Having another tab for achievements on account is not real accountwide achievements, and just in these thread there were already plenty of people trying telling the same. No, it's not a compromise. An optionality is a compromise, a simple tab to see what you already know is just a punch in the face for those who got their hopes up.
While i don't want to invalidate people who don't want this awesome function implemented, stop acting like noone wants it. Heck, even polls started by players show that the majority wants ACCOUNTWIDE ACHIEVEMENTS. Not an overview tab.
Also stop speaking for the whole endgame community. People like me have to speak up because if we won't, others might assume you speak for us. There are plenty of people in the endgame community who love this. In fact, out of all of my guildies we talked about it with, only a single one voiced his displeasure.
Having another tab for achievements on account is not real accountwide achievements, and just in these thread there were already plenty of people trying telling the same. No, it's not a compromise. An optionality is a compromise, a simple tab to see what you already know is just a punch in the face for those who got their hopes up.
While i don't want to invalidate people who don't want this awesome function implemented, stop acting like noone wants it. Heck, even polls started by players show that the majority wants ACCOUNTWIDE ACHIEVEMENTS. Not an overview tab.
Also stop speaking for the whole endgame community. People like me have to speak up because if we won't, others might assume you speak for us. There are plenty of people in the endgame community who love this. In fact, out of all of my guildies we talked about it with, only a single one voiced his displeasure.
Why would an overview not work for you if it works the same way as the achievements work on PTS now, but with a separate tab for the specific character you are currently on?
Having another tab for achievements on account is not real accountwide achievements, and just in these thread there were already plenty of people trying telling the same. No, it's not a compromise. An optionality is a compromise, a simple tab to see what you already know is just a punch in the face for those who got their hopes up.
While i don't want to invalidate people who don't want this awesome function implemented, stop acting like noone wants it. Heck, even polls started by players show that the majority wants ACCOUNTWIDE ACHIEVEMENTS. Not an overview tab.
Also stop speaking for the whole endgame community. People like me have to speak up because if we won't, others might assume you speak for us. There are plenty of people in the endgame community who love this. In fact, out of all of my guildies we talked about it with, only a single one voiced his displeasure.
Why would an overview not work for you if it works the same way as the achievements work on PTS now, but with a separate tab for the specific character you are currently on?
Because it's not accountwide achievements, it's an overview tab.
tomofhyrule wrote: »So, if there were two tabs, an 'Account' and a 'Character,' would that solve your issue? Or would you need to see Character achievements completely removed?
I picture a system where all characters can contribute to the account wide one. Let's take the March of Sacrifices challenger as an example:
Character 1 does the speedrun and character 2 gets the nodeath. You go in later on character 1 and do the hard mode.
After all of that, you unlock the Beast personality and your account tab says you got the challenger achievement. However, character 1's page shows that they did the speedrun and HM, and character 2's page shows they did the nodeath. If you later get the nodeath on character 1, it pops that character 1 got the challenger, but your account already had it.
Would this be an acceptable compromise? Because that's what a lot of people are suggesting. And if not, many of us who do support a system like this don't understand how being able to look at character 1 or character 2's achievements will be a net negative. It certainly allows for replayability since achievement hunters can see that character 1 still needed something, but getting it is only giving a character-based achievement since the account already unlocked it.
Having another tab for achievements on account is not real accountwide achievements, and just in these thread there were already plenty of people trying telling the same. No, it's not a compromise. An optionality is a compromise, a simple tab to see what you already know is just a punch in the face for those who got their hopes up.
While i don't want to invalidate people who don't want this awesome function implemented, stop acting like noone wants it. Heck, even polls started by players show that the majority wants ACCOUNTWIDE ACHIEVEMENTS. Not an overview tab.
Also stop speaking for the whole endgame community. People like me have to speak up because if we won't, others might assume you speak for us. There are plenty of people in the endgame community who love this. In fact, out of all of my guildies we talked about it with, only a single one voiced his displeasure.
Why would an overview not work for you if it works the same way as the achievements work on PTS now, but with a separate tab for the specific character you are currently on?
Because it's not accountwide achievements, it's an overview tab.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official feedback thread for account wide Achievements. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
- Did you notice any achievements were missed or didn’t get captured the way you expected?
- Did you find your current Motif and Enchantment knowledge?
- Did you still have all your previously earned titles?
- Is it clear which achievements are still character-centered?
- Do you have any other general feedback?
No idea. I was wondering that myself. I assumed they would be tracked the same, since both affect master writ drop rates for their respective daily writ completion.FrancisCrawford wrote: »Enchanting and alchemy are handled differently -- why?
Same as it does today, minus achievements, but adding in getting reputation for completing instanced dungeon quests. Undaunted pledges. Undaunted daily delves. The dailies are supposed to yield more reputation than they used to, but that seems to be bugged, currently.FrancisCrawford wrote: »Undaunted reputation now advances -- how?
The objectives that appear under the zone skyshard achievements can no longer be used to track individual character skyshard acquisition, but the map and zone guide can. They are all still available to be collected for each individual character as well.FrancisCrawford wrote: »And by the way -- if you take away character-specific records of skyshard absorption, I'm going to be very, very, very displeased.
These are oddly enough one of the few categories where even the achievements are still character-specific. However, the public dungeon boss Vanquisher and Conqueror achievements are tracked account-wide now. The public dungeon quests are character-specific as well, so the icons on the map show up as black when incomplete on a character.FrancisCrawford wrote: »Public dungeon group event completion, similarly, albeit less so -- I have a spreadsheet to track those, but it is NOT always acccurate.
The only way I've found to track this at the character level right now is via map icons. You can still do the quests on multiple characters and get the skill points and XP, flipping the icon from black to white on the map. However, things like speed runs, no-deaths, boss completion (Vanquisher / Conquorer), etc. are all account-wide now.FrancisCrawford wrote: »Exactly the same applies to group dungeon completion.
For some reason, these are marked complete as soon as you discover them on the map on a second character. I assume this is a bug, because it's a very strange experience for the player.FrancisCrawford wrote: »Delve completion tracking is less important -- but I'd miss that too.
silvereyes wrote: »No. The delve boss was already marked as completed as soon as I entered the delve. I very much hope that this is not intentional.silvereyes wrote: »I will say, I'm very happy they at least let you discover things again on new characters. That is working as expected for me.
Well, this proves that they didn't do it for performance reasons. Looks like ZOS is still tracking individual achievements... they are just hiding them from us in the data.
Did your character get the 'delve completed' achievement popup when you cleared it?Edit: CORRECTION! the above picture was taken with the MapPins addon on PC. The base game does not display the boss icon on the map. Still, I don't think the delve completion should be tracked with account-wide achievements, even if the achievement for completing them all is.
HumbleThaumaturge wrote: »Someone has probably mentioned this already. I have not read through all 16 pages of comments on this thread, so please forgive this one if this is a repeat:
I think it is real wrong to share the "Former Emperor"/"Former Empress" title among all characters. I strongly feel that this Achievement title should be character-specific, and not shared. I just logged-on to the test server (PTS) . . . and the title is, indeed, now shared.
Someone suggested it was possibly they were doing this to save data space, but I actually have a different theory. There's a post that's pinned where they said they're re-writing parts of the foundational code. Perhaps this method was a better way of the new code handling things?
Someone suggested it was possibly they were doing this to save data space, but I actually have a different theory. There's a post that's pinned where they said they're re-writing parts of the foundational code. Perhaps this method was a better way of the new code handling things?
Someone suggested it was possibly they were doing this to save data space, but I actually have a different theory. There's a post that's pinned where they said they're re-writing parts of the foundational code. Perhaps this method was a better way of the new code handling things?
Rich said something back when he first mentioned this performance work. I would have to go back and review hours of not-terribly-exciting stream videos to find it, though. What he said made my initial impression of what was wrong with Cyrodiil be that the character baggage was too large, meaning it was basically a database thing. Achievements are all about databases, and this one is growing every update as they add new achievements for every dungeon, delve, world boss, city, town, and story line. Storing it once per account, rather than per character, would certainly have a different database footprint.
This is also why I am not expecting ZOS to budge on this.
tomofhyrule wrote: »
So, if there were two tabs, an 'Account' and a 'Character,' would that solve your issue? Or would you need to see Character achievements completely removed?
I picture a system where all characters can contribute to the account wide one. Let's take the March of Sacrifices challenger as an example:
Character 1 does the speedrun and character 2 gets the nodeath. You go in later on character 1 and do the hard mode.
After all of that, you unlock the Beast personality and your account tab says you got the challenger achievement. However, character 1's page shows that they did the speedrun and HM, and character 2's page shows they did the nodeath. If you later get the nodeath on character 1, it pops that character 1 got the challenger, but your account already had it.
Would this be an acceptable compromise? Because that's what a lot of people are suggesting. And if not, many of us who do support a system like this don't understand how being able to look at character 1 or character 2's achievements will be a net negative. It certainly allows for replayability since achievement hunters can see that character 1 still needed something, but getting it is only giving a character-based achievement since the account already unlocked it.
tomofhyrule wrote: »
So, if there were two tabs, an 'Account' and a 'Character,' would that solve your issue? Or would you need to see Character achievements completely removed?
I picture a system where all characters can contribute to the account wide one. Let's take the March of Sacrifices challenger as an example:
Character 1 does the speedrun and character 2 gets the nodeath. You go in later on character 1 and do the hard mode.
After all of that, you unlock the Beast personality and your account tab says you got the challenger achievement. However, character 1's page shows that they did the speedrun and HM, and character 2's page shows they did the nodeath. If you later get the nodeath on character 1, it pops that character 1 got the challenger, but your account already had it.
Would this be an acceptable compromise? Because that's what a lot of people are suggesting. And if not, many of us who do support a system like this don't understand how being able to look at character 1 or character 2's achievements will be a net negative. It certainly allows for replayability since achievement hunters can see that character 1 still needed something, but getting it is only giving a character-based achievement since the account already unlocked it.
Why would an overview not work for you if it works the same way as the achievements work on PTS now, but with a separate tab for the specific character you are currently on?
tomofhyrule wrote: »Someone suggested it was possibly they were doing this to save data space, but I actually have a different theory. There's a post that's pinned where they said they're re-writing parts of the foundational code. Perhaps this method was a better way of the new code handling things?
Rich said something back when he first mentioned this performance work. I would have to go back and review hours of not-terribly-exciting stream videos to find it, though. What he said made my initial impression of what was wrong with Cyrodiil be that the character baggage was too large, meaning it was basically a database thing. Achievements are all about databases, and this one is growing every update as they add new achievements for every dungeon, delve, world boss, city, town, and story line. Storing it once per account, rather than per character, would certainly have a different database footprint.
This is also why I am not expecting ZOS to budge on this.
If that were the case, I wonder why they haven't tried to sell it that way. "We're combining achievement databases to make the game perform smoother, but we will have to sacrifice some redundant achievement data" would be a lot less controversial than "we're throwing away all of your alts' history for the sole purpose of sharing monster trophies!.
tomofhyrule wrote: »Someone suggested it was possibly they were doing this to save data space, but I actually have a different theory. There's a post that's pinned where they said they're re-writing parts of the foundational code. Perhaps this method was a better way of the new code handling things?
Rich said something back when he first mentioned this performance work. I would have to go back and review hours of not-terribly-exciting stream videos to find it, though. What he said made my initial impression of what was wrong with Cyrodiil be that the character baggage was too large, meaning it was basically a database thing. Achievements are all about databases, and this one is growing every update as they add new achievements for every dungeon, delve, world boss, city, town, and story line. Storing it once per account, rather than per character, would certainly have a different database footprint.
This is also why I am not expecting ZOS to budge on this.
If that were the case, I wonder why they haven't tried to sell it that way. "We're combining achievement databases to make the game perform smoother, but we will have to sacrifice some redundant achievement data" would be a lot less controversial than "we're throwing away all of your alts' history for the sole purpose of sharing monster trophies!.
But would it really save data though?
The current formula when a character enters a zone should be “Has character x done y (or z, yy, zz, etc) achievement? Y/N = N. Changing N to a Y (account wide achievements) saves nothing.
FYI, I tested out the Markarth and Alik'r Desert delve leads for Ring of the Pale Order, and all seems to be working fine on PTS.silvereyes wrote: »I haven't noticed, but since they are RNG drops from repeatable activities like killing things and harvesting nodes, I imagine probably not. I would recommend testing interactable leads, though, like the Ring of the Pale Order lead in Markarth.2. Antiquity's Lead Drops affected by this or any part of the Antiquity system?
I think the operative phrase was, "the same way as the achievements work on PTS now". The idea is not to take away account-wide achievements, but to add kind of an optional tracking view for the current character's progress against the same achievement with no help from other characters. Getting it a second time wouldn't do anything other than record the name and date of when the character achieved it individually, and pop up a notification at the time it was achieved. There could be other features with this too, like adding "earned by" details for individual characters to the achievement badge and link tooltips, but that's kind of a separate issue.tomofhyrule wrote: »
So, if there were two tabs, an 'Account' and a 'Character,' would that solve your issue? Or would you need to see Character achievements completely removed?
I picture a system where all characters can contribute to the account wide one. Let's take the March of Sacrifices challenger as an example:
Character 1 does the speedrun and character 2 gets the nodeath. You go in later on character 1 and do the hard mode.
After all of that, you unlock the Beast personality and your account tab says you got the challenger achievement. However, character 1's page shows that they did the speedrun and HM, and character 2's page shows they did the nodeath. If you later get the nodeath on character 1, it pops that character 1 got the challenger, but your account already had it.
Would this be an acceptable compromise? Because that's what a lot of people are suggesting. And if not, many of us who do support a system like this don't understand how being able to look at character 1 or character 2's achievements will be a net negative. It certainly allows for replayability since achievement hunters can see that character 1 still needed something, but getting it is only giving a character-based achievement since the account already unlocked it.
Why would an overview not work for you if it works the same way as the achievements work on PTS now, but with a separate tab for the specific character you are currently on?
No, it wouldn't solve the issue. I wrote a longer post regarding that a few pages back. I'm one of those people that need to have everything on every character.
Heh, good stuff. Please report it in the bug reports thread.doesurmindglow wrote: »I decided to take the new character and play through the first quest to see what happens when you're supposed to go meet with Clivia Tharn in that same throne room, figuring that might trigger a reset where Queen Khamira would despawn, as Queen Khamira does not yet exist. BUT NOPE, both Queen Khamira and Clivia Tharn occupy the throne at the same time which is, needless to say, rather awkward:
[spoiler][/spoiler]tags, to avoid giving away the story for those of us who still haven't played through it.
doesurmindglow wrote: »
I'm guessing this is not the only bug like this, where the changes in the world instances are tied to a given achievement or title. It seems to persist after relogging and (sigh) disabling add-ons. Something is just bugged about the way this is implemented that needs to be looked at.
Because Maelstrom Arena has a skill point attached to the first completion (which I guess is tied to the achievement the way the public dungeon bosses are).tomofhyrule wrote: »If this were all about saving database space, why are we still keeping track of individual characters' completion of nMA (especially if the only other solo arena is shared)?.
doesurmindglow wrote: »I can't tell if it's the Account-Wide Achievements causing this or what, but there appear to be some weird things happening on new characters venturing into the world where titles are earned.
For example, I went to the Rimmen throne room on a new character created from the max level template and noticed Queen Khamira was sitting there. Which is odd, because on that character I have not yet played through the Elsweyr questline, or any questline. I did, however, log into my main that has played through that questline, thus giving the new character access to the "Champion of Anequina" title despite not having completed the quests.
I decided to take the new character and play through the first quest to see what happens when you're supposed to go meet with Clivia Tharn in that same throne room, figuring that might trigger a reset where Queen Khamira would despawn, as Queen Khamira does not yet exist. BUT NOPE, both Queen Khamira and Clivia Tharn occupy the throne at the same time which is, needless to say, rather awkward:
I'm guessing this is not the only bug like this, where the changes in the world instances are tied to a given achievement or title. It seems to persist after relogging and (sigh) disabling add-ons. Something is just bugged about the way this is implemented that needs to be looked at.
@ZOS_Kevin, is there any chance we may get some insights into the design goal here? It would be helpful to know, so that we can at least attempt to get everyone rowing in the same direction.It would be great to have clarity from Zenimax about what their intention and thought process is with this this, as it does have some bearing on how we respond.