WhyMustItBe wrote: »
You aren't talking about that "game" where people repeatedly smash their face against ridiculously overtuned mechanics that are "hard" just for the sake of being "hard" in a barren empty "open world" in a pointless battle of attrition for "maiden points" and "fun" are you?
Somehow ESO getting a card game seems like a plus in light of that glorified digital self flagellation. I mean there is feeling you need to prove something and just outright masochistic compulsions. I guess some people like that stuff. /shrug
Glad I didn't ride the $60 pre-order hype train on that one.
Just because you personally don't like a game ... doesn't make it any less of a truth that there are a lot of people playing...
WhyMustItBe wrote: »I guess some people like that stuff. /shrug
Kalik_Gold wrote: »
Would rather 1 major expac a year... Combine all 4 releases into one summer release with 6 new dungeons, the chaper and story arc. Spend the rest of the year on balance and fixes.
Nobody wants the game changes every 4 months... a year would be fine with balances along the way.
I still don't get this AWA. As far as I know, none of my new characters already finished any quests it never made. The quests are there, and I need to finished them with each of character I eventually create. The achievements, however, are "completed" somehow.
So, for practical purpose, all story lines still need to be made; the 'badges' we earn in the process are now already gained by our older characters.
Honestly, I don't see why this AWA is so criticized. For any player, the process of passing through all story lines in all regions is still in place for any character.
Now imagine how people who have 30+ master fishers, dozen od emperors and ton of other achievements feel like. All that effort for what?
It's just the other side of the coin. For every person like you mention, there another who has never gotten to make an alt because of fear of missing an achievement on your main.
Most of the people I play closely with have been a bit burnt out on ESO for other reasons for a while and are taking a bit of a break playing other games while the new meta shakes out. I know a lot of cores are starting back up again in 1-2 weeks, including 3 of my own. In the meantime, most of us have reduced our playtime because sometimes you just need a break and none of us are dungeon achievement pushers.
In other words, I think there's a combination of factors involved in the steam charts drop. For PvE endgame, the drastic meta shift (that NOBODY on the forums seems to be talking about!) has far more to do with it.
matterandstuff wrote: »Just pointing out that the Steam average player count for the last thirty days has now crashed to the lowest level since December 2019. The significance of that (beyond it being a long time ago and pre-pandemic) is that it's the month after the Undaunted event had to be cancelled within hours because it broke the servers, after possibly the worst six months performance-wise in the history of the game, with the dungeon finder barely usable for long periods of time and having to be drastically reworked. December 2019 is what the player numbers looked like after months of such severe performance woes that anything now still pales by comparison; the game lost more than a third of its player base in the second half of that year.
That after ESO's pandemic boom and a couple of pretty successful years since, they're now back down at those numbers does not sound like a game in a healthy state.
Every time I see this response I just want to yell “We could have had both”!!!
They are not mutually exclusive. It didn’t have to be this way. And, in fact, that’s what most people in the PTS thread advocated for: character achievements with an overview of player achievements, where aggregate achievements were tallied on both sides (one character could earn Master Angler for themselves but the player side would tally across the entire account) and all tangible rewards would have been given at the player level. No one had to lose anything, if it had been done well. It wasn’t.
vindex9ona wrote: »
This is an online game. At some point the servers will be shut down forever and all characters and their achievements will be lost.
Our comments have nothing to do with cruelty or lack of empathy, but with an healthy relationship with life and the difference between a game and reality.
Switch point of view from character achievements to player achievements and the situation won’t look so bad anymore. In the end, once the game will shut down (no matter if it will be next week or in 10 more years), all that will be left will be your memories of a nice time playing it, and what you achieved in it as a player will only be your own personal thing, tracked nowhere.
All achievements are and have always been player ones fundamentally. Because you, the player, is the only thing real and the one that did all of it in game. And since it’s a game, you did it all for fun and that’s all that matters in the end.
[Minor edit for nonconstructive comment.]
The AwA changes would probably bring me back, but the performance is keeping me away. Game isn't fun if it doesn’t run.
ectoplasmicninja wrote: »The delve/WB/skyshard map icons being broken atm are a bit of a pain. Every time I change zone it's 50/50 on whether all the delves look incomplete, skyshards look uncollected, and WBs look undefeated, or not. Across 18 characters it's hard to remember who's done what, but...I guess that's the point, isn't it? AWA mean a shift in thinking and approach, from the "this character hasn't done this yet, so I should go do that" that used to prod our actions to "I've done everything on someone so now I can just do whatever I want on anyone". Admittedly I haven't quite crossed that psychological bridge yet. It's just difficult without the straightforward impetus of achievements to act as a progress chart for a character that I can then use to plot my future actions on them. I mean, no, I don't need to do every dungeon on every character anymore, but I guess I never did? It was just a breadcrumb trail that was easy to follow, and now I need to throw my own breadcrumbs.
But what was a bit confusing lately, I got a skyshard hunter message (and that it is available now for purchase on other characters of mine) while this specific character hasn't actually acquired all the skyhards in that zone - it was one less. Is the skyhard hunter achievement now adding up all the different findings of all of my characters into one achievement?
Its crazy what they want for dlcs.. If you compare 40€ eso expansion( 10hours) with another new game ( elden ring for example that cost 60 with around 150 good hours) eso just isnt worth it. And every expansion gets smaller..
Now they introduce new card game, but new cards will be behind another expansion, it worked same with antiquity ( lets leave behind items that gets nerfed to ground 3 months after patch) and companions
Its crazy what they want for dlcs.. If you compare 40€ eso expansion( 10hours) with another new game ( elden ring for example that cost 60 with around 150 good hours) eso just isnt worth it. And every expansion gets smaller..
Now they introduce new card game, but new cards will be behind another expansion, it worked same with antiquity ( lets leave behind items that gets nerfed to ground 3 months after patch) and companions
Kalik_Gold wrote: »
OK new character made (level 3), walk past a Tythis banker and he will be saying " the Muth Gnaar monks"; meanwhile your new character has not even saved these monks yet. So basically the immersion is killed for any quest you are trying to repeat on an alt.
I'm on console but from my understanding that is what is happening, because all achievements have been unlocked the NPCs in the game think your new level character has done it. This goes on and on for every quest, including quest chains you haven't even started.
If I'm incorrect a PC person can clear it up.
It's just a matter of perspective. People have a preferred level of difficulty when playing a game. People who enjoy souls-like games don't find them tedious and infuriating. They find it awesome and fun. The challenge in those game just clicks with them.WhyMustItBe wrote: »But me not thinking a game like that is a good design or personally enjoying it isn't meant to insult the people who do. I am just of a different school of thought. I personally feel games should be fun and entertaining, not tedious and infuriating. I guess maybe some people enjoy the challenge of transcending the frustration? I honestly just don't get the appeal of that genre.
Every time I see this response I just want to yell “We could have had both”!!!