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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • kind_hero
    A few other comments, since you are collecting feedback:

    why do you need to release content following the same pattern? Do people really want 2 more new dungeons, and an chapter that ends in a cliffhanger, and people have to pay extra to see the conclusion? Me personally got bored with this pattern and like others have said, I think it limits your creativity and what you can do for the game. There is no comparison between Morrowind and Blackwood in terms of depth and scale (even though Blackwood is beautiful). Or Wrothgar. We would rather wait for an expansion that will be "ready when it's ready" rather than timecrunched DLCs. There is no need for new sets, there are hundreds which are mostly useless. How about reworking some of those? But there is need for new mechanics, new items, new rewards, not 4 second mementos and body markings none cares about.

    Also, adding more story elements in a 4 player dungeon is not a good idea, because most people I know and run dungeons, don't care about the story involved with the dungeon, and the people who care about lore, details and story, are not so much interested in dungeons, especially rushing them. It happened to me many times, in the 1st day of the release, group members did not care about the dialogue or sequence taking place, they just rushed to the first mob pack and head in, while I wanted to get a glimpse of the story that will unfold later.

    Just learn from this feedback. Why haven't you opened these kind of threads last year, to have enough time to adjust your focus and development? To me each hour spent for developing the card game could have been better used to create something else requested by the community. Even small things like a wayshrine furnishing. Each year you are following the same pattern and people tell you the same things. The card game is not good for a MMO because people should be out adventuring and interacting with the world you spent so much to build, not remain idle in a UI, no matter what it does. This is what I dislike about antiquities as well, but it was fine since it was just one system like that. Now there are two.

    I like dungeons, but if I want to get all the angles of the story, please don't place those elements in group content where not everyone is on the same page! Why not put these story elements in a public dungeon where players could go in their pace, maybe with their companion or a friend? And I am all for clues and story depth. Add more mysteries, puzzles, but not collecting some fragments or stolen stuff, please, we've done this so many times, it's predictable and annoying!

    I also wish for quests that can be done in multiple ways, such as pacifist, stealthy/stealing, or aggressive. Options are great.
    I am playing this game since beta and it is easy to see how it gets stale, and even the people presenting the stream don't have the same enthusiasm as they did years ago (which is natural, but then bring other fresh people to keep things going).
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • VaranisArano
    I think the card game shows that development is not really listening to the player base or the housing community. There have been requests for mini-games for a long time but it was to make the game table furnishings into playable games not for something brought in from outside of ESO. If this long time request had been added I think the response would have been much better than that for a CCG.

    I remember requests for minigames, but there were also plenty of requests for card games like Gwent over the years. It's not out of left field or ignoring the feedback they've been given.
  • Crash427
    Tandor wrote: »
    Crash427 wrote: »
    This may sound salty but it's a sincere question: why bother giving feedback? By the time anything is revealed its as good as locked and historically the feedback for the PTS has been ignored.

    And if anyone's to blame for the disappointment its ZOS. Beautiful cinematic trailers and a global reveal event for...Betnikh 2.0 and a recycled card game that couldn't make it on it's own.

    I do always wonder about this. I have to imagine a huge amount of feedback in any beta (maybe even alpha) is just inherently pointless, the train is already moving and it's not like it's going to stop. Aside from finding bugs or numerical tweaks....there's nothing to be done.

    I can't give specific examples off the top of my head, but in 40 years of beta testing both offline and online games I've known a number of occasions where the beta feedback has been sufficient to lead the developers to pull the feature until they've thought it through and redesigned it. In one case they actually pulled the game completely!

    What is pointless, however, is turning down the opportunity to provide feedback and then complaining about the finished product :wink: !

    I've seem games where the devs are very engaged and listen to feedback. This hasn't been one of them. Dark Convergence was the last straw for me. Anyone who plays in Cyro knows that knockbacks/pulls are buggy and cause desyncs. People pointed out problems with the set on the PTS. They still went ahead with it. Even now as I type this someone's probably being pulled off a keep wall.

    I dont know if it's pride, arrogance, just plain stubbornness, whatever, all too often they simply ignore feedback.
  • MrCaptainPants
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Three months out from it hitting PTS, it isn't going to be finished enough for a walkthrough. I'm sure they showed as much as they had. It's the headline feature of the Chapter. They aren't going to hide it under a rug.

    I don't doubt that it isn't finished, but did you honestly feel that they said anything in the card game presentation that made you feel particularly excited about it? Maybe you were excited, and that's totally okay.

    I just think that there is no way that they didn't know how this was going to be received, and I wish they had found a way to compensate for that and build a bit more positive energy about it.

    The card game would have been great as ONE of the new things to be added, but not as the MAJOR new system for the entire year. This was a miss, in my book.

    I still love the game, I'm still going to be playing, but I can't pretend that I think this was a great idea.

    Edit to add: Maybe the card game will be an unexpectedly huge hit, though. Who knows? We can only wait and see.
    Edited by MrCaptainPants on January 29, 2022 9:43PM
  • SirAxen
    Lysette wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    See. that is the difference between role playing a character and just playing yourself using an avatar - you as the player have achieved it, the character (if you actually role playing him/her) hasn't and if played from the perspective of the character and not your own, this is just weird and not enjoyable. This should be totally optional and not a general feature for everyone.

    As someone that got their start in RP via Dungeons and & Dragons (and also RP in ESO), I know full well what the difference is. That still doesn't change the fact, that it makes zero difference. RP is pretendy fun times, and seeing something pop-up on your screen more than once doesn't change your Roleplay whatsoever.
    Edited by SirAxen on January 29, 2022 9:29PM
  • peacenote
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Anyway I can't believe anyone would be opposed to account bound achievements lol. It's completely the norm at this stuff, and frankly almost everything in MMOs should be account-bound all the time. Busywork of redoing stuff on alts is terrible and doesn't respect your time.

    It is my choice how I play this game. For me, it’s not ‘busywork’ and I enjoy the time I spend replaying content on my alts.

    If this game is going to be ‘once done, no more fun’ then not sure about carrying on playing. This should be optional.

    You can still do everything you want, nothing is changing about it. I've read some posts on this and the perspective is interesting (things I never would have considered), but it's important to understand that your perspective is going to be a tiny minority. Modern games have moved to account bound stuff for a good reason.

    But it does. Some seek out the challenge of playing other roles and classes.

    Some play this MMORPG (where the RP stands for Role-Playing...) as those individual characters... and smashing all the achievements together most definitely "takes something away from them".

    Adding just an Account Achievement Overview (similar to what the add-on does for PC players) would be a perfectly valid way to give those that want Account-wide what they need, while still maintaining the individuality of characters for what others need.

    There is a middle ground that keeps more engaged and happy. I hope that the language that Gina used in the stream was inaccurate and the truth of the matter is that we're just going to be getting this account overview type thing. But based on their words, I'm not that hopeful.

    The amount of dismissive comments towards those advocating for this is astounding.

    if there's an easy UI change that would make people happy, that seems fine! But ditching the entire idea of account bound stuff to appease RPers seems unwise.

    Again, the genre has shown that people who want to redo everything on every character is a very tiny minority. The biggest MMO in town these days lets you play every class on the same character and receives a lot of praise for it!

    You know, it's an incorrect assumption that everyone who wants character-specific achievements wants to "re-do" everything per toon for RP purposes.

    I will use myself as an example. I have lots of alts because I think it's fun. I have a main, and a couple of other characters that are regularly played, and most others get played only once in a while. I know there are some achievements I'll never get - like emperor - and that's ok. But I think it's FUN when I do a speed run on an alt, and the game pops up with an achievement. I think it's FUN when an alt finishes exploring a map and I get an achievement. I think it's FUN to look and see what my sorc did last year, and if my stamblade ever ran Drake Villa, and what year I started my necro tank. I crack a big smile when an alt goes into a fully decorated house for the first time and gets a bunch of achievements at once. And I have been quietly, without complaint, enjoying this since 2014.

    I'm not OCD, I'm not toxic about titles or gatekeeping with groups I am in, I would never waste time earning the trophy achievements on multiple characters. Even my main doesn't have those. I just like it when the achievements pop up and I like knowing when each character did the content.

    I'm all for account wide achievements for the purposes of accruing points or whatever they have in mind, but it will reduce a lot of the fun I have every week in game if the individual records are erased or dropped going forward. I think it's kind of sad how many people who like character specific achievements are supportive of folks who want an account view, saying sure, let's add it. But many who don't enjoy character specific achievements seem intolerant of leaving them in the game for those that do, and are making wide generalizations about who likes them and how little value they bring. I wonder why this is?

    The idea of losing my current fun experience when I play on my alts has really soured this whole reveal for me. New functionality is great, but there's no reason we need to lose functionality that we have to get it. Just like EVERYTHING ELSE in the game, if there is something people don't like, they can avoid it. There is no need to begrudge it being in the game for people who enjoy it....
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Northwold
    What I would say about the "year of" structure is that if there is an unappealing theme then I lose interest in the game for an entire year.

    That happened twice in a row -- the world of Skyrim I find frankly boring because every character is either a violent drunk or primitive (there is nothing engaging in that, even with better writing than was offered), and it is also visually monotonous, so I had little desire to go back there, and similarly Oblivion is a fantastic game, but the bits set in Oblivion were the worst by far.

    I also think that having to create these multi-episode spanning arcs needs far better writing than ESO has managed so far. I have just stepped into Fargrave and the dialogue is non-stop exposition that is essentially unbearable. I just don't care because it's line after line of plot mechanic gibberish with no personality attached.

    So I take what the presentation said, that the devs had taken on board the problems of endless "daedra take over the world" meaningless plots and are working to avoid that. But the proof will be in the pudding and I really preferred the old way of doing things: if you didn't like one DLC or chapter, something completely different would come along, AND the stories felt a bit tighter because they didn't have to flap around through two whole expansions.

    ESO's writers can do character very well when given the chance. See Thieves Guild, a lot of the Summerset side content, things like Naryu in Morrowind. Lower the stakes to less ridiculous levels and tell the stories with the characters. That is what makes good storytelling.
    Edited by Northwold on January 29, 2022 11:09PM
  • silvereyes
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Three months out from it hitting PTS, it isn't going to be finished enough for a walkthrough. I'm sure they showed as much as they had. It's the headline feature of the Chapter. They aren't going to hide it under a rug.

    I don't doubt that it isn't finished, but did you honestly feel that they said anything in the card game presentation that made you feel particularly excited about it? Maybe you were excited, and that's totally okay.

    I just think that there is no way that they didn't know how this was going to be received, and I wish they had found a way to compensate for that and build a bit more positive energy about it.
    No, I wasn't excited at all about it, but it had nothing to do with the presentation. It had everything to do with the fact that I have no interest in a card game within an RPG. They could have put just as little "positive energy" into an announcement about a new class, skill or weapon line, and I would have been super excited.

    The problem wasn't the salesmanship. A good product would sell itself. The problem was the decision to develop the card game as a headline feature for an RPG in the first place.
  • Drdeath20
    The good.

    I am a huge fan of the combat changes. There will be more options for builds and it will open up a lot of the game.

    The bad.

    After rethinking the title change I have decided that I think it is a bad idea. It is the slightest reason to practice old content on alt’s. Without titles I’m not sure I would go for certain achievements on my 8th character.

    The whatever.

    A card game is just something extra that I probably won’t play much. Many other games do this and it’s just seems like not much effort was put into this. I’d wager resources were vested elsewhere.

    Future wishes.

    If they are gonna add mini games why not start with fishing around the overworld and farming at your house. Fishing is just run to a location and push x, imagine if they made a fishing mini game that had degrees of challenge, depending on assorted variables, to catch fish. If it’s fun enough people might fish just for the mini game. Another thing is having a garden at your house. The more time and effort you put into it the more you get in return. It’s like having an extra hireling and this too could be another mini game.

    Another idea is a dueling arena for scoreboard or even jousting. This all seems more medieval than a card game. The card game idea just seems like they were grabbing at the lowest hanging fruit.
  • SammyKhajit
    @ZOS_Kevin this one was looking at the preorder elk and fawn (there’s a post about it on reddit). Both seem to have a startled, deer in the headlights look. Hopefully it’s not intentional?
  • Seraphayel
    I think the card game shows that development is not really listening to the player base or the housing community. There have been requests for mini-games for a long time but it was to make the game table furnishings into playable games not for something brought in from outside of ESO. If this long time request had been added I think the response would have been much better than that for a CCG.

    I remember requests for minigames, but there were also plenty of requests for card games like Gwent over the years. It's not out of left field or ignoring the feedback they've been given.

    It’s just very out of touch with the state of the game and very in line with their minimal approach of adding features to the game that barely affect the game itself and are in most parts just of cosmetic nature.

    After my disappointment has settled I am curious for the card game. But not as the MAIN feature of the Chapter. This card game would have worked wonders in the Q4 update as a new mini game. But not as the reason to buy a new $40 Chapter. And no, a new zone and a new trial are definitely not worth that price tag either.

    Other MMORPGs do offer expansions with a handful of zones and a handful of dungeons on top and charge the same price. One zone you finish in 15 hours and one trial with 3 or 4 bosses is just laughable content for a price of a normal WoW or GW2 or FFXIV expansion.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • MorkovkaUltimate
    1. There is a bunch of games to choose from.
    If I want to play cards, manage my farm with sheeps or do some casual mining/digging, I will go to other titles which are best at those segments (most probably I will do it from my mobile phone, lying in my bed, that is what such primitive game mechanics are good for).
    I come to ESO because it is 3rd/1st person rpg/adventure and I don't want 100 minigames inside it which ruin the whole core gameplay and experience.
    Why are you continuing to add another genres in the form of mini games to it?

    2. I play FOR FUN. Not for farming, not for collecting, not for doing the same thing 1KK times.
    ESO is a great game, great MMORPG. But it has many problems. Existing problems, right now, which make game boring and limited after some time.
    - Local zones and quests? Boring for developed characters, not challenging at all (I can solo all world bosses, public dungeons, everything and I will fall asleep in the process), not rewarding at all (600 gold for quest, 1 piece of local useless set which I collected anyway already, etc., like, really?) and not motivating to explore (I know exactly what I will get from each section of a map and I don't need it 99% cases)
    - Dungeons? They keep your interest for a while, mid game I would say. But then yiu understand that it becomes not challenging enough, not rewarding enough and nothing unpredictable to happen there, all the same problems like with local zones. It could be good to get new dungeons just as a fresh air time to time (it is very boring to do City of Ash 1KK time), BUT you sell new dungeons, each single dungeon... Why? It is one of the best existing drivers to keep playing this game
    - Trials? This is where high end pve people spend most of their time. Challenging enough, yes, but still pretty boring and repetitive. Once you are used to mechanics, it is just clicking mouse button + keyboard 1 time per second for 20-30 minutes. Rewards are also quite useless and predictable, the main driver is group communication. But there is still a problem for group collection, why there is still no Trial group finder? E.g. like for dungeons but where you can see a list of open groups and the group leader can set up some filters or terms? Like, 1000CP min, achievement available, farming run, etc. It is quite annoying to spend 30 minutes in Craglorn typing lfg/lfm and then your time is over and you need to come back to work/real life.

    3. Please update existing core game!!! Make it interesting, diverse, challenging, rewarding and unpredictable for all players! Fix bugs! Check balance and difficulty settings. Get new functionality in depth and not in width by copy pasting new zones and mechanics. And stop adding stupid mini games, farming for farming and 1000 paid mini dlcs connected by some tricky mind together like in mythic items to force everyone to buy all of it and spend 100 hours for farming just to get one piece of meta gear.

    P.S. Yeah, you also think that nobody noticed that originally "strong advantage/strong disadvantage" mythic items idea was silently changed to "just strong advantage", hmm, no, it was also a bad move
    Edited by MorkovkaUltimate on January 30, 2022 12:43AM
  • Elsonso
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    See. that is the difference between role playing a character and just playing yourself using an avatar - you as the player have achieved it, the character (if you actually role playing him/her) hasn't and if played from the perspective of the character and not your own, this is just weird and not enjoyable. This should be totally optional and not a general feature for everyone.

    As someone that got their start in RP via Dungeons and & Dragons (and also RP in ESO), I know full well what the difference is. That still doesn't change the fact, that it makes zero difference. RP is pretendy fun times, and seeing something pop-up on your screen more than once doesn't change your Roleplay whatsoever.

    I do wish people would stop it with the "pop-up" reference. It is a misrepresentation and is starting to be baiting.

    Let me try a different approach and remove the whole Role Playing part from this. That seems to be a distraction, since I really don't think a lot of people have the same definition of "role playing".

    The Achievements are a journal of what the character has been doing since inception. It includes what they have done, and when they did it, and by omission, what they have not done. Now, people may say that the player earned the Achievement, and I really don't care who earned it. The journal is currently attached to the character, not the player.

    As this is a computer game, when we do significant things in the game, the game lets us know that it has been done. For Achievements, this is the first time it is done, currently per character. The criteria for the achievement is tracked by the game, and sometimes the players cannot tell what their progress is, outside of this monitoring by the game.

    Why is this important? If we only get one Achievement announcement per character, then in order to repeat the Achievement, and know that we have done it, the easiest way is to use a different character. If we cannot tell without having the game track the Achievement, then we cannot reliably repeat it on characters that have already done it. Granted, sometimes we can, other times, it will be harder, and there may be cases where it is hard enough to be considered impossible to do without assistance from the game. It is _always_ possible to tell, today, with a character that has not done it.

    What I am concerned about, come Update 33, is that eight years worth of Achievement journal information for characters is going to be 💥. Merged into the collective. Gone forever. Data lost.

    I am concerned that the only in-game way that was possible to repeat Achievements, and know we really did it, will be removed from the game.

    Personally, and this is just me, I don't care about account wide dyes, or titles, or styles, or mounts, or the points. They can all be account wide. All I care about, and this applies to how I like to role play games like this, is that the game tell me how far along a character is towards getting an Achievement, when the character gets the Achievement, and if they have already done it, when they did it. I want to keep my character's achievement journal and continue to be able to use it.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • silvereyes
    I'm curious what people in favor of account-wide achievements are actually excited about. For instance, do you think any of the following will happen?
    • Skill lines will be leveled account-wide? They won't. With the exception of the Undaunted tree, they aren't achievement-based, but XP based. Besides, ZOS wants to sell skill line maxers in the store.
    • Skyshards will be granted account-wide? They won't. They aren't achievement-based, but tracked individually. Same note about ZOS selling them in the store.
    • Alliance rank will be granted account-wide? It won't. It isn't achievement-based, but AP based.
    • Motif knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That was explicitly excluded. Again, these are sold in the store.
    • Recipe knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Trait research knowledge will be shared account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Enchantment writs will suddenly drop more master writs account-wide? They won't. Rune knowledge achievements were explicitly excluded. Alchemy achievements weren't explicitly called out, but I'm guessing reagent achievements will probably be treated the same as rune ones.
    • Dyes will be unlocked account-wide? They already are.

    Also, consider the following will happen if you take away character-specific achievements:
    • You won't be able to easily track which achievements a character can do to level up Undaunted in a single list with the associated achievement points listed for each.
    • People will lose an important incentive to re-do content, such as trials and public dungeons.
    • People who enjoy re-doing achievements on alts will lose an important reason to them to play the game at all.
    • Baby PvP toons could be running around with Grand Overlord titles, confusing everyone.
    • Characters with zero trait knowledge or motifs could be running around with Master Crafter titles, confusing everyone.
    • Level 3 characters could be running around with Godslayer titles, confusing everyone.

    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    Edit: clarified that the Undaunted skill line is achievement-based.
    Edited by silvereyes on January 30, 2022 4:36PM
  • Avoranti
    I love story. I love exploring new places. In that respect, I’m interested. I just hope the story is long and more in depth. Less predictable.

    However, the reveal was a bit underwhelming. Players want a new class, a new race, better stability and QoL improvements. Not a card game. Nothing about this aspect felt appealing. It doesn’t inspire me to want to play more. I struggle now to stay interested in ESO.

    Companions are cool but they lack in damage and if equipped as a mage or healer stand way too far from combat. Sometimes causing enemies to reset. Unless the new companions are a significant improvement to the current ones, this is just another grind to level them to not really be helpful.

    The changes being made to combat skills take away from character/class identity. The closing of the gap between high leveled players and low leveled players makes being high leveled irrelevant and unrewarding. Overland combat scaling has too large of a gap. Enemies die in one shot. That’s not challenging or fun.

    Bug fix prioritization needs to be addressed and improved first before adding new gameplay modes. The game consistently crashes. New content is meaningless if players can’t stay on the game long enough to enjoy it. Blame it on last gen console memory limitations if you want but other games seem to manage it just fine.

    It seems much of the community here is of one mind. What was presented was indeed underwhelming and would rather have other additions, fixes and QoL changes instead of a card game.
  • wazbaumukerb14_ESO
    peacenote wrote: »

    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    Most other games (WoW, for example) have had shared titles and achievements for years. It was and is considered one of the best changes Blizzard ever made.

    A UI note separating which character has what seems like a perfectly fine thing to ask for, however. (you still get pop up toasts in wow when getting an achievement even if your account has it).
  • MaraxusTheOrc
    Hiya ESO team. Player since beta, but I’ve never bothered to activate a forum profile until now. Wanted to give some abbreviated feedback on High Isle reveal:
    1. Aesthetic of the new zone looks fantastic.
    2. The card game system sounds fun and could be a real nice diversion from combat-centric activities.
    3. It’s hugely disappointing you had a character in the reveal trailer with a 1-hand/magicka portrayal, but this wasn’t announced as a new weapon line. HUGELY disappointing. Enough of a miss that my excitement for #1/#2 was diminished.

    I’ll keep following news about High Isle, but I think all of the discussions about needing a new weapon line going unaddressed despite a character in the trailer teasing one of the most discussed is a considerable miscalculation by the team.
  • Wysguy99
    I'm personally excited for the actual High Isle story and location could be really cool, plus the armor styles I liked quite a bit and multi seated mounts. However, the card game is kinda meh, it would be cool as part of the update 33, and I know there were talks about a new combat system in the works or some combat system changes which I was hoping we might see.

    My biggest disappointment with this is the lack of a new class I would love to see a druid themed class, or a true hunter themed class (similar to the ones in wow), and its been what 3 chapters now since the last class, I thought it was going to be a world skill line or a class and alternate every other year.

    I will admit I am excited that there will be new companions I don't know if their classes have been revealed, but it could be cool when the time comes that we have a companion for each player class.
  • thelonedovah
    This is honestly ridiculously disappointing. As someone who has over 2k hours collectively between xbox and pc and has been playing off and on since beta, this is so saddening. We still dont have a magicka weapon other than staves and we still only have 5 classes.

  • silvereyes
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    A UI note separating which character has what seems like a perfectly fine thing to ask for, however. (you still get pop up toasts in wow when getting an achievement even if your account has it).
    That’s still tracking achievements by character, though, just with an account wide summary. What ZOS is doing is fundamentally different, granting achievements earned by one character to all characters. Once you do that, there’s no value to providing a character list detail, since they all have it.

    I seriously wonder how they will handle undaunted leveling. That skill line is achievement based, so I don’t see how they could grant things like speed run achievements account wide without granting the undaunted XP associated with that achievement to all characters that don’t have it yet. If they don’t grant the XP, then will dungeon achievements no longer be used to level undaunted? :confused:
    Edited by silvereyes on January 30, 2022 3:30AM
  • VaranisArano
    Elsonso wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    See. that is the difference between role playing a character and just playing yourself using an avatar - you as the player have achieved it, the character (if you actually role playing him/her) hasn't and if played from the perspective of the character and not your own, this is just weird and not enjoyable. This should be totally optional and not a general feature for everyone.

    As someone that got their start in RP via Dungeons and & Dragons (and also RP in ESO), I know full well what the difference is. That still doesn't change the fact, that it makes zero difference. RP is pretendy fun times, and seeing something pop-up on your screen more than once doesn't change your Roleplay whatsoever.

    I do wish people would stop it with the "pop-up" reference. It is a misrepresentation and is starting to be baiting.

    Let me try a different approach and remove the whole Role Playing part from this. That seems to be a distraction, since I really don't think a lot of people have the same definition of "role playing".

    The Achievements are a journal of what the character has been doing since inception. It includes what they have done, and when they did it, and by omission, what they have not done. Now, people may say that the player earned the Achievement, and I really don't care who earned it. The journal is currently attached to the character, not the player.

    As this is a computer game, when we do significant things in the game, the game lets us know that it has been done. For Achievements, this is the first time it is done, currently per character. The criteria for the achievement is tracked by the game, and sometimes the players cannot tell what their progress is, outside of this monitoring by the game.

    Why is this important? If we only get one Achievement announcement per character, then in order to repeat the Achievement, and know that we have done it, the easiest way is to use a different character. If we cannot tell without having the game track the Achievement, then we cannot reliably repeat it on characters that have already done it. Granted, sometimes we can, other times, it will be harder, and there may be cases where it is hard enough to be considered impossible to do without assistance from the game. It is _always_ possible to tell, today, with a character that has not done it.

    What I am concerned about, come Update 33, is that eight years worth of Achievement journal information for characters is going to be 💥. Merged into the collective. Gone forever. Data lost.

    I am concerned that the only in-game way that was possible to repeat Achievements, and know we really did it, will be removed from the game.

    Personally, and this is just me, I don't care about account wide dyes, or titles, or styles, or mounts, or the points. They can all be account wide. All I care about, and this applies to how I like to role play games like this, is that the game tell me how far along a character is towards getting an Achievement, when the character gets the Achievement, and if they have already done it, when they did it. I want to keep my character's achievement journal and continue to be able to use it.

    Same. It's interesting to look back at my old characters and see when they did certain things. When did Varanis Arano start in PVP? How long did it take her to make it to Legate? When did she get her prized Master Angler title? When did Marcus Titus Alessian become best friends with Bastian?

    It's a good journal of what I did on each character and when. I'd love for that information to be preserved and for players to continue to have the option to track achievement progress separately.
  • silvereyes
    We still dont have a magicka weapon other than staves and we still only have 5 classes.
    We have 6 classes: DK, NB, Necro, Sorc, Templar, and Warden.

    Not saying a new class or weapon wouldn’t be welcome, though.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    I'm also going to add this, I know there's a post on Overland content but I think it fits as a good example of something not new necessarily but still something that could/would be a major selling point of the chapter;

    If this chapter was the exact same, but coming with the chapter update there was a new overland "battle spirit" type toggle, i would be more than happy. Something like that is a great example of something ZOS could add that isn't an entirely new system, but something that updates an outdated system in a way that adds more replayability and enjoyment for vet players. The amount of fun I would have and hours I would sink into older content if I could go back and play it with an actual challenge would more than make up for the lack of any other truly "new" system, and certainly outweighs the short-lived fun I might have with a whole new system like the card game.

    There's plenty of other outdated systems that with just a little bit of new life would draw in a lot of new and vet players alike.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on January 30, 2022 5:30AM
  • MrCaptainPants
    silvereyes wrote: »
    The problem was the decision to develop the card game as a headline feature for an RPG in the first place.

    Well on that point we can certainly both agree!
    Edited by MrCaptainPants on January 30, 2022 6:30AM
  • Hotdog_23
    Sylvermynx wrote: »

    2) Nothing about Bretons being part elf? I didn't hear anything about this aspect coming in. I also want to voice a bit of concern with them becoming too close to Imperials as well. It's been voiced before, but I think it's a fair argument to make. It's a bit disconcerting. I really hope that this expansion fleshes them out and plays into that aspect of them. I just want to see something that makes them different more than just an art style. Something of their history and ideals and am worried that, instead, we're going to be given Bretons as simply "generic late medieval race." As that's all that was shown and told to us.

    I'm hoping for different, but I'm not expecting it.

    For a bit more info on this, there's a couple of articles with interviews of Leamon Tuttle (current "loremaster" for ZOS):

    Thanks for sharing the articles. Enjoyed reading both.

    Stay safe :)
  • Bethgael
    Seemed pretty good. Yah, same as expected, release-wise, but I like the medieval stuffs, so generally happy. Will be happy to see the damned sun again. However, I also agree that it "feels" less like a full chapter and a new char slot/skill line/1-h-spellcrafter ability would have been nice. Having said that, I also get that c-19 may have meant it was easier to develop a "separate" TCG instead.

    My only real comment (because this is the only thing I feel VERY STRONGLY) about is this:

    Account-wide achievements. Do not want. The reason for this is that I play my characters separately, with separate goals, and I use the achieves system to keep track of where each character is. I don't mind about the titles, because one can just choose not to use them, but I also understand people when they say they want to earn the title on different chars, too.

    Having said that, I do understand that there has been a very vocal bloc who want a/w achieves, and that's valid, and just because I don't want it, doesn't mean I should impose my preference on others (right, a/w pundits? Hm?) . So my only request: can you PLEASE add a "do not synch" or, alternatively, "see only achieves earned on this char" (a la WoW) per character button/ticky box for those of us who did not want it, never wanted it, and was unaware there was even a Thing happening in regards to it?

    ETA: Also, housing. Those huge houses are freaking _beautiful._ Love them.

    But can't afford them. AU$150 is my fortnightly food bill, and that cannot be financially justified when a single area is 3x the cost of the total DLC chapter. Also, the 700 furniture limit means--forget about being able to decorate them fully. In my Psijic Manor, I chose not to decorate the outside or the pare rooms because it was just not enough. I'm also aware that we will likely get another free inn room (yay!) But there is a definite lack of new staple/classic sized houses in the past few years, and I know house decorators have been asking. I'm hoping there will be some smaller abodes available in the Breton city. I have a Breton who would love one but who just... isn't into the ocean. ;)
    Edited by Bethgael on January 30, 2022 7:06AM
    Ingame ID: Bethgael PC NA/EU but mostly NA
  • Waseem
    What is that Solitaire in ESO kinda thing? After the antiques( minesweeper) that should be fun
    PC EU

  • RPGplayer13579
    Will it be only 2 new companions per year? If that holds true, then some players will have to wait until June 2025 to maybe get a companion that is of the same race as their player character. Any bets that the last 2 to be added will be an Argonian and an Orc?
    My Characters.

    Mike Snow - Imperial - Templar - One-Handed and Shield - Tank - Daggerfall Covenant - Commander.
    Catelyn Rivers - Breton - Sorcerer - Destruction Staff - Daggerfall Covenant - Telvanni Magister.
    Ashara Sand - Redguard - Warden - Two-Handed/One-Handed and Shield - Daggerfall Covenant - Heroic.
    Tormund gro-Largash - Orsimer - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Daggerfall Covenant - Furious.
    Lysa Rivers - Breton - Nightblade - Bow/One-Handed and Shield - Vampire - Daggerfall Covenant - Brassy Assassin.

    Jon Karstark - Nord - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Ebonheart Pact - Drunk.
    Arya Sand - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Assassin.
    Sansa Snow - Impeial - Warden - Destruction Staff/One-Handed and Shield - Ebonheart Pect - Swashbuckler.
    Jojen Reed-Walker - Argonian - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Ebonheart Pact - Melancholy.
    Alys Karstark - Nord - Nightblade - Bow/Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Minstrel.

    Nymeria Woods - Bosmer - Nightblade - Bow - Aldmeri Dominion - Thief.
    Brandon Wings - Altmer - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Aldmeri Dominion - Scholar.
    Lyanna Flowers - Altmer - Sorcerer - Sword/Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Duchess.
    Marvolo-jo Riddle - Khajiit - Necromancer - Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Deadlands Firewalker.
    Obara Woods - Bosmer - Templar - Bow - Werewolf - Aldmeri Dominion - Cheerful.

  • Khenarthi
    I'm super excited about the new Khajiit companion, and about having a new landmass to explore. And about meeting Za'ji and Caska again even if it's just on a DLC dungeon.

    Reserving judgement on the card game until I get a chance try it (I hope it's like Legends, I love it and still play it often). I have some mixed feelings about sharing achievements and titles between characters, but I guess I will reason that out with myself.

    Like others, I was hoping for something more: either one more skill line, or a couple more character slots.
  • MorkovkaUltimate
    ZOS_KageW wrote: »
    Greetings all,

    After removing a few non-constructive posts, we would like to remind everyone that Bashing is against the Forum's Community Rules, as stated below:
    Bashing and Slanderous Comments: We do not permit the bashing of individuals (including ZeniMax employees), groups, or other companies on our forums. We believe that doing so is neither constructive nor in spirit of our game and community.

    Moving forward, we ask that discussion stay respectful and constructive.

    Majority of players are not happy of what you are doing and provide you feedback which is not what you want and you just delete comments?? Fantastic!

    My comment didn't have any "bashing", it was a detailed feedback with explanation what are the problems and how you could solve it, and why another mini game and local zone is not a solution. And yet, you deleted it.

    Short summary: people come to ESO for 3rd person adventure/rpg experience, not for minigames of other genres which we can play in other titles from mobile phone. Stop adding minigames and focus on improvement of the CORE gameplay.

    Currently for developed player there is a problem with both local zones, dungeons and trials. Gameplay is repetitive, boring, not challenging, very predictive, not rewarding. Any piece of content which could bring a bit of fresh air, like new dungeon, you are trying to sell instead of just giving to people who feel already bored in the game.

    Focus on total refining of difficulty level, rewards in all types of content, adding the reason to explore the world to get something unpredictable and unique in the place you would not expect it. Change combat to increase variability, refine useless skills, add the option for specialization (e.g. battle mage, elementalist, real summoner, check passive skills tree of PoE for getting the idea how it can be done in interesting way), think again about battle style (pressing 2 buttons per second for straight 30 minutes in a trial is not really engaging and interesting) and develop pvp modes which are stagnant for years now.

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