Yep, exactly this. Thanks zos for wasting thousands of hours put into individual characters to get achievements. I guess it was too hard for them to just upgrade their database instead of mandatorily destroying my character and the whole achievement hunting experience.
You don't understand fam. Please don't be so critical of others feelings. This is exactly why something like this should never have been done because now what was I'm sure a big part of ESO gaming pool is now open to ridicule, as is their way of life. So not only have characters almost completely lost identity you're a fool too for ever imagining them or having an imagination at all, or wanting to explore another fantasy world. Sad. It's just sooo sad.
Wow this could damage the game in more ways than anyone could have ever imagined. I sincerely hope whomever wanted this done, stuck to their guns, completely ignored other options and the players begging them not to do this, I hope you are satisfied.
What bothers me the most is that it appears ZM is not listening to the fan base. During the last PTS they asked for feedback, and they got over 90 pages of it mostly asking not to include AwA in the upcoming patch. Now, since the patch, there have been numerous issues regarding skyshards, discovered points, titles, and achievements. This tells me that either ZM did not fully test everything, or they just don't understand (or care about) our points of view.
Today I sent in my feedback right after I canceled my subscription. Being a former programmer myself I hope they come to terms with the mess that has been created and make it right. I hope.
SilverBride wrote: »
I've never had a performance problem in all the years I've played. But I sure feel the sting of having my characters' individuality removed to fix a problem I never had.
RPGplayer13579 wrote: »I would say that the next chapter is less impressive as previous chapters. With a card game as the big new feature. There is an interesting questline, but I doubt will have any effect on the game at large or the Three Banners War. On the plus side it looks like my Khajiit character will get a new companion.
A PvP marketed MMORPG that sold-out to focus on PvE...for years.
Year after year of performance promises unfulfilled.
Some of the best/popular ESO streamers were PvP w/viewers in the thousands, left to be replaced with streams that barely hit 100 viewers on sleepy overland content, and hard mode trials that most of the ESO community will never do.
No creative incentives/rewards to PvP and bring revenue through PvP.
No new races
Only 2 new classes
One new combat skill line
No new weapon types
No tournament Zeni/ESO streams...instead, cooking...
A hyped up expansion, it naval warfare pvp map? Is it boat building to explore a water zone? New class? New skill line? New race? New weapon type?...nope, it's a mini card game.
So ya the hype train left the station, and I gave my ticket away.
That said, it's still the best MMORPG on console atm.
Jeffrey530 wrote: »
Eh I can use your characters to get the same achievements. They are mere tools.
If gaining achievements is the reason a person continues to play a game, sure this was not a good move and the game probably has lost some of the sparkles for them.
However, most play because they enjoy the combat or other systems in the game. They play because they enjoy the stories. They play because they enjoy the people they run with. These people are still into achievements but are not worried about getting every single achievement on every single character they roll because many are mind-numbing after the first few times. For these people, this change is overall a good change.
Time will tell, and it will not take much time, to see if there are many that are truly this upset with this change to AWA. I doubt it will have much impact because it is so much secondary to pretty much everything important for a game's success.
Ragnarok0130 wrote: »
I've been playing since Beta and lurked on the forums since then and we heard the same exact thing - "this could damage the game in more ways than anyone could have ever imagined" - when One Tamriel launched here on the forums. There were endless quitting threads, cancelling sub threads, people railing on and on and on about lost "feelings of character progression" because they could no longer solo ROFLStomp world bosses in starter zones and we all know many years later that One Tamriel was ultimately a solid move for the game, our own progression, and its longevity. AWA will be the same thing in the end and like One Tamriel is here to say - ZoS outright stated this just like they said for One Tamriel. Unlike One Tamriel AWA is also something the community has been repeatedly asked for since launch so I'm frankly quite happy that we finally have it. Next since we have AWA ZoS should implement Steam Achievements to capitalize on the forward momentum.
If gaining achievements is the reason a person continues to play a game, sure this was not a good move and the game probably has lost some of the sparkles for them.
However, most play because they enjoy the combat or other systems in the game. They play because they enjoy the stories. They play because they enjoy the people they run with. These people are still into achievements but are not worried about getting every single achievement on every single character they roll because many are mind-numbing after the first few times. For these people, this change is overall a good change.
Time will tell, and it will not take much time, to see if there are many that are truly this upset with this change to AWA. I doubt it will have much impact because it is so much secondary to pretty much everything important for a game's success.
SilverBride wrote: »
I've never had a performance problem in all the years I've played. But I sure feel the sting of having my characters' individuality removed to fix a problem I never had.
If gaining achievements is the reason a person continues to play a game, sure this was not a good move and the game probably has lost some of the sparkles for them.
However, most play because they enjoy the combat or other systems in the game. They play because they enjoy the stories. They play because they enjoy the people they run with. These people are still into achievements but are not worried about getting every single achievement on every single character they roll because many are mind-numbing after the first few times. For these people, this change is overall a good change.
Vulsahdaal wrote: »
Actually I think you have this all backward.
The people who are all about achievements, this was a good move for them. They have repeatedly complained about not wanting to play an alt because they dont want to get an achievement on an alt that their main doesnt have yet, OR they done want to play an alt because they HAVE to get 'mind numbing' achievements all over again.
Which at first it really puzzled me why it was so important to them that their main have every achievement possible, and any and all alts must also have every single achievement as well.
My thoughts were, who cares about achievements? Just play the game, and the achievements will come. Or they wont. Doesnt matter.
Then I realized that is just how they play the game. The achievements are the goal. It is the game. It is everything. The object is to beat the game, and you beat the game by getting all the achievements.
Again, this is the group that is happy. For these people, this change is overall a good change.
As for myself, Im in the second group you mention. I dont care about achievements. Seriously. My main who has been with me since early access has an achievement score of 7105/50120.
Im just here for as you put it, the stories. I enjoy the people I run with. Im not worried about getting every single achievement on every character, I just play the game. This is where I come to relax and enjoy myself. I would play whichever of my 15 characters I felt like, their stories and experiences WERE all vastly different so it was nice to have a choice.
But now this choice is gone. And since the update, Ive only logged on just once to collect the daily with my main and within that minute I realized I just couldnt do this I logged out.
For me, this change is NOT a good change.
BTW Im fully aware that I could continue to play my main with no issues, but its difficult for me to log in and see my other characters there and not being able to play them. Of course I could just delete them all except my main so I dont have to look at them, but cant bring myself to do that either.
So Im in a bad position. Ill probably do some things on my main, but the game has lost the allure for me. Ill probably just leave the game so I can keep the memories of my characters as they were, and move on to something different.
I know others have done the same, but what I find interesting is, the first group, the happy with the changes achievement hunting group, many from there will leave also.
With this change, ZOS brought the closer, if not to completion of their goal. To collect all the achievements. To beat the game. Once they have done this, the challenge is over. They will move on to the next as well.
Im really not sure what ZOs game plan here is, but I guess in the end it really doesnt matter.
alberichtano wrote: »
But that's just it. They have ruined many of the stories.
The stories are still there. They have not changed. Nothing ruined.
There are stories you can no longer do on alts because of these changes. That is a verified fact.
As far as I'm aware there's a handful of epilogues that don't work. I expect these will be patched in the near future.