vindex9ona wrote: »
Switch point of view from character achievements to player achievements and the situation won’t look so bad anymore. In the end, once the game will shut down (no matter if it will be next week or in 10 more years), all that will be left will be your memories of a nice time playing it, and what you achieved in it as a player will only be your own personal thing, tracked nowhere.
I think you're missing an important part of my general critique of this change. I stated that I could live with AWA as long as it didn't obfuscate my ability to navigate different characters through the world of Tamriel. And, unfortunately, this implementation does that. In the early days of the game, I could have cared less about achievements. I was underwhelmed by having dyes as rewards! Once they introduced the Zone Guides (one of the best additions to the game IMHO!), i found I could use certain elements of the achievements in tandem with the Zone Guides to keep track of all of my alts' progress. So instead of hopping on an alt and having no clue as to what that alt needed to do, I could then intelligently guide that alt through a coherent progression, whether it be a zone, guild, dungeon or the main story itself.
The total storage space for all the achievements in the game is likely under 5 TB of data (given my conversation with an add-on creator who looked into ZoS's storage of achievements and a projection of the number of players in the game).
If a billion dollar company can't manage a 5 TB database in a world of Petabytes of data, then this game is as good as cooked.
If they were actually doing it for performance improvements they would have shouted that from the mountains at the reveal. It was only added in as a footnote in the Q&A when they knew they had opened a can of worms, so they went back to their favorite response that's been said a dozen times, with no noticeable improvement in performance as of yet.
It's interesting... people are always complaining, "Fix your servers... improve performance" and when they finally start trying to do just that... "oh wait, achievements are more important than performance". If servers have 'billions' of achievements to store and constantly access... I can understand how this is a HUGE drain on performance and server processes. So I applaud ZOS for trying to do whatever they can to improve performance- not only for 'today' but also so they can continue to add more content and whatever comes along with it.
As for zone guides, skyshards, etc... I'm sure, eventually, these things will be resolved as I'm sure there are another way of keeping track of these other than through achievements. Achievements are probably the EASIEST way of tracking, but I'm betting there are other ways that just need to be implemented by addon authors.
Nomadic_Atmoran wrote: »
And how's that performance? I'm sure you've noticed it since you're so quick to defend ZOS here by pointing that out. Surely you've seen a jump from before the update right?
ZOS would be hard pressed to find a more dedicated player than me. In the game since its inception, I’ve been a consistent subscriber, promoted the game to friends, family, and utter strangers, salivated over new chapters and eagerly shelled out my money at the first opportunity to make those purchases.
Ok, maybe that’s a bit of hyperbole. ZOS, I’m sure, would find thousands of players just like me who have been enchanted with the game since our first timid steps in Coldharbor back in the day (2014 for me). And what has kept me going these past 8 years of my life? There are really 2 essential elements for keeping me in this game for the longest period I’ve ever spent in any computer game, and believe me, at age 72, I’ve spent decades playing (anyone remember Dungeon Master on the Amiga?).
These 2 elements are: 1. The ability to play the game as if it were brand-new, with each new character I create, and 2.The ability for each new character to deepen my knowledge of ES lore through the brilliant readings and dialogues encountered in each zone of Tamriel. I've been smitten with ES since TES III Morrowind in 2002.
This recent update has basically removed the incentives I have for playing with its poor implementation of the Account Wide Achievements. Now, don’t get me wrong, the AWA could be useful and fun if it was limited to broad, general achievements like “Crime Pays” or “Give to the Poor” where characters do their part to contribute to the greater good of the account as a whole, but the essential guidepost type achievements (eg., Mages Guild and Fighter’s Guild Skill Master) are essential points of interest for guiding each character that you create. Finding that the Mages Guild Skill Master was completed by my Orc character, Mandanor, back in 2016 is basically meaningless to me today.
I understand the concerns about the performance hits that achievements take. I actually feel that I could have lived with the AWA if it had not affected the Zone Guides. The Zone Guides are truly the bedrock of character guidance in the replay value of the game. Unfortunately, the Zone Guides are connected to achievements, and now they share the same pitfalls of diminished replayability. Just logging in now, I discover that my newest character, barely created a month ago, has completed 30 unique quests in Western Skyrim (zone guide) back in 2020. He has never even entered Western Skyrim.
And they call this a Quality of Life Improvement? I think the allure is fading away. The bloom is off the rose.
It's true though. There's not just some magic "fix performance" button on an intern's desk somewhere they are avoiding pushing because they hate us. It took a long time with lots of little changes and additions for performance to degrade, it's going to take a lot of tweaks and changes and overhauls to get performance to a decent place.
They’ve been trying to fix performance for literal years. It only ever gets worse. How long can the boy cry wolf before the village stops believing him?
That's disingenuous, even right now isn't nearly as bad as harrowstorm was.
I could at least play during Harrowstorm. Just had to call my Unchained Prog early because we had 15 minute long load screens.
So, it's not disingenuous.
vindex9ona wrote: »
This is an online game. At some point the servers will be shut down forever and all characters and their achievements will be lost.
Our comments have nothing to do with cruelty or lack of empathy, but with an healthy relationship with life and the difference between a game and reality.
Switch point of view from character achievements to player achievements and the situation won’t look so bad anymore. In the end, once the game will shut down (no matter if it will be next week or in 10 more years), all that will be left will be your memories of a nice time playing it, and what you achieved in it as a player will only be your own personal thing, tracked nowhere.
All achievements are and have always been player ones fundamentally. Because you, the player, is the only thing real and the one that did all of it in game. And since it’s a game, you did it all for fun and that’s all that matters in the end.
[Minor edit for nonconstructive comment.]
As for those still using the "the player achieves things not the character" argument, as a player, I'd like to be able to actually track my characters progress on a new alt without jumping through hoops in order to do so. Having the zone guide already filled in for certain things on new characters is unacceptable, and although addons have been created to solve the issue, it should not have been one to begin with. What has been implemented is not QOL, it's an inconvenience. We used to have a working system where you could easily see, as a player, what you have and have not done on a new character in terms of delves and bosses. Now we don't.
And on that subject, going off on a bit of a tangent, as someone who would have liked to retain independent character tracking for story purposes, I know very well as a player I'm the one driving my characters behind the wheel. So does everyone else in this thread who has had "the player achieves things, not the character" repeated at them. We're aware of that. Why? Because we're the one creating a story through our characters, and having that independent tracking gave us, AS A PLAYER BEHIND THE WHEEL, the ability to make choices as to how we wanted to steer the car.
As a player, I could choose how I felt my character would reach in a situation, what they would pursue, where they would go. AS A PLAYER, I was crafting the story I wanted to create through my choices by using the achievement system as a tool. We are wholly and completely aware that we are achieving things AS A PLAYER- but we are doing it on independent characters to create each story. Having my choices AS A PLAYER made null by AWA to the point where, in some cases, I cannot even choose alternate endings to quests in order to pursue independent paths for different characters is unacceptable. Yes, we are the ones achieving things- on characters we crafted as individuals, and having our achievements and efforts on those individuals AS PLAYERS removed to the point where our accounts have become a seamless mush without add-ons is ridiculous. I can't track -what I as a player need to track-
Yes, indeed THE PLAYER is achieving things, and THE PLAYER is very annoyed that they can no longer do so on a per-character basis. We've had this quoted at us so many times, and its a huge misconception as to how we actually feel and what we actually want. So, yes, I agree- the player does achieve things! And as such, as players, we wanted to be able to do that multiple times on separate characters in order to make alternate choices so that we, as players, could craft individual stories, not have the entire account treated as if every single character we make is part of some kind of weird meta.
I as the player behind the wheel, I want to steer the car, not have it set on per-determined tracks for me from the moment of character creation simply because I once made a choice in the past while driving a different car.
ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »
Those of us who are impacted by this update have had similar things repeated at us plenty of times through our entire battle to prevent this update from happening in its current form, and every single time someone repeats "It's the player not the character" at us, it comes from the same place of completely and totally misunderstanding how we think and play. It has nothing to do with the difference between "a game and reality". None of us were sitting here thinking our characters could act without our input, no matter how beloved our characters may be.
Since I have had to repeat myself multiple times to re-explain the fact that we know the difference between ourselves and our characters I will quote myself instead of re-typing the entire thing over again.
We know as players we're achieving things. We're participating in an act of creation when we play the game, create characters, and tell their stories. We also know that one day the servers will go down, because we aren't playing with a detachment from reality, and that it isn't permanent. But for so long as it is here, we were using the game as a tool to create, and removing independent character achievements hinders that.
And, since the subject has been brought up, all things in life are temporal. That doesn't keep you from feeling for the people you love even though they will one day pass, admiring a tree even though a time will come when its leaves will wilt and the strength in its limbs will rot away, loving a pet though it's life may be shorter than your own....or loving a game and that which you create in it, or feeling loss when changes are made to something you care about, even though some day the servers will go down.
But part of that loss has come too soon, in the form of AWA, and for some people leaving the game forever, in their hearts the servers already have gone down.
We're human, we feel for things. No one who has fought against this should be ashamed of loving what they have created in this game or feeling strongly about it when they feel they have lost something within it. The characters may not be real, or the story, but the experience of playing and creating them as we did so was, as it was an act of creativity. The emotions invested in that act of creation were also real. It is like making a painting, or writing a story. Should an artist not feel upset if their work is defaced?
Don't ever let anyone invalidate those feelings or convince you they were wrong- you are all stronger than you know. You all fought well.
We will grieve, some of us will recover and continue playing as we find the means and the will to continue. Some of us will move on.
Certainly, many of us have the means beyond the game to create, and that is comfort to me as I continue to play. I have my writing and my art. But I still grieve for those who do not have that, and who feel that something of value to them has been destroyed. The fact that it was ultimately temporary does not alter that value. In fact, it only makes it more valuable to many of us.
I do see my achievements as player achievements. I am a player, creating different characters as individuals, telling stories through them for fun and my personal entertainment. Thinking of them as "Player achievements" does not suddenly make it all better for us.
We already did think of them that way.
But that's the power of story for those who put their hearts into it- we can feel strongly even for that which isn't real, because we had a hand in creating it. Strong emotion is part of the driving force behind imagination. I do not expect everyone to understand or feel the same. But I expect those that do feel the same, know exactly what I mean. We know very well it is our hands and our hearts that crafted the characters we bring to life for our entertainment on the screen.
ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »
Those of us who are impacted by this update have had similar things repeated at us plenty of times through our entire battle to prevent this update from happening in its current form, and every single time someone repeats "It's the player not the character" at us, it comes from the same place of completely and totally misunderstanding how we think and play. It has nothing to do with the difference between "a game and reality". None of us were sitting here thinking our characters could act without our input, no matter how beloved our characters may be.
Since I have had to repeat myself multiple times to re-explain the fact that we know the difference between ourselves and our characters I will quote myself instead of re-typing the entire thing over again.
We know as players we're achieving things. We're participating in an act of creation when we play the game, create characters, and tell their stories. We also know that one day the servers will go down, because we aren't playing with a detachment from reality, and that it isn't permanent. But for so long as it is here, we were using the game as a tool to create, and removing independent character achievements hinders that.
And, since the subject has been brought up, all things in life are temporal. That doesn't keep you from feeling for the people you love even though they will one day pass, admiring a tree even though a time will come when its leaves will wilt and the strength in its limbs will rot away, loving a pet though it's life may be shorter than your own....or loving a game and that which you create in it, or feeling loss when changes are made to something you care about, even though some day the servers will go down.
But part of that loss has come too soon, in the form of AWA, and for some people leaving the game forever, in their hearts the servers already have gone down.
We're human, we feel for things. No one who has fought against this should be ashamed of loving what they have created in this game or feeling strongly about it when they feel they have lost something within it. The characters may not be real, or the story, but the experience of playing and creating them as we did so was, as it was an act of creativity. The emotions invested in that act of creation were also real. It is like making a painting, or writing a story. Should an artist not feel upset if their work is defaced?
Don't ever let anyone invalidate those feelings or convince you they were wrong- you are all stronger than you know. You all fought well.
We will grieve, some of us will recover and continue playing as we find the means and the will to continue. Some of us will move on.
Certainly, many of us have the means beyond the game to create, and that is comfort to me as I continue to play. I have my writing and my art. But I still grieve for those who do not have that, and who feel that something of value to them has been destroyed. The fact that it was ultimately temporary does not alter that value. In fact, it only makes it more valuable to many of us.
I do see my achievements as player achievements. I am a player, creating different characters as individuals, telling stories through them for fun and my personal entertainment. Thinking of them as "Player achievements" does not suddenly make it all better for us.
We already did think of them that way.
But that's the power of story for those who put their hearts into it- we can feel strongly even for that which isn't real, because we had a hand in creating it. Strong emotion is part of the driving force behind imagination. I do not expect everyone to understand or feel the same. But I expect those that do feel the same, know exactly what I mean. We know very well it is our hands and our hearts that crafted the characters we bring to life for our entertainment on the screen.
I understand the concerns about the performance hits that achievements take. I actually feel that I could have lived with the AWA if it had not affected the Zone Guides.
vindex9ona wrote: »For every player that feels this way, there is one that feels happy about not having the game suddenly "forget" all I've done in it since 2014 every time I log on a different character (playing TES games since Arena and its 19 floppy disks here). The world is in balance and ZOS cannot make everybody happy at the same time.
I really suggest you to see them as "player achievements" since in the end that's what they are. You have completed those things as a player, the character you were controlling is only the medium through which you did it.
You, as the player, completed those 30 unique quests in Skyrim in 2020, and this is what the game is reflecting now. You can still re-do them all with your new character, the re-playability is still there if that's what you like to do in the game, but you've already accomplished it back then, that's all the achievement says.
People keep saying this but you could not complete anything without a character. It is a team effort between you and your character. Letting another character take credit for something it was not involved with seems wrong. That aside I really wanted to eventually finish the hunter trophies on my main. I was getting really close. When I had some time waiting for trials or some other event to start I would spend time slaughtering mass amounts of something to earn a trophy. I might not give it a go for a month or more and then spend an hour or so for a few days in a row.
The change finished those achievements for me. None of my characters earned them and now none can. I don't feel like I earned them or any sense of accomplishment knowing across my account they are finished. Not done as that implies I did them but finished in that they no longer exist to be done.
Same with fishing. I had multiple characters working toward becoming a master. Now they are all masters and some of them have never seen a pole.
I understand why some wanted account wide achievements. They play different than I do. The problem is the game has been wrecked for me to make it better?? for them. I don't understand why their play style is suddenly deemed so much more important than mine.
They say it is because of performance issues. I hope that is true and we see significant improvement. If not then it was and is the worst move made by the team so far. They have alienated a lot of players and taken away a very popular way to play our way.
vindex9ona wrote: »
This is an online game. At some point the servers will be shut down forever and all characters and their achievements will be lost.
Our comments have nothing to do with cruelty or lack of empathy, but with an healthy relationship with life and the difference between a game and reality.
Switch point of view from character achievements to player achievements and the situation won’t look so bad anymore. In the end, once the game will shut down (no matter if it will be next week or in 10 more years), all that will be left will be your memories of a nice time playing it, and what you achieved in it as a player will only be your own personal thing, tracked nowhere.
All achievements are and have always been player ones fundamentally. Because you, the player, is the only thing real and the one that did all of it in game. And since it’s a game, you did it all for fun and that’s all that matters in the end.
[Minor edit for nonconstructive comment.]
You do know that people play in different ways, and for some the fun is in the immersion, right? So having the game break the 4th wall and see through our alts as us the player is exactly what we did NOT want! Telling an RPer to see their characters as avatars of themselves just disrespects a type of gameplay that, believe it or not, many more utilize than you think. We just don't stream it for the masses.
It's interesting... people are always complaining, "Fix your servers... improve performance" and when they finally start trying to do just that... "oh wait, achievements are more important than performance". If servers have 'billions' of achievements to store and constantly access... I can understand how this is a HUGE drain on performance and server processes. So I applaud ZOS for trying to do whatever they can to improve performance- not only for 'today' but also so they can continue to add more content and whatever comes along with it.
As for zone guides, skyshards, etc... I'm sure, eventually, these things will be resolved as I'm sure there are another way of keeping track of these other than through achievements. Achievements are probably the EASIEST way of tracking, but I'm betting there are other ways that just need to be implemented by addon authors.
vindex9ona wrote: »
This is an online game. At some point the servers will be shut down forever and all characters and their achievements will be lost.
Our comments have nothing to do with cruelty or lack of empathy, but with an healthy relationship with life and the difference between a game and reality.
Switch point of view from character achievements to player achievements and the situation won’t look so bad anymore. In the end, once the game will shut down (no matter if it will be next week or in 10 more years), all that will be left will be your memories of a nice time playing it, and what you achieved in it as a player will only be your own personal thing, tracked nowhere.
All achievements are and have always been player ones fundamentally. Because you, the player, is the only thing real and the one that did all of it in game. And since it’s a game, you did it all for fun and that’s all that matters in the end.