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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • Thoragaal
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I'm curious what people in favor of account-wide achievements are actually excited about. For instance, do you think any of the following will happen?
    • Skill lines will be leveled account-wide? They won't. They aren't achievement-based, but XP based. Besides, ZOS wants to sell skill line maxers in the store.
    • Skyshards will be granted account-wide? They won't. They aren't achievement-based, but tracked individually. Same note about ZOS selling them in the store.
    • Alliance rank will be granted account-wide? It won't. It isn't achievement-based, but AP based.
    • Motif knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That was explicitly excluded. Again, these are sold in the store.
    • Recipe knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Trait research knowledge will be shared account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Enchantment writs will suddenly drop more master writs account-wide? They won't. Rune knowledge achievements were explicitly excluded. Alchemy achievements weren't explicitly called out, but I'm guessing reagent achievements will probably be treated the same as rune ones.
    • Dyes will be unlocked account-wide? They already are.

    Also, consider the following will happen if you take away character-specific achievements:
    • You won't be able to easily track which achievements a character can do to level up Undaunted in a single list with the associated achievement points listed for each.
    • People will lose an important incentive to re-do content, such as trials and public dungeons.
    • People who enjoy re-doing achievements on alts will lose an important reason to them to play the game at all.
    • Baby PvP toons could be running around with Grand Overlord titles, confusing everyone.
    • Characters with zero trait knowledge or motifs could be running around with Master Crafter titles, confusing everyone.
    • Level 3 characters could be running around with Godslayer titles, confusing everyone.

    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    "do you think any of the following will happen? [...]"
    No, I don't. I haven't seen or heard anyone think along those lines.

    "consider the following [...]"
    1. I don't think it serves as an important incentive/reason to the playerbase as a whole.
    2. I don't think anyone will be confused about the titles.
    3. I do however care about the Undaunted stuff, but I hope it can be fixed somehow (otherwise it'd be a pain to level up).

    "are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times [...]"
    Calling it "excited" would be an exagerration, it's more like a welcome change. And, yes, I still want this. Being able to look up my achievements from anywhere I am, without relogging to every character I have, is most welcome.

    My honest answers to your honest questions.
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • Minarah
    Soul Shriven
    I for one am super exited about the new update!

    1. We're gonna get a new zone, which has never been explored before. curious how the devs will shape the land and stories in it.

    2. A new minigame (the card game). A more diverse gameplay is always a good idea. It gives people more options to find activities that fit their play style. If it's not for you, it's not for you.

    3. Accountwide achievements! great! Finally my sorc can get those endgame achievements that nobody invites me for because my class/role combo is wrong.

    I hope the devs will not be intimidated by the amount of negative feedback in this thread. I like where you're going with this. Keep up the good work!
  • Kesstryl
    Updating my previous feedback now that I've had time to digest with more thoughtful feedback.

    What I look forward to:

    The story! My absolute favorite thing to do in ESO is get lost in my head as I mentally RP through the story quets on one of my characters. Questing is hands down my favorite thing to do. I sometimes craft things to place in that character's that represent something that character encountered in a quest and brought home. Example, my first ESO character I created chose to save Gadris in the Soul-Meld Mage quest in Coldharbor, but she kept the potion bottle from the potion given to her by Zur as a memory of his sacrifice and the soul wrenching decision she had to make. A crafted potion bottle now sits in her home to remind her of him and others who died to save Nirn. I love doing stuff like this. I look forward to another great story that will impact one of my characters.

    New Breton Lore!
    Glad they are getting love since base game zones that have completely covered the territories of some races have left them out of previous chapters and DLC. I have 3 Bretons, and it will be hard to pick which one will be the main character of the new zone. I hope to learn more about their history as well as seeing their story fleshed out. I'm hoping Wood Elves will get a similar treatment in the future with a story that maybe visits where the city of Fallinesti ended up, perhaps in a zone in Oblivion or something like that (as long as they are not dumbed down the way Eveli was).

    New Compaions!
    I don't understand why additional companions were not included with the Deadlands DLC, so I was happy when the new ones were announced. We need a lot more variety in companions, and in my opinion, I'd like to see more than just two new ones a year. You'd probably make good money putting some in the Crown Shop and adding their quests in the base game zones once they are purchased. I don't think they should be used as a main selling point of a new chapter, but definitely include new ones each chapter, just don't make us wait a whole year for merely 2 new ones. We players love variety, and companion choices would enhance how we play our characters.

    Return of Recuring Characters! I love recurring characters period. Some of them I feel like are truly friends to my characters. My Bosmer considers Razum Dar to be her best friend, like a brother in arms bonded through war. I especially love Za'ji so I'm happy to adventure with him again. Even some of the sidekicks that keep returning are great. I was pleasantly surprised to meet up with Revus Demnevanni in Blackwood. Please keep doing stuff like this! I suggest making more of your recurring characters as house guests. Having them visit your home doesn't break the quest immersion. Why wouldn't those you fight along side visit you and get some rest and relaxation from battle from time to time? They would sell much better than the generic ones you have.

    No Massive Game Changing Mechanics!
    I'm burned out from massive meta changes every three months and completely stopped doing trial and dungeon progression groups because I can't keep up anymore. I'm not golding out anymore sets to be scrapped in three months, I'm not fighting to make progress to only receive more nerfs to that progress, and I'm done with having to re-allocate CP and skills to my characters because of massive changes. I'm so glad to see there will be a break from this. Thank you!

    What I'm ambivalent about:

    Card Game. I was ambivalent about Antiquities too, and I'm still leveling it because stuff like this is a slog to me. I'm not a big card game player, though I still enjoy Pokemon, of all things, as an adult. I couldn't get into Magic the Gathering or any others though. It's just not my thing. However, I do like that this is something that will be added to taverns and NPCs. Anything that adds to Role Play is good in my opinion. Maybe one of my characters will enjoy taking it up and gaining a reputation among the tavern regulars in Tamriel. In fact I have a character in mind who I would RP as a tavern gambler, just as I have an archeologist character who I RP the Antiquities system with. I won't know until I get to play it. For now, I'm just ambivalent about it.

    What I don't like:

    Account Wide Achievements. Per character achievements were a way to track the stories of my characters, and it was like or akin to an RP journal. My titles reflect the characters who went through the story to earn those titles. This is not a good change for the RP aspect of a MMORPG. Maybe you could included a way to allow players to write a biography about that character the way SWG used to have so when you pull up the interact wheel for a player, an interface like an in-game book could be included and you could read their journal. Heck I'd love blank books we could write in and place in our homes the way Everquest 2 had. Add RP elements, don't take them away, or at the very least, give us something in exchange.

    Reskinned Dolmens:
    Why do we need those? I really hope there's a good story reason that they exist. Vvardenfell was just fine without reskinned Dolmens, why do these need to be included every new subsequent chapter? I didn't like them in Summerset because they felt like a gimmick and not really a good story device. Dragons were at least a creative version of them that make sense to the story, and I do like the dragon events. Witch pikes I guess make sense story wise, though it still feels like a gimmick. Why not just make an event that's some type of invasion at specified forts in the zone, or something that's not tied to some great cataclysm? Massive battles would make sense, and be better received, use that idea sometime.

    Another Massive House I Can't Fully Decorate With the Furnishing Limits! We keep asking for smaller homes with a decent furnishing limit. I think Lucky Cat Landing wasn't well received as a middle grade house because you gave it such a low furnishing limit compared to its size. Also the houses considered middle grade in Chapter zones are way way way too expensive gold wise compared to base game counterparts. Give us some middle grade houses like Ald Velothi from Vvardenfell that was a reasonably priced achievement based middle grade house. I think the last time I had a million gold was from selling crown items to trusted guild members. I never have that much gold, too many furnishing plans, motifs, Luxury Vendor items and Achievement furnishings to buy. We bought the Chapter, we earned the achievements, give us middle grade homes we can actually afford in that Chapter!

    Edited to add this comment - I don't like stories tied to dungeons without a story mode! I have never bought a single DLC dungeon, and here's why. I so much would love to go through the stories in the dungeons but groups never want to do story mode with me. If companions weren't so weak, I'd be happy to duo DLC dungeons with a friend and our tank and healer companions for the story. Unfortunately, the companions are too weak for DLC dungeons, even on normal, and groups just want to rush content. Give us story mode and you might get more dungeon DLC sales from casuals and RPers. This would enhance dungeon DLCs, not detract from them as regular and vet mode would still be there. I don't care if sets won't drop in story mode, I just want to experience the stories. Seeing Za'ji and Caska in that one dungeon during the reveal makes me so badly just want to share in that story.
    Edited by Kesstryl on January 30, 2022 4:00PM
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Roztlin45
    The new area looks great, as always. The art dept and storylines are top tier. This MMO has some of the best art and stories anywhere. Sometimes while adventuring I just look around at a unique aspect to the game that someone really took the time to create. Part of the reason to play is just a relaxing day taking one's self out of the physical or mental strain from real life, and I thank Zos for that opportunity.
    I plan to buy High Isle just for the reason above. My mixed feelings are that I have connection issues and performance issues from long known game-related sources. This takes me out of my fun zone and negates the very reason I play ESO.
    New content is always nice but at this stage of a masterpiece MMO, real fixes are needed to put the final brush strokes on.
    Please keep that in mind Otherwise looking forward to the new expansion. thanks
  • Grega
    Shawn_PT wrote: »
    Frankly... I don't know what to think. I was content already for a couple of reasons. First, because as I've said many times over, new content means nothing to me because I have several years worth of DLCs and chapters yet to explore. But also because I've learned not to have expectations, because I always get disappointed.

    However, a Breton/intrigue themed chapter will be refreshing. Down to earth. No more repeated cataclysms. Nice change. That's good.

    But the rest has left me with a bitter taste.

    A card game. Okay. That *might* be fun.... But. It'll also definitely be a grind. If we are going to have to collect them like the sticker book, there is no way you won't place cards behind leads... And then we probably won't be able to collect the card unless we actually have the chapter, which for me who is on the fence about buying it feels quite annoying. I'd be fine with not being able to play, but actually being unable to loot/find them (unlike jewelry mats for those who didn't buy Summerset when it came out) feels wrong. Also, I personally do not like anything that pits player against player. I'm all for cooperation, not competition. Will we have a group finder/queue for card adversaries? Will we lose cards if we lose a game? Will there be elitism and toxicity? I'm very sure there will be. If the reason for this "minor" feature is because the team is busy working on the backend, then it would be nice just saying so.

    Account-wide achievements. This. Makes me so sad. The reason why I spend so much time in this game is because I actually do work on achievements on all (well not mules...) characters. Fishing. Trophies. Even those awfully stupid 150 Murkmire prologue dailies. I am one item away from filling all trophies on yet another character. I am two maps away from another Master Angler. But... What for? People with one Master Angler will now have 18 MAs instead. There will be no more personal satisfaction from knowing that I actually did things the way they "should be" instead of straight up copy-pasting everything on 18 characters. My mules who have neither gear nor skills will suddenly be standing around with trial trifecta titles (should I chose to put them on) when they have never even stepped foot in a trial at all. Titles will be even more meaningless than they are now, and yes many people don't care for those but I can assure you many do. If we are really going to have accout-wide achievements, I really hope it's a "master list", and not just something automatically copied across all alts. I take pleasure in going through the content with several alts. If all of them suddenly will have the quest completion achievements magically cleared, what is the point in replaying said quests again? I think unless this is done "right", it will be such a major, enormous, gargantuan disappointment...

    Re: your second point.

    The more I think about it, the more this is an absolute game changer for me.
    I have 18 characters. Do everything on my main predominantly, but am working through everything again on my alts.
    It absolutely horrifies me that come the update in March, all 18 will have all the same achievements as my main (although still not clear how this relates to pvp ranks, TG, DB, dungeons/trials etc).

    Usually would be in there buying the chapter right away, but this has given me serious pause for thought. Not sure now.

    Whether you buy it or not, account wide achievements will be applied to the game for free with U33. So in other words, you are forced to having it.
  • Grega
    My thoughts:

    On card game: pretty much in line with vast majority, it’s a feature that I don’t think many will use. I’d be willing to say it will be used significantly less than heists/sacraments, and those are already used by minority in the game.

    On account wide achievements: I think to introduce this 7 years in is absolutely awful. It’s a slap in the face to all who have been trying to complete everything on one character (primarily forcing themselves and the group they were with to prog on that specific class because it had to be the main), but also a slap in the face for all of those who have tried to progress multiple characters.

    I think a compromise should be made before this goes live, and that compromise should be to exclude DLCs from achievement syncing. Base game can sync (I think 3 categories) but the rest should be left to each character on their own.
    Edited by Grega on January 30, 2022 4:07PM
  • silvereyes
    Thoragaal wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I'm curious what people in favor of account-wide achievements are actually excited about. For instance, do you think any of the following will happen?
    • Skill lines will be leveled account-wide? They won't. They aren't achievement-based, but XP based. Besides, ZOS wants to sell skill line maxers in the store.
    • Skyshards will be granted account-wide? They won't. They aren't achievement-based, but tracked individually. Same note about ZOS selling them in the store.
    • Alliance rank will be granted account-wide? It won't. It isn't achievement-based, but AP based.
    • Motif knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That was explicitly excluded. Again, these are sold in the store.
    • Recipe knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Trait research knowledge will be shared account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Enchantment writs will suddenly drop more master writs account-wide? They won't. Rune knowledge achievements were explicitly excluded. Alchemy achievements weren't explicitly called out, but I'm guessing reagent achievements will probably be treated the same as rune ones.
    • Dyes will be unlocked account-wide? They already are.

    Also, consider the following will happen if you take away character-specific achievements:
    • You won't be able to easily track which achievements a character can do to level up Undaunted in a single list with the associated achievement points listed for each.
    • People will lose an important incentive to re-do content, such as trials and public dungeons.
    • People who enjoy re-doing achievements on alts will lose an important reason to them to play the game at all.
    • Baby PvP toons could be running around with Grand Overlord titles, confusing everyone.
    • Characters with zero trait knowledge or motifs could be running around with Master Crafter titles, confusing everyone.
    • Level 3 characters could be running around with Godslayer titles, confusing everyone.

    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    "do you think any of the following will happen? [...]"
    No, I don't. I haven't seen or heard anyone think along those lines.

    "consider the following [...]"
    1. I don't think it serves as an important incentive/reason to the playerbase as a whole.
    2. I don't think anyone will be confused about the titles.
    3. I do however care about the Undaunted stuff, but I hope it can be fixed somehow (otherwise it'd be a pain to level up).

    "are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times [...]"
    Calling it "excited" would be an exagerration, it's more like a welcome change. And, yes, I still want this. Being able to look up my achievements from anywhere I am, without relogging to every character I have, is most welcome.

    My honest answers to your honest questions.
    Thanks for your thoughtful answers. I've definitely seen some people confused about how this will work - especially those in other threads that didn't actually watch the reveal. I just wanted to confirm people here are on the same page in terms of basic facts.

    As for, "being able to look up my achievements from anywhere I am, without relogging to every character I have," I'm not sure that is precisely what ZOS will be doing in U33. There will still be several, explicitly excluded character-specific achievements like those for runes and motifs. Will we still be required to log in to those characters to see the progress on those? I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

    There is another way for ZOS to accomplish the same feature you seek, without harming those who prefer individual character achievements. It is very possible for ZOS to change the journal to display account-wide achievements in the UI without converting the achievements to be earned account-wide. Each character would still earn the achievements individually, but the summary page would allow an account-wide view. Would such a change be equally welcome to you?
  • silvereyes
    peacenote wrote: »

    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    Most other games (WoW, for example) have had shared titles and achievements for years. It was and is considered one of the best changes Blizzard ever made.
    I've never played WoW, but from my understanding, the information about which characters have earned what achievements are still tracked behind the scenes, and you can chose to only display the achievements earned on the current character, if desired.

    Is that accurate? If so, I think that sort of thing would go a long way towards making everyone happy.
  • Thoragaal
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Thoragaal wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    I'm curious what people in favor of account-wide achievements are actually excited about. For instance, do you think any of the following will happen?
    • Skill lines will be leveled account-wide? They won't. They aren't achievement-based, but XP based. Besides, ZOS wants to sell skill line maxers in the store.
    • Skyshards will be granted account-wide? They won't. They aren't achievement-based, but tracked individually. Same note about ZOS selling them in the store.
    • Alliance rank will be granted account-wide? It won't. It isn't achievement-based, but AP based.
    • Motif knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That was explicitly excluded. Again, these are sold in the store.
    • Recipe knowledge will be granted account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Trait research knowledge will be shared account-wide? It won't. That isn't achievement-based.
    • Enchantment writs will suddenly drop more master writs account-wide? They won't. Rune knowledge achievements were explicitly excluded. Alchemy achievements weren't explicitly called out, but I'm guessing reagent achievements will probably be treated the same as rune ones.
    • Dyes will be unlocked account-wide? They already are.

    Also, consider the following will happen if you take away character-specific achievements:
    • You won't be able to easily track which achievements a character can do to level up Undaunted in a single list with the associated achievement points listed for each.
    • People will lose an important incentive to re-do content, such as trials and public dungeons.
    • People who enjoy re-doing achievements on alts will lose an important reason to them to play the game at all.
    • Baby PvP toons could be running around with Grand Overlord titles, confusing everyone.
    • Characters with zero trait knowledge or motifs could be running around with Master Crafter titles, confusing everyone.
    • Level 3 characters could be running around with Godslayer titles, confusing everyone.

    Once you consider all of the above facts, are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times or to have an account-wide view of achievements that you still want the feature? Honest question.

    "do you think any of the following will happen? [...]"
    No, I don't. I haven't seen or heard anyone think along those lines.

    "consider the following [...]"
    1. I don't think it serves as an important incentive/reason to the playerbase as a whole.
    2. I don't think anyone will be confused about the titles.
    3. I do however care about the Undaunted stuff, but I hope it can be fixed somehow (otherwise it'd be a pain to level up).

    "are you still so excited to not have to earn titles multiple times [...]"
    Calling it "excited" would be an exagerration, it's more like a welcome change. And, yes, I still want this. Being able to look up my achievements from anywhere I am, without relogging to every character I have, is most welcome.

    My honest answers to your honest questions.
    Thanks for your thoughtful answers. I've definitely seen some people confused about how this will work - especially those in other threads that didn't actually watch the reveal. I just wanted to confirm people here are on the same page in terms of basic facts.

    As for, "being able to look up my achievements from anywhere I am, without relogging to every character I have," I'm not sure that is precisely what ZOS will be doing in U33. There will still be several, explicitly excluded character-specific achievements like those for runes and motifs. Will we still be required to log in to those characters to see the progress on those? I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

    There is another way for ZOS to accomplish the same feature you seek, without harming those who prefer individual character achievements. It is very possible for ZOS to change the journal to display account-wide achievements in the UI without converting the achievements to be earned account-wide. Each character would still earn the achievements individually, but the summary page would allow an account-wide view. Would such a change be equally welcome to you?

    "Would such a change be equally welcome to you?" Absolutely!
    My biggest issue regarding achievements has always been that when someone else requests to see if I have the achievement for "what-ever-it-is-they-ask-for" it takes way too long to find it. By the time / if I find it, it's on many occasions already been too late (the other person has already found someone else to join the group / they've logged off / they no longer care / they don't even respond).
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • Araneae6537
    I wanted to add some additional feedback:

    I enjoyed the teaser with the atmosphere and mood it created and how it hinted at some of the themes in the upcoming chapter. :) I had no thought of actually getting ships or naval combat. Actually, from what was said in the 2021 retrospective and the PVP update, I was not expecting any new systems this year. I would have been happy with a well-done zone and story with QoL and performance improvements in the course of the year.

    The announcement of some sort of collectible card game disappointed me because I don’t see how it makes any sense to exist within an MMORPG instead of being a totally separate game. Mini games that would make sense to exist within Tamriel, like swan stones, foxes & felines, punctilious conflict or even a tavern game like darts could be a fitting and fun diversion. This card game feels like something that takes away from the game world, certainly in development time, and I fear that things I do care about, such as furnishings, gear, etc. will be locked behind this new “feature.”

    The new dungeons look cool and I look forward to discovering their secrets. :) I am hoping that the zone story is interesting with twists or layers and there is much we don’t yet know of who may be the real villain (if indeed there is one) and why.

    The announcement of accountwide achievements felt like a bit of a bomb to drop without more detail. I would like to think that potential downsides have been considered, but having that dropped without further clarification either on the stream or the forum leaves much room for worry. But I do realize that many players are very happy about this change and maybe don’t have such worries. It is human nature I think to worry about change and perhaps especially in present times when so much in the outside world is uncertain and outside our control.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on January 30, 2022 10:44PM
  • LeHarrt91
    My initial thoughts are that High Isle looks amazing and I look forward to the Zone but the new feature seems lackluster. I would have liked a new guild skill line or something to further develop my character and enable more build diversity.
    The Gard Game and new Companions do not interest me much.
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • BlossomDead
    Very much agreeing with @AlexanderDeLarge 's first reply to this thread.

    Besides I also feel like the game is getting more and more expensive by the minute with nothing much to justify this increase. Even the reveal event felt like it was poised to bombard the audience with continuous hooks for buying the dlc, merch & other paraphernalia. It is very aggresively marketed and to me this takes away from its value. Further increasing my concerns is this new card game that I hope will not block in-game obtainables like sets, or skins or mounts behind more pay walls in the store. I truly do hope you can come up with a way of getting rid of crown crates/gems and whatever other plans you may have for extending their use.

    Seeing PvP mentioned as a feature from your creative director that had a recent major fallout with the community also felt severely out of place given that this reveal or DLC didn't provide any sort of updates to soften the years of vitriol and neglect thrown at the PvP players.

    Other than that: the new zone looks nice but I think it's because it uses a lot of Summerset assets. The content will definitely not add much to the game, but at least it's something new. I hope you'll be able to bake more stuff into it during the year or at least the performance improvements you were mentioning would show throughout.

    Account wide achievements are a big plus for me so this is the only true positive outcome of this expansion.

    Given the limited content of this DLC (I don't think it fair to call it a chapter) a price reduction would be appropriate.
    Edited by BlossomDead on January 31, 2022 2:32AM
  • Seraphayel
    Yeah, something totally obvious is that High Isle looks exactly like Summerset with Breton buildings. The same enemies, the same areas, the same landscapes and ecology. I mean it makes sense as it’s not too far off from Summerset, but I fear that you can walk around High Isle and when you don’t have any buildings nearby you could not tell the difference between it and Summerset.
    Edited by Seraphayel on January 30, 2022 11:46PM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • FeedbackOnly
    Should of been more then just a card game
  • FeedbackOnly
    Want to compete guild vs guild with card game

    At least guild updates would be something to look forward to
  • Extinct_Solo_Player
    Instead of adding a card game, ZOS should've spent more time and resources on fixing the horrible performance and clunkiness of combat in both pve and pvp. [snip]

    [edited for conspiracy theory]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 31, 2022 5:23PM
  • Parasaurolophus
    Instead of adding a card game, ZOS should've spent more time and resources on fixing the horrible performance and clunkiness of combat in both pve and pvp. [snip]

    This is a very common misconception.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 31, 2022 5:23PM
  • Yuualun
    I enjoyed Pretty much everything in the presentation, The Isle looks stunning and I think I will have a lot of fun with the Card Game.
    But when the Global Achievements where mentioned near the end it really left a bitter taste for me overall.

    I see why people are happy with it and welcome it but for me personally it is not that way:

    I found my Main after half a year. I did a lot of questing with different Chars in the meantime. When I finally found my Main I made it my personal goal to achieve everything again with him!
    This is soon not possible anymore.
    Not getting the "hero of something" popup at the end of the quest (I did before) this thought is so sad.
    Besides I used the Adventurer Achievement to track my side quest progress...
    Then there where certain achievements I did not want to have on certain chars. Mass murderer on my very Lawful knight? This feels so wrong.

    Even If you look at it from a non rp view it takes away a lot of replay-ability. Suddenly there is a "End" and the thought what will I do when I collected everything?

    Like others mentioned I would prefer an Global Overview but keeping the Character achievements as Character based.
    I will have to live with it however it comes and I will.
    But this whole thing has robbed me a lot of the joy I initially had for the Chapter.
  • H3rBie
    really not sure, think the area could be nice but the rest., hmmm,

    card game --> nothing that is needed, I just hope that we are not forced to play it to get special items, such as leads for mythics for example

    planned combat changes --> why ? for me it's fine like it is now

    account wide archievements --> another nonsense, maybe for regular stuff, but a nogo for titles

    For sure I'll wait how it works out but from what I see now, theres not much that really impresses me in a way that I'll want to have the chapter
  • Elsonso
    Does anyone else think that they could have come up with a better name for their card game? Something that maybe the people living in Tamriel would have thought of, rather than something that sounds like it comes from a marketing meeting? Unless they are planning to spin this off and have it replace Legends, there isn't much reason to give it a outside-of-the-game marketing name.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • silvereyes
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Does anyone else think that they could have come up with a better name for their card game? Something that maybe the people living in Tamriel would have thought of, rather than something that sounds like it comes from a marketing meeting?
    How about “d’want”?
  • Styxius
    I'll be honest, I'm mildly disappointed but to summarize my feelings:

    I love bretons.
    Trials have had an upward trend in quality, so looking forward to the next.
    Curious what classes the new companions will be.

    No new class
    No new skill line
    No meaningful combat impact outside of Hybridization which is scary for potential homogenization.
    The card game. Look, I don't mind the idea of a card game being added on the side. However, this looks like something we'd expect in a Q4 release. Not in the chapter by any means. This appears just too minor of an addition. It's like going to a restaurant and ordering a dish that has an amazing sauce. Then the waiter brings you the dish but it has no sauce, and then they gave you fries for a side (Companion/dual mount/hybridization). Then when you ask where the sauce is they go "Well here's a side salad" I personally enjoy side salads, but it doesn't replace the missing ingredient on the main disk.
  • Malthorne
    The awesome:
    New zone looks beautiful
    Account wide achievements are a 10/10 QoL change

    The good:
    Combat changes, I really like what I’m hearing

    The middle:
    The story, I’m not sure yet, but it sounds like I’m more on the opposition’s side. After Greymoor and Blackwood’s MSQ presentation, writing and dialogue options I hope to see a big improvement in this area.

    The not so good:
    The card game as the “feature” I’ll definitely need more information, but on the surface it seems very lackluster. I just don’t see myself playing it. if it were a free QoL addition I would have zero reservations. Have they mentioned what type of rewards come with playing? Will player power be locked behind the card game like the mythic items are locked behind antiquities?
  • VaranisArano
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Does anyone else think that they could have come up with a better name for their card game? Something that maybe the people living in Tamriel would have thought of, rather than something that sounds like it comes from a marketing meeting? Unless they are planning to spin this off and have it replace Legends, there isn't much reason to give it a outside-of-the-game marketing name.

    I feel like in-universe it would very quickly get shortened to "Hey, you wanna play a game of Tribute?"
  • Elsonso
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Does anyone else think that they could have come up with a better name for their card game? Something that maybe the people living in Tamriel would have thought of, rather than something that sounds like it comes from a marketing meeting? Unless they are planning to spin this off and have it replace Legends, there isn't much reason to give it a outside-of-the-game marketing name.

    I feel like in-universe it would very quickly get shortened to "Hey, you wanna play a game of Tribute?"

    Or "tot", pronounced with the German "o". :smile:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • zack723_ESO
    Noerra wrote: »
    Editing this to be more concise because I've had time to think and digest about the reveal:

    I am still pretty disappointed. Feels more like a DLC rather than a Chapter.

    New Zone and Story is expected for each chapter... it's the new additions to the game that get me excited for the chapter...

    Let's look at previous additions to the game in the past:

    DLCs: Imperial City pvp zone, Orsinium Maelstrom Arena, Vateshran Hollows
    Morrowind: New Warden Class, New PvP Mode: Battlegrounds
    Summerset: New Psijic Order Skill Line & Jewelry Crafting
    Elsweyr: New Necromancer Class
    Greymoor: Antiquities and Mythics, Vampire Changes
    Blackwood: Companions System
    High Isle: Card Game

    When you compare it to how hype previous chapters were... this just feels.... underwhelming....

    The Card Game should have been a DLC or something extra in addition to the new Main Feature....

    Maybe there will be more exciting things to come with the DLC - But what I wish I could have seen was:

    -Rogue-like endless or layered dungeons that gets progressively harder the longer you go on. You can do it solo or with a group in which it scales in difficulty for each person added to the group with solo/group leaderboards.
    -Large group BG mode with something like a 10v10 or a 20v20
    -One Hand and Magic Skill Line to go with the Breton Theme... it would have been perfect
    -A new Arena that was meant for Duos... We have Vateshran and Maelstrom for solo and Dragonstar for groups of four... A duo arena would have been really fun.
    -A Brawl Pit for some Free For All fun and a pvp player hangout.
    -Hard Mode Option for Story Content (I have literally fallen asleep at the computer because story content is made so faceroll easy to the point I don't feel challenged and it feels boring.)
    -Furnishings Inventory
    -A 6th Class ... Monk/Unarmed maybe? - (let me relive my favorite playstyle in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim :P PUNCH CAT!)

    I want something that makes my daily pve & pvp gameplay more fun.... Card Game seems like a occasional thing - I log into ESO to feel like an adventurer first and foremost.

    tl;dr Underwhelming Reveal - Card Game is cool and happy to have it in the game but it feels like it should have been a dlc or something, not a big feature for the Chapter. Just compare it to the features released with other Chapters. It feels like we should have gotten something much more impactful to the core gameplay of ESO like a new Skill Line or Class like we did with Morrowind, Summerset, and Elswyer.

    New Story and Zone is a givien... was looking forward to something more exciting than a Card Game. Again not that the Card Game is unwanted... it just doesn't scream Main Feature of the Year!

    i fully agree with this and WHY are they showing hand magic and 1h sword and hand magic if its not going to be in game
    i will say it is time for eso to have a mini game like this as all the big ones do now but not as a main feature. alot of us wanted more magicka weapon options we want a new class some of us want the companion system deepened and built on
  • JusticeSouldier
    I understand why eso stagnates, all the reasons why we don't get what expect for many years.
    And that's why I'm not wondered to get absolutly not asked and not desired card game.
    After not desired companions and archeology procrastination. Here i want to notice I Completly hate freaking mythic items! most of them shouldn't be added into eso in such form and way of obtaining.
    I have no reasons and will not buy this chapter.
    The only reason i can start back to play eso now is real fix tof pvp performance and after that good job at improving pvp mechanics and class balance.
    I hope with less efforts on making buyworth chapter, Zenimax-Bethesda will focus at this in 2022.
    Hope but if to put money on this, i will put on "Bethesda will try with no success" with no hesitation.
    all classes. pc platform, dissapointed.
  • DtOG
    If performance gets better then why not.
  • Faulgor
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Does anyone else think that they could have come up with a better name for their card game? Something that maybe the people living in Tamriel would have thought of, rather than something that sounds like it comes from a marketing meeting? Unless they are planning to spin this off and have it replace Legends, there isn't much reason to give it a outside-of-the-game marketing name.

    It certainly doesn't sound like something Tamrielites came up with. Neither did Legends, tbh.
    It would probably be something completely novel. Like Hunzba. Or Sumsum. Or Google.
    Hey, let's google!
    Are you up for some googling?
    Sorry, wife says no more googling for me!

    Something like that.

    But I'm a bit annoyed about the card shape. What's wrong with a rectangle!
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Spage
    This card game makes me angry. I would have just kept playing Hearthstone if I wanted to keep up with a game like this. And if you really need your Gwent, there's a place for that already.

    There was that Legends card game for those who wanted it. It died. Leave it alone, don't bring it here and force it on us by locking items behind it.

    I was not happy about the Antiquities games, but they're not nearly as much of a roadblock, or time-consuming nuisance, as this card game will be. The Antiquities mini-games are childishly simple and quick to get through, whereas these types of card games require a lot of time to master and a whole different skill set than anything else in the game. I imagine that's one of the reasons it was developed as the separate Legends game in the first place.

    It doesn't matter what any of us think though, it's a done deal. If this card game proves to be too consuming, in time and in locked rewards, it will be the first time since beta I'd seriously have to consider walking away from ESO. But that doesn't matter to corporate either, so I guess this whole box of words was a massive waste of time. :disappointed:
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