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Male Companions

  • Danikat
    I hope we will get both male & female from each race as companions at some point.

    That would be the best approach IMO, and hopefully what they're aiming for eventually. It still wouldn't give everyone their ideal companion because there would still be personality issues (like Bastian complaining about cheese all the time) but at least there would be a good range to choose from.
    Edited by Danikat on June 4, 2022 9:29AM
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • FeedbackOnly
    Kusto wrote: »
    Zos caters to majority. And the majority of playerbase is male. Males generally prefer female companions. Alot even female characters. Look around the zones. I would say most of the characters are female.

    Not in eso. It's quite balanced
  • Lysette
    Give the Augur a handsome male appearance and I'll take him. I know a lot do not like his humor or comments, but I found him amusing and it would be a fun experience, listening to him complaining about the disadvantages of having a body and how terrible it is to be human again - and overall, why am I not using a mount, his legs would be aching and so on. That would be fun, I would let him walk and run with me, I'm not much of a rider and I guess he will curse me for that.
    Edited by Lysette on June 4, 2022 11:14AM
  • ElvenOverlord
    Kusto wrote: »
    Zos caters to majority. And the majority of playerbase is male. Males generally prefer female companions. Alot even female characters. Look around the zones. I would say most of the characters are female.

    That is not the reason why there are more female companions so far. And I'm pretty sure there will be more male companions in the future.
  • Lysette
    I see a whole lot of men walking with Bastian - 1h and shield - so I guess they are using him as tank. I actually don't see a lot of men walking with Mirri - even Mirri is quite good with destruction staff and assassin skills. I like her agile movement in a fight and as well her reckless nature - lately she reminded me "the enemy is in this direction", that I shouldn't pick flowers in a fight ;) she is so cool sometimes.
  • Lephrel
    Kusto wrote: »
    Zos caters to majority. And the majority of playerbase is male. Males generally prefer female companions. Alot even female characters. Look around the zones. I would say most of the characters are female.

    This is the problem. There are too many females and not enough males in the game. Many women also play this game, and we shouldn't be disregarded as apart of the community. :(

    I mean they aren't. But if female companions are more profitable for ZOS...I kind of understand why they would prioritise female over male companions. I'm sure the next ones will be male though.
  • BretonMage
    I've seen people in game who are pretty into him. Like, people who have even made characters to actually cosplay as him. I can't say I understand it, but then again there's probably people who don't get me either because I have a Fennorian cosplay XD

    The tats were a good idea, though. It's a pity. I'd like a companion with tats like that where they have some kind of backstory or meaning.

    I appreciate kindness in my own friends and partners, so I like him. It was unfortunate that nothing was said about his tattoos, I waited for a long time for further insight into his backstory and personality but nope, nothing, zilch.
  • ADarklore
    I often wonder if they thought Bastian was handsome when they were creating him. I love that he's covered with tats, but his face and hair... nope. And he is way too goody two shoes to be fun.

    I think this is the problem when HETEROSEXUAL males create other males... they have no concept or clue what an attractive male actually looks or acts like. Take Darien or Jakarn... IMO they are much more attractive to me than Bastian, in looks AND personality. Furthermore, as a gay male playing this game, I want a MALE companion not a female. Hint, I'm not the ONLY gay guy playing this game, so this isn't just about heterosexual females wanting male companions!!!
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • peacenote
    I too was disappointed that one of the new companions wasn't male. I prefer having Bastian out over Mirri but would have liked another option.

    I (generally) find male voices to be more soothing/ pleasant than female voices which is why I want a male companion if he or she is going to be making comments at me. For example I like Eveli as a character in the game but as a companion she would have driven me nuts with that chirpy voice, lol. Give me a companion who sounds like James Earl Jones or something! :)

    I think it feels so disappointing because it makes way more sense to keep it balanced and have one of each gender for each release, so I just assumed that they would continue doing it that way. I was looking forward to swapping out Bastian with another dude. It didn't even occur to me they might NOT keep it balanced. Oh well.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Lady_Titania
    Ipsius wrote: »
    I am excited to get new companions with high isle! I've been looking forward to getting new companion story lines and more NPC's put in my houses. With that said, I am also really upset that BOTH of the new companions are female. I want MALE companions. I do not like this imbalance of having 3 females and only 1 male for companions. :(

    Are you serious? Men outnumber women in practically every form of media, and it's been that way forever. The MOMENT the ratio isn't equal or tilted towards male, someone complains. It shouldn't matter. At all.

    If for some reason it does matter to you... Really examine why a slight gender imbalance in favor of women bothers you so much. If you're not complaining every single instance there's an imbalance in favor of men... Again, ask yourself why.

    Are you serious? I want a balanced amount of companions, not just females. I am a female, I play as myself (female), so yes. I want a MALE companion. Ask yourself why having a balance of BOTH genders is a problem.

    Also, this is not a complaint, this is a STATEMENT on my opinion on the topic of not getting a new male companion, after waiting a year for new companions.
  • Lady_Titania
    These are two fine examples of what I want my companion to look like.


    Add in Verandis Ravenwatch to this mix, for male altmer. I am totally in agreement!
  • Hvíthákarl
    I'm lowkey disappointed because they went with quite average-ish body builds for Ember and Isobel when they could have made Ember *very* slender, while Isobel could be in the middle of "Fat" and "Muscular" settings, slightly leaning to Muscular due to her background. Right now, all three feminine companions we have share roughly the same body type and, to me, it feels like wasting the potential of this game's character models.
  • SilverBride
    Lysette wrote: »
    I am still upset that Bastian is the only male companion. I don't think it's wrong that my female characters want a strong male companion to adventure with. I'm just really afraid that the next males will be Khajiit or Argonian or Orcs. Nothing wrong with these races but not what I find pleasant to look at. And Bastian is just not my type at all. I want a companion like Jakarn, cute and confident and flirty.

    That is true, at least we get a Jakarn themed costume set this month - well, get is said too much, we have to buy it of course. Calling a man "cute" is a little strange though, "handsome" ok, but cute, who wants a cute male? That as bad as a pretty one.

    This said, I would take a George Clooney look alike any time or something like Jean Connery in "highlander", heck, even Connor McCloud.

    I think of handsome as a chiseled jaw and sharper features and no nonsense. I think of cute as well cute and playful and mischievous. Both are good in their own ways.

    George Clooney is good looking but he's not my type. I've had a celebrity crush on Johnny Depp for years now. He is a perfect example of what I'm attracted to and I think Captain Jack Sparrow would have been a great companion for High Isle.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    I tend to prefer travel brothers
    Sure i use other companion if their personnalty work better with one of my character but not my first choice
  • SilverBride
    Add in Verandis Ravenwatch to this mix, for male altmer. I am totally in agreement!

    How could I have forgotten Darien and Verandis?

  • francesinhalover
    I don't see why gender matters here, the voice acting, personality is what matters.

    that being said with how bad bastian is has a companion, i can understand why people wanted another male that was more likeable

    hopefully the next expansions warden is a cool male character
    Edited by francesinhalover on June 4, 2022 3:05PM
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • freespirit
    Add in Verandis Ravenwatch to this mix, for male altmer. I am totally in agreement!

    How could I have forgotten Darien and Verandis?


    Female here with only female characters and I absolutely detest Bastian! I have used him so little he's not leveled and I had no idea he had tattoo's! 😯

    I agree with Jakarn and Varandis but not the other two, however I could totally lose my head over a Captain Jack style companion! 😍
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Xarc
    I can be a nice companion, if you like necromancy.
    Edited by Xarc on June 4, 2022 3:27PM
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank47
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank27
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    - since april.2014
  • SilverBride
    freespirit wrote: »
    I agree with Jakarn and Varandis but not the other two, however I could totally lose my head over a Captain Jack style companion! 😍

    I used to have a 12 inch Captain Jack Sparrow figurine standing on a shelf in my living room. And I used to have pictures of Johnny Depp on my locker at work. If you knew me you'd know I'm not the kind of person who does things like that but I couldn't resist him.

    Bastian has tats all over his arms and legs so I put him in a sleeveless chest and a short shirt and sandals to show them off since they are his best features.
  • Crown_of_Antlers
    Bekkael wrote: »
    After years of games only giving you the choice to play as a male, I now play only games where I can play as female, and I always have male companions. Maybe it's odd for a woman to want to play as her own gender, and also to greatly enjoy the company of males, but I guess I'm just old fashioned. ;)

    It's not just you. :) I'm a female gamer, I typically play female characters and like them to have a male companion.

    For as long as I've been playing ESO I've wished that my female Bosmer character could have a male Bosmer companion who looks like Lorchon.

  • LalMirchi
    So... are we done with the male ogling now?

    Asking for a friend ;)
  • Sidonius
    I'm just really afraid that the next males will be Khajiit or Argonian or Orcs. Nothing wrong with these races but not what I find pleasant to look at.

    I predict; Male, Bosmer, Warden and don't plan on picking any flowers or mushrooms..

  • Ragnarok0130
    I really want a cool male companion similar to Titus Valerius from Craglorn. Titus was awesome and Bastian just disappointing as a soft goodie two shoes.
  • Gaebriel0410
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I often wonder if they thought Bastian was handsome when they were creating him. I love that he's covered with tats, but his face and hair... nope. And he is way too goody two shoes to be fun.

    I think this is the problem when HETEROSEXUAL males create other males... they have no concept or clue what an attractive male actually looks or acts like. Take Darien or Jakarn... IMO they are much more attractive to me than Bastian, in looks AND personality. Furthermore, as a gay male playing this game, I want a MALE companion not a female. Hint, I'm not the ONLY gay guy playing this game, so this isn't just about heterosexual females wanting male companions!!!

    That's the most ridiculous take I have read on this forum in a while.
    It's.. wrong on so many levels I can't even. :D
  • SilverBride
    LalMirchi wrote: »
    So... are we done with the male ogling now?

    Asking for a friend ;)

    Never. :p
  • Nightowl_74
    Lysette wrote: »
    Give the Augur a handsome male appearance and I'll take him. I know a lot do not like his humor or comments, but I found him amusing and it would be a fun experience, listening to him complaining about the disadvantages of having a body and how terrible it is to be human again - and overall, why am I not using a mount, his legs would be aching and so on. That would be fun, I would let him walk and run with me, I'm not much of a rider and I guess he will curse me for that.

    I'd take the Auger, as is....if he could be carried around strapped to a backpack, that would be cool, or maybe given a spectral body to walk around. It's fairly irrelevant, but I'd also be happy with something similar to Barbus.
  • LalMirchi
    LalMirchi wrote: »
    So... are we done with the male ogling now?

    Asking for a friend ;)

    Never. :p

    Perhaps I could tease you with a bit o' Benny Hill?

  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I often wonder if they thought Bastian was handsome when they were creating him. I love that he's covered with tats, but his face and hair... nope. And he is way too goody two shoes to be fun.

    Yes, and I'm indifferent to the tattoos. The short mussed waves is the best hair for male characters to me, and I think he's quite handsome. I know others who think so too. I like angular faces with nice cheekbones and jawline.
    He's also kind and supportive, which is nice traits.
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I often wonder if they thought Bastian was handsome when they were creating him. I love that he's covered with tats, but his face and hair... nope. And he is way too goody two shoes to be fun.

    I think this is the problem when HETEROSEXUAL males create other males... they have no concept or clue what an attractive male actually looks or acts like. Take Darien or Jakarn... IMO they are much more attractive to me than Bastian, in looks AND personality. Furthermore, as a gay male playing this game, I want a MALE companion not a female. Hint, I'm not the ONLY gay guy playing this game, so this isn't just about heterosexual females wanting male companions!!!

    [snip]? You do realise that people have different taste? Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and all that. And heterosexual men are perfectly capable of making attractive male characters, because again, people have different taste and like different things. For example I personally don't find Darien attractrive, and Jakarn is mainly it because he's voiced by Steve Blum. I just don't like bretons look in ESO. They all look too baby faced with weirdly shaped heads. I take an imperial, dunmer, bosmer and pretty much any other race over a breton any day.
    But people do seem to forget that not every person is a straight man or woman. There are other sexualities out there, and some people's preference in a character has nothing to do with their sexuality either.

    [Edited for Censor Bypass]
    Edited by Psiion on June 5, 2022 12:59AM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • SydneyGrey
    A handsome guy companion like this would be great. This is a Breton, although it's hard to get Breton males that don't look doughy-faced. I wouldn't want an ugly, baby-faced Breton. I'd still rather have an Orc or Argonian, though.


    Edited by SydneyGrey on June 4, 2022 7:26PM
  • SilverBride
    I often wonder if they thought Bastian was handsome when they were creating him. I love that he's covered with tats, but his face and hair... nope. And he is way too goody two shoes to be fun.

    Yes, and I'm indifferent to the tattoos. The short mussed waves is the best hair for male characters to me, and I think he's quite handsome. I know others who think so too. I like angular faces with nice cheekbones and jawline.
    He's also kind and supportive, which is nice traits.

    We all have different tastes, but I find Bastian's hair awful and his face unattractive. He is kind and supportive which is one reason I use him instead of the passive aggressive Mirri, but I much prefer the mischievous flirty types.
    Edited by SilverBride on June 4, 2022 7:47PM
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