Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • Sylvermynx

    2) Nothing about Bretons being part elf? I didn't hear anything about this aspect coming in. I also want to voice a bit of concern with them becoming too close to Imperials as well. It's been voiced before, but I think it's a fair argument to make. It's a bit disconcerting. I really hope that this expansion fleshes them out and plays into that aspect of them. I just want to see something that makes them different more than just an art style. Something of their history and ideals and am worried that, instead, we're going to be given Bretons as simply "generic late medieval race." As that's all that was shown and told to us.

    I'm hoping for different, but I'm not expecting it.

    For a bit more info on this, there's a couple of articles with interviews of Leamon Tuttle (current "loremaster" for ZOS):

  • Sorced
    I was excited about High Isle, now I'm not.

    Deck building game?
    This is an MMO. I happen to play MMOs because I like MMOs. Who's idea was this? Jesus.
    I hope there is some point to this card game beyond roleplaying because I hate card games and don't roleplay.

    All the new outfits and stuff appear very meh. The preorder bonuses are very meh. Both the companions are female, so no new companion options if you don't want a female companion. Basically nothing to be excited about.

    They completely dropped the ball here and should rethink the whole plan before they even release the first update.

  • xDeusEJRx
    Card game with a fully functioning queue system, meanwhile Battlegrounds is still going to have a crap queue system that no one enjoys. And the reasoning for us not getting a queue is "we think it will be better for the community" What a slap in the face that is.
    Bring back specific queues, ZOS
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • Sorced
    Araxyte wrote: »
    Not a fan of this chapter, may even skip it :/ . Potential ideas that I was very excited for:
    • New weapon such as spear
    • New class
    • spell crafting skill line
    • Optional overland veteran and hard mode
    • Duo or trio trial (could come in a later update though I guess)

    Instead my $40 (or whatever it costs) would go towards some more quests which feel bland and unrewarding, where the boss dies in 5 seconds. A new trial, which will probably follow the same boring theme of a few trash add pools and 3 bosses. And lastly, a new card game - I didn't come on eso to play a card game dude. Not to mention the potentially game-breaking combat changes coming which will throw all pvp/ pve balancing out the window. Sorry to be so negative but the price tag needs lowering.

    Edit: I'm all for the account-wide achievements, best part for me

    I would have paid $40 for any of those features. I had made up my mind about buying the chapter before it was announced. It really would not have taken much for ZOS to get my money. But I don't want to spend $40 on a chapter when the only thing I'd want is the zone and the quests. I will probably skip unless they announce something better than this.
  • Tandor
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    See. that is the difference between role playing a character and just playing yourself using an avatar - you as the player have achieved it, the character (if you actually role playing him/her) hasn't and if played from the perspective of the character and not your own, this is just weird and not enjoyable. This should be totally optional and not a general feature for everyone.

    This seems to be the separation. Some feel like each character earns achievements and others feel like the gamer earns the achievements regardless of which character they played.
    I'm in the latter category myself, but the former makes sense, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't apply universally (alliance ranks, skyshards, etc.) if ZOS is also taking that side.
    If players earn achievements, not characters, it should apply to those things.

    The reality is that ZOS recognised originally that these two different approaches applied, some wanting everything character-based and some wanting everything account-based, and knowing the two could never be reconciled they went for a compromise solution where some things like dye unlocks, collections, and champion points were account-based while other things like achievements were character-based. Why they've decided to move away from that has yet to be explained. It seemed a perfect compromise to me.
    Edited by Tandor on January 29, 2022 3:03PM
  • tomofhyrule
    It intrigues me to see the number of people who base their entire decision to buy on whether the side thing is interesting or not. "The main feature of the chapter is just a card game! omfgwtfbbq111!!11" Really? I'd have thought the 'main feature' was the new zone to explore and the new storyline, and the card game and the trial were both side things - one for casual players and one for elite players.

    But if you don't like it, nobody's forcing anyone to buy. I know a card game isn't going to make me get the Chapter, I'd be getting it for the new motifs and the trial to play with friends. Besides, I know almost nothing about the card game, so who knows - it might be fun. Or it might not. I know I really enjoyed Antiquities a lot more than I thought I would, and Companions ended up being a great feature I like to play with (at least once I finally grind up the other one so I can get my real bff back out).

    The one concern I have is with the Chapter size - if we're talking about two or three islands in the Systres, that's... not a lot of land to explore. We've got, what, three islands max, all smaller than Khenarthi's Roost? Will we be losing all of the exploration? Did they spend the time making the cities open at the expense of a smaller landmass? Weren't people complaining about the size of WSkyrim and now we're getting something teensy tiny? And if the pattern holds, that's supposed to fit 6 delves, 2 public dungeons, 6 WBs, several Volcano sites, a couple of player houses, and likely the entrance to a dungeon in Q3? All on that little archipelago? Because removing some of those elements may make me think more about "we're getting less in this Chapter!" than just the existence of a card game instead of something like spears as a new weapon style...that we were never really promised in the first place.
    ...or is there another landmass we don't know about?
    Idle conjecture time:
    I'm worried that this will turn into creating new Crown Store items such as "Card Packs." The rules that I heard in the official release stream were very loose, and I can see some loopholes in the verbiage. For instance, there was no verbiage such as "All the cards in your decks will always be shuffled together." While words like that can seem minor, it also is one that makes me think there might be rare cards that will have affects that alter this aspect of game play. Or, special cards that can always only be in your hand.
    What better place to put cards like that than in the crown store? Better yet, make them rare drops in card packs you buy from the Crown Store. Crown Crates 2.0 with a CCG aspect involved. It's literally the same concept that RL CCGs use for rare cards. Add in a few other possible things "This card will always go to your opponent" or something like that, and you have the makings for an easy segue into making them Crown items.
    The argument that "They wouldn't do that because people who own the DLC couldn't purchase" is arguable in a previous post I made regarding the "Any Race, Any Alliance" bundle. Short version, you can be gifted a Alliance Change token with no ability to claim it if you don't own that bundle. I know. I've seen that exact situation happen.
    Will these turn into Crown Store items? Are the rules kept intentionally vague so cards like this could exist? Are there other cards that maybe you get which could alter the scenario? We don't know. And I'm worried that this language was left out because those are things either in, or in consideration, to make this a new cash revenue.
    I'm not too concerned that we'll start getting cards in the Crown Store - after all, we've still never gotten things in the crown store relating to the other 'side minigame features' from the previous two chapters... even though I'm sure people would love to be able to buy a folio of leads for the Ancestral motifs or Mythic items or purple Companion gear and Companion XP scrolls. I can't see why all of a sudden they'd put cards in the Crown Store. And they did specifically say you will get to use the same card deck as your opponent, so them adding something that is i) buyable in the Crown Store and ii) exclusive to a certain person is blatant P2W that they've not done before - that's not even something arguable like "oh, the pack rat gives 5 inventory slots so it's P2W since you can carry exactly one (1) extra armor set in your backpack!"

    ...but yes, if ZOS is listening, spears would be a great addition to the game. I'd love to see over a hundred new motif styles for spears, and if we had to go out and re-farm all of the spears for the sets in the game that could at get people back into old content.
  • wazbaumukerb14_ESO
    Crash427 wrote: »
    This may sound salty but it's a sincere question: why bother giving feedback? By the time anything is revealed its as good as locked and historically the feedback for the PTS has been ignored.

    And if anyone's to blame for the disappointment its ZOS. Beautiful cinematic trailers and a global reveal event for...Betnikh 2.0 and a recycled card game that couldn't make it on it's own.

    I do always wonder about this. I have to imagine a huge amount of feedback in any beta (maybe even alpha) is just inherently pointless, the train is already moving and it's not like it's going to stop. Aside from finding bugs or numerical tweaks....there's nothing to be done.
  • rexagamemnon
    I thought i might comment again my thoughts after giving myself more time to consider after my initial knee jerk reaction. My previous comment in this threAd should be disregarded.

    I am very much looking forward to the chapter and the year long story. ESO is a giant sandbox game. Almost all additional activities, game systems, etc. should be fine to include in the game. ESO has something for everyone. Some people love antiquities, some dont. You dont have to participate in antiquities, although there are incentives to do so. And same with the card game, i personally dont see it as something for me at face value…but i could be wrong and i will certainly try it out and give it ago. So yes after reconsideration im happy to see ZOS added another activity for us to do in Tamrial/Nirn.
    Having said that…. I think there are other things that could have taken precedence over Tales of Tamrial in game card game.
    The location: looks absolutely beautiful. The fine details and aesthetics are top notch. Kudos to the designers who made it happen. Im excited about high isle, but if i could pick anywhere to go we havent gone yet in ESO it wouldnt have been high isle. I will admit i have bias due to lack of previous knowledge of High Isle. (Never heard of it until a few weeks ago) I would have chosen Whiterun, Dawnstar, Winterhold, Akavir, Colovia, Nibeney, solsthiem, Roscrea, more deadric realms, pynodea, etc. but again thats because i never heard of high isle so i will not complain about location and certianly give it a chance, and i look forward to exploring and hopefully we get to go to some of the locations above next year.
    Story: looks interesting, i dont see ZOS ending the 3banners war anytime soon. Although i would like to see peace return to Cyrodill and the Imperials claim what is theirs, and ZOS give us a new location for PVP. Cyrodill is still a blast for PVP as it is aside from server performance. I am looking very much forward to learning more of the bretons. Im a big history buff so i will certainly critique misrepresentations of European style fuedalism in ESO on the forum, especially if it appears there is some kind of historical revisionism taking place driven by a political agenda which is so often the case in the real world academics such as public schools & universities that do this so often. But i digress.

    Legacy of the bretons: Imperials are my favorite race, and we have not yet had a full size chapter devoted to Imperials. They have received only dlc’s and had to share a chapter with argonians, which are my least favorite/interesting race to play as aside from redgaurds. If anyone is curious to my opinion for mor elaboration on that, michael kirkbride’s own words regarding the introduction of redgaurds into TES series speaks volumes. I will say nothing further on the forum about that…but i digress. So imperials need a full size chapter for themselves as well. I am still excited about learning more about the bretons. Also would have been cool to learn about maomer or play as maomer.

    QOL: account wide achievments are certianly a step in the right direction this was long over due. Although, account wide achievments shouldnt be limited to servers. Which brings up another point, if i remember correctly @ZOS_GinaBruno said something about the pts and that characters from pc/na would be copied over to the pts….so why is server transfers not a thing? Account wife achievements is a step in the right direction but there is more work to do. On the eso website it says zos currently does not have the capability to do them…..well they were done with intro to consoles and you clearly have the ability to do them now. So what is the hold up. Respectfully ZOS, Unless there is active work being done to implement server transfers… there is absolutely no excuse. Having said that all the QOL updates mentioned so fat sound awesome and i look forward to them.

    Combat update 33 preview: im stoked! Looks awesome! Another amazing step in the right direction. Hybridization truely is “play how you want” as initially advertised by ZOS in 2014/15
    Hopefully we will get to a point where we are turely hybridized and we will have as much stam as magika so we can do whatever skill we want as much as we want. I hope there will oneday be a way for 1h&s to be effective dps as well
    Conclusion: GREAT STUFF ZOS, although other things should have taken precedence, this year looks great and i am hopeful of the future.
    I am eager to hear you thoughts on my opinion @ZOS_Kevin respectfully rexagamemnon
  • Sylvermynx
    Which brings up another point, if i remember correctly @ZOS_GinaBruno said something about the pts and that characters from pc/na would be copied over to the pts….so why is server transfers not a thing?

    It's my understanding that when character copy for PTS happens, PTS slate is "wiped clean" before characters are copied. Therefore it's an empty database, just as it was for the single transfer offered to console back when.

  • Tandor
    Crash427 wrote: »
    This may sound salty but it's a sincere question: why bother giving feedback? By the time anything is revealed its as good as locked and historically the feedback for the PTS has been ignored.

    And if anyone's to blame for the disappointment its ZOS. Beautiful cinematic trailers and a global reveal event for...Betnikh 2.0 and a recycled card game that couldn't make it on it's own.

    I do always wonder about this. I have to imagine a huge amount of feedback in any beta (maybe even alpha) is just inherently pointless, the train is already moving and it's not like it's going to stop. Aside from finding bugs or numerical tweaks....there's nothing to be done.

    I can't give specific examples off the top of my head, but in 40 years of beta testing both offline and online games I've known a number of occasions where the beta feedback has been sufficient to lead the developers to pull the feature until they've thought it through and redesigned it. In one case they actually pulled the game completely!

    What is pointless, however, is turning down the opportunity to provide feedback and then complaining about the finished product :wink: !
  • Elsonso
    Sorced wrote: »
    I was excited about High Isle, now I'm not.

    Deck building game?
    This is an MMO. I happen to play MMOs because I like MMOs. Who's idea was this? Jesus.
    I hope there is some point to this card game beyond roleplaying because I hate card games and don't roleplay.

    All the new outfits and stuff appear very meh. The preorder bonuses are very meh. Both the companions are female, so no new companion options if you don't want a female companion. Basically nothing to be excited about.

    They completely dropped the ball here and should rethink the whole plan before they even release the first update.

    I doubt that there will be any role playing involved in the card game. This is a game for achievement hunters, not role players.
    Tandor wrote: »
    The reality is that ZOS recognised originally that these two different approaches applied, some wanting everything character-based and some wanting everything account-based, and knowing the two could never be reconciled they went for a compromise solution where some things like dye unlocks, collections, and champion points were account-based while other things like achievements were character-based. Why they've decided to move away from that has yet to be explained. It seemed a perfect compromise to me.

    Oddly enough, my impression is that if they had just made the titles account-wide, the only group that would be left out would be the people looking to do achievement completion. So, that seems to be where ZOS is focused. Enabling the achievement completion people to do it across the account. There isn't much room for a compromise, there.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Riptide
    The lack of veteran overland option truly, and I mean truly is such an awful oversight. And it really is not an oversight since I and others posted about it in the beta forums and it has been requested over and over and over and over.

    Whoever internally with pull who insists it will fragment the player base, make common areas appear emptier and thus lead to a net loss of players is wrong.

    Brass tacks is that having an option to do all the heaps and heaps of overland content in and for it to be hard in a non artificial way would mean far more veteran players find expansions interesting enough to buy. The folks who say “go naked” or other ways to artificially lower your toons capabilities, and have for years made this anemic argument are also wrong.

    Many, many veteran players want to be able to bring all the strengths of a character and a build to bear and face a hard challenge. It brings an edge of danger and excitement to the storytelling that the company invests in and leverages it to compete with the other games in that space.

    But I don’t know why I bother mentioning it yet again, someone in the internal team long ago has seemingly locked up the debate, and/or have been badly convinced it is too heavy a lift programmatically, and so it just never gets grappled with.
    Esse quam videri.
  • AzuraFan
    I'm in the mixed feelings category, and I'm probably going to buy High Isle because I want this year's story. I'm going back and forth about pre-order versus waiting til fall when if goes on sale. This is basically a DLC for a Chapter price, so waiting til the price drops looks tempting.

    Same. If High Isle was more reasonably priced for what it will contain, I'd have preordered it already. I'll feel like I'm being ripped off if I pay the same price as I did for chapters like Summerset.

    Right now, I'm thinking that I'll start a Breton character (don't have one yet). Playing her through all the existing content will take me way past June, and I still have achievements I'm chasing on my main. IOW, I have plenty to do if I wait until the fall when High Isle will go on sale (assuming it goes on sale a few months after release, like Blackwood did).

  • Seraphayel
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Okay, I don't think ZOS expected this very lukewarm reception.

    Only 20% are excited for the Chapter,
    25% have mixed feelings and
    55% wanted something entirely different.

    That's a huge blow, 80% are not feeling the High Isle Chapter at all. Ouch.

    Eh, that's like 55% of less than 700 people who wanted something different. ZOS also knows how many pre-orders are rolling in.

    I'm in the mixed feelings category, and I'm probably going to buy High Isle because I want this year's story. I'm going back and forth about pre-order versus waiting til fall when if goes on sale. This is basically a DLC for a Chapter price, so waiting til the price drops looks tempting. Story is paramount for me - I skipped Greymoor as a bad remake of Dawnguard even though arguably Antiquities is a much better game-changing system than a CCG that I'm not interested in.

    Point is, it's more complicated than that, and mixed feelings/disappointment doesn't necessarily correlate to purchasing decisions.

    Sure, it looks bad. Ultimately sales numbers are going to be the real statistics ZOS cares about. If a bunch of those disappointed people vent and then buy High Isle anyway, well...ZOS had nothing to worry about.

    It just shows how poor the reception for the overall package is. Doesn’t matter if it’s just a few hundred people from the forums. They asked about their opinions and they got them and the result should make them shake their heads.

    Everybody who is not convinced by the Chapter and actively disliking it and still pre-ordering for full price: sorry, but you’re the whales ZOS is catering to. At least wait until the drop the price to $10-15 in 8-9 months when you want to buy it. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll get it for discount because this Chapter, like Greymoor and Blackwood before, are for sure not worth their overpriced price tag.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Seraphayel
    washbern wrote: »
    Fallenguru wrote: »
    I really don’t understand how High Isle can be sold as a chapter. Surely this should be sold as a mini chapter with a reduced price tag or even included with ESO+ ? I hate to compare any MMO but content is content and for the same price tag with Endwalker you get 4 new zones, 8 new dungeons, 5 new trials and raids, 2 new classes and new race, new abilities for all classes, new progression for crafters and much more. For High isle we get a new zone, a new trial, 2 re-skinned companions and a card game.

    I’ve seen a few comments in this thread about how ZOS has said it’s not implementing new systems this year because of working on bugs and improvements, I believe the same was said in the year of the performance improvement’s which was when we started seeing a drop in additional content and new systems added with chapters, I’m fine with getting less content and additional systems but absolutely not fine with the same price tag.

    Somebody else already said it but high isle will include some BIS new piece of gear to appeal to anybody interested in arenas, dungeons, trials or PVP to make sure they buy it, sad really.

    The pattern of “your getting less content for the same price tag because we need to fix things” needs to stop, maybe change the way you release content until your on top of the server improvements and PVE/PVP performance improvements. Maybe people will be happy with smaller cheaper stand alone stories and zones until your ready to release big chapters full of content again.

    High isle looks beautiful but it’s sadly lacking. Both myself and partner won’t be buying it at that price.

    As a long time fan of the game I will say this:

    While the announcement was very underwhelming, to say the least, if they actually fix bugs and make it possible to give us a more stable game play, bigger housing item cap, cooler looking spells, more skills and so on then I'll pay double for this chapter. That's a big if though.

    Why would you pay for stuff that’s quality of life base game additions?
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • ectoplasmicninja
    I have mixed feelings about High Isle, but I preordered and am still looking forward to it.

    I love Bretons despite that they've largely been given the bland generic medieval fantasy treatment. Oblivion was my first Elder Scrolls game and I remember flipping through the booklet with the art of the different races and reading about the Bretons as part man and part mer with high cheekbones and sometimes pointed ears and great magical affinity. Yet there's a distinct lack of magic in the Breton culture we've seen. It's something I've always wanted the devs to lean into - the cool weirdnesses of Tamriel lore are my favourites - but High Isle sort of looks like more of the same. I hope it isn't. I'm glad they mentioned politics and intrigue though as that's also been downplayed in the Breton content so far.

    I'm not super interested in the card game, but I'm not upset it exists. If the gameplay is well designed and the rewards are good I might play it. I'm also not super happy it's what we're getting as our new thing this year, but I can't really judge that until I know more about it and if it's enjoyable and worthwhile to play.

    Account wide achievements are neither here nor there to me as any achievements I hunt are for dyes or skins and I'm largely indifferent about titles. I'm happy for new companions and I plan to use them and max them, but I hoped I'd see a deepening to companions in general and more content added to the ones we already have alongside new ones. That wasn't mentioned.

    Ultimately I'm still glad for any new addition to and exploration of Breton lore, I guess I just hope to see more emphasis on their propensity for magic and their Direnni ancestry.
    PC NA, CP2100+. Character creation is the true endgame.
  • Tandor
    Riptide wrote: »
    The lack of veteran overland option truly, and I mean truly is such an awful oversight. And it really is not an oversight since I and others posted about it in the beta forums and it has been requested over and over and over and over.

    Whoever internally with pull who insists it will fragment the player base, make common areas appear emptier and thus lead to a net loss of players is wrong.

    Brass tacks is that having an option to do all the heaps and heaps of overland content in and for it to be hard in a non artificial way would mean far more veteran players find expansions interesting enough to buy. The folks who say “go naked” or other ways to artificially lower your toons capabilities, and have for years made this anemic argument are also wrong.

    Many, many veteran players want to be able to bring all the strengths of a character and a build to bear and face a hard challenge. It brings an edge of danger and excitement to the storytelling that the company invests in and leverages it to compete with the other games in that space.

    But I don’t know why I bother mentioning it yet again, someone in the internal team long ago has seemingly locked up the debate, and/or have been badly convinced it is too heavy a lift programmatically, and so it just never gets grappled with.

    I suspect the problem ZOS face with this is partly that it's only a limited number of players who call for this every time, but more importantly while they start out any discussion saying they just want the challenge and never mind the reward, it ends up with at least a fair number of them saying that of course they wouldn't do it without getting commensurate rewards - and once you start giving veteran level drops for killing mudcrabs in Khenarthi's Roost then it ends up unbalancing the endgame more generally. Of course, ZOS always want to structure the game so there is overland content for levelling up and endgame content for veteran players.

    I fully accept that leaves veteran players with no challenge in newly released overland content (where it's supposed to be really all about the story anyway) but I personally don't see any way of fixing that without unbalancing the whole game. This chapter will at least come with a trial, and veteran players also get two dungeon DLCs per annum which I assume include veteran level versions.
  • asuitandtyb14_ESO
    Ever since Greymoor, I’ve come to the conclusion that chapters are not worth their price tag. Blackwood was the first product I have not bought since then, and nothing in High Isle’s announcement has convinced be otherwise. The chapter should either be 20 dollars, or include all four quarterly releases in the current price point. I’m done paying nearly the same price as I paid for the entirety of the base game for a single zone. Especially not this year, when I have a gw2, swtor and a lotro expansion to pick from.
  • silvereyes
    I'd have thought the 'main feature' was the new zone to explore and the new storyline, and the card game and the trial were both side things - one for casual players and one for elite players.
    My daughter saw the waterfalls and island locale and immediately said she wanted to buy it, so there are definitely some like that.

    For me personally, I haven't found any Chapter story content since Morrowind really all that engaging, so I admit that I'm kind of prejudiced against this line of thinking now. I'm perfectly happy to be proven wrong, but from the little I've seen, the zone seems like mostly recycled assets from Summerset, Glenumbra and the Gold Coast.

    Coupled with the fact that I can melt every boss in 20 seconds while ignoring mechanics, and it jus doesn't motivate me.
  • silvereyes
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I'd have thought the 'main feature' was the new zone to explore and the new storyline, and the card game and the trial were both side things - one for casual players and one for elite players.
    My daughter saw the waterfalls and island locale and immediately said she wanted to buy it, so there are definitely some like that.
    I would also add that when I tried to hype up the card game, she kind of just stared at me, nonplussed, with this "ummm.... okaaaaay...." expression on her face. And she loves RL card games.
  • Cillion3117
    Personally, I was hoping for a new skill line or new weapons. Im not excited about the card game, it's not really my cup of tea...
  • Csleia
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?

    your question makes no sense

    how many times do you need to be rewarded for an achievement every time you accomplish it?
    answer- every time.

    otherwise you only do it once. this is why you dont go for the same achievement on the same character over and over, theres no point. like the other guy who though he was endgame because he got flawless conqueror said he replays vma for score, that is a separate incentive. sure i may scorepush some trifectas here and there but thats a completely separate motivation from going for the title/achievement.

    the backbone of eso endgame is experienced players helping inexperienced players, dungeon trifectas dont have scores, most trifecta progs arent going for score just barely get the no-death clear, this is a direct attack on the backbone of eso endgame.
  • Riptide
    Tandor wrote: »
    once you start giving veteran level drops for killing mudcrabs in Khenarthi's Roost then it ends up unbalancing the endgame more generally

    Sigh. They charge what amounts to $200 in crown gems for a simple reskin of season one mounts, and can’t summon the substance to create or reskin a few items for cosmetic rewards for harder gameplay? Or xp boosts? Or any number of rewards that would not break gameplay that anyone can think of if they are genuinely considering it.

    Much less whiteboarding the issue seriously with a team.

    I fully accept that leaves veteran players with no challenge in newly released overland content

    Bolded and italicized for the crux of the matter. Trials and a couple of dungeons here and there is group content.

    There are thousands upon thousands of hours of content and voice acting in three languages that could be leveraged to compete in the market where content is not so trivial as to have to depend solely and I mean solely on said voice acting and storylines. And it just isn’t quite good enough to stand on its own, when the content is so trivial that you can do it naked easily.

    Not grappling with it it isn’t just poor leadership, it is awful business strategy. Pound for pound there is nothing, not one feature that would at once leverage so much content, immediately and in a lasting way.

    Not taking it on after companions were introduced was when I realized for well and true that whoever runs the shop internally simply does not play this game in a serious way, if they ever have. It is just strikingly obvious.

    Anyway, it is a waste of my time to bring it up. Much less to debate it. Already done it countless times.

    Esse quam videri.
  • wazbaumukerb14_ESO
    Tandor wrote: »
    Crash427 wrote: »
    This may sound salty but it's a sincere question: why bother giving feedback? By the time anything is revealed its as good as locked and historically the feedback for the PTS has been ignored.

    And if anyone's to blame for the disappointment its ZOS. Beautiful cinematic trailers and a global reveal event for...Betnikh 2.0 and a recycled card game that couldn't make it on it's own.

    I do always wonder about this. I have to imagine a huge amount of feedback in any beta (maybe even alpha) is just inherently pointless, the train is already moving and it's not like it's going to stop. Aside from finding bugs or numerical tweaks....there's nothing to be done.

    I can't give specific examples off the top of my head, but in 40 years of beta testing both offline and online games I've known a number of occasions where the beta feedback has been sufficient to lead the developers to pull the feature until they've thought it through and redesigned it. In one case they actually pulled the game completely!

    What is pointless, however, is turning down the opportunity to provide feedback and then complaining about the finished product :wink: !

    I'm very pro feedback, heh. But I don't kid myself that at best it might steer decisions in the distant future rather than the present.

    But I mean specifically, even if 95% of players hated these things, there is a 0% chance they would scrap the card game or change the theme of the expansion or change the companions. By the time the players are aware of things like this, the train is moving and money has been spent. And just at a glance, a huge amount of complaints are about things like this.

    Specific details about the CCG could change, of course, but I doubt that will appease people who think a full expansion price for a mini game is absurd. That's all I meant.

    Also, feedback 10+ years ago was also a really different beast. Stuff is so much more complicated and expensive to produce now that I think it is *very* difficult to change course compared to shoestring budget games of past eras.
  • SpiritKitten
    Since @ZOS_Kevin said this is the official feedback thread, gonna copy/paste my response from another thread:

    I am so happy about this I can't even begin to express it. Here's some reasons those that account-wide achievements are important to me:

    I feel sick when not playing on my 'main' because I know the achievements are not carrying over - so I feel like I am wasting my time when I could be progressing my main.

    I recently made the very hard decision (2 days ago!) to switch to a new main, who was a more fun to play class. I agonized about it for weeks.

    Achievement vendors!!! Now I can play the fun to play class, not the one I was 'stuck' with, and get the furnishings I want!!

    Holiday events! They make me literally ill at redoing the grind on alts to get the achieves. No more nauseating grind! BUT the motif achieves are still only on my crafter!! Not cool. Because the final holiday achieve req's the motif achieves.

    I can peacefully retire my old 'main' from combat and actually enjoy the game on my super-powered class instead of struggling with the combat on my underperforming class.

    I can play any alt I want anytime without feeling like I am wasting my time.

    When I sign up for trials, no matter if I offer dps, I am always asked to bring my healer. Now I can get achievements for my dps too.

    My vampire necro 'alt' is the only class that does the dark brotherhood. I can play her niche role when in the mood without worrying about her never achieving anything else.

    There won't be any more mains or alts will there? I will play whichever class is the most fun. If we can't get a class-change token, this is what we need.
  • Vindold
    ...account wide achi is a nice improvement, sure but still there is no such small and simple option as hide shoulders, hip\back\front flaps, gloves and belts :|
    ..not to mention that our alts should train horse all over again for 180 days.
  • kind_hero
    Vindold wrote: »
    ...account wide achi is a nice improvement, sure but still there is no such small and simple option as hide shoulders, hip\back\front flaps, gloves and belts :|
    ..not to mention that our alts should train horse all over again for 180 days.

    Yes, that is a feature that has been asked so many times and it is sad we won't see it anytime soon. It took 5 years to add a reply feature in the mail ui.

    I have also proposed to move the flaps to the belt piece, so the chest pieces could be mixed with other pieces for more variety. But hey, you do not need cosmetics like this if you are in the card game ui or other mini game that keeps you away from the world!
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Noerra
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    Card game with a fully functioning queue system, meanwhile Battlegrounds is still going to have a crap queue system that no one enjoys. And the reasoning for us not getting a queue is "we think it will be better for the community" What a slap in the face that is.
    Bring back specific queues, ZOS

    yeah they hella scuffed their "testing" - They did it during New World Release & when Hrothgar and Dark Convergence was broken. I wasn't interested in New World at all... but I was basically absent for all of that patch until the sets were nerfed.

    I think they had bad data because of the timing they had chose to test.

    Furthermore... they didn't separate Objective based BG from Deathmatches... DM was included in random and that gave really bad data in my opinion.

    They then finalized their decision to mesh it all together again and... "no changes for the foreseeable future"

    Bad Test = Bad Results = Bad Decision

    really wish they would just allows BGs to be split between DM only, Objective Queue, and have it as a checkbox like Dungeon finder to select both if you want.
  • blktauna
    I really want to explore this world but not for this price tag. If it were 20$ I'd have got it but 40$ is too much for what is on offer. I haven't even got into the greymoor dungeons let alone having new ones. There simply isn't enough compelling content to get me to pay for this full retail, and I'm a crate buying, mount buying, house buying idiot. I am especially not interested in this card game. The only thing I really like is the preorder mount but its not worth all this money. Ill wait for the sale.

    I do want to see Zaji and Jakarn again but its not imperative to visit with them enough to preorder.
    Same for the new comanions. I'll get there eventually.

    This offering just seems light in offerings compared to previous expansions and as I wont be getting to the dungeons or trials anytime soon, well I can wait.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    I think the card game shows that development is not really listening to the player base or the housing community. There have been requests for mini-games for a long time but it was to make the game table furnishings into playable games not for something brought in from outside of ESO. If this long time request had been added I think the response would have been much better than that for a CCG.
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