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What are you thoughts on having consequences upon death in ESO ?

  • SpacemanSpiff1
    No please, Here is why :
    i just saw a video about this (not eso specifically) and why it is a poor decision for the longevity of a game.

    players tend to burn out fast, and there are few new players to replace them. the population drops off very quickly.
  • SammyKhajit
    No please, Here is why :
    Khajit says no.
  • drsalvation
    No please, Here is why :
    I'm totally fine with having consequences upon death, in fact, I want more games to be punishing upon death.
    However this will NEVER work in ESO

    Games like dark souls, for honor, any fighting game, they can be hard, but there's something they have that ESO doesn't have, and that's fair combat.

    Red dead online, ESO, naruto ultimate ninja striker or whatever its name is, they're NOT fair.
    By that I mean there's no way to prevent an ambush that will one-shot kill you

    And by one-shot I don't mean one-tap kill in PvP, I mean in the fact that one moment you're walking, the next moment you're on your knees being CC'd and getting burst and combos, and before your break free animation ends, you're already dead. You don't get a chance to chug a potion, you don't get a chance to block, you don't get a chance to retaliate, you don't get a chance to do anything other than tapping break free and still die anyway. That's a one-shot kill, it's unfair, there's no way you can prevent it.

    So having a punishing death mechanic in this game would be highly unfair unless those burst bombers get nerfed, and one-shot kill mechanics in PvE dungeon are also removed.

    And trust me, I'd love nothing more than that, a game that's fair but punishing, but ESO is far gone down in a path where it would be impossible to make a fair game, so the next best thing to do is to not punish us for dying.
    I don't like it, but that's just how it is.
  • adyreonb14_ESO
    No please, Here is why :
    I'm not interested in that, in fact I don't like equipment being damaged as it is; just don't like that type of micro-management. However, if they could implement something to allow someone else to perma-death or do one of those as an option switch while allowing me to play as is, I'm good with that.
  • ArchMikem
    No please, Here is why :
    If that were the case in any regard I'd never step foot in PvP ever again.

    Overland doesn't worry me in the slightest.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Lapin_Logic
    No please, Here is why :
    1. we already are punished for playing ESO.... it's called Playing ESO.
    2. We already have an area where you get burgled if you die, its called IC... Or Crashing in a Dungeon.
    3. games already exist with the exact mechanics you describe, Maybe play Rust or minecraft.
  • Lapin_Logic
    No please, Here is why :
    Gnesnig wrote: »
    There is no real cost for death in the game. Couple that with underwhelming bosses for 99% of the solo content, makes the game seem too easy.

    It shouldn't be frustrating, but the way things are now is far too easy and because of the scaling, everything seems generic. At present, I'd say the self life for me is six months as I'm already dreading certain repetative tasks and seeing the same patterns applied in all story lines.

    A more stringent penalty for death isn't going to fix all that, but it's a good step towards that.

    How would "Permadeath" or resetting certain milestones stop you Quote "already dreading certain repetative tasks and seeing the same patterns applied in all story lines"?

    You would be doing them even more, it's like No man's sky Permadeath, the worst part of that game is having no oxygen or resources, yet PD forces you to relive that horrid and bland experience over and over.

    Plus in ESO can you imagine running with a friend and saying "Give me an hour/ couple of days to get back to you"?
  • TaSheen
    No please, Here is why :
    Gnesnig wrote: »
    There is no real cost for death in the game. Couple that with underwhelming bosses for 99% of the solo content, makes the game seem too easy.

    It shouldn't be frustrating, but the way things are now is far too easy and because of the scaling, everything seems generic. At present, I'd say the self life for me is six months as I'm already dreading certain repetative tasks and seeing the same patterns applied in all story lines.

    A more stringent penalty for death isn't going to fix all that, but it's a good step towards that.

    How would "Permadeath" or resetting certain milestones stop you Quote "already dreading certain repetative tasks and seeing the same patterns applied in all story lines"?

    You would be doing them even more, it's like No man's sky Permadeath, the worst part of that game is having no oxygen or resources, yet PD forces you to relive that horrid and bland experience over and over.

    Plus in ESO can you imagine running with a friend and saying "Give me an hour/ couple of days to get back to you"?

    Yeah. That would be the end of this game for me. I'm not paying good money to wind up in some limbo-hell of permadeath.

    Just ugh. I am SO NOT a masochist.
    Edited by TaSheen on July 7, 2022 2:21AM

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • MercilessnVexed
    No please, Here is why :
    Who the... what? WHY??? You DO know this isn't real life, right? I mean, those all sound like what happens if you really die? Permadeath. *snort* I don't think so.
  • Perdums
    No please, Here is why :
    I'd love to pug into vet dlc dungeon once and on first wipe permanently lose all my stuff and cp that i got in 3.5k hours, what a good gamel
  • ghastley
    No please, Here is why :
    For dying, no. For fake tanking, yes.
  • silver1surfer69
    I like the idea and it would bring more fun/seriousness/meanifullness to the gameplay.

    " thoughts why this is unpracticable:

    1 You totally forgot pvp players.
    2 It would widen the gap between experienced and less experienced players which is not good.
    Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
  • cyclonus11
    No please, Here is why :
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    If that were the case in any regard I'd never step foot in PvP ever again.

    Overland doesn't worry me in the slightest.

    Overland holds my #1 killer: gravity. Too many cliffs and such - they would not only have to remove all of the one shot mechanics in dungeons and trials, but they'd have to re-design the maps. Imagine traipsing along in Elsweyr, then aaaaah splat! Now you have to go through some purgatory quest to get back to Tamriel? Just because your horse has the turn radius of a dump truck? No thanks.
  • kringled_1
    grkkll wrote: »
    I vote no but there can be a cost in PVP if you've just farmed 5k tels and someone gives you a good twotting and it's byebye tels. Perhaps something along those lines would be interesting in PVE?

    This is why IC is always hopping and ever popular.
    Oh wait, no, it's not.
  • Ishtarknows
    No please, Here is why :
    Absolutely not. It's bad enough losing a flawless run in VMA due to bad rng on Argonian Behemoth round (eg, poison flower spawns inside shield or you get poisoned, boss dies and the cleansing pools disappear so you can't do anything to stop your inevitable death) without losing a character, gear or whatever.
    Edited by Ishtarknows on July 7, 2022 7:04PM
  • DorianDragonRaze
    No please, Here is why :
    I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got the ESO on my hard drive...
  • Lapin_Logic
    No please, Here is why :
    There is an option to increase overland difficulty in the game already.

    All you need to do is open up the menu, go over to "Inventory" and where your gear is, Take all that off and equip a Level 1 weapon then head into the CP system and remove all those, then to make it a bit like Dark Souls put all your potions and soul gems in the bank, and for the True Dark souls feel Hold Alt then swiftly and mightily press F4 and boot up Dark Souls.
  • noblecron
    No please, Here is why :
    No thank you, if I want to walk to my body I'd play wow, if I wanna lose stuff I'd play minecraft.

    What I would like to see though before reviving though is npcs that kill us do something to us. Kind of like the gruesome deaths mods for Skyrim. Werewolf kills you, you see it devouring you before you revive. Necromancer revives your corpse or something. That kind of stuff.
  • Kappachi
    No please, Here is why :
    Never been a fan of hardcore mode in any game. I don't want to lose progress when I die because that's time you never get back and it just feels bad.
  • FlopsyPrince
    No please, Here is why :
    I would say this is a troll, but it may not be.

    Why does no leading MMO take this approach now? I am surprised the Elden Ring has the "run back to your corpse" aspect that got removed from WoW and others a long time ago.

    Most players want to have fun playing. That may include a challenge, but losing it all because you "died" in game is not fun by any standard.

    Kind of like playing Civ I in Emperor mode, using restarts for almost each turn. A complete timewaste!
  • Varana
    No please, Here is why :
    Only if they allow saving and reloading before the fight.

    Honestly, I don't see why you would ever do anything like this. And in games where it's present, it's a major annoyance and a good reason to save-scum.
  • Roxxsmom
    No please, Here is why :
    I think it's fine the way it is. Some of us learn best by taking some risks in the game that lead to us dying a few (or many) times until we learn what works best or realize a challenge is simply beyond our current build or skill level. And while I have done very little PVP myself in ESO, serious consequences for dying, would pretty much destroy that aspect of the game, wouldn't it?

    As for permadeath, I don't see how that could work, even in PVE. As the game exists now, is it even possible to play it without dying sometimes? Surely even the most cautious and skilled of players miscalculates, gets occasional in-game glitches, has a disconnect or loading error at a bad time. And it would certainly render unplayable pvp, trialing, or other activities where death is common.

    I'm even happy that the relatively minor WOW-esque penalty of having to run back to one's body is absent in this game. Those corpse runs took away from play time that was limited for some of us and added a lot of unproductive time to raids when we were learning to fight new bosses and added to the general rancor and annoyance after a wipe. And then there was that time my ghost got stuck in WOW, so I couldn't even hearthstone or kill myself and "release" to get out of the bind >.< I don't recall how I finally dealt with that, actually, but a ticket might have been involved.

  • acw37162
    No please, Here is why :
    Like there needs to be another reason not play the game

    The developers are doing just fine with sucking enjoyment out of the game without any help
  • sevomd69
    No please, Here is why :
    Serious question to the OP... have you actually played this game?
  • WiseSky
    sevomd69 wrote: »
    Serious question to the OP... have you actually played this game?

    What do you mean? I have lots of hours in it.
    Edited by WiseSky on August 25, 2022 7:00PM
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  • GloatingSwine
    No please, Here is why :
    There's a reason nobody makes MMOs with features like these any more.

    It's because they suck and all but an extremely small fringe of people hate them.
  • r3play81
    No please, Here is why :
    This isn't WoW
  • Kiralyn2000
    No please, Here is why :
    There is literally a quest in the public dungeon in Coldharbor that forces you to jump to your death to complete it.

    I guess you should save that quest until the very LAST possible one...

    Heh, that reminds me of the one early-zone quest in Secret World that required you to die so that you could interact with spirits while you were a ghost. :D
  • Tenthirty2
    No please, Here is why :
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
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