Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • WaTeR-aBuSeR
    My main issue is the card game being the main feature. If this was the main draw then it should include a multitude of mini games and a new zone designed like an arcade much like FF14. As of right now a huge missed opportunity was to create flying mounts at least for these new zones. Even the high isle lithograph main focus is height but players are unable to utilize this design. Let's add the "High" to High Ilse. This will be the first chapter that I don't preorder because nothing but a new story is being added really. If the focus is on story than I really hope you start to add actually cutscenes to it like other mmos. The only feature I noticed that was never talked about was the ships moving along the water. Until now we have had no mobile ships in the ocean because the tech didn't allow for it. So that's something else that could have been mentioned if it is actually coming.
  • silvereyes
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I seriously wonder how they will handle undaunted leveling. That skill line is achievement based, so I don’t see how they could grant things like speed run achievements account wide without granting the undaunted XP associated with that achievement to all characters that don’t have it yet. If they don’t grant the XP, then will dungeon achievements no longer be used to level undaunted? :confused:
    We have also removed Undaunted guild progression from Undaunted achievements.
    I guess that answers that question. :frowning:

    Edit: added PTS patch notes link for clarity.

    Edited by silvereyes on January 31, 2022 7:47PM
  • wolfie1.0.
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.

    Some of use get enjoyment from redoing achievements....
  • wolfie1.0.
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    Replayability matters. It's a lot easier to get some achievements on some builds and classes than others.
  • Araneae6537
    silvereyes wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I seriously wonder how they will handle undaunted leveling. That skill line is achievement based, so I don’t see how they could grant things like speed run achievements account wide without granting the undaunted XP associated with that achievement to all characters that don’t have it yet. If they don’t grant the XP, then will dungeon achievements no longer be used to level undaunted? :confused:
    We have also removed Undaunted guild progression from Undaunted achievements.
    I guess that answers that question. :frowning:

    Where is that quite from Gina from, please?

    There’s a lot of pages here, but looking back, I can’t find it. I’m sad to see that change as I enjoyed getting those achievements on each character and it was a more fun way to boost the Undaunted skill line for me, not that I don’t also do pledges.

    Edit: Thank you @NeeScrolls and @silvereyes
    I’ll go have a look at the PTS patch notes for all the infos…
    Edited by Araneae6537 on January 31, 2022 8:10PM
  • NeeScrolls
    silvereyes wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I seriously wonder how they will handle undaunted leveling. That skill line is achievement based, so I don’t see how they could grant things like speed run achievements account wide without granting the undaunted XP associated with that achievement to all characters that don’t have it yet. If they don’t grant the XP, then will dungeon achievements no longer be used to level undaunted? :confused:
    We have also removed Undaunted guild progression from Undaunted achievements.
    I guess that answers that question. :frowning:

    Where is that quite from Gina from, please?

    There’s a lot of pages here, but looking back, I can’t find it.
    It was taken from the new PTS 'patch notes'-->
  • silvereyes
    silvereyes wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I seriously wonder how they will handle undaunted leveling. That skill line is achievement based, so I don’t see how they could grant things like speed run achievements account wide without granting the undaunted XP associated with that achievement to all characters that don’t have it yet. If they don’t grant the XP, then will dungeon achievements no longer be used to level undaunted? :confused:
    We have also removed Undaunted guild progression from Undaunted achievements.
    I guess that answers that question. :frowning:

    Where is that quite from Gina from, please?

    There’s a lot of pages here, but looking back, I can’t find it. I’m sad to see that change as I enjoyed getting those achievements on each character and it was a more fun way to boost the Undaunted skill line for me, not that I don’t also do pledges.

    It's from the PTS patch notes. You can click the "»" link in "ZOS_GinaBruno wrote »" to reference the article.
  • NeeScrolls
    Edit: Thank you @NeeScrolls and I’ll go have a look at the PTS patch notes for all the infos…
    No prob! And i would urge everyone to not only read those new patch notes but also try hopping onto PTS itself to test.

    imho it's the best way to see whether or not all the forum-rage is, well, really all the rage. :D
  • Tandor
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    Edit: Thank you @NeeScrolls and I’ll go have a look at the PTS patch notes for all the infos…
    No prob! And i would urge everyone to not only read those new patch notes but also try hopping onto PTS itself to test.

    imho it's the best way to see whether or not all the forum-rage is, well, really all the rage. :D

    Agreed, but also it's important to read the PTS forum feedback. For instance it's apparent already that this change is not optional and that once one of your characters has completed an achievement no other character will receive any pop-up acknowledgement for doing so.
    Edited by Tandor on January 31, 2022 9:19PM
  • cynaes
    I'd like to add some thoughts of my own. Please note, the following is merely about how I feel about the newly announced features/content, based on how I like to play the game. That's not necessarily what other's like about the game:

    What I like:
    • New zone with a positive vibe. Reminds me a bit of Summerset which I still consider to carry the best mood :)
    • Account wide achievements: I hate having to "choose" between characters, if I want a full stickerbook. I actually have fun playing a wide variety of characters, but for the sake of getting the meta achievements, I often stick to my main. I do like my main, mind you, but it'd still be fun to play the odd side char, I only created for the looks or for some weird armor choice that's not really meta but fun anyways.
    • New zone. I know this is listed above, but: I do enjoy new overland zones so much more than new dungeons. Some of that is due to the fact that running dungeons can be taken literally. You really only can run through dungeons, because you won't find anyone to actually, casually and slowly enjoy them, the story and the sometimes amazing vistas. Sometimes I run backwards through the dungeons to look at cool stuff (though that is time limited, because the group will be disbanded at some point).

    What I'm not sure about:
    • Card game: I did play "TES: Legends" and liked it, but never had the time to really play it alot (ESO uses up much of my playtime). I did like playing Pazaak back in KotoR. And it was fun to collect new cards. However, there was a very limited number of cards available. Although not much is know about the feature yet, I feel as if this is gonna be like: Now I have to decide whether I want to spend my time ingame playing the game itself or playing a card game. I already don't have enough time to enjoy all of ESO, adding a feature that feels very disconnected to the rest of the game, doesn't sound like the best idea. With antiquities, you earn most of the stuff just playing the game (that's actually a fact that was advertised last year!). Yes, I do have to spend 5 minutes to dig up an antiquity, but that's not really much of a time investment. A card game sounds like a pretty time heavy investment, to get stuff that I actually want (e.g. furnishings). I'm afraid it'll feel like "Now I have to play that card game because I want furnishing XYZ". Please don't misunderstand me: I like card games. I like the idea of a card game integreated into ESO. I don't understand why it has to be something that is played mainly/exclusively in the game itself. Why not create an iOS/iPad/Android-app, that is connected to ESO and that lets you play the card game while you're travelling. It should still be possible to play it ingame, but it would just be a fun/RPG-option.

    What I don't like:
    • Nothing I can think of. I do admit that I've been more excited for chapters before, but this is mostly due to there being not that much information yet. Also, you've added alot of cool stuff last year (set item stickerbook!).

    What I don't care about:
    • Companions: A third companion is probably worthwile, but only for the completionist in me (so I have one companion for healing, DDing and tanking each). I've played quite a bit since blackwood and barely have Mirri at level 19 and Bastian at level 11. I haven't unlocked any of the quests related to them, because my affection feels like it isn't rising at all. (side note: It's really difficult NOT to pick up the flying critter things). I do look forward to the companion quests, but

    What i would love to see:
    • Sorry, this is not actually something from the reveal, but it does tie into it: I'd love a story mode for dungeons. With every "year long story" there's a story woven into the dungeons that comprises one half of the story every year. And for every year we've had so far, I only have a very, very rough idea what actually happens in the dungeons and what they have to do with the story. Because if you do the dungeons, you usually barely have time to accept the quest, before someone else is halfway to the first boss. That's why I'd love to have a story mode. No set item rewards, normal/no xp, only the quest and maybe overland set drops from the bosses. Btw, the only dungeon where I've ever completed (or even seen) the secret bosses is "Unhallowed Grave". For all other dungeons, see above: running a dungeon. I am CP 1600+ and have Undaunted 10+ on several characters. I can assure you this is not from a lack of running dungeons.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    How can this be tested on the pts as I thought only one character was copied over?

    (No access to pts myself - on console)
  • Araneae6537
    How can this be tested on the pts as I thought only one character was copied over?

    (No access to pts myself - on console)

    Your whole account from one server (NA or EU) is copied over, not just one character.
  • VaranisArano
    How can this be tested on the pts as I thought only one character was copied over?

    (No access to pts myself - on console)

    On PTS, you can play on your characters or make a new template character at max level/CP (or at a power level if ZOS allows - this time there's a level 25 template). The Templates are an option at character creation, and they come with access to all the sets, crafting mats, and basically anything you could want to try out.

    So when it's PC/EU week, I used to make a template rather than play on the lvl 3 character I made for the first Summerset event.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    Ta @VaranisArano & @Araneae6537

    Somehow had it in my head all these years was just one character!
    Edited by SerafinaWaterstar on January 31, 2022 11:52PM
  • SimonThesis
    Not going to lie I was pretty disappointed in this chapter. A card game you could get off of steam for 5 bucks really? Another chapter without any new content for PVP what so ever and another year+ of performance this time building from the ground up. I would be excited if the Pvp community hadn't been burned in the past. The group mount should have been delivered 2 years ago. The only positive of this chapter is account wide Achievos. Companions are worthless since all of overland can be oneshot. I really hope with such a lackluster chapter they really get to work on the many many ongoing bugs in this game.

    The ongoing Pvp combat bugs have been going on for years and we keep getting more bugs while the old ones aren't getting fixed. I wish some progress on possible fixes for these bugs had been announced.
    Edited by SimonThesis on February 1, 2022 1:49AM
  • Elvenheart
    Well, since the companions will have their own special class skill lines, technically they really ARE adding two new skill lines to the game 😁

    Me, I’ve enjoyed leveling and getting to know (and dress) Mirri and Bastian, so I was watching the live stream in hopes they would announce new companions. I’m somewhat disappointed that we didn’t get one male and one female like we did before, so I hope they add two males the next time. I’m sure they had their reasons, maybe these two voice actors were available when they needed them, or the two new companion classes were the classes the companions’ creators just felt these companions match best with. We’ll probably never know what motivated that decision. I assume they’re already working on future companions and their classes even now.

    As for everything else, I like the sound of the combat changes, I’m personally very happy with class wide achievements (though I feel bad for the people who would rather not have them), I’m excited as always about the new zones and quests, looking forward to the new furnishing plans and mythics that will come, could care less about a two person mount because I’m very attached to the mounts my characters are already using, and strongly feel that deconstructing (and repairing) should have been added to our existing summonable merchants instead of put on an entirely new assistant with a demeaning title like ragpicker. And I’m I looking forward to learning more about the card game and the rewards it will give. It’s too soon to say if I will like it or not. I’ve never been able to stand fishing in any game, for example, so I’m hoping it has nothing in common with a system like that.
  • Thoragaal
    silvereyes wrote: »
    We have also removed Undaunted guild progression from Undaunted achievements.
    I guess that answers that question. :frowning:

    Edit: added PTS patch notes link for clarity.

    How about this; Account wide achievements, but, on top of that they could add some kind of tracker so players could see how many times (maybe even including with which characters) we've gotten that achievement? Just like achievements have a bar showing progression on certain achievements, a bar/number could show the amount of times players have finished said achievement.
    So, for example, people chasing tri-fectas could still see that they've gotten that achievement x-amount of times, leading to "Ah yes, I've done this before. And I've done this x-amount of times"
    Edited by Thoragaal on February 1, 2022 12:15PM
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • Bethgael
    silvereyes wrote: »
    peacenote wrote: »

    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    Most other games (WoW, for example) have had shared titles and achievements for years. It was and is considered one of the best changes Blizzard ever made.
    I've never played WoW, but from my understanding, the information about which characters have earned what achievements are still tracked behind the scenes, and you can chose to only display the achievements earned on the current character, if desired.

    Is that accurate? If so, I think that sort of thing would go a long way towards making everyone happy.

    That is accurate, and the pro-a/c-wides are being a bit dishonest when they say "everyone wanted this in WoW and was happy with it!" without pointing this out. The reason why the a/c wide achievements were lauded in WoW when they happened; no complaints; was because people could be happy either way. Those who wanted them--yay! Those who didn't had the choice not to use them and could also track characters individually. The achieve also pops up on every character even if you have the a/c wide active, if that char hasn't done it before. Before a char has done the toast, the achieve is listed as who finished it first and what date that was. Then it changes to "this char did it on x date".

    Win-win, all around. I am hoping ZOS will do the same.

    The trouble is, I have noted a few comments that say "the majority wanted a/c wide achieves." This is statistically true, on the forums. However, the forums can be misleading because people who want change will comment whereas people who have been happy ith the status quo are not commenting because they are enjoying the system as it stands and may not even be aware there's a conversation about it. The first I heard about the change was the post-reveal reveal.

    As such, it would have been a good idea for ZO to stop and think about how to serve both groups. WoW did that, hence.... everyone was happy with it. :)

    [edited for typos]
    Edited by Bethgael on February 2, 2022 12:50PM
    Ingame ID: Bethgael PC NA/EU but mostly NA
  • anadandy
    As excited as I am for Breton lore, I am concerned that the focus seemed to be all "feudal medieval" and nothing about their magic affinity and elven heritage. I'm hoping that was just an oversight.
  • Jabassa
    🙋‍♂️ I wanted something different. Much different.

    Perhaps I’m in the minority on what I wanted, but here it is:

    1) NO MORE combat/balance changes. Perhaps some minor changes here and there, but update 32 was as close to perfect as I think it can get. And with the update 33 changes, I think the long term result will be stagnation. It won’t take long before everything feels the same regardless of class/race/favored attribute. On this trajectory of hybridization, soon the only choice you will have is what role do you want to play, and that is about as boring as watching paint dry. I for one DO NOT want an ESO that feels like Skyrim, where one character can do it all. This was one of the reasons why I thought Skyrim was a terrible game.

    2) Better rewards across the board. Let’s face it, the single most broken thing in the game is the reward system. Or rather, the lack there of. And it ranks #1 on the most broken list because it effects EVERYONE except new players because everything is a reward to new players, as it should be. What’s far more frustrating is that the only way to get cool stuff is via crown crates. I don’t think crown crates need to change as a system, mind you, I just find it frustrating that it’s the ONLY source of cool things. Why don’t all of the game modes have unique and cool mounts/skins with super low drop rates? Why am I always getting skimped on transmute stones for everything other than my first random normal? Furnishing rewards? Motif rewards? Give us something, ANYTHING THAT WE ACTUALLY WANT. The lack of quality rewards really hurts the game’s longevity and player base. And yes, there is the endeavor system. I think it was a step in the right direction, but the endeavors are mindlessly easy which is boring, and it takes several months to acquire enough to get anything worthwhile from them. I guess it’s at least balanced though, because the easier they are to acquire, the less value they should hold.

    2.5) This ties into the last one: PvP incentive. People don’t realize it, but for us few day one players who remain, we remember that this game started it’s life as a PvP focused game. I remember when there were 7 campaigns, and all of them were population locked with 30min + wait times to get in. I remember the days of MASSIVE keep fights between organized guilds and hundreds of players. I remember the days when you would get into Cyrodiil, pull up your map, and see that there were battles going on everywhere. I miss that. Good lord, do I miss that. I was a bottom tier player back then skill cap wise, and it was the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game. Nowadays, I’m somewhere between a mediocre and a decent player, and I’m lucky if I can find a fight in PCNA. People need a reason to come to PvP, new or old, casual or sweaty, and that reason currently just doesn’t exist. And the data is there to support this. Just look at battlegrounds que times when there’s something related to BGs in the daily endeavors. They’re lightning fast. Furthermore, a single outfit style that’s acquired from killing PvE enemies in a PvP zone is cool, I guess, but you missed the mark on that one by about a thousand miles. No shade, just a fairly common feeling among folks who PvP.

    3) This game has far too many sets, and it’s beginning to feel like there’s no creativity in them. Actually, it’s felt that way since the western skyrim patches. That said, I can’t cast blame for it feeling this way, as it’s due to burnout. It’s all been done already, and all that’s left to do is making sets that are only one upping the previous patch in breaking the game. WE DON’T NEED ANY MORE SETS. At this point, I’d rather have better rewards like mounts, skins, and motifs because looking cool matters.

    4) I would LOVE to see overland PvP return as it was pre OneTamriel, but I think players should be able to toggle it on and off when outside of combat, and it should be toggled off by default upon login. That way, new players don’t get ganked upon finishing the tutorial. Could you imagine the fun of getting your guild together, 100+ people, to go raid Mournhold and killing the Skald King? Fighting off the player resistance and pushing for success? This existed in WoW and I remember the rush our group all got from it. (it’s been a very long time since I played WoW and idk if this still exists there) I also think that this should be locked to all players who haven’t yet completed Cadwell’s Gold. This, due to being in different instances of the zone, avoids the issue of a player trying to turn in a quest but the NPC is dead because the city where the NPC is located is being raided. It adds to the immersion and importance of alliances, and it forces PvPers to complete the base game.

    5) Hard mode questing, delves, and overland. So this is a big one for me. As someone who has done every major and minor quest in the game, I can tell you two things with certainty; 1. The story writing and voice acting in this game and it’s quests is incredible, and 2. There is absolutely zero replayability after you unlock champion points as everything becomes mindlessly easy in regards to quests and overland. I would like to be able to go into my settings and toggle hard mode on and off when outside of combat, and for it to effect everything I encounter from trash mobs to world bosses. This too should be auto defaulted off upon login. And by hard mode, I mean an actual hard mode with difficult mechanics that HAVE TO be figured out and executed or else you can’t succeed; not just doubling the health of everything and calling it hard mode.

    6) When are we going to get an across the board furnishing limit increase? I’d be willing to buy this too. Say, 5-10% increase per house. Maybe call it 2000-2500 crowns per. I’ll bet my account that these will sell better than the most successful crown crate to date did.

    Now, as an end game PvPer, you would think “a properly functioning game” would be at the top of my list, but the devs have already announced that this is a priority for them, and I do have hope. It’s going to take a long time, and that’s both understandable and expected with a task that large. Ultimately, all that matters on this one is that it’s delivered. Between that and drastically improving the rewards system, I think those are the two most important things that need to be done, and if I were at the helm of ZoS, that’s where I would dump all of my available resources. Dare I say it, these two are far more important than new zones, quests, and dungeons. Those bring short term bursts of income and new players, but true success in gaming is weighted in player retention. Player retention is achieved with incentive, a good combat system (which we have), and a properly working game (which is in the works).

    This game is incredible, and in my humble opinion, I think it has what it takes to outdo World of Warcraft in terms of long term success. Despite how you feel about WoW/Blizzard, WoW is the reigning champ in this regard. It’s not the oldest, but it is the most successful and profitable over time, and right now, Final Fantasy is giving WoW a run for it’s money when it should be ESO.

    Honorable mention: flying mounts.

    Flying mounts > new races, new classes, new weapon skills, or spell crafting any day of the week.

    P.S. the new card game sounds cool. I won’t play it as TCGs aren’t my thing, but I think many people will, so thank you to the Devs for that. I also think all the hate it’s receiving is due to timing. A mini game is the type of thing you introduce when the game is thriving and running flawlessly. If the game is in a bad state like it currently is, a mini game will make your customers feel as though your priorities are drastically out of order.

    Edited by Jabassa on February 3, 2022 6:53AM
  • LogicOfLiam
    Been playing on and off since PC Beta Launch. Gotta say I've loved everything you guys have done so far, I understand you're rebuilding the architecture of the code this year too to hopefully fix a lot 9f the PVP problems; so it's going to be an amazing amazing year ✌
    In terms of the new DLC, wow the locale looks amazing, Bretons finally getting some love! Hopefully one of the companionons are a Sorc; that'll make my life.
    Thus card game? AMAZING, I've put many hours into GWENT on The Witcher 3, downloaded the app, Co tinued to adore it. Played ES legends whenever I'm sat waiting for bus/train or anything, love that too. I love card games in games so long as they're done right. People saying it adds no depth or its not for them, unfortunately that'll be the case for a lot of players but it is a niche, I know I'll get hundreds more hours into the game because of this addition, the possibilities of creating Card Game guilds, new types of tournaments. It truly opens up a lot for a small collection of players.
    People complaining that they want a new class/weapon/skill line; we need to have our current ones balanced properly/modified, take Sorc for example there is a lot of unused skills for a StamSorc (my main) turn more skills that go unused by the MagSorcs into stam morphs... We need a proper jib of our current stuff before they offer us new stuff, that let's be honest will be super unbalanced and meta for about 6 months of release. Queue all the people who have been gagging for this new stuff then as soon as they release OP (so you can get more people to buy them) they'll be screaming about how unbalanced the game is.
  • LogicOfLiam
    Been playing on and off since PC Beta Launch. Gotta say I've loved everything you guys have done so far, I understand you're rebuilding the architecture of the code this year too to hopefully fix a lot 9f the PVP problems; so it's going to be an amazing amazing year ✌
    In terms of the new DLC, wow the locale looks amazing, Bretons finally getting some love! Hopefully one of the companionons are a Sorc; that'll make my life.
    Thus card game? AMAZING, I've put many hours into GWENT on The Witcher 3, downloaded the app, Co tinued to adore it. Played ES legends whenever I'm sat waiting for bus/train or anything, love that too. I love card games in games so long as they're done right. People saying it adds no depth or its not for them, unfortunately that'll be the case for a lot of players but it is a niche, I know I'll get hundreds more hours into the game because of this addition, the possibilities of creating Card Game guilds, new types of tournaments. It truly opens up a lot for a small collection of players.
    People complaining that they want a new class/weapon/skill line; we need to have our current ones balanced properly/modified, take Sorc for example there is a lot of unused skills for a StamSorc (my main) turn more skills that go unused by the MagSorcs into stam morphs... We need a proper jib of our current stuff before they offer us new stuff, that let's be honest will be super unbalanced and meta for about 6 months of release. Queue all the people who have been gagging for this new stuff then as soon as they release OP (so you can get more people to buy them) they'll be screaming about how unbalanced the game is.

    It's not about putting a mini game into this world. It's about making it a living and breathing world. With much more to do than just combat. I play YuGiOh all the time; playing card games is part of my life, now I can adapt that into ESO? GREAT! The game is a world with many amazing things to offer, not just having tools to kill threats.
  • wazbaumukerb14_ESO
    Jabassa wrote: »
    🙋‍♂️ I wanted something different. Much different.

    Perhaps I’m in the minority on what I wanted, but here it is:

    1) NO MORE combat/balance changes. Perhaps some minor changes here and there, but update 32 was as close to perfect as I think it can get. And with the update 33 changes, I think the long term result will be stagnation. It won’t take long before everything feels the same regardless of class/race/favored attribute. On this trajectory of hybridization, soon the only choice you will have is what role do you want to play, and that is about as boring as watching paint dry. I for one DO NOT want an ESO that feels like Skyrim, where one character can do it all. This was one of the reasons why I thought Skyrim was a terrible game.

    This game already has this problem worse than any other major MMO I have ever played. Every stamina character feels almost identical. It needs a fundamental overhaul around class identity that it will probably never get.
  • OmenRIP
    I hate online card games, especially in MMOs.
  • MentalxHammer
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.

    If they can add instanced dungeons with dozens of mobs they can for sure add instanced arena where players can fight 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. And if they can add matchmaking and scoreboard for a card game then they can make it for the arena as well. All this talk about redesigning code is nothing but an excuse.

    I 100% agree and I am astounded that the card game will already have a 1v1 ranked matchmaking queue when 1v1 dueling is a player driven experience with zero incentives, that just seems asinine.

    And yes if they can add a whole new card game system with matchmaking they could easily add PvP arenas with similar matchmaking.
  • Hotel6
    I dont think u can charge 40$ for expansion in general, but u do that anyway. So new map and some PVE content doesn't really worth it. I like new classes/skill lines just something new. While trials and dungeons are kinda new with mechanics, I still get bored doing it with the same class,skills,weapons etc etc etc
    Edited by Hotel6 on February 7, 2022 11:44AM
  • Seravi
    Love the new Companions as well as the card game. Nice change of pace from the quests and such. I do have concerns over the card game. I really hope any "tasks" associated with the cards are not going to push players into PVP, group dungeons, etc. If you don't complete the task then your game is over. I feel sure there are going to be cards you can obtain by group dungeons, etc but from the telecast it was stated the playing field would be even.

    Another concern is the card game player vs player. I do hope there will be a setting to disable requests to play, like we have for duels. I think there is a huge window to make something awesome, if they do this right. :)
  • stride067
    Soul Shriven
    So obviously this isn't a scientific sample or anything but considering literally only 1 in 5 players responded positively to the expansion and over half responded negatively is there any actual plan to incorporate this feedback into adjusting the final gameplay? Or is this more of a hollow facade in order to present as if player feedback means anything to decision makers?
  • atherusmora
    stride067 wrote: »
    So obviously this isn't a scientific sample or anything but considering literally only 1 in 5 players responded positively to the expansion and over half responded negatively is there any actual plan to incorporate this feedback into adjusting the final gameplay? Or is this more of a hollow facade in order to present as if player feedback means anything to decision makers?

    Would also like to know the answer to this.
    (Pet)Magsorc Main
    PS4 NA
    Long Live the Queen!!!
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    @stride067 We have been going through this thread and drafting a detailed report to share with our internal teams. We are working on a few things to share between now and launch to provide additional information and clarify systems like Tales of Tribute for example. Feedback will also be used to make some changes to systems. But that is also going to be informed by feedback from PTS and a variety of other places. We will update on what those changes are through our patch notes as they happen.

    The feedback here will also help inform future chapters.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
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