Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • Snogards
  • Iron_Warrior
    As much as i hate the idea of a card game, it's here and no matter how much we complain, it's here to stay. So here is a little feedback about it:

    Encourage players to play them in the taverns and Inns, i heard you will get transmutes for doing it. So give a bonus to playing them in taverns or maybe choose 3 zones each day and say playing cards in the taverns of these 3 zones will give you more transmutes. This will help to make towns more lively.
  • silvereyes
    I think the card game introduction may have been slightly mismanaged. The way it was presented in the stream - with very little information about its game play, and only a quick peek at a couple of cards - it almost seemed like even *ZOS* was embarrassed to announce it.
    Three months out from it hitting PTS, it isn't going to be finished enough for a walkthrough. I'm sure they showed as much as they had. It's the headline feature of the Chapter. They aren't going to hide it under a rug.
  • kanczuzn_ESO
    Okay... I've had some time to think. To be fair, I've not heard about the combat changes they plan on implementing but I'm going to give my whole thoughts on this.

    tl/dr: I'm disappointed in the feelings of what the devs feel ESO wants as a whole, but I do appreciate the new area and focus on Bretons. I have a lot of worry the CCG will become a part of the crown store.

    Let's start with what I do like:

    I appreciate a few things about this overall idea:
    1) The fact that it's about the Bretons -- that's awesome! I think that they can, to me, feel a bit underloved in the lore area beyond some parts in the MSQ. Too much emphasis on other things like... vampires, elves, khajiit, for waaaay too long for my tastes. I'm not a person into vampires, not really keen on khajiit (as they're a little Mary Sue as far as races imo), and elves tend to just be a bit overdone.

    The focus on Bretons, even if it is just a "island for the elite" is still appreciated.

    2) Lack of "world ending catastrophe" is very appreciated. I get a little tired of that in most games, this only amplifies in a game that doesn't "advance." I mean, we have... what? Like 7 major catastrophes that are all happening at once now? Several of which would be world ending. But -- ya know, they just seem to hang in limbo no matter if you thwart them or not. So, it's nice to not have that.

    If there was some advancement. If quests on characters you've completed it on seemed to -- I dunno, change the vibe of a place or have some greater "the catastrophe is averted" sort of thing going on, then I think I wouldn't mind the consistent world ending aspect. I get that the game is meant to allow you to play in any order, I'm not faulting the devs for that aspect, I'm just saying that you can only hit so many world ending events happening at once before you wonder if the world really could survive this.

    3) Adding something to add a little flavor to the world at large. Okay... so, I'm going to preface this by saying this: This is also my one biggest disappointment in the development, but, but, that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate something of it.

    The CCG is a nice little boost to just "world play" in a way. And I know that some people really got excited about it. I can't say no one did, but based on the poll and the reaction from both new and old players I've talked to, I can't say it's one that even half of people really desired. So, yes, I do appreciate that something is coming in to add to just "world play" whether that's RP, or just lore. If we can see NPCs playing it even in older zone taverns, it'd be a nice little spice of life thing that adds to the world.

    What I don't like:

    Okay... here we go. First, the dragon in the room.
    1) CCG. faserub

    Okay... this was exceedingly disappointing to me, hype of place aside, it was disappointing. A CCG is not something I really ever enjoy. I have played a few, I've had friends try and get me into playing more of them frequently, they just do not resonate with me at all. To find that time, money, and effort have been spent on something of this magnitude is disappointing to say the least. I would wager more code went into this than with antiquities just based on the overall idea. And then... there's the fact that there is too much open.

    Idle conjecture time:
    I'm worried that this will turn into creating new Crown Store items such as "Card Packs." The rules that I heard in the official release stream were very loose, and I can see some loopholes in the verbiage. For instance, there was no verbiage such as "All the cards in your decks will always be shuffled together." While words like that can seem minor, it also is one that makes me think there might be rare cards that will have affects that alter this aspect of game play. Or, special cards that can always only be in your hand.
    What better place to put cards like that than in the crown store? Better yet, make them rare drops in card packs you buy from the Crown Store. Crown Crates 2.0 with a CCG aspect involved. It's literally the same concept that RL CCGs use for rare cards. Add in a few other possible things "This card will always go to your opponent" or something like that, and you have the makings for an easy segue into making them Crown items.
    The argument that "They wouldn't do that because people who own the DLC couldn't purchase" is arguable in a previous post I made regarding the "Any Race, Any Alliance" bundle. Short version, you can be gifted a Alliance Change token with no ability to claim it if you don't own that bundle. I know. I've seen that exact situation happen.
    Will these turn into Crown Store items? Are the rules kept intentionally vague so cards like this could exist? Are there other cards that maybe you get which could alter the scenario? We don't know. And I'm worried that this language was left out because those are things either in, or in consideration, to make this a new cash revenue.

    2) Nothing about Bretons being part elf? I didn't hear anything about this aspect coming in. I also want to voice a bit of concern with them becoming too close to Imperials as well. It's been voiced before, but I think it's a fair argument to make. It's a bit disconcerting. I really hope that this expansion fleshes them out and plays into that aspect of them. I just want to see something that makes them different more than just an art style. Something of their history and ideals and am worried that, instead, we're going to be given Bretons as simply "generic late medieval race." As that's all that was shown and told to us.

    I'm hoping for different, but I'm not expecting it.

    3) The implementation of the Account-wide achievements.

    I'm... of two minds. Personally? I really like it, as I like having the ability to not unlock seasonal things across every character. I like that I don't have to character hop to figure out if I can buy XYZ because they have the achievement. I like that I won't feel like I'm hindering progress by playing an alt.

    I also can understand people grumbling a lot about not getting the achievement on another character. It makes sense, and it makes me feel like... there needs to be a better middle ground to this scenario. I don't know what it is, I haven't had nearly enough time to think about it. Ideas off the top of my head would be... "Instead of unlocking the achievement, unlock the ability to purchase across characters. Once you have the ability to buy an achievement furnishing, house, etc on one character allow it across all." I personally am ambivalent of the idea of giving titles to all your characters if you've unlocked it... I mean, "Oh no, that person actually did it!" that's... fine?

    In regards to prog trial groups (in my experience), they still require parses, gear unlocks, etc, achievements are generally a tertiary and more to show you know the fight. And if you did it on a DPS? You know the fight. You might not know the specifics of it for tanking, but if you have the gear, and the group is decent, then you'll probably get a walk through and thus -- you're off to the races! If people are really just being all "Oh you have the achieve, go. Do thing. YOU FAILED?! WHAT THE HECKKKKKKK?!" Then maybe that group needs to really be flagged as toxic and move on from them. No matter how good people might be, toxicity is never okay.


    In short. I'm still very disappointed in the developers for this release. I understand that this year, the last couple really, have been rough. I understand that there might be some extenuating situations with PvP, etc. But -- I would've rather all the time, money, and effort, that was pushed into a CCG with rankings and other aspects, was shoved into other parts of development. Either fleshing out the story/land masses, addressing the current issues, or even just updating old-world art graphics.

    I think I would've been happier if the big reveal was an "old world art overhaul" than a CCG. The idea that I could use any of the old tables/chair in housing and not cringe at the graphics would be nice.
  • Drdeath20
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

  • Tornaad
    I put some serious thought into the global reveal and my reaction to it.
    I loved both the trailer and the teaser. There were things I cheered at (the announcement of the universal achievements, and the new companions), but in the end, I felt underwhelmed.

    I think the biggest reason I felt underwhelmed was because it almost felt like the whole reveal event was another teaser and that we didn't really get much to go off.

    Given the focus of the chapter, (political intrigue) I would imagine that it might be hard to reveal much of anything substantial. So, I can understand the focus on the card game, but even with that, there is not a lot to go off. Then there is the proverbial whiplash from what the teaser seemed to suggest and what the reveal event focused on and all of that together, simply took the wind out of my sails.

    If I were to keep all of the same content in the reveal event, then I would suggest the following. Keep the actual reveal event the same, but in the post show, add in more details about the main feature of the reveal event, namely the card game. Specifically, give enough information for people who are just learning about it to actually get excited.

    I have already preordered the collector's edition because I know I will enjoy the story. I just wanted to give you some constructive feedback.
  • Ascarl
    While I liked most stuff in the video, there question "this was all?" kept lurking around my brain for quite some time.

    In the end I will buy the expansion anyway for the khajiit companion and the quest. However I am unsure if there will be many people like me. I guess a growing number of people will wait for the discount price later that year.
  • Tharonil
    I'm excited to meet Ember and Isobel!

    Love Mirri and Bastian btw <3
  • JazzyNova

    When I saw the footage of the knight doing this in the reveal video, I got really excited. I wonder if it means that we might finally get long awaited & requested weapon poses/emotes as part of a personality later this year? One can only hope I suppose, but also don't want to set myself up for disappointment.
  • TiberX
    I wanted another solo arena as i liked Vatershan Arena and even somewhat liked MA and its nice to have something to do when you can't find others to do interesting stuff.
  • Lysette
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    See. that is the difference between role playing a character and just playing yourself using an avatar - you as the player have achieved it, the character (if you actually role playing him/her) hasn't and if played from the perspective of the character and not your own, this is just weird and not enjoyable. This should be totally optional and not a general feature for everyone.
  • Lysette
    Btw for those wanting a fresh experience without CP and anything really - the base game and the blackwood full game version is on sale currently. Of course that means you will have to get everything you want again - but it is a really fresh start as well.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    As many times as I like if thats how I enjoy playing?

    But you are being deliberately provocative and ‘misunderstanding’ people’s opinions snd concerns.

    It’s not about ‘feeling like you’ve earned it’; it’s about doing so on a different character with different abilities and skills and so is a separate achievement. Is that really so hard to understand?
  • SickleCider
    I'm a simple person. I'm happy that the year of sulfur and brimstone is ended and we're moving on to some knightly aesthetics. I'm really looking forward to that aspect of it! My main is also a Breton, so I'm keen on having the opportunity to enhance his flavor.
    JazzyNova wrote: »

    When I saw the footage of the knight doing this in the reveal video, I got really excited. I wonder if it means that we might finally get long awaited & requested weapon poses/emotes as part of a personality later this year? One can only hope I suppose, but also don't want to set myself up for disappointment.

    I really hope we get this, too! This would be my new favorite emote. Even better if it was one emote that slightly changed up the gesture each time.


    Feedback about companions/assistants: you're missing me with these humanoid NPCs. My favorite assistants to date are the alfiq and crows. Mix in some more "creatures" and I'll be more excited.

    For example, my dream companion is a direwolf with simple utility, maybe applying snares, buffs, and debuffs, quite like the hostile mobs do. Creature companion gear could be introduced (collars, etc.), or companion gear could just be hidden. I'd be over the moon if we could use dye channels on the creatures' fur, skin, or eyes. And imagine how CUTE building companionship would be, and the quests?! Imagine feeding the wolf a meat based meal to build rapport. The higher quality food the more rapport?

    Of course I'd also be really happy with an alfiq or crow squire companion! I can imagine how tricky development for this would be. Some basic combat animations for both types exist (alfiq have a "channeling" animation, crows dive), but there'd be a lot more to do. "Outfitting" them would probably also be taxing. It would so, so super be worth it, though.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a person that actually needs a companion's assistance, nor am I interested in having a chatty humanoid NPC following me, grunting and yelling, mounting up noisily, etc. But, the idea of having a less invasive CUTE friend is appealing to me.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Einar_Hrafnarsson
    I wish we would have gotten something like: New crafting line: Spellcrafting
    Or new Weapon: Spellblade/Spellsword.

    Two things who would have made sense with the Story being focused on Bretons.
    This Card Game is really killing it for me.... and as i see it i am not alone :(
  • Seraphayel
    Okay, I don't think ZOS expected this very lukewarm reception.

    Only 20% are excited for the Chapter,
    25% have mixed feelings and
    55% wanted something entirely different.

    That's a huge blow, 80% are not feeling the High Isle Chapter at all. Ouch.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • FeedbackOnly
    All that water and no new fishing updates......
  • FeedbackOnly
    Green companion gear is cheaper then white ones from npc.

    Companions problems
  • Adzer2
    I love the thought of more Breton lore, by far my favourite race in Tamriel, the zone looks tiny compared with previous chapters (the whole zone is about the same size as Lillandrel to Corgrad in Summerset) If they scale the zone much bigger it will feel disjointed and unbelievable in size

    I dont mind the lack of major updates to skills/classes, etc as they have fundamental things to work on in regards to PVP performance and balancing, that can't be easy with constantly moving parts so less changes might help them find the route cause of the performance issues

    Companions are great and add something different for solo players, plus having more of them means I can get rid of some companion items I've been hoarding in my bank

    The card game won't specifically interest me, but I'll give it try, maybe it might incentivise TES:L players to jump into the MMO.

    I'm just hoping there is more area to explore than 2 islands for this whole chapter or else they are building up to a fantastic finale somewhere epic like the Colovian estates

    Finally the account wide achievements are very welcome along with the PlayStation Trophy fixes but in regards to that, there should be 1 Trophy list for PS4 and PS5, there is absolutely no need to create a brand new list
    Edited by Adzer2 on January 29, 2022 11:51AM
    PS4 - EU - DC
    Adzer - Breton Templar
    Thorgon Stormcaller - Nord Dragonknight
    Elrond Smeagol - High Elf Sorceror
    Akorithi Sendu - Redguard Nightblade
    Miraak Icelight - Nord Warden
    Father Dori - Breton Templar
    Argo - Argonian Dragonknight
  • Serafen
    I just wanted more things that we can earn in game like that fancy new house coming that will cost a fortune or mounts like the ones in the crates... I can't and will not spend another 100 dollars on a house or 40 bucks for a mount. When it comes to the new chapter I am looking forward to the story and exploring the new zone and will continue to play. I will also try the card game. I'm like others and was hoping for more but I did not have high expectations so I wasn't that disappointed. lol I will just keep hoping that we eventually get more things to earn in game. There are hardly any mounts in game to earn. Please listen to us zos for once. 😥
  • Araxyte
    Not a fan of this chapter, may even skip it :/ . Potential ideas that I was very excited for:
    • New weapon such as spear
    • New class
    • spell crafting skill line
    • Optional overland veteran and hard mode
    • Duo or trio trial (could come in a later update though I guess)

    Instead my $40 (or whatever it costs) would go towards some more quests which feel bland and unrewarding, where the boss dies in 5 seconds. A new trial, which will probably follow the same boring theme of a few trash add pools and 3 bosses. And lastly, a new card game - I didn't come on eso to play a card game dude. Not to mention the potentially game-breaking combat changes coming which will throw all pvp/ pve balancing out the window. Sorry to be so negative but the price tag needs lowering.

    Edit: I'm all for the account-wide achievements, best part for me
    Edited by Araxyte on January 29, 2022 12:21PM
    | All classes | PC EU |
  • SantieClaws
    @elonso @Wolf_Eye

    Dungeons - rarely get to do them as the signature facetanking style of this one does not work so well against most bosses.

    If you plan on witnessing my dungeon technique be sure to bring plenty of soul gems xd

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Elsonso
    Question about Account Wide Achievements: Will the dates we received them on different characters still be accessible or will they all be amalgamated?

    Situation where I'd use this: Varanis Arano was my first character to try PVP, and occasionally I like to look back at my PVP progress. So I'll look at achievements and see the date I got the Recruit title, captured my first resource, or got Emperor Slayer (with a lucky light attack, no less). It's a nice trip down memory lane.

    Of course, I've since PVPed on other characters and gotten some of those achievements on multiple characters.

    So will it still be possible for me to remember Varanis Arano's journey with the dates she obtained her achievements now that they'll be account wide?

    Or do I need to take some screenshots before this goes live?

    It is like ZOS needs to store both the account and character achievement information going forward. Checkmark the achievement for the account, award the title/dye/mount/other_trinket, and the achievement points the first time it happens. Then, for each character, just a Did-It with date they did it.

    I wonder if they thought of this, and whether they are just going to "one and done" it. My guess is both. They thought of it, but are not going to do it. If they were going to take any steps to preserve individual character achievements, Gina could have said this on stream and avoided a large portion of the firestorm that they created. I guess we will find out on Monday. There is little chance they will add it, if it isn't there.
    A CCG is not something I really ever enjoy. I have played a few, I've had friends try and get me into playing more of them frequently, they just do not resonate with me at all. To find that time, money, and effort have been spent on something of this magnitude is disappointing to say the least. I would wager more code went into this than with antiquities just based on the overall idea. And then... there's the fact that there is too much open.

    I hear you on this. My bragging point with CCG is that I was introduced to Magic before it was "a thing" by the people who created it. They could not sell me on it back then, and these were people I knew personally. :smile: I think I played Legends all of three or four times, total of maybe an hour or two. I am pretty sure that doubled my lifetime in-game experience with CCGs. :smile:
    I'm worried that this will turn into creating new Crown Store items such as "Card Packs." The rules that I heard in the official release stream were very loose, and I can see some loopholes in the verbiage. For instance, there was no verbiage such as "All the cards in your decks will always be shuffled together." While words like that can seem minor, it also is one that makes me think there might be rare cards that will have affects that alter this aspect of game play. Or, special cards that can always only be in your hand.
    What better place to put cards like that than in the crown store? Better yet, make them rare drops in card packs you buy from the Crown Store. Crown Crates 2.0 with a CCG aspect involved. It's literally the same concept that RL CCGs use for rare cards.

    Yes. In this day and age, we need to be vigilant for unstated marketing opportunities. We know they have marketing plans, and that includes monetization. We do not yet know how this related to the new card game. What worries me is that they might go beyond just selling a new type of loot box in the Crown Store.

    I guess we will find out later this year how they intend to monetize this game.

    Edited by Elsonso on January 29, 2022 1:03PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • VaranisArano
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Okay, I don't think ZOS expected this very lukewarm reception.

    Only 20% are excited for the Chapter,
    25% have mixed feelings and
    55% wanted something entirely different.

    That's a huge blow, 80% are not feeling the High Isle Chapter at all. Ouch.

    Eh, that's like 55% of less than 700 people who wanted something different. ZOS also knows how many pre-orders are rolling in.

    I'm in the mixed feelings category, and I'm probably going to buy High Isle because I want this year's story. I'm going back and forth about pre-order versus waiting til fall when if goes on sale. This is basically a DLC for a Chapter price, so waiting til the price drops looks tempting. Story is paramount for me - I skipped Greymoor as a bad remake of Dawnguard even though arguably Antiquities is a much better game-changing system than a CCG that I'm not interested in.

    Point is, it's more complicated than that, and mixed feelings/disappointment doesn't necessarily correlate to purchasing decisions.

    Sure, it looks bad. Ultimately sales numbers are going to be the real statistics ZOS cares about. If a bunch of those disappointed people vent and then buy High Isle anyway, well...ZOS had nothing to worry about.
  • Sandman929
    Lysette wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    See. that is the difference between role playing a character and just playing yourself using an avatar - you as the player have achieved it, the character (if you actually role playing him/her) hasn't and if played from the perspective of the character and not your own, this is just weird and not enjoyable. This should be totally optional and not a general feature for everyone.

    This seems to be the separation. Some feel like each character earns achievements and others feel like the gamer earns the achievements regardless of which character they played.
    I'm in the latter category myself, but the former makes sense, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't apply universally (alliance ranks, skyshards, etc.) if ZOS is also taking that side.
    If players earn achievements, not characters, it should apply to those things.
    Edited by Sandman929 on January 29, 2022 1:51PM
  • Lysette
    @elonso @Wolf_Eye

    Dungeons - rarely get to do them as the signature facetanking style of this one does not work so well against most bosses.

    If you plan on witnessing my dungeon technique be sure to bring plenty of soul gems xd

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    oh, Santie, you never disappoint, you made me laugh hard, I nearly spilled my tea on the keyboard.
  • Gilandred

    Point is, it's more complicated than that, and mixed feelings/disappointment doesn't necessarily correlate to purchasing decisions.

    Sure, it looks bad. Ultimately sales numbers are going to be the real statistics ZOS cares about. If a bunch of those disappointed people vent and then buy High Isle anyway, well...ZOS had nothing to worry about.

    Sure, you can make a lot of money even with the majority of players being dissatisfied with the expansion. But how much more could they make with the opposite reaction? There’s an opportunity cost with their decisions.

    I feel the CCG reveal was ZOS’s “don’t you all have phones” moment.
  • washbern
    Fallenguru wrote: »
    I really don’t understand how High Isle can be sold as a chapter. Surely this should be sold as a mini chapter with a reduced price tag or even included with ESO+ ? I hate to compare any MMO but content is content and for the same price tag with Endwalker you get 4 new zones, 8 new dungeons, 5 new trials and raids, 2 new classes and new race, new abilities for all classes, new progression for crafters and much more. For High isle we get a new zone, a new trial, 2 re-skinned companions and a card game.

    I’ve seen a few comments in this thread about how ZOS has said it’s not implementing new systems this year because of working on bugs and improvements, I believe the same was said in the year of the performance improvement’s which was when we started seeing a drop in additional content and new systems added with chapters, I’m fine with getting less content and additional systems but absolutely not fine with the same price tag.

    Somebody else already said it but high isle will include some BIS new piece of gear to appeal to anybody interested in arenas, dungeons, trials or PVP to make sure they buy it, sad really.

    The pattern of “your getting less content for the same price tag because we need to fix things” needs to stop, maybe change the way you release content until your on top of the server improvements and PVE/PVP performance improvements. Maybe people will be happy with smaller cheaper stand alone stories and zones until your ready to release big chapters full of content again.

    High isle looks beautiful but it’s sadly lacking. Both myself and partner won’t be buying it at that price.

    As a long time fan of the game I will say this:

    While the announcement was very underwhelming, to say the least, if they actually fix bugs and make it possible to give us a more stable game play, bigger housing item cap, cooler looking spells, more skills and so on then I'll pay double for this chapter. That's a big if though.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    If it's 40 dollars/euros, then sorry but it's no from me.

    I made the effort to get Blackwood at 39 euros for raiding purposes (Bahsei/Kinras/Kilt or go home apparently)
    I'll watch some streams to see what it is like, but I'm having a harder and harder time to adhere to the new content and the constant reminder that this is indeed a business.
  • Elsonso
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    See. that is the difference between role playing a character and just playing yourself using an avatar - you as the player have achieved it, the character (if you actually role playing him/her) hasn't and if played from the perspective of the character and not your own, this is just weird and not enjoyable. This should be totally optional and not a general feature for everyone.

    This seems to be the separation. Some feel like each character earns achievements and others feel like the gamer earns the achievements regardless of which character they played.
    I'm in the latter category myself, but the former makes sense, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't apply universally (alliance ranks, skyshards, etc.) if ZOS is also taking that side.
    If players earn achievements, not characters, it should apply to those things.

    It is quite a common difference in perspective, as well. Player vs Character. Roll vs Role. The debate between the two perspectives, as well as the occasional problem with one perspective not being able to understand the other, has been going on for decades.

    ESO is sort of sitting on the fence, in this respect. It will be interesting to see if they stay there, or have decided to pick a side.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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