Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

2021 NEEDS a new class.

  • Mettaricana
    I want a battle mage or a warrior class that starys stamina based and morphs magicka one that does huge raw damage rather than a million dot ticks
  • kathandira
    proteinexe wrote: »

    I care less about a new class than I do about a fundamental change to all of Tamriel.

    This game needs a Cataclysm.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • Woefulninja4444
    I would take new animations and new weapons over a new class and/or new skill line
    PC / NA / Ebonheart Pact
  • proteinexe
    I still genuinely think we will see Battlemage next year.

    Hey, I might be wrong.

    Truth is we don't know anything though.

    This is what I hope, but also now looking through this thread, I don't want the players to be upset.. ALTHOUGH I've found (me included) that people who visit the forum rarely do it to say, 'hey, I like this game', they come here to complain, report bugs or criticise the dev team. SO, of course those who DONT want a new class, will click on this voice and make their opinion know, whereas people that DO want a new class have no reason to visit this thread, bearing in mind this thread is aimed toward those advocating for no new class next year.

    I've heard their opinions, and I hope there's a new class none the less, BUT, perhaps a new skill line too.
  • Vayln_Ninetails
    proteinexe wrote: »
    I still genuinely think we will see Battlemage next year.

    Hey, I might be wrong.

    Truth is we don't know anything though.

    This is what I hope, but also now looking through this thread, I don't want the players to be upset.. ALTHOUGH I've found (me included) that people who visit the forum rarely do it to say, 'hey, I like this game', they come here to complain, report bugs or criticise the dev team. SO, of course those who DONT want a new class, will click on this voice and make their opinion know, whereas people that DO want a new class have no reason to visit this thread, bearing in mind this thread is aimed toward those advocating for no new class next year.

    I've heard their opinions, and I hope there's a new class none the less, BUT, perhaps a new skill line too.

    A new class would be extremely bad for this game and would drive off a LOT of current players. At least until they get a class change system in place.

    Nice scapegoat to try and explain why the majority of people are disagreeing with you though. Most people in my guilds in game also equally don't want a new class. So, maybe that's just how it is? Most people don't want a new class?

    Also here's a fact not an opinion for you: They aren't adding in character slots next year. So that most certainly means they are not adding in a new class. Why? Because those two things are correlated. The only time they've ever add in char slots is when a new class is added. They can't just say 'we aren't adding a new class,' because that'd look bad. So, they went with announcing that portion because it looks better for public relations.
    Edited by Vayln_Ninetails on November 13, 2020 4:44AM
  • SickDuck
    A strong no from me.
    Holdviola - Khira'de Regalo - Lélekvadász - Used To Be An Adventurer - Zetor - Does-Not-Give-A-Duck - Lord Sugar - Tenar Arha - Da'rinka - Violent Moon - Extreme Runner
  • Iccotak
    kathandira wrote: »
    proteinexe wrote: »

    I care less about a new class than I do about a fundamental change to all of Tamriel.

    This game needs a Cataclysm.

    There's still way more space to fill out
  • rrimöykk
  • kathandira
    Iccotak wrote: »
    kathandira wrote: »
    proteinexe wrote: »

    I care less about a new class than I do about a fundamental change to all of Tamriel.

    This game needs a Cataclysm.

    There's still way more space to fill out

    Adding more areas is like having a cracker when I haven't eaten all day. Yeah, it is something, but i'm still hungry! lol

    This trickling of content does not sate my desire for new content. I'd love to see a sweeping change across the entire continent.

    Maybe i'm more looking for an ESO 2 with how much I want to see changed though.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • proteinexe
    proteinexe wrote: »
    I still genuinely think we will see Battlemage next year.

    Hey, I might be wrong.

    Truth is we don't know anything though.

    This is what I hope, but also now looking through this thread, I don't want the players to be upset.. ALTHOUGH I've found (me included) that people who visit the forum rarely do it to say, 'hey, I like this game', they come here to complain, report bugs or criticise the dev team. SO, of course those who DONT want a new class, will click on this voice and make their opinion know, whereas people that DO want a new class have no reason to visit this thread, bearing in mind this thread is aimed toward those advocating for no new class next year.

    I've heard their opinions, and I hope there's a new class none the less, BUT, perhaps a new skill line too.

    A new class would be extremely bad for this game and would drive off a LOT of current players. At least until they get a class change system in place.

    Nice scapegoat to try and explain why the majority of people are disagreeing with you though. Most people in my guilds in game also equally don't want a new class. So, maybe that's just how it is? Most people don't want a new class?

    Also here's a fact not an opinion for you: They aren't adding in character slots next year. So that most certainly means they are not adding in a new class. Why? Because those two things are correlated. The only time they've ever add in char slots is when a new class is added. They can't just say 'we aren't adding a new class,' because that'd look bad. So, they went with announcing that portion because it looks better for public relations.

    Firstly, it’s not a scapegoat. That would infer I’m blaming someone for what, not making a class? One, no one here has the power to make that decision, but more to the point, I’m merely trying to if nothing else play devils advocate in favour of a class by giving another side to those who dont want a class.

    Secondly, if you think not having a class change will drive people off, then I feel that’s a you problem because I’ve had this discussion with a lot of people and only a few actually see the benefit. ‘Ahh yes, time to turn my Magplar PvE DD High elf Aldemri main into a StamDK PvP Nord from the Dagerfall Covenant’. At this stage, just make a new character surely?

    And the character slot comment is interesting, can you show where they’ve said this? I’m not disagreeing that this would probably point to no class, but I’d like to see where they’ve said this.
  • Vlad9425
    I’d rather they just added a new weapon type which every class could use. We’ve already had 2 classes added to the game but no new weapon skill lines. They have NPCs in the game who use spears and why not add crossbows as a weapon type too.
  • barney2525
    kathandira wrote: »
    proteinexe wrote: »

    I care less about a new class than I do about a fundamental change to all of Tamriel.

    This game needs a Cataclysm.


    You don't create a game, run it several years, and then Destroy everything. When you need more content, you Add more content. But you Build on what you created.

    You do Not tear it all down and start something completely different.


  • Triballian
    Separate PvE and PvP servers.
    Certain skills need to have a PvE and PvP version.
    Races as well as classes should be organized according to the system of rock paper scissors, the golden rule of all good games.
    Clearly defining the specificity of race and class, a sorcerer with 2x weapons and heavy armor is an indicator of a lack of identity.
    If there is a clear algorithm, advantages, equations and disadvantages for each race and class, what that class can and cannot do, it is very easy to implement new classes, races and skills afterwards.
    I think that the movement of characters should be slowed down in a PvP fight, everything seems too fast and confusing.90 +% of players do not have perfect rotation and do not play on a professional level, slowing down would lead to more interesting fights.
  • Alchimiste1
    At this point I don't see why not. People saying they need to fix the current game / make it playable, just forget about that, we just need to accept that the game is not going to get better in performance.

    If you are going to argue about class balance that has gone way out the window too with no signs of returning. They have doubled down on the proc meta.

    Give us a battlemage , what magblade should be given that they have just ignored that class for so long
    Edited by Alchimiste1 on November 19, 2020 5:48PM
  • Elvenheart
    Will 2022 & 2023 NEED new class(es) as well?
  • Araneae6537
    Jolsyf wrote: »
    Necromancer was heavily suggested before Elsweyr because it was the only class in game that players didn't had access, now we have literally all types of magic avaible in every class: Restoration, undead, poison, fire, frost, nature, oblivion, shadow, light, shock, earth, disease and ofc magic and physical. Is there any remaining class that doesnt do something that we already have?

    In my opinion something more interesting would be spellcraft like in Daggerfall (the game), so the players could make stuff like fire and lightning skills or anything really. However I get that probably won't happen out of the cheer complexity it would be.

    Necromaner doesn’t feel like the same class the NPC necromancers are though (of course I know it can’t be exactly the same). Some of the skills like throwing glowy skulls, tombstones coming out of the ground, the bone goliath transformation and others feel gimmicky to me. I feel like there should be more summoning type of abilities, maybe even an ability to “bring back” a recently conquered foe who fights for you until they are again destroyed (would probably have to just be similar in form and have one of several ability presets — beast, warrior, wizard, something like that).

    As to whether there are other NPC classes we don’t currently have, what about cryomancer? I don’t feel that warden covers that since the ice magic is mostly defensive.

    Or for something quite different and along the lines of sword and rune that many have been wanting, what if a new battlemage class had no class skills per se but instead had magicka morphs available for 2H, DW, bow and maybe 1H&S?

    I think a new class could be interesting but is by no means requisite. Giving everyone additional options with a new skill line, weapon-type, new morphs or even create your own class from available skill lines could be fun too. :)
  • Eirikir
    Save the new class for 2022. Let's fix some bugs and give us a class change, new weapon, or new third morph options. Anything but a new class.
    Server: PS4-NA
    PSN: Eirikir
    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
    Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • ForeverJenn
    No thanks. Not now. Let's worry about retaining the players already jumping ship cause of bug after bug
  • Sarousse
    2021 needs an engine upgrade, with new character models and haircuts. Everything else is useless.
  • CBixby
    cheesefome wrote: »
    What we need is the lag fixed and less bugs.

    Less content, more performance patches.


    Yep. Don't care about anymore DLC, Classes, anything, until this is addressed first.
  • Elvenheart
    I would like a fighting staff skill line, the sword/rune magic skill line people talk about, and the options to use hand held crossbows for the bow line (just a graphics thing, not a whole new bow weapon line). And yes, I want fries with that! 🍟
  • CleymenZero
    proteinexe wrote: »
    TL;DR - Classes bring people back to the game and there's no good reason not to introduce on to 2021.

    First off, I'd like to preface this by mentioning that I've been monitoring all the forum posts which mention next year's patch, seeing the opinions and sway of peoples hopes for next year's patch. The core topic which is always brought up (other than performance) is whether or not they'll add a new class to next years Chapter. I fundamentally believe that it is in ZoS's best interest TO make a new class, and here's why:

    "They should add a new skill line, not a class"

    Looking back on the 5 previous chapters, the most hype has always come from the class-based chapters. Morrowind was extremely hyped, but this was partially due to us being allowed to indulge on the nostalgia element of Morrowind, but the introduction of the Warden started a snowball effect where everyone in the community was dabbling in theory-crafting and talking about how they could fit a warden into their current gameplay. I for one returned DUE to Morrowind. I had been out of the loop since a year into the game (I think everyone can think back to the state of ESO at launch), and the concept of a new class drew me back into the game. When I came back to the game, I was surprised to find the guild which I was previously in thriving, and through speaking to them on discord, it was revealed that the majority of returning players were there to try out Warden. This is fundamentally why I'm making this post, to stress the point that classes are one of the core driving forces which make the game thrive, and have a tendency to bring back old players (which we're in dire need off).

    The one thing that boggles my mind about the forum thread is when people neglect the concept of a new class due to balancing but then all in favour for the implementation of new weapons and skill lines.. pardon? Forget the positives of a new skill line v. a new class. The damage control and balancing if they screwed up a new skill line compared to a new class is incomparable. The skill lines that have recently been added are lets face it, lackluster in comparison to what we can expect from this update if a skill line is introduced rather than a class (no shade aimed at Psijic or Vampire). A standalone class, no matter how broken, can be fixed with tweaks, not having any impact on the rest of ESO except the class itself. Screwing up a new skill line and making it viable for every class means any tweaking can make the skill-line broken in favour of 'X' class but now useless to 'Y' class. The balancing of a potential new skill-line would mean ZoS would cater for 12 potential class-builds (the stam/mag for each class). If you're complaining about ZoS's ability to balance a single class, why would it be a good idea in the current stage of ESO to add a potentially broken skill line which affects every class? This isn't a rhetorical question, I'd genuinely like to know if I'm missing the point here.

    My final point on this is I'm not trying to 'one or the other' this, I'd love for both a skill line AND a class to be added, but that would be a cluster-*** of broken builds to put it lightly.

    "They need to balance other classes first"

    I 100% agree. But to neglect the idea of a new class because of the current class hierarchy of 'broken' is in my opinion flawed. ZoS are currently balancing as we discuss. The buff/de-buff changes was a great idea. Some classes (biggest culprits; warden and necromancer), crutched on buffs and de-buffs in both PvP and PvE to obtain free damage or tankiness. Although the class kits make them strong, they've ultimately been hit fairly hard by this nerf. It's almost as if ZoS specifically targeted this nerf around classes which were over-performing : )
    ZoS are always striving to make balances to the game, but it must be understood that a game as intricate and complex as ESO will mean any changes the devs make creates a butterfly effect, and with content creators solely looking for the BiS class/setup, there'll always be a build or class or skill which will be abused. To NOT add a class due to balancing would mean a class would never be added.. a bit of a drastic statement, and I understand some classes have ridiculous features (10% damage mitigation for Necros..), but believe it or not, ZoS aren't monkeys that slap a keyboard and eat salt for breakfast (or are they..?), they're employees of a multi-million pound business who probably have extensive experience in this field. I feel that we as the players can sometimes be in serious violation of the 'backseat driver' idiom.

    "All the other classes cover any future classes"

    This to me is a redundant statement. ALL the classes can do everything, this is how ZoS designs a class, to be a swiss army knife of Tamreil. All the classes have class kits to support tanking, healing and damage dealing, as well as a substantial ability to participate in PvP. What people really mean is all the current classes cover the THEME of any future classes. Nightblade being the rouge/assassin/hunter/darkmage, and so on (I shan't list them all, but you get the idea). But if you allow my interpretation, then we can 100% slot a new class in. Bard for instance is a theme which isn't even touched on currently, let alone a; monk, battlemage, engineer. For instance, a forum user created a whole new unique class called the 'engineer', and reading through, there are some great standalone skills which don't mingle with any other classes. Here's the link: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/544786/my-concept-eso-chapter-bronze-legion-includes-zone-map-new-class-item-sets-and-plot-points/p1

    My personal favourite concept for a new class is the battlemage. A militant class with a strong influence on offensive support. I feel like there'll be a limit to the amount of classes which ESO can have without stepping on other classes toes, but we're nowhere near that limit currently, and I hope there'll always be brainstorm-ers looking to expand on the class list of ESO.

    Cause for concern.

    My one cause for concern about this up and coming update is simply COVID. The current Markarth update was great! Really nice story and some good systems implemented, but the bugs were above what is usually expected. I put this down to COVID, as it's probably a lot harder to test the patch when everything is so up in the air. I worry for next year's chapter, and the amount of content that they can reliably put in the game. But ultimately, I'm sure this'll be cleared up in late December/early January with an official statement about the direction of ESO.

    Although I just wrote a fairly extensive forum thread on the the hopes of a new class being introduced to 2021 ESO, the jokes on me due to the fact that they've most likely already prepared and are in the final development stage for the chapter coming to 2021, class or not. BUT, I feel that the need for a new class needed to be stressed. I'd love to know the communities thoughts, and thank you for reading.

    2021 needs to be focused on fixing the game. The list of ongoing issues is not complete, we could prolly add 10-20 more items on there.

    My friends are leaving the game or talking about it....
  • LadyAstrum
    I agree with those who say there are things that need fixing, but I'd also be happy to see a new class. That said if there isn't one that's fine too. I have my plate full anyway.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • generalmyrick
    proteinexe wrote: »
    TL;DR - Classes bring people back to the game and there's no good reason not to introduce on to 2021.

    First off, I'd like to preface this by mentioning that I've been monitoring all the forum posts which mention next year's patch, seeing the opinions and sway of peoples hopes for next year's patch. The core topic which is always brought up (other than performance) is whether or not they'll add a new class to next years Chapter. I fundamentally believe that it is in ZoS's best interest TO make a new class, and here's why:

    "They should add a new skill line, not a class"

    Looking back on the 5 previous chapters, the most hype has always come from the class-based chapters. Morrowind was extremely hyped, but this was partially due to us being allowed to indulge on the nostalgia element of Morrowind, but the introduction of the Warden started a snowball effect where everyone in the community was dabbling in theory-crafting and talking about how they could fit a warden into their current gameplay. I for one returned DUE to Morrowind. I had been out of the loop since a year into the game (I think everyone can think back to the state of ESO at launch), and the concept of a new class drew me back into the game. When I came back to the game, I was surprised to find the guild which I was previously in thriving, and through speaking to them on discord, it was revealed that the majority of returning players were there to try out Warden. This is fundamentally why I'm making this post, to stress the point that classes are one of the core driving forces which make the game thrive, and have a tendency to bring back old players (which we're in dire need off).

    The one thing that boggles my mind about the forum thread is when people neglect the concept of a new class due to balancing but then all in favour for the implementation of new weapons and skill lines.. pardon? Forget the positives of a new skill line v. a new class. The damage control and balancing if they screwed up a new skill line compared to a new class is incomparable. The skill lines that have recently been added are lets face it, lackluster in comparison to what we can expect from this update if a skill line is introduced rather than a class (no shade aimed at Psijic or Vampire). A standalone class, no matter how broken, can be fixed with tweaks, not having any impact on the rest of ESO except the class itself. Screwing up a new skill line and making it viable for every class means any tweaking can make the skill-line broken in favour of 'X' class but now useless to 'Y' class. The balancing of a potential new skill-line would mean ZoS would cater for 12 potential class-builds (the stam/mag for each class). If you're complaining about ZoS's ability to balance a single class, why would it be a good idea in the current stage of ESO to add a potentially broken skill line which affects every class? This isn't a rhetorical question, I'd genuinely like to know if I'm missing the point here.

    My final point on this is I'm not trying to 'one or the other' this, I'd love for both a skill line AND a class to be added, but that would be a cluster-*** of broken builds to put it lightly.

    "They need to balance other classes first"

    I 100% agree. But to neglect the idea of a new class because of the current class hierarchy of 'broken' is in my opinion flawed. ZoS are currently balancing as we discuss. The buff/de-buff changes was a great idea. Some classes (biggest culprits; warden and necromancer), crutched on buffs and de-buffs in both PvP and PvE to obtain free damage or tankiness. Although the class kits make them strong, they've ultimately been hit fairly hard by this nerf. It's almost as if ZoS specifically targeted this nerf around classes which were over-performing : )
    ZoS are always striving to make balances to the game, but it must be understood that a game as intricate and complex as ESO will mean any changes the devs make creates a butterfly effect, and with content creators solely looking for the BiS class/setup, there'll always be a build or class or skill which will be abused. To NOT add a class due to balancing would mean a class would never be added.. a bit of a drastic statement, and I understand some classes have ridiculous features (10% damage mitigation for Necros..), but believe it or not, ZoS aren't monkeys that slap a keyboard and eat salt for breakfast (or are they..?), they're employees of a multi-million pound business who probably have extensive experience in this field. I feel that we as the players can sometimes be in serious violation of the 'backseat driver' idiom.

    "All the other classes cover any future classes"

    This to me is a redundant statement. ALL the classes can do everything, this is how ZoS designs a class, to be a swiss army knife of Tamreil. All the classes have class kits to support tanking, healing and damage dealing, as well as a substantial ability to participate in PvP. What people really mean is all the current classes cover the THEME of any future classes. Nightblade being the rouge/assassin/hunter/darkmage, and so on (I shan't list them all, but you get the idea). But if you allow my interpretation, then we can 100% slot a new class in. Bard for instance is a theme which isn't even touched on currently, let alone a; monk, battlemage, engineer. For instance, a forum user created a whole new unique class called the 'engineer', and reading through, there are some great standalone skills which don't mingle with any other classes. Here's the link: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/544786/my-concept-eso-chapter-bronze-legion-includes-zone-map-new-class-item-sets-and-plot-points/p1

    My personal favourite concept for a new class is the battlemage. A militant class with a strong influence on offensive support. I feel like there'll be a limit to the amount of classes which ESO can have without stepping on other classes toes, but we're nowhere near that limit currently, and I hope there'll always be brainstorm-ers looking to expand on the class list of ESO.

    Cause for concern.

    My one cause for concern about this up and coming update is simply COVID. The current Markarth update was great! Really nice story and some good systems implemented, but the bugs were above what is usually expected. I put this down to COVID, as it's probably a lot harder to test the patch when everything is so up in the air. I worry for next year's chapter, and the amount of content that they can reliably put in the game. But ultimately, I'm sure this'll be cleared up in late December/early January with an official statement about the direction of ESO.

    Although I just wrote a fairly extensive forum thread on the the hopes of a new class being introduced to 2021 ESO, the jokes on me due to the fact that they've most likely already prepared and are in the final development stage for the chapter coming to 2021, class or not. BUT, I feel that the need for a new class needed to be stressed. I'd love to know the communities thoughts, and thank you for reading.

    I play League of Legends for the first time after 5ish years of ESO...i was soooooooooooo excited to see all the different characters and wished eso had it immediately.

    I agree with you, eso needs another class, they should start releasing them quicker too. I'd say 1 a quarter or at least 1 a year...at the slowest.

    Reason = its fun! there are more intelligent reasons too. The game has a tendency to crystallize. We need less youtubers studying a 1 class in beta and having the optimal build ready for people right when the class goes live. make it spicy, make it too hard to master a class in a few days and such.

    sell the muthers for crowns, whatever floats ya, zos! :-)
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • Minyassa
    Okay, yes, sure, whatever it takes to get them to give us more character slots!!
  • Grianasteri
    Asdara wrote: »


    We now all know your opinion, just not any justification for it. Most people seem to be screaming about fixes and servers, these issues are utterly irrelevant to the need for a new class and it is completely different teams and areas of business that work on these. I am fed up of hearing peoples answer to ANY and ALL suggestions regarding improving or developing the game, being NO because first we need fixes and server laag etc.

    We have had a new class every 2 years. Its therefore time for a new class in 2021.
    Edited by Grianasteri on November 20, 2020 1:51PM
  • TheBonesXXX
    Don't agree, there doesn't need to be a new class or a new skill line. There needs to be a new and improved Cyrodiiil that doesn't lag and current skills to function well.

    Just like adding more gear is redundant when most gear sets are not used.
    Edited by TheBonesXXX on November 20, 2020 2:03PM
  • Kaartinen
    I'd be happy with performance improvement.
  • Calm_Fury
    Kaartinen wrote: »
    I'd be happy with performance improvement.

    The problem is that is not usually an option...

    We either get content and bugs or no content and bugs...
  • rexagamemnon
    I'd like to see new races and a redress of racial passives for imperials before a new class
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