Most of the people I play closely with have been a bit burnt out on ESO for other reasons for a while and are taking a bit of a break playing other games while the new meta shakes out. I know a lot of cores are starting back up again in 1-2 weeks, including 3 of my own. In the meantime, most of us have reduced our playtime because sometimes you just need a break and none of us are dungeon achievement pushers.
In other words, I think there's a combination of factors involved in the steam charts drop. For PvE endgame, the drastic meta shift (that NOBODY on the forums seems to be talking about!) has far more to do with it.
matterandstuff wrote: »Just pointing out that the Steam average player count for the last thirty days has now crashed to the lowest level since December 2019. The significance of that (beyond it being a long time ago and pre-pandemic) is that it's the month after the Undaunted event had to be cancelled within hours because it broke the servers, after possibly the worst six months performance-wise in the history of the game, with the dungeon finder barely usable for long periods of time and having to be drastically reworked. December 2019 is what the player numbers looked like after months of such severe performance woes that anything now still pales by comparison; the game lost more than a third of its player base in the second half of that year.
That after ESO's pandemic boom and a couple of pretty successful years since, they're now back down at those numbers does not sound like a game in a healthy state.
I understand the concerns about the performance hits that achievements take. I actually feel that I could have lived with the AWA if it had not affected the Zone Guides. The Zone Guides are truly the bedrock of character guidance in the replay value of the game. Unfortunately, the Zone Guides are connected to achievements, and now they share the same pitfalls of diminished replayability. Just logging in now, I discover that my newest character, barely created a month ago, has completed 30 unique quests in Western Skyrim (zone guide) back in 2020. He has never even entered Western Skyrim.
And they call this a Quality of Life Improvement? I think the allure is fading away. The bloom is off the rose.
Hope you were sarcastic... otherwise you know the experience you've just described is about a dying game, right? An active player base is what every MMO is founded upon, without that theres no game to play at all, or at least not for much.Mathius_Mordred wrote: »No, the AWA are great, allowing my main to pick up a few achievements I have done on some alts I never use anymore. I only use one toon and have no intention of running through everything ever again. Once I've finished all the content on my main I then leave the game until the next content drop, that long break means I'm ready to go back to Tamriel once again and see what's new. I will never run dailies or run any of the events unless I find them interesting, which most are not. I have more crowns than I know what to do with, perhaps one day they will put something interesting for me in the CS. The game is the same as it's always been, a fun dive into Tamriel every now and again.
Mathius_Mordred wrote: »No, the AWA are great, allowing my main to pick up a few achievements I have done on some alts I never use anymore. I only use one toon and have no intention of running through everything ever again. Once I've finished all the content on my main I then leave the game until the next content drop, that long break means I'm ready to go back to Tamriel once again and see what's new. I will never run dailies or run any of the events unless I find them interesting, which most are not. I have more crowns than I know what to do with, perhaps one day they will put something interesting for me in the CS. The game is the same as it's always been, a fun dive into Tamriel every now and again.
For me, ESO had allure on the day it launched. After that, it diminished rapidly.
- Questing was fine, except other players were crawling all over breaking immersion horribly. In some measure, it's still that way.
- As an inveterate crafter, I enjoy leisurely gathering, but not in this game. Everything is a gauldarned race with other players, and there is nothing relaxing about that!
- Normal dungeons could be fun, except the non-tanks/non-healers and players racing way ahead of the group have totally mitigated that fun (let's not get into "find the right guild," because doing that would be a full time job in itself.
- Let's get back to immersive allure. TESO likes to emphasise the importance of lore and immersion, but people parading around on neon mounts and throwing mud, or doing the Jester prance.
- The glacial loading times server boots with an endless variety of error messages.
- I don't begrudge TESO making a nice profit; indeed, I've added substantially to it over the years. But using the PTS in place of competent, systematic QA stinks of predatory capitalism.
I could add substantially to the list of things that have bespoiled the allure I once felt for the Elder Scrolls franchise. Sad reality is every freaking Triple-A MMO I've played has suffered the same problem -- offer much in the beginning and then quickly move to doing little as possible while sucking every dime out of players. That's the reality -- allure is nothing but unreal expectations.
Generally, give me a single-player replication of this game (with paid-for expansions) and I could be happy for a very long time.
proprio.meb16_ESO wrote: »Hope you were sarcastic... otherwise you know the experience you've just described is about a dying game, right? An active player base is what every MMO is founded upon, without that theres no game to play at all, or at least not for much.
If every player is gonna do the same, Eso will barely last till after High Isle (and probably just because of the preorders). What you wrote is another (indirect) example of how bad the current awa implementation is.
Mathius_Mordred wrote: »
No, not sarcastic at all. I've been playing since closed beta and I usually take breaks when I've completed all the content, what else is there to do otherwise? There are lots of achievements I don't have because many of them are like, do this 30 times, 50 times 100 times etc, not interested in that because it's boring quite frankly. I find that with an hour or two a day I am probably playing the game for about 6 months of the year in total broken down into several smaller chunks, that's enough o stop it from becoming stale, and after all, ESO isn't the only game out there to play is it.
To say this in the nicest way possible, the game’s allure faded due to poor decisions made by the development team which were sorely out of touch with their playerbase.
• AoE Caps
• Animation priority rework
• Ultimate Cast Times
• Trying to band-aid countless issues overtime, which then later created more complex issues
• **Game balancing**.... This game has gone through dramatic combat balance shifts more times than I can count, rather than sticking to a certain formula and building on it via new class/weapons, Spellcrafting, 3rd morphs, etc.
ESO is an incredible game brought down by horrible decision-making. Sad tbh
Quite a few people do not play through steam, especially those who are very invested in it. So it has lost player base, but are those people that tend to move games anyway? I don't know.
ZOS would be hard pressed to find a more dedicated player than me.
Gosh, what could POSSIBLY have been released recently across all platforms that would see a lot of people who also play ESO playing something else? What could it possibly be we just don't know.
Gosh, what could POSSIBLY have been released recently across all platforms that would see a lot of people who also play ESO playing something else? What could it possibly be we just don't know.
I think the predictability of the yearly release cycle contributes to a feeling of malaise. I also think the less meaty content we're getting doesn't bode well. I understand we need some performance fixes and I'm happy they're finally doing it, I just worry about well-done it'll be, just seeing how they did with AWA.
Uuh... i suppose it would require them the same time to make the same content once a year instead than every quarter... there would be no time left anyway...Kalik_Gold wrote: »Would rather 1 major expac a year... Combine all 4 releases into one summer release with 6 new dungeons, the chaper and story arc. Spend the rest of the year on balance and fixes.
Nobody wants the game changes every 4 months... a year would be fine with balances along the way.
proprio.meb16_ESO wrote: »Uuh... i suppose it would require them the same time to make the same content once a year instead than every quarter... there would be no time left anyway...
either more ppl is hired or they sacrifice some content if they want to focus on fixes and balancing
In a word: