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What are you thoughts on having consequences upon death in ESO ?

  • whitecrow
    No please, Here is why :
    Talk about kicking you when you're down! I am good at the game, but I am no grandmaster nor is my character "OP.". I imagine even those players die once in a while.

    I remember having to walk back to my corpse to get my stuff in Everquest--which of course meant venturing back to the same dangerous area, this time with no gear. It was terrible and one of the reasons I didn't play for very long.
  • RisenEclipse
    No please, Here is why :
    I mean a perma death one I could see, but only if players had to manially opt in for it. As well as only for characters you select and create for it. Like in Diablo.

    But most of the ideas provided seem more annoying, and only add to the frustration of dying, then actually adding any enjoyment to the game. The looting players corpses is just asking for griefing *shudders*
  • Cendrillion21
    No please, Here is why :
    Yikes no. I remember death penalties in COH/COV and they were the opposite of fun.
    Campos de oro
  • wolfie1.0.
    No please, Here is why :
    I played an MMO where you could build a character that gained more stats per level but if you died it was permanent death. And in pvp when you died you dropped loot for the person that killed you ie part of your gear.

    The end result was that the game created created cash shop items that prevented character permadeath when you had them active on your character and prevented items from dropping in pvp.

    My request would be this. IF you want this to be a thing, put your money on it. Create a new character and play permadeath mode on it. Do it from a new player perspective. No CP until level 50. Only use gear you pick up or can craft from the materials that you pick up. And see how it plays out. Create a new account if you have to or play on your off server.
  • Path
    No please, Here is why :'s a game!
    Bad enough my gear decays.

    Perma death is for real life.

    Game death is just a consequence of pushing the wrong buttons...or a martini!
    Fairy Tales Really Do Come True...Kinda.
  • kaushad
    No please, Here is why :
    The game's MMORPG nature presents a couple of issues. One is that we spend a long time investing in player characters, so losing things is a bigger deal for them. The other is that everything happens on a server outside our own computers, which sometimes means that our characters get killed while it freezes or before whatever's killing them renders.
  • bmnoble
    No please, Here is why :
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Permadeath = char gets deleted if you died
    Levels, Skills, experience and CP lost upon death
    Equipment, Inventory and Gold destroyed or being left to be looted by other players
    Having to walk back to your body to get your stuff and respawn.
    Having to travel back to the area every time you died, as you respawn at a temple
    Having to go through an obstacle course in oblivion to come back to life

    All I can say is if any of that had been part of the game at the time I looked into buying it, I would not have bothered with ESO.

    Its one thing having those kinda things as an optional super difficulty in a single player game or in a battle royal style game where it is quicker and easier to get gear levels etc but not in an MMO that you can spend thousands of hours on one character.

    Time is valuable to me any game that goes out of its way to forcibly waste my time with those kinda options does not get my money. Now you might say what about RNG for leads and gear etc.. if you so choose you don't have to even bother with those in ESO you can buy overland gear from guild traders, you can craft a gear set up and be fine for 90% of the games content.

    Edited by bmnoble on June 28, 2022 12:03AM
  • FlopsyPrince
    No please, Here is why :
    Gnesnig wrote: »
    There is no real cost for death in the game. Couple that with underwhelming bosses for 99% of the solo content, makes the game seem too easy.

    It shouldn't be frustrating, but the way things are now is far too easy and because of the scaling, everything seems generic. At present, I'd say the self life for me is six months as I'm already dreading certain repetative tasks and seeing the same patterns applied in all story lines.

    A more stringent penalty for death isn't going to fix all that, but it's a good step towards that.

    This would be inherently frustrating.

    You are free to follow these exact steps if you want them!

    I know WoW had an "ironman group" or such who did just that.

    Forget forcing it on my or I will play something else or simply not play at all.
  • auz
    There are too many people scared of dying in cyro as it is
  • Carcamongus
    No please, Here is why :
    As a tank who's embarrassed whenever he dies, I'd say hell bloody no. Besides, if I wanted to die just like in real life, I'd die in real life. Erm, that sounded weird.
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • darvaria
    Runescape 2.0

    NO thank you.
  • Tenthirty2
    No please, Here is why :
    Good goddess no.
    Only way I'd be ok with an option like that in game is if it was an OPTION.
    An option I would quickly turn off.

    But if others feel the need to really punish themselves for dying those options already exist in game! :open_mouth:
    • Permadeath
      delete their character. If they think they've really been an utter failure, delete their account.
    • Levels, Skills, experience and CP lost upon death
      respec but don't reallocate *** ***!
    • Equipment, Inventory and Gold destroyed or being left to be looted by other players
      respawn, destroy your bound gear, then mail your gold and remaining stuff to a random player. "Hi, I'm dead and don't need my stuff. Love, -Me."
    • Having to walk back to your body to get your stuff and respawn
      - wait, what if your body is a pile of ice crystals? Or ash?? Can I respawn as a pile of ash? That might be kinda cool.
    • Having to travel back to the area every time you died, as you respawn at a temple
      ... ok what? A temple? Why? What if I'm not religious? What if my character is a drunkard and I died from alcohol poisoning? Spose I could respawn in a tavern, kinda cool. Unless my character is a sewer worker and I died of sewer gas, I'd have to go back to where I died and... die. again. :s
    • Having to go through an obstacle course in oblivion to come back to life
      You start on the northern edge of Vvardenfell wearing absolutely nothing but a front\back sign board that reads "ARGONIANS ARE BETTER THAN YOU"; the sign invokes 100% agro on you for any Dunmer you pass. Your mission: Walk to Vivec Temple where all your stuff waits at the base of Vivec's levitating magnificent self. You have to kiss one of Vivec's feet to get your stuff back, BUT only one of them is the correct foot. The other foot sends you right back to the Northern edge again. FT and sprint\run speed disabled. And now, guards are chasing you.

    (Ok, well the last one doesn't exist but I could TOTALLY see them adding it!)
    Edited by Tenthirty2 on June 28, 2022 1:18AM
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • Xinihp
    No please, Here is why :
    Same reason I don't play games that overtly call you a no-girlfriend loser and pretend unrealistic telepathic and physics-defying heat seaker 1-shots are "skill based difficulty."

    Because I am not a masochist.

    I think games should be fun. Otherwise I wouldn't spend money on them as a form of ENTERTAINMENT. I would just go stab my hand repeatedly with a fork.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    No please, Here is why :
    Xinihp wrote: »
    I think games should be fun. Otherwise I wouldn't spend money on them as a form of ENTERTAINMENT. I would just go stab my hand repeatedly with a fork.

    The Fork of Horripilation??

  • shadyjane62
    No please, Here is why :
    Two bad words. Eve Online. It broke my husbands heart when everything he had worked for in EO was taken away.

    I would quit ESO if this became the norm.
  • Eiagra
    No please, Here is why :
    MMOs have already done the severe death penalties thing, from issues with easy revival to equipment loss, etc.

    If you want a game like, that Mortal Online II may be your jam. Otherwise, the current trend for MMOs is to be less punishing and encourage exploration and such. Frankly, I don't have time to be re-cooping hours of time by losing equipment or levels or experience or whatever, so any game that doesn't have those shenanigans is respecting my time.
          In verity.
  • TaSheen
    No please, Here is why :
    Eiagra wrote: »
    MMOs have already done the severe death penalties thing, from issues with easy revival to equipment loss, etc.

    If you want a game like, that Mortal Online II may be your jam. Otherwise, the current trend for MMOs is to be less punishing and encourage exploration and such. Frankly, I don't have time to be re-cooping hours of time by losing equipment or levels or experience or whatever, so any game that doesn't have those shenanigans is respecting my time.

    Besides it's not fun.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • SkaraMinoc
    No please, Here is why :
    This is the most one-sided poll I've ever seen on these forums.
    PC NA
  • tspecherb14_ESO
    No please, Here is why :
    I remember death loops, deleveling and corpse retrievals in EQ1....
  • wolfie1.0.
    No please, Here is why :
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    This is the most one-sided poll I've ever seen on these forums.

    Probably one of the very few things most of us can agree on...
  • TaSheen
    No please, Here is why :
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    This is the most one-sided poll I've ever seen on these forums.

    Probably one of the very few things most of us can agree on...

    No kidding. I wonder what the OP is thinking right about now.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • oldbobdude
    No please, Here is why :
    Um, why?
    Edited by oldbobdude on June 28, 2022 2:36AM
  • SilverBride
    No please, Here is why :
    I played a game like that 25 years ago. We've come a long way since then.
  • couriersix
    No please, Here is why :
    ESO just isn't the type of game for death consequences. It'd make dungeons, trials and PVP incredibly tedious and just not fun.
    PC / NA - cp 1000+ - EP magicka necro.
  • Nightowl_74
    No please, Here is why :
    I remember "leveling" backwards in my first MMO many years ago but it's not a fond memory. I think being penalized for dying is outdated and pointlessly tries to promote a specific playstyle, although it wouldn't bother me if it were introduced as an optional mode. For me it didn't add anything positive, I was one of the players who didn't especially worry about the penalty so I repeated many levels.
  • DreamyLu
    Can't vote, because what I think is "yes but...".

    For me, it's logic that if we die, we get some penalties in one way or another. That's part of the game: we fail so there is a counter part. logic. But it shouldn't be drastic.

    I find good to get penalties on armor and weapons that we need to repair/recharge. As for reviving, for me it's a big yes, but the key point is where.
    I'm used to GW2 in which we are sent to closest shrine, but the problem is that depending on fight location, it can be so far away that we can't get back to the fight on time to finish it and it can even results in failing to loot the reward chest. That's why I tend to prefer ESO, that allows to revive at fight location.

    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • blktauna
    No please, Here is why :
    lol NO! This is Valhalla, where we fight for fun and live to fight another day. We already have stupidity perpetrated by people afraid of consequenceless death in pvp as it is.
  • Amottica
    No please, Here is why :
    It is not that type of game where this makes sense. Zenimax should not waste its resources developing a major change to the game. And yes, it would require significant work to develop a new system such as thing.

    Not needed. Not wanted by the masses. Not something that would enhance the game in a good way.

  • francesinhalover
    No please, Here is why :
    Omg no

    Edited by francesinhalover on June 28, 2022 4:01AM
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • JKorr
    No please, Here is why :
    No, and just in case, Oh HECK NO.

    Want new players to run away screaming? Any new, under-geared, not acquainted with mechanics, hasn't got a clue player running into a public dungeon group event, or a world boss will repeatedly die. Not the best way to get someone invested in the game. Letting other players loot the belongings would be adding pounds of salt to the insult.

    For those players who have to be the edgiest edgelord uber leet perfectionist, why not really go for the ultimate in hardcore badassery; if your character dies, not only is it permadeath, not only do you lose all the gear, but the game deletes itself from your hard drive. If you die, you have to download the entire game again and start from scratch....
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