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2021 NEEDS a new class.

  • Knockmaker
    No, we don't. We simply need fixes first. And then, maybe some balancing. But no new classes.
  • Vayln_Ninetails
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    You can create hype in many ways. I came back to ESO after a 6 month break now with Markarth because of the Set Collection feature and the solo arena.

    With that said i would love to see a monk as the next class. Always played thoose when available.

    A monk literally could not work as a class as they would be incapable of using all weapons since they do not fight with weapons.

    Your best bet would be to request a hand-to-hand monk style weapon set instead.

    For example this is the same reason why a class called 'Barbarian' cannot exist.

    Not to mention monks in cyrodiil? That isn't....exactly fitting into the zone at all in terms of class.
  • colossalvoids
    As much as I'd like a new class each year it's not their best interest in a long term to further push not properly done classes just for the sake of it. Necromancer proper animations when? Could they bring one every chapter? Absolutely. Be it alchemist, bard, battlemage, voidmage, dwemer engineer or spellsword they have it all possible and pretty much ready for a development but with our experience it won't benefit the game as much as work on current classes and more options for them being guild lines, new weapons like spears, alteration or any other school staves and such, cp rework while maintaining work on other game aspects like player guilds for example while also delivering content to do being trials, arenas, dungeons and overland.
    Edited by colossalvoids on November 10, 2020 9:30AM
  • EvilAutoTech
    I just want more character slots.
  • Sanguinor2
    Which base game class is gonna get the hammer to make the new class look better? I vote sorc or nb personally, templar and dk already had their turn.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • caperb
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    You can create hype in many ways. I came back to ESO after a 6 month break now with Markarth because of the Set Collection feature and the solo arena.

    With that said i would love to see a monk as the next class. Always played thoose when available.

    A monk literally could not work as a class as they would be incapable of using all weapons since they do not fight with weapons.

    Your best bet would be to request a hand-to-hand monk style weapon set instead.

    For example this is the same reason why a class called 'Barbarian' cannot exist.

    Not to mention monks in cyrodiil? That isn't....exactly fitting into the zone at all in terms of class.

    Monk uses bows and blunt weapons. Other monk skills include alteration, athletics, sneak. We pretty much have those things covered in the nightblade class.

    Barbarians, they specialize in blade, blunt, hand to hand, axe, marksman and ... light armour. No, this won't work in ESO.

    Though I agree with you that we don't need any new class now. It is totally unnecessary and most things people propose don't even fit TES themes.
  • Itzmichi
    I think 2021 needs a working and bugfree game before anything else, mate.
    Here, have a chill pill 💊!
  • x48rph
    No. Not unless they are also handing out a class change token so people can try it out. It's not cool to keep introducing those things in a game that doesn't have multiclassing or at least have a way to switch especially cause ZOS always makes the new class OP thereby rendering peoples current chars much less effective.

    Also, and I can't say this enough, FIX THE GAME FIRST. Stopping just compounding the issues by piling more crap on top of already broken crap.
  • Czekoludek
    First they should fix the game. Then give some uniques back to the classes. After that they can create the new one (I would love to play witch/shaman with skill aesthetic we saw in markarth but well, priorities).
    Also Morrowind was popular because it was Morrowind, not because of Warden (but agreed on necro, that one was requested for a really long time). If you want to see hype, imagine a chapter that introduce spellsword skill line, 4 skill line for each class, class specialization with new skills and passives or spellcrafting.
    Each of these things would create a hype for new chapter without bigger issues
  • Chaos2088
    Future classes will be a thing for sure...this is an mmo after all.

    But they have stated that they wont be addinbg anything new to pvp area till they sort out performace, which does include a new class. Also when Necro dropped I did think they would leave classes for a little bit, due the games life time, this game is going to be going on for year and years to come, you want to spread stuff like classes out.

    Think we wont be getting a class next year, I would love one dont get me wrong, butt hink they will add more non combat stuff till the perfomance updates/roadplan is done.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Muttsmutt
    They should put ALL THEIR EFFORT in fixing server performance and game breaking bugs.

    what have you done, olupajmibanan?! what have you done?!
    listen, listen to the bethesda offices as they bellow...


    just picture poor daniel the designer as he is desperately buried within twenty tabs of network coding tutorials at 3am because his boss told him "either you and your team fix the servers by the end of the week, or we're cutting you."
    poor, poor daniel. all he wanted was to make a living doing what he does best. but ah, he should have known the stakes of working on such a popular MMO! where the ideal dev team is one writhing mass of flesh, knowledgeable in all aspects of game development, yet, ah, somehow so corrupted, that all its millions of tentacley braincells must be devoted merely to the crown store, the money, the profit! so, so corrupted, it cannot possibly have time to fix the bugs, yea, it's only a single mass of arms and brains and coding-fingers, it can only do one task at one time!
  • Mythreindeer
    They should fix the game before they add anything else that will divert manpower. Adding more stuff that will be broken to the already broken stuff isn't the answer. Get to work on lag, class balance, broken quests and falling through the world and then consider adding something new.

    Man Yeah!

    Unfortunately that's not the gaming company meta. We can expect new content which continues to introduce unfixable bugs and worsening optimization. Pessimistic? Yes. I don't think it can be proven wrong.
  • Cadbury
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Which base game class is gonna get the hammer to make the new class look better? I vote sorc or nb personally, templar and dk already had their turn.


    Ice/shadow class with Major Brittle and an ice "cloak" to render you invisible. Also with streak, for reasons.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Mumbles_the_Tank
    Oh yeah let’s add a class - Necro went so well after all. Totally bug free and well balanced - didn’t knock anything out of whack in PvE or PvP for a year or more. An all around positive and healthy experience for the game.

    We so need more of that jazz!
  • Recapitated
    Raideen wrote: »
    Yes. I would love a new class and I would love to see the old classes given a class fantasy rework that allows players to perform in the highest content without needing skills from skill lines.

    Skill lines appeal to the min max player who is looking to push the envelope. But game content should never be balanced around this or it pushes everyone into specific builds (which is what we see today).

    Classes appeal to the class fantasy player who wants to feel like they are playing out the archetype of that specific class. Because classes are "sold" as part of the reason to play the game, it's important that all of them and all roles within them meet the expectations of the highest content in game (which is NOT what we see today).

    It appears to me that at a fundamental level, skill lines and classes are at odds with each other. You don't need skill line abilities if the class plays out as content requires, and "classes" lose their class personality when you start using a bunch of skill line abilities to create an overachieving abomination of a build (I dont use this in disparaging terms, but rather how a class no longer feels like a class with certain builds that use skill lines heavily).

    But before either of these, I would like to see the bugs in game fixed. I'd start with the "not receiving mail until you zone, or log out and log back in" bug.

    In some ways, you're not wrong. Mag specs wouldn't need a new weapon so badly if they had executes in their class toolkit for instance. But they don't. Part of why people want new skill lines is that their class toolkits are not fleshed out enough. I think they'd take being able to rely on that over that any day, min/max or not.

    Meanwhile stam class toolkits are probably more barebones but they have way more skill line options to lean on. In pvp stamina is the actual class, and then stamwarden, stamcro, stamdk etc. are just flavours.

    People keep pointing out what is supposedly a pattern of alternating between new classes and skills, but we didn't get a new combat skill line last year. Vamp is not a new skill line, it's a redesign. I might regret saying this, but maybe some redesigns/fixes for (mag)nb, stamsorc, templar and DK wouldn't hurt.
    Edited by Recapitated on November 10, 2020 1:40PM
  • scottii
    How about fixing the game first?
    Praying the Daedric Gods will make Cyrodiil great again.
  • notyuu
    a new class without the means to change class would mean that it's basically just some new toy that's never going to be touched by those of us who don't do alts, on top of that adding a new class to the pile would throw the already heavily unbalanced mess of classes even further off kilter.
  • Astrid
    AdamBourke wrote: »
    2021 needs to _remove_ classes.

    Elder scrolls is supposed to be about playing however you want. Well I want liquid lightning AND magic healing flowers.

    Also crystal fragments, but that's living in the past. Let's look to a bright future where one can summon both the undead AND the daedra.

    More seriously, I do think they should remove classes as they are now. Maybe you choose a class at launch, and it determines your starting skill lines, and other skill lines you get from playing the game (maybe they have a 20% debut if not in your class).

    For me, classes are the worst part of ESO. (Not including monetisation...)

    Go play skyrim.
  • Calgrin
    What makes you think they won't just re-skin warden again like they did with necromancer?
  • Grianasteri
    Zos absolutely must bring out a new class, OR a new skill line.

    Personally my preference would be for a new Magica skill line that involved effective "duel wielding" new magica "weapons" - runes, tomes (spell books), scrolls (spell scrolls), open hand etc, with appropriate status effects for each weapon type.

    If the new class was one that specifically allowed the above, as in the only class that could do so (with appropriate skill lines), that would be very interesting and Id be OK with that.
  • Akrasjel
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
    Houses: Strident Springs Demesne,

  • ElderBear
    Yes thank you, something new to play broken whilst current fixes, balances are nerfed and hot fixed.... 🤓
  • josiahva
    josiahva wrote: »
    Please no, after the terrible to play mess that Warden and Necro are....I hate to see what they come up with for a new class. I am tired of classes with half their skills on a delayed reaction...Warden and Necro have great toolboxes...but they are absolutely miserable to play compared to the original 4 classes.

    Stamdens and Stamcro are absolutely Kings / Queens in PvP.

    We don't need another Pay to Win class in PvP.

    Fix the 4 old classes first!

    I agree...in PvP they are absolutely brutal, but it doesn't matter...they still are not fun to play compared to the original 4, the only reason people actually play them is because of their toolboxes...if other classes had the same type of versatility they would see very little play.
  • Scaletho
    What 2021 ESO really need is the OPTION of changing between classes.
  • proteinexe
    Raideen wrote: »
    Yes. I would love a new class and I would love to see the old classes given a class fantasy rework that allows players to perform in the highest content without needing skills from skill lines.

    Skill lines appeal to the min max player who is looking to push the envelope. But game content should never be balanced around this or it pushes everyone into specific builds (which is what we see today).

    Classes appeal to the class fantasy player who wants to feel like they are playing out the archetype of that specific class. Because classes are "sold" as part of the reason to play the game, it's important that all of them and all roles within them meet the expectations of the highest content in game (which is NOT what we see today).

    It appears to me that at a fundamental level, skill lines and classes are at odds with each other. You don't need skill line abilities if the class plays out as content requires, and "classes" lose their class personality when you start using a bunch of skill line abilities to create an overachieving abomination of a build (I dont use this in disparaging terms, but rather how a class no longer feels like a class with certain builds that use skill lines heavily).

    But before either of these, I would like to see the bugs in game fixed. I'd start with the "not receiving mail until you zone, or log out and log back in" bug.

    I actually think this is a great response and one I agree with the most. You're 100% correct. I was speaking with some ex-ESO friends last night and they stressed this as being one of the main points why they left - min/max players have to rely on a universally accessible and BiS skill line abilities rather than the core abilities to which their class should revolve around. A class re-work would be risky, but if they nailed it, it would 100% pay off. Furthermore, there's no better time to do this than the up and coming chapter, with the potential game-changing CP rework.
  • proteinexe
    I'm open to the idea of a new class so long as there is the ability to add it and do everything else that is needed. New classes are always fun, add something fresh to try and make things feel new. I think if it expands on the lore or even adds something new to it that would be great.
    I'd love to see clockwork expert or dwarven engineer type. A reach witch could be fun and reach person race. Maormer sea and water expert, watery magic and pirate combat skills with Maormer race. Sword singer. Monk/hand to hand might be fun if done very creatively.

    You can already be a dwarven engineer (just equip sets that let you summon a dwemer spider or sphere.) and honestly it'd be kind of hard to create a whole class out of it.

    A reach witch would be oddly specific and wouldn't really be anything we haven't seen before.

    Watery magic might be neat, but again I don't think they'd make a whole class out of it. Along with us being Maromere wouldnt make much sense since they literally hate most other races and keep to themselves.

    Sword singers cant happen because Rada (the vampire guy) is one of the last sword singers and it is an extremely rare thing. Almost on the level of a dragonborn. A monk class wouldnt work and would fit more as a hand-to-hand weapon skill line which doesnt need to be introduced via class.

    Most things people want can be added via new weapon or by extending our current class lines with a 4th skill line.

    Dwarven engineer is 100% viable. Read the thread to the class concept Nightingale provided. It's clean, ZoS class friendly, is unique and caters to all aspects which we'd expect of a class. A reach witch IMO is a stretch as you mentioned, but foresworn could be possible. Water magic is unique. Sword singers (as you mentioned) would be the same as introducing Dragonborn, Lich, or something along the 'one in a million' lines. But introducing a new skill line is literally 5 new skills.. that's it, that's not enough to drastically change any of my characters, rather it be an addition or a helpful token. MAYBE if they added 2 skill lines which were compatible with each other, say; spell-crafting and wand + shield. As I stated in my original thread, the best outcome would be spell-crafting + 'X' class. That would give us enough content for the whole year for sure!
  • Recapitated
    proteinexe wrote: »
    Raideen wrote: »
    Yes. I would love a new class and I would love to see the old classes given a class fantasy rework that allows players to perform in the highest content without needing skills from skill lines.

    Skill lines appeal to the min max player who is looking to push the envelope. But game content should never be balanced around this or it pushes everyone into specific builds (which is what we see today).

    Classes appeal to the class fantasy player who wants to feel like they are playing out the archetype of that specific class. Because classes are "sold" as part of the reason to play the game, it's important that all of them and all roles within them meet the expectations of the highest content in game (which is NOT what we see today).

    It appears to me that at a fundamental level, skill lines and classes are at odds with each other. You don't need skill line abilities if the class plays out as content requires, and "classes" lose their class personality when you start using a bunch of skill line abilities to create an overachieving abomination of a build (I dont use this in disparaging terms, but rather how a class no longer feels like a class with certain builds that use skill lines heavily).

    But before either of these, I would like to see the bugs in game fixed. I'd start with the "not receiving mail until you zone, or log out and log back in" bug.

    I actually think this is a great response and one I agree with the most. You're 100% correct. I was speaking with some ex-ESO friends last night and they stressed this as being one of the main points why they left - min/max players have to rely on a universally accessible and BiS skill line abilities rather than the core abilities to which their class should revolve around. A class re-work would be risky, but if they nailed it, it would 100% pay off. Furthermore, there's no better time to do this than the up and coming chapter, with the potential game-changing CP rework.

    Then I think the main disagreement that people are going to have with you is that *adding* a new class is not going to solve that problem for a lot of the people who are even in a position to care about that right now -- those who have characters that they've poured effort into.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    proteinexe wrote: »
    Solariken wrote: »
    New classes are just a lame way for devs to recycle content.

    What the game needs more is a new system to complement existing combat and classes. I'm looking at you, spell crafting...

    .. it's literally the exact opposite. It's new content..?

    New content only for new players to explore.

    You're literally right if you're discounting a solid majority of the player base.

    Adding in new weapons or skill lines would be so much more of a benefit that saying we need a new class over that is very short-sighted. As new players can get excited about those things too, if not more than a new class.

    Anybody can create a new character not just new player
    If you dont want to create a new character its the exact same as a veteran player choosing not to use a new skill line for its existing character
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Still waiting for a dwemer engeneer class
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    proteinexe wrote: »
    DTStormfox wrote: »
    Not this again... there are like 100+ threads on this topic.

    I know, I've been reading them all and this is my thoughts

    Then you should know that the majority of people are heavily against the addition of a new class and most want new skill lines or weapon lines.

    The time for new classes in ESO is over until they add in a class change system either through crownstore or via skill lines like FFXIV.

    If neither of those things happen then the game MUST focus on giving us more skill lines and new systems to get new skills on top of existing characters. Most people do not want to level a new character. Especially since they aren't adding char slots next year (a direct sign we will not be getting a new class as char slots + class are heavily correlated.)

    Well they said they do not plan to add any soon but they also said they did not plan any new class 3 month before revealing the warden
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