don't think that "the juice would be worth the squeeze" for such a mode in the larger picture.
  • zaria
    No please, Here is why :
    fred4 wrote: »
    Imagine this in PvP. How would you ever learn anything?

    I had an issue or mental block, call it what you will, with the final boss in vMA. It took me 3 years to learn that arena. I was stuck on the final boss for a sizeable part of that. My DPS was not high. I could never experience much of the mechanics of the final part of the fight, after returning down from donut, before I died. Then I got reset to the beginning of the fight, not back to that phase. It was a nightmare. How much worse would it be with your rules?

    With a game designed from the ground up around such rules I might feel differently. ESO is not that game.
    Excellent point, say you lost xp on death, this would make stuff require lots of tries much much less relevant and would make group dungeons much more toxic.

    WOW uses the same system as ESO except corpse running overland, you spawned at an gravesite and had to run back to your corpse if you spawn at gravesite you take high equipment damage so high repair bill.
    Edited by zaria on June 29, 2022 1:02PM
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • JanTanhide
    No please, Here is why :
    If I wanted to torture myself I would play Mortal Online 2.
  • HertoginJanneke
    No please, Here is why :
    No, too often death is the result of the incompetence of others.
  • Michae
    No please, Here is why :
    Another thing is that ESO is time consuming already. Adding more fluff to it won't make it more engaging, it'll just make you waste more time. Not everybody is a student (or a pensioner) with lots of time on their hand. I'd say it's safe to assume that most of people playing do have other responsibilities and a limited playtime. At best I get 2-3h a day for ESO. I want do some dailies, move my progress on levelling or questing a bit, not run obstacle courses again and again.

    Someone above mentioned From Software games. Well, if you want challenge then go play those. You won't seem me on their forums asking that they are made easier.

    And I think there's one more fundamental difference why some difficult games are fun. It's that they are responsive. If you die in a hard game you must know exactly why you died, it can't be random. In ESO combat is just two characters animating at eachother, there's no weight to it, and lot's of time you die to some latency issues or some bull one shot mechanic. Different game, different rules, different audience, and different expectations.
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • JKorr
    No please, Here is why :
    Gnesnig wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    No, and just in case, Oh HECK NO.

    Want new players to run away screaming?

    As a 51 year old newbie that started in March, first gaming experience on Atari Pong machines, nintendo 8-bit, c-64/128, sega 16 and so on, please don't think of me a little kid that is helpless, can't find his way and throws a hissy fit.

    As a 60 year old with first experience of gaming with pen&paper D&D, Pong, Atari, and of course, Nintendo as a background, I'm not sure what you're going for here. I know from personal experience and through the forums exactly how much fun was had by *new players* [not little kids] to the game dealing with some of the bosses at early release. When you have a large number of players constantly dying to Doshia and DopplegangerLyris until they outlevel the quests by around 10 levels, that is a lot of dying and trying again. Now, add in losing experience that would de-level your character for even more of a disadvantage, and losing gear. If dying to a boss just dumped you farther into "experience debt" so you had no hope of managing to get back to where you were without starting the whole cycle over again, why on Nirn would you bother?

    The players having issues with Doshia [especially for EP faction] and for eveyone with doppleLyris weren't throwing hissy fits either. For EP Doshia transformed too close to walls; players, even if they knew to destroy the orbs couldn't see them until they touched Doshia and healed her. Same issue with doppleLyris. The devs listened to the complaints and did some tweaking.
  • Myrnhiel
    No please, Here is why :
    I'm currently travelling through Tamriel collecting the survey reports I have been collecting the last couple of months.
    Even though I don't do anything dangerous, only fighting the odd small overland mob now and then, I still sometimes die falling of cliffs or being eaten by slaughterfish when I'm too lazy to go around an obstacle and try to push through. :D
    Nothing serious, but it still happens.

    Imagine losing losing a/several level/s, a chunk of XP, some of your equipment or even some of the material you've just laboriously collected. Or having to perform a kind of "punishment" because you've died.

    I wouldn't accept that and it would be a reason for me to quit playing this game.

    Artim_X wrote: »

    Oh, I just can't resist:

  • WiseSky
    WiseSky wrote: »
    1. That the overland feedback thread is directly linked into this topic as having no death consequences in an mmo makes every mob and new questing zone exploration subpar...

    ...for some people.

    Not everyone experiences/engages with content in the same way.

    I agree
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • DTStormfox
    No please, Here is why :
    ESO isn't a survival type of game
    Only responds to constructive replies/mentions

    Immortal-Legends Guild Master
    Veteran PvP player

  • SerafinaWaterstar
    No please, Here is why :
    Work and life are stressful enough. I don't need more of that added to my video games, which are a leisure activity.

    If you want penalties for death, you are free to self-punish yourself by destroying your Maelstrom staff after you die or whatever you feel is suitable punishment for your gaming kink.

    So much this. I play for fun & enjoyment & what is suggested is neither.

    If you don’t think the consequences of death are severe enough, chose ones that are - you are able to do that. But don’t impose that on others.
  • SickleCider
    No please, Here is why :
    Malyore wrote: »
    Coming from fromsoftware games where you REALLY don't want to die (which adds fun stakes) this games death is non-existent in comparison. Even in Skyrim if you had to make a risky jump and saved right beforehand, if you died from the jump you at least had to retry. Here, you can just toss your soon-to-be corpse off a ledge and respawn right there and continue. Only actual downside to death right now is wiping causing bosses to reset.

    That being said though, with how lazily one-shotty dungeon bosses are one may not want too drastic of consequences. Certainly not a permadeath

    Yeah, also coming from FromSoftware games, I'm of the opinion that this isn't the sort of game for those sort of consequences. The game isn't that mechanically fine-tuned, and I'd say things would become far more difficult than necessary. It's fine the way it is.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Cadbury
    jaws343 wrote: »
    This might be the most cohesive this community has ever been lol.

    It's almost heartwarming/wholesome in a way.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • SerasWhip
    No please, Here is why :
    Lul what? I have spent over 1000 hours in a single character... I ain't losing any progress because I fell off a cliff.
  • smacx250
    No please, Here is why :
    In 2015 I made an addon that recorded every character death. It's at almost 1500 since then. Not that it needed to be that many, but that's what was natural for me in the game. It's varied from over 30 in a day to none in a year. Would I/could I have played ESO this long with rules like the OP described? Absolutely not - simply too restrictive for long term fun.
  • DarcyMardin
    No please, Here is why :
    Gah! None of the above. It’s fine the way it is.
  • morrowjen
    No please, Here is why :
    No, those are the most annoying aspects of FromSoft games and a cheap way for devs to lengthen content while not actually giving the player content. I loved Elden Ring and am on a second playthrough but you might as well have listed the things I hated about the game.
  • wolfie1.0.
    No please, Here is why :
    sPark101 wrote: »
    You should lose a little bit of experience when you die.

    All that would do is make the leveling experience all that much more annoying. besides the way the game is designed after you get to the point where you have 4 slotted CP skills and all of the passives in each tree additional CP and thus experience is in fact pointless. reaching cap is more of a bragging right than anything really useful. even losing CP would be pointless for anyone in the 2000+ range.

    All this would really do is discourage players under CP levels. in particular anyone Sub 800 or so CP.

    How about this. before we test out permadeath on players we test them out on companions. Only you can't res companions with regular soul gems. you need to obtain companion soul gems. and if your companion dies you and you don't have these gems then they die, from your whole account. Then to get them back you have to pay ZOS 2000 crowns and then they respawn at their intro quest at level 1......
  • ectoplasmicninja
    No please, Here is why :
    Definitely not. I played RuneScape back in 2007 and still vividly remember the struggle of losing all but your 3 most valuable items and then having to hoof it back to your tombstone in 15 minutes. It was a pain in the [REDACTED] that ensured I didn't do anything more than mildly dangerous, because I didn't want to have to deal with the hassle. Obviously there were and are plenty of players who would merrily go fight dragons regardless, but there are many more who would stick to cutting trees and building fires...but I digress.

    Death punishment just wouldn't work in Elder Scrolls. ES games have always been casual-friendly, so that those who might not be so great at combat can still explore the rich world and poke into the nooks and crannies of the amazing lore. Part of exploring is jumping off high places, seeing if you can swim out to that rock before the slaughterfish get you, and not blocking a heavy from a boss so that you can get a super cool first person screenshot. All of those things will involve dying. Death recaps are also part of how we learn what to block, what to dodge, what to run away from, etc.

    Death being basically free is also the probably one saving grace of PvP for non-PvPers. The fact that the maximum punishment for dying in PvP is having to ride back to battle from a wayshrine is what convinced me to try it in the first place. You don't lose anything except a few minutes of your time and possibly some pride - so why not give it a shot? Turns out it can be a lot of fun - and now every Mayhem I jump into no-proc and get a couple million AP to put toward the probably unattainable goal of Legate.
    PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
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