The map is still there. I have opened it up and see it clearly. TES is much about searching the map for areas to quest. The stories are still there. So the road trip rocks as it always has though some of the stories do lose their luster after playing them a few times.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I love the account wide achievements so much. Already joined a new dungeon group to start hunting achievements. I play so many alts that achievements lost all meaning to me years ago.
Now that they are account wide, I feel like I can actually make progress on my achievement point total. Even something like being able to work towards Master Angler while I am waiting in BG queues. potentially on multiple toons, is amazing. Oh and now I want to play BGs for achievements. Never cared because my quester is not my main PVPer. I also play my main quester as a lawful good character, and did DB and TG quests on a different toon. Never bothered to do all the nuanced achievements, because who cared, the point total on my evil NB was laughable. Now, I am going to go back and do them all. I could go on and on with examples.
Sure, I wish titles were tied to the character, and there are certain annoyances with they way this was implemented (more of a sledgehammer than a scalpel), but I view it as mostly a very positive change. My playtime is going to increase significantly because of this. I have had one foot out the door for a few years now.
Those of us who don't mind the changes also deserve to be heard, that's the main reason I'm posting on this thread.
I was actually very against account wide achievements before ZOS announced it but I'm totally okay with it now that it's been implemented.
Game updates always release with bugs because I don't think there's a company out there that has the resources to release a bug-free product. Some are better than ZOS, some are considerably worse. Do I think this could have been rolled out better? Yes. Do I think it's a disaster that makes the game unplayable because of a handful of scenarios that will most likely be fixed in the coming weeks? No.
We could have had both. An account overview that tallies everything together and then saved character data. Doing it that way would have even allowed them to add new account specific achievements. But no.
There’s nothing wrong with your enjoyment of the feature. The issue is that it was entirely unnecessary for it to come at the cost of character achievements. The performance reason is a tacked on, Hail Mary, to try to get more players to accept this mess. Account and character achievements are not mutually exclusive and should not have been implemented as though they were.
The AWA change has me out doing things that I wouldn't normally be doing over the past few weeks. So for me personally the allure has increased. I've even started grinding out leveling Bastian for his achievement to get the companion meta achievements completed on a character who's play style doesn't make him hate my character every 40 seconds as I move through the world.
I may even complete the master angler at some point as now I can fish on any character to progress the advancement while they wait in dungeon or BG Ques or simple wait for trial groups to fill.
I wish people didn't have to deal with their own frustrations with the new system and it could have worked out making everyone happy. The one thing I personally wish was different was the achieved by x at the bottom but I can live with it.
While I have for the most part enjoyed reading both the PTS thread (pretty sure I haven't missed many posts) and others to get an understanding of why folks feel the way they do both good, bad and somewhere in the middle so I can perhaps help anyone in my small circle of players find a way past any issues moving forward should they ask.
ZOS did what they felt they needed to for the longer term benefit of the game and only time will tell if they hit or missed the mark and if the gains are outweighed to the losses. Even a 90+ page thread with thousands of posts boils down to 400-600 plays more or less even if it was 2000 is still marginal to the player base that pays attention to the forums or social media stuff (60-70K people where on the twitch live stream) let alone all the folks who just trudge along buying and eating through whatever content they churn out.
Cheers and good luck in Tamriel everyone
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
If you have read any of my MANY MANY comments on this subject, I have always said that they should leave character pages exactly how they are and add a separate account wide achievement tab. This keeps it nice for both types of alt players. If you want it fresh, great, if you want to see total progress, also great. I have also said that they should leave titles to characters. That means no level 3 godslayers, and it keeps end game community engaged as people hunt down trifectas on multiple toons.
Clearly, they didnt go that way, and certainly I wish they would have, but that ship has sailed. That said, I significantly prefer this to the old system. If this was the only option for AWA, I would take that deal every day and twice on Sundays.
Right there with ya.
ZOS would be hard pressed to find a more dedicated player than me. In the game since its inception, I’ve been a consistent subscriber, promoted the game to friends, family, and utter strangers, salivated over new chapters and eagerly shelled out my money at the first opportunity to make those purchases.
Ok, maybe that’s a bit of hyperbole. ZOS, I’m sure, would find thousands of players just like me who have been enchanted with the game since our first timid steps in Coldharbor back in the day (2014 for me). And what has kept me going these past 8 years of my life? There are really 2 essential elements for keeping me in this game for the longest period I’ve ever spent in any computer game, and believe me, at age 72, I’ve spent decades playing (anyone remember Dungeon Master on the Amiga?).
These 2 elements are: 1. The ability to play the game as if it were brand-new, with each new character I create, and 2.The ability for each new character to deepen my knowledge of ES lore through the brilliant readings and dialogues encountered in each zone of Tamriel. I've been smitten with ES since TES III Morrowind in 2002.
This recent update has basically removed the incentives I have for playing with its poor implementation of the Account Wide Achievements. Now, don’t get me wrong, the AWA could be useful and fun if it was limited to broad, general achievements like “Crime Pays” or “Give to the Poor” where characters do their part to contribute to the greater good of the account as a whole, but the essential guidepost type achievements (eg., Mages Guild and Fighter’s Guild Skill Master) are essential points of interest for guiding each character that you create. Finding that the Mages Guild Skill Master was completed by my Orc character, Mandanor, back in 2016 is basically meaningless to me today.
I understand the concerns about the performance hits that achievements take. I actually feel that I could have lived with the AWA if it had not affected the Zone Guides. The Zone Guides are truly the bedrock of character guidance in the replay value of the game. Unfortunately, the Zone Guides are connected to achievements, and now they share the same pitfalls of diminished replayability. Just logging in now, I discover that my newest character, barely created a month ago, has completed 30 unique quests in Western Skyrim (zone guide) back in 2020. He has never even entered Western Skyrim.
And they call this a Quality of Life Improvement? I think the allure is fading away. The bloom is off the rose.
ESO was never marketed as a PvP game, though. It was a PvE game with a considerable focus on PvP, but let's not try to paint the game as being advertised as something it never was to fit a narrative. It's not really needed when there are a lot of other things to focus on, like the repeated "we're working on communication" without too much improvement in that field (Kevin has been awesome but he's only one person) or how many times they say they're working on performance with no real gains on the player end over the last few years. And now we have them saying that they have to remove existing data (character achievements) to make room for new data essentially.A PvP marketed MMORPG that sold-out to focus on PvE...for years.
Year after year of performance promises unfulfilled.
Some of the best/popular ESO streamers were PvP w/viewers in the thousands, left to be replaced with streams that barely hit 100 viewers on sleepy overland content, and hard mode trials that most of the ESO community will never do.
No creative incentives/rewards to PvP and bring revenue through PvP.
No new races
Only 2 new classes
One new combat skill line
No new weapon types
No tournament Zeni/ESO streams...instead, cooking...
A hyped up expansion, it naval warfare pvp map? Is it boat building to explore a water zone? New class? New skill line? New race? New weapon type?...nope, it's a mini card game.
So ya the hype train left the station, and I gave my ticket away.
That said, it's still the best MMORPG on console atm.
I’m sure I have read your posts and I apologize if I made it seem like I was coming down on you in particular. I don’t want people to feel bad for enjoying the update, just as I don’t think anyone should be made to feel bad about negative feelings either. Your feelings on the matter are just as valid as mine. I’m just bitter and angry that ZoS has seemingly pitted players against each other (or rather that we’re doing it for them) when we could have had the best of both. It just sucks. So again, please accept my apologies if my statement made you feel as though I was lashing out at you individually.
ESO was never marketed as a PvP game, though. It was a PvE game with a considerable focus on PvP, but let's not try to paint the game as being advertised as something it never was to fit a narrative. It's not really needed when there are a lot of other things to focus on, like the repeated "we're working on communication" without too much improvement in that field (Kevin has been awesome but he's only one person) or how many times they say they're working on performance with no real gains on the player end over the last few years. And now we have them saying that they have to remove existing data (character achievements) to make room for new data essentially.
Jeffrey530 wrote: »
Eh I can use your characters to get the same achievements. They are mere tools.
ESO was never marketed as a PvP game, though. It was a PvE game with a considerable focus on PvP, but let's not try to paint the game as being advertised as something it never was to fit a narrative. It's not really needed when there are a lot of other things to focus on, like the repeated "we're working on communication" without too much improvement in that field (Kevin has been awesome but he's only one person) or how many times they say they're working on performance with no real gains on the player end over the last few years. And now we have them saying that they have to remove existing data (character achievements) to make room for new data essentially.
That may be the case, but it was never marketed as a PvP game in the way that it was implied. They also haven't "sold out" for PvE when that's been the main focus since the beginning, as a TES game. They've turned focus from PvP, yes, considering how they've lowered population and not added many new modes or what have you, but ESO wasn't to be marketed as more PvP than PvE. Making it sound like ESO was primarily a PvP game that "sold out" to focus on PvE isn't the way to phrase it.Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Maybe not exclusively, but they leaned into the large scale AvAvA PVP battles very aggressively in their early marketing efforts. They have certainly pivoted pretty hard away from that concept, but it was definitely there early on.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Totally fair. I have wanted AWA since forever, but to your point I give the implementation about a C-.
That may be the case, but it was never marketed as a PvP game in the way that it was implied. They also haven't "sold out" for PvE when that's been the main focus since the beginning, as a TES game. They've turned focus from PvP, yes, considering how they've lowered population and not added many new modes or what have you, but ESO wasn't to be marketed as more PvP than PvE. Making it sound like ESO was primarily a PvP game that "sold out" to focus on PvE isn't the way to phrase it.
Agenericname wrote: »
Personally I feel like a C- is a little high. Whether or not you wanted AWA, this missed its mark in a few critical areas.
Communication from ZOS has been awful. When they added weapons to normal maelstrom they at least gave an explanation and even said at one point that they knew it would be controversial but felt it was the right way to handle it. There was very little said about this aside from the QnA. That one may have been the more important one.
Achievements like Grand Master Crafter shouldnt complete on any character, much less all, if none of them have actually earned it. My main gained roughly 6k achievement points when the patch dropped. Of those, there are a number that no one character had previously. Some were incorporated from other characters, but quite a few were not.
Im not sure that the way that this was implemented is healthy for the long term replayability in some parts of the game.
As the septuagenarian who initiated this thread, I have some thoughts (for what they're worth) on the plight we're in and a possible way forward.
- At the heart of this issue are 2 different ways of viewing achievements. Some players view them as goals; some view them as guideposts. I think it helpful if we take a step back and try to view the gaming pleasure that is derived from each style of play, and show empathy for those who play in a different manner than we do. For the goal-oriented, achievements are there as goals to be reached, and the dopamine rush for doing so will be more easily gained if all characters in an account strive together to reach those goals. Account Wide Achievements are therefore a blessing and a boon to the game. For the Guidepost-oriented player, achievements are there to help develop the individual characters in one's account develop and grow in similar or different ways. Achievements are "consulted" to help the player decide which activities should be pursued to help characters emerge and grow into distinct individuals. The dopamine rush occurs in the logical and elegant way one can play the game and promote each character's development, and the feeling that the game is filled with new possibilities.
- In the implementation of AWA, Zos made the mistake of reformulating most of the achievements so they would cater to and please the goal-oriented style of player without any regard for the guidepost-oriented player. This is unfortunate because a great many achievements truly are individual guideposts (progress in the main story chapters, as an example). There are also many achievements that are well-suited for goal-oriented players (master angler?). Even though I'm a guidepost type of player, I could see myself enjoying the pursuit of an achievement goal like master angler with all my toons!
- The ideal would be to create a system in which you have both types of achievements, but unfortunately, the monkey wrench in such an ideal is the need to streamline performance so as more content is added, the game doesn't get bogged down by a bloated database.
So at the risk of straining my welcome in this post, here are my thoughts on how Zos could attempt to remediate this conundrum:
- First and foremost, detach the zone guide from achievements, and make it a more robust tool for players to use in character progression. There should be nothing in the zone guide that smacks of completion if the individual character has not achieved that element, whatever it is.
- There's a heck of a lot of achievements in the game. Is it possible to whittle these down, consolidate some, to help improve performance? To me, one of the ludicrous things that got my goat was to see the Mages Guild Skill Master achievement (a guidepost type) completed back in 2016 on one of my early characters. This does nothing for me in 2022, especially when I'm working to progress newer characters in that skill line!
- A shot in the dark, but hey! What the heck: If performance is such a concern, is it within the realm of possibility to make database elements of the game, like achievements, be client-based, rather than server-based?
- Finally, Zos should establish a form of the PTS that is constant and ongoing to test and evaluate the game as a whole. Perhaps a select and rotating roster of players would be allowed admittance and a channel created for direct communication between Zos devs and these players to monitor the health of the game. I believe the problem of AWA implentation in this patch had a lot to do with the way it was rushed through to meet the patch deadline. A more considerate and methodical way to make changes like this would be to allow more stakeholders (players!) to be an important part of the process, and not allow release unless the implementation was fine-tuned and ready.
Anyway, I've said my piece on this issue. I believe it's time for a break from Tamriel. My sub renews in May so I'll check back then to see if there's any type of future for me in ESO. Thanks all!
As the septuagenarian who initiated this thread, I have some thoughts (for what they're worth) on the plight we're in and a possible way forward.
- At the heart of this issue are 2 different ways of viewing achievements. Some players view them as goals; some view them as guideposts. I think it helpful if we take a step back and try to view the gaming pleasure that is derived from each style of play, and show empathy for those who play in a different manner than we do. For the goal-oriented, achievements are there as goals to be reached, and the dopamine rush for doing so will be more easily gained if all characters in an account strive together to reach those goals. Account Wide Achievements are therefore a blessing and a boon to the game. For the Guidepost-oriented player, achievements are there to help develop the individual characters in one's account develop and grow in similar or different ways. Achievements are "consulted" to help the player decide which activities should be pursued to help characters emerge and grow into distinct individuals. The dopamine rush occurs in the logical and elegant way one can play the game and promote each character's development, and the feeling that the game is filled with new possibilities.
I honestly really like having some things being only possible to do once. It makes the world feel lived in if I go somewhere on a new character and see that some dashing hero had helped rebuild Orsinium or killed some annoying bosmer kid.
Then I realized that is just how they play the game. The achievements are the goal. It is the game. It is everything. The object is to beat the game, and you beat the game by getting all the achievements.
Again, this is the group that is happy. For these people, this change is overall a good change.