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Male Companions

  • Lady_Titania
    freespirit wrote: »
    Add in Verandis Ravenwatch to this mix, for male altmer. I am totally in agreement!

    How could I have forgotten Darien and Verandis?


    Female here with only female characters and I absolutely detest Bastian! I have used him so little he's not leveled and I had no idea he had tattoo's! 😯

    I agree with Jakarn and Varandis but not the other two, however I could totally lose my head over a Captain Jack style companion! 😍

    Verandis is my number one, I absolutely love him 😍 and Jakarn is just, yes. A Captain Jack type of companion, that kind of personality is just, yes. 😍
  • SilverBride
    If I had to pick between the four I previously mentioned I would go with Verandis. He is definitely the hottest in the group. But I wouldn't turn any of them down. ;)
    Edited by SilverBride on June 5, 2022 5:01AM
  • ElvenOverlord
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I often wonder if they thought Bastian was handsome when they were creating him. I love that he's covered with tats, but his face and hair... nope. And he is way too goody two shoes to be fun.

    I think this is the problem when HETEROSEXUAL males create other males... they have no concept or clue what an attractive male actually looks or acts like. Take Darien or Jakarn... IMO they are much more attractive to me than Bastian, in looks AND personality. Furthermore, as a gay male playing this game, I want a MALE companion not a female. Hint, I'm not the ONLY gay guy playing this game, so this isn't just about heterosexual females wanting male companions!!!

    How don't they know? All they have to do is look at Henry Cavill, Brad Pitt or Denzel Washington. Heck some of the men creating these males are handsome men themselves, look at Rich Lambert...
    Edited by ElvenOverlord on June 5, 2022 8:58AM
  • peacenote
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I'm also hoping that they weren't looking at 'metrics' when they made this decision. As in, "The majority seem to be utilizing Mirri, therefore they must prefer female companions." Instead of the reality that Bastian's personality does not work for a LOT of players... and Mirri IMO is the least "picky" of the two. I can steal and do all sorts of shady things, "except pick butterflies, but overall she is the lessor of two evils. Although, personally, I tend to use Bastian because 1) he's a guy, and 2) he makes a better tank. Once High Isle drops, I'll be shifting to using more Isobel and Ember since I want a co-Templar to run with... and Ember will be my 'shady things' companion. :)

    Yep, agreed. I think ZOS sometimes uses data without understanding the why and comes to the wrong conclusion. If anything low usage of Bastian should have been an alert that they needed a better male companion...

    I am surprised how much the looks of the companions are a focus of this topic, lol. For me it's about voice timbre... I barely look at them. They are kind of like fancy pets to me and in fact if they were more creature-like I would prefer it. I would love an enchanted dragon or a trusty dog that would fight alongside me. But they are humanoid so here we are.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • LalMirchi
    peacenote wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I'm also hoping that they weren't looking at 'metrics' when they made this decision. As in, "The majority seem to be utilizing Mirri, therefore they must prefer female companions." Instead of the reality that Bastian's personality does not work for a LOT of players... and Mirri IMO is the least "picky" of the two. I can steal and do all sorts of shady things, "except pick butterflies, but overall she is the lessor of two evils. Although, personally, I tend to use Bastian because 1) he's a guy, and 2) he makes a better tank. Once High Isle drops, I'll be shifting to using more Isobel and Ember since I want a co-Templar to run with... and Ember will be my 'shady things' companion. :)

    Yep, agreed. I think ZOS sometimes uses data without understanding the why and comes to the wrong conclusion. If anything low usage of Bastian should have been an alert that they needed a better male companion...

    I am surprised how much the looks of the companions are a focus of this topic, lol. For me it's about voice timbre... I barely look at them. They are kind of like fancy pets to me and in fact if they were more creature-like I would prefer it. I would love an enchanted dragon or a trusty dog that would fight alongside me. But they are humanoid so here we are.

    Hang on! Are you privy to secret information or is there actual data behind this preposterous claim?

    I run my sweet Bastian in overland on all my characters because of my penchant for pulling off butterfly & torchbug wings LOL :)
  • TheImperfect
    My characters generally prefer Verandis to Jakarn. The problem with Jakarn and Darien is that they shamelessly flirt and put it about and most of my characters prefer someone less flirty and more committed or serious who is just into them.
  • Lady_Titania
    If I had to pick between the four I previously mentioned I would go with Verandis. He is definitely the hottest in the group. But I wouldn't turn any of them down. ;)

    Agreed! Fenorian is another male NPC I enjoyed having around. I know some other players that were crushing on him super hard when Greymoor released.
    peacenote wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I'm also hoping that they weren't looking at 'metrics' when they made this decision. As in, "The majority seem to be utilizing Mirri, therefore they must prefer female companions." Instead of the reality that Bastian's personality does not work for a LOT of players... and Mirri IMO is the least "picky" of the two. I can steal and do all sorts of shady things, "except pick butterflies, but overall she is the lessor of two evils. Although, personally, I tend to use Bastian because 1) he's a guy, and 2) he makes a better tank. Once High Isle drops, I'll be shifting to using more Isobel and Ember since I want a co-Templar to run with... and Ember will be my 'shady things' companion. :)

    Yep, agreed. I think ZOS sometimes uses data without understanding the why and comes to the wrong conclusion. If anything low usage of Bastian should have been an alert that they needed a better male companion...

    I am surprised how much the looks of the companions are a focus of this topic, lol. For me it's about voice timbre... I barely look at them. They are kind of like fancy pets to me and in fact if they were more creature-like I would prefer it. I would love an enchanted dragon or a trusty dog that would fight alongside me. But they are humanoid so here we are.

    I Agree with the aspect that low usage of Bastion may be due to his "white knight" personality, which does not work with players who enjoy thieving and murdering (utilizing the thieves guild and dark brotherhood aspects of the game). I personally like both Mirri and Bastion, after completing their stories and maxing their rapports, I do still keep Bastion as my companion as I enjoy dressing him up in armors (I am a big collector of motifs and style pages, and since my character is a female, it's awesome to use my fashion creativity to style him), and having him around as my "knight in shining armor". Isobel and Amber both look like they will be really awesome to play with, but missing out on "eye candy" this year is still really disappointing. Having a male companion as my "bad boy" is something I am look forward too.
  • Cadbury
    No love for my boy Rigurt? :'(

    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Lady_Titania
    My characters generally prefer Verandis to Jakarn. The problem with Jakarn and Darien is that they shamelessly flirt and put it about and most of my characters prefer someone less flirty and more committed or serious who is just into them.

    I have to admit that I am happy to know that there are more players that like Verandis <3

    Verandis for the win!

  • xgoku1
    Yeah two female companions for the year is definitely a weird direction. I'm guessing they probably designed Ember first to add a companion okay with illegal activities, and then got Laura Bailey to VA Isobel after their partnership with Critical Role so it just ended up being 2 female Companions.

    Anyhoo what I gather from people saying they want already existing NPCs as Companions is them saying they want Companions they have a history with. The new Companions don't develop the same connection to the player with their 5-stage questlines.

    I think their questlines should be integrated into the year's story to actually flesh them out. If it's going to be two companions a year, maybe they could be two major branching paths to completing the plot. In High Isle, Isobel could be the "Noble" path where you try diplomacy, Ember could be the "Rogue" path where you do street-smart stuff. It would add an element of replayability too.
  • Lady_Titania
    xgoku1 wrote: »
    Yeah two female companions for the year is definitely a weird direction. I'm guessing they probably designed Ember first to add a companion okay with illegal activities, and then got Laura Bailey to VA Isobel after their partnership with Critical Role so it just ended up being 2 female Companions.

    Anyhoo what I gather from people saying they want already existing NPCs as Companions is them saying they want Companions they have a history with. The new Companions don't develop the same connection to the player with their 5-stage questlines.

    I think their questlines should be integrated into the year's story to actually flesh them out. If it's going to be two companions a year, maybe they could be two major branching paths to completing the plot. In High Isle, Isobel could be the "Noble" path where you try diplomacy, Ember could be the "Rogue" path where you do street-smart stuff. It would add an element of replayability too.

    I have to disagree slightly, with regards to saying we're asking for companions that are already in the game. The NPC's mentioned are examples of male companions we would like to have. For me, as I can not speak for anyone else, the personality and backstory are what I enjoy about Verandis, not to mention he is just a very handsome high elf. I do agree with the second part though, expanding companion story lines is not a bad idea.
  • FeedbackOnly
    My characters generally prefer Verandis to Jakarn. The problem with Jakarn and Darien is that they shamelessly flirt and put it about and most of my characters prefer someone less flirty and more committed or serious who is just into them.

    I have to admit that I am happy to know that there are more players that like Verandis <3

    Verandis for the win!


    Okay count me in
  • DragonRacer
    Kusto wrote: »
    Zos caters to majority. And the majority of playerbase is male.

    Got statistics you can post for that claim or is it just more "online percentages"?

    That is also my question. I know way back in "the day" when I was in middle school, I was the only female gamer I knew among my friend base. But that was a long time ago now. I am 37 and began realizing about 10 years ago just how many of "my own kind" there are actively gaming, especially in RPGs and MMOs. Many aren't "obvious" because they fear harassment online, so they will blend in by having gender-neutral gaming names and not speaking on mic and otherwise not announcing to the general world "Hi, boys, I'm a gamer girl, hurr durr!"

    I mean, look at my example. If you didn't already know I was a woman by me saying so, would you assume someone named DragonRacer is male or female?

    GrabtharsHammer72 who only speaks in text chat could just as easily be a woman or a man. It's our own ancient preconceptions that make us assume male first.

    I've met a lot of female GMs on the PS4/5 NA server. And have a LOT of ladies in my guild - we actually have a lot of gaming couples, actually, either lady-lady couples or lady-man couples (we may also have some male-male couples in there, I just haven't seen mention by them if so). It's super cool. And my guild isn't a small one - we're always riding at 500 members and are one of the more poplar donation-based trading/social guilds on our server, so I'd like to think we're a decent cross-section of at least the active trading community. I haven't polled all 500 members to ask gender and obviously never would, but of the folks who actively participate in text chat and have shared over the years as we got to know each other as like a guild family, I'd honestly say we're probably 50/50 or at most 60/40 male to female ratio.

    We aren't a minority anymore, guys.

    And, yes, I'd like some male companions besides Bastion. LOL

    How about a male Argonian? They rarely get any love in-game.

    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • SilverBride

    That pose... the look in his eyes... the parted lips... :p<3
  • zaria
    Kusto wrote: »
    Zos caters to majority. And the majority of playerbase is male. Males generally prefer female companions. Alot even female characters. Look around the zones. I would say most of the characters are female.

    I wouldn't be so clear...
    It might simply be that Miril is more likable and easier to handle than Bastian. Yes the bug things bugs me but.
    Jewel sounds like the obvious one in the next chapter for this one, Khajiit and only dislike fishing so you replace here then you fish and not big deal if you forget unless you drain relation over time.
    So the signal might be that people want easy to handle and funny companions.
    I am still upset that Bastian is the only male companion. I don't think it's wrong that my female characters want a strong male companion to adventure with. I'm just really afraid that the next males will be Khajiit or Argonian or Orcs. Nothing wrong with these races but not what I find pleasant to look at. And Bastian is just not my type at all. I want a companion like Jakarn, cute and confident and flirty.
    We get an Khajiit with Jewel, so not another for a long time same with the previously used races.

    Now for the rest of the races I guess: Bosmer will probably be female, as female Bosmer is kind of an meme. Orc will be male, probably Nord to, Argonian, male for balance. Redguard I guess female but it could go both ways.

    And someone like Jakarn would be cool.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • NeKryXe
    I don't care. I just want helmets and mute, and then the gender will be whatever I imagine.
  • merpins
    Men? Women? I don't care if it's a dude or a chick, but I want a dog companion. And a dwemer robot companion. And a skeleton companion. I mean really, do they all needa be specifically people? I'm sure they're gonna do at least 1 of every race in tamriel first, but afterwards I think go weird. A sload companion and a dramora companion, a companion that is obviously Sheogorath but INSISTS he/she is not Sheogorath. A goblin that acts like a valiant knight. A troll that can talk in broken english that really wants to be a mage. Stuff like that. For the ones that aren't humanoid, just let them equip what's already available for stats even if it doesn't show up on the character due to it being a robot or an animal or what have you, it doesn't matter it's fun!
    Edited by merpins on June 5, 2022 9:23PM
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    My characters generally prefer Verandis to Jakarn. The problem with Jakarn and Darien is that they shamelessly flirt and put it about and most of my characters prefer someone less flirty and more committed or serious who is just into them.

    I have to admit that I am happy to know that there are more players that like Verandis <3

    Verandis for the win!


    ^That right there. That is what I want as a male companion. Gorgeous screenshot, I did not just save that to my house Ravenwatch folder. Nope, not me, not at all >.> <.< >.>
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • ArchangelIsraphel

    I have to admit that I am happy to know that there are more players that like Verandis <3

    Verandis for the win!


    ^That right there. That is what I want as a male companion. Gorgeous screenshot, I did not just save that to my house Ravenwatch folder. Nope, not me, not at all >.> <.< >.>

    Agreed! Fenorian is another male NPC I enjoyed having around. I know some other players that were crushing on him super hard when Greymoor released.

    I'm still crushing on him, I wish they'd at least put him in as a houseguest if not a companion. I have Adusa, I also need Gwendis D:
    Edited by ArchangelIsraphel on June 5, 2022 9:19PM
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • Deter1UK

    That pose... the look in his eyes... the parted lips... :p<3

    He's a Vampire

    It's lunchtime...
  • TaSheen
    Deter1UK wrote: »

    That pose... the look in his eyes... the parted lips... :p<3

    He's a Vampire

    It's lunchtime...

    I LOLd!

    I just can't get excited over a pixel guy, and so far in this game, I haven't found any of them very attractive.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • DragonRacer
    Admitting myself onto the Verandis and Fennorian fan train as well.
    Edited by DragonRacer on June 5, 2022 11:19PM
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Lady_Titania
    Deter1UK wrote: »

    That pose... the look in his eyes... the parted lips... :p<3

    He's a Vampire

    It's lunchtime...

  • Kory
    That new Khajiit lady is not as interesting as she looks. So I'm hoping we get companions that are actually compelling.
  • Lysette
    .Verandis would be ok, if he would be a Dunmer. The last I need is a snooty highelf around. A fire-resistant dunmer lasts longer, most magic attacks involve fire. That is as well one of the reasons, why I like Mirri. Her remarks don't bother me and she has a few lines, where I could just hug her. She is agile, brave and sometimes reckless - matching my play style well. I will have a look at Ember, but if my characters can really let go on Mirri, I doubt it, they are already too much attached to her.

    Like roaming around in Spellscar - of course we got in trouble, because she quite often picks up a fight with "I hope, you are watching", where I would have avoided it. Oh well, then let's do it. It is nice when we are surrounded by enemies and she is saying "don't panic, we can do it" - yes, we can - I like her positive attitude in the face of danger. how could I easily let go on her?
    Edited by Lysette on June 6, 2022 12:25AM
  • Mr_Madness
    Meanwhile I just want an undead or dremora companion......
  • Eliran
    I am excited to get new companions with high isle! I've been looking forward to getting new companion story lines and more NPC's put in my houses. With that said, I am also really upset that BOTH of the new companions are female. I want MALE companions. I do not like this imbalance of having 3 females and only 1 male for companions. :(

    But female companion sell more, that way you could have 3 wives and ZoS earn more money!
  • FeedbackOnly
    Eliran wrote: »
    I am excited to get new companions with high isle! I've been looking forward to getting new companion story lines and more NPC's put in my houses. With that said, I am also really upset that BOTH of the new companions are female. I want MALE companions. I do not like this imbalance of having 3 females and only 1 male for companions. :(

    But female companion sell more, that way you could have 3 wives and ZoS earn more money!

    Are we sure though maybe it's just a perception
  • Kesstryl
    xgoku1 wrote: »

    Anyhoo what I gather from people saying they want already existing NPCs as Companions is them saying they want Companions they have a history with. The new Companions don't develop the same connection to the player with their 5-stage questlines.

    I think this thread is not asking for that in particular, but I agree with your perception because this has been asked for in the past, and I also believe this is the exact reason. We do develop stronger relationships with NPCs, and if the romance option is ever implemented, more people might want those options with favorite NPCs than with companions. I don't see how that would be a negative, and they don't necessarily have to make those NPCs into companions to do it. Just add flavor dialogue and unlock a special spouse house guest if the romance quest is a success. The reason I don't think this is negative is the strange reality that all players are supposed to be the one Vestige in this world, so if you think about it, we are each in our universe existing simultaneously in an ESO multiverse. What my characters do have no bearing on what another player does. I mean if we are going to eventually have multiple Bastian, Miri, Ember, Isobel, and whoever in the future spouse companions running around with our characters in the open world simultaneously, why not special spouse NPCs like Fennorian, Naryu, Arana, Raz, heck even Rigurt in our player homes that few will ever see?

    Anyway, I'd love to have a Breton or Reach companion that looks like this guy with the same accent please!

    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Lysette
    As far as Mirri goes, I read in the patch notes, that her dislike of some reef vipers is now in effect - I was wondering already, if what she said about snake-like creatures and boats would just be a meaningless statement. Doesn't sound like it, as far as those vipers go at least.
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