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So are you guys happy Vampire Lords/Bloodscions are coming to Eso?

  • HailstoSithis
    As an argonian vampire, I do not like the Vampire Lord idea. It seems a little silly and it bothers me.
  • Raammzzaa
    I’m interested, but given ZOS’ history, I’m giving them about 50/50 odds of totally ruining the entire skill line.
  • Noxavian
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    As an argonian vampire, I do not like the Vampire Lord idea. It seems a little silly and it bothers me.

    Then don't use the new ultimate? There, problem solved.
  • Stx
    No not happy about this.
    Having vampirism is already a stat advantage, we shouldnt be making it more powerful. Literally everyone will feel forced to play one.
  • Noxavian
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Stx wrote: »
    Having vampirism is already a stat advantage, we shouldnt be making it more powerful. Literally everyone will feel forced to play one.

    You *do* realize that they're changing the way vampires work completely, right? They are no longer going to be a "stat only" skill line. This isn't a pure buff, lol. It's a COMPLETE rework.

    I genuinely have no idea how you think this will make people feel forced to play one. If anything, the revisions to the feeding passive will make LESS people play it because they don't want to manage the upkeep it costs to stay powerful (aka feeding).
  • Shantu
    While I'm open to being surprised, I don't really care one way or the other. What would make me happy is if they would stop nerfing popular things to uselessness. Can you say IceHeart? :/
  • Thevampirenight
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    As an argonian vampire, I do not like the Vampire Lord idea. It seems a little silly and it bothers me.

    Hoping there will be a unique argonian variant to the vampire lord.
    So they can have a unique form also I hope they do this for khajiit as well.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Sevalaricgirl
    I love my Faramir, vampire breton female, don't know if I want to change her ultimate.
  • HailstoSithis
    Noxavian wrote: »
    As an argonian vampire, I do not like the Vampire Lord idea. It seems a little silly and it bothers me.

    Then don't use the new ultimate? There, problem solved.

    Whoever said I was going to? lol certainly not me. Im just sharing my personal feeling like everyone else who does.

    Assume less? There, problem solved. ;)
  • karekiz
    No not happy about this.
    No because my Extra racial passive of extra regen will most likely be removed.

    I loved bonus stats with no drawback.
  • Canned_Apples
    No. They’re most likely going to nerf more things to sell more expansion packs.
  • Thevampirenight
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Noxavian wrote: »
    Stx wrote: »
    Having vampirism is already a stat advantage, we shouldnt be making it more powerful. Literally everyone will feel forced to play one.

    You *do* realize that they're changing the way vampires work completely, right? They are no longer going to be a "stat only" skill line. This isn't a pure buff, lol. It's a COMPLETE rework.

    I genuinely have no idea how you think this will make people feel forced to play one. If anything, the revisions to the feeding passive will make LESS people play it because they don't want to manage the upkeep it costs to stay powerful (aka feeding).

    I do think they have this on their mind as well. Here is the thing Stx, the way they are doing it like Noxavian said. They are reworking the condition to be more active meaning you actually have to interact with it if you want to keep your vampiric power up. Hopefully they don't remove the stage thing with the vampire abilties where it reduces the timer by 30 minutes for each time its cast and it will be balanced out.

    How it works on live for people that use it for builds. Go get a player to bite you do vampire quest and get vampire skill line level it up. Use a vampire ability to get it to stage four only drinking blood when needing to reduce the fire weakness. Then use it for the types of builds players use it for. The reason why they go for vampire is these three passives Supernatural recovery, undeath and dark stalker. To have access to the full vampire passives requires you to be fully starving and most pvpers that use it might stay in stage four all the time for the dark stalker, undeath and supernatural recovery which can be useful in pvp builds.

    Now here is what they are doing with it they are inverting it. So to get to stage four would require you to feed. Now each vampire ability casted will likely reduce the stage down instead of up. Say for example a templar/dragonknight is built around undeath and use of mist form to get away from tricky situations. Right now they can cast Mist form indefinitely and still be at their full power and have full access to their undeath passives which I'm sure is part of many builds like this along with the regen. New changes will actually require the Templar/Dragonknight to feed in order to keep their mist form plus undeath combo so the mist form would become more situational instead of just beings spammed.

    People would have to be mindful of how many times they can cast mist form before dropping to stage two. If they are using a food buff that is for their build they would have to reply it each time they pop a Mara food to regain their power. This in turn creates a new draw back to being a vampire that was not there before. Number of Vampires might rise for a time because of the Greymoor chapter and to try out the new vampire changes and skill but the number of vampires I think will drop like flies once people have had their fill of the vampire lord and seen the full effect of the changes.

    Vampire will likely still be more popular then werewolves for use in content doubt that will change. But having to feed to stay at full power might be annoying enough people might cure themselves and not use it as they are in pvp or pve right now.
    So the idea is it will be more of an active skill line then just a passive one. So instead of just having a passive skill line you starve yourself and your good to go you will actually have to be a vampire in order to benefit from being a vampire. This is why they are changing it so you actually have to be a vampire and not just have boons that come with weaknesses and make you look ugly like it is on live.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on February 19, 2020 12:26AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Noxavian
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    karekiz wrote: »
    No because my Extra racial passive of extra regen will most likely be removed.

    I loved bonus stats with no drawback.

    Good, this update was to make vampire less appealing to people like you.
  • peacenote
    No not happy about this.
    I love vampires, and I want to remain optimistic with a "mixed" or "other" response but.... knowing how this game is going with standardization, it's a no from me.

    I think vampires are being "aligned" with werewolves, which, try though I might, because I like the idea, were never any fun for me. This was before, during, and after their 60K LA heyday. I've tried every variation.

    I want to be a werewolf. I don't want to manage timers and constantly maintain my transformation for something that I'd rather be "part of my identity." I don't want to be arbitrarily punished in cities when I accidentally hit one of my abilities. Something that could be "cool" and "fun" is a massive chore. And thus my WW is my least-played character.

    I want to be a vampire. I don't want to manage timers and constantly maintain a transformation for something that I'd rather be "part of my identity." I don't want to be arbitrarily punished in cities when I hit one of my abilities. I don't want something that was "cool" and "fun" (and, yes, sometimes a build choice) to become a massive chore.

    I hope I'm proven wrong. But if vampires and being a Vampire Lord is a similar experience to being a werewolf... no thanks.

    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • 5cript
    • I hope vamp doesn't become so pressingly op, that I HAVE to play vamp as mag. (I already feel the pressure due to sustain)
    • I hope vamp isnt going to be blatantly underpowered.
    • I hope that the lord form looks good
    • I hope that the entire server wont be overrun with vampire lords everywhere that would break my immersion substantially
    • I hope that the new abilities will actually be interesting.
  • VDoom1
    Hmmm, I have to say I am on the fence about this. Sure at first glance it seems really epic! But we have no idea how this will actually turn out in the game. It could turn out really awesome, we just have to wait and see.

    Also this makes me wonder, when will we get a Werewolf overhaul?? As far as I know Werewolf builds kinda died the last few patches. Also wouldn't mind seeing an update to the model, better textures graphics etc. Vampires will now look pretty darn epic, now it's the werewolves turn.
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  • Grianasteri
    Stx wrote: »
    Having vampirism is already a stat advantage, we shouldnt be making it more powerful. Literally everyone will feel forced to play one.

    Most folk who are min/maxing already are "forced" to play as a vampire. There is almost no down side to being a Vampire.

    If a new fully developed Skill line is implemented right, it will be a huge bonus to the game and vampire lovers. It does not need to be OP, just effective and aesthetically feel good.
    Edited by Grianasteri on February 19, 2020 1:28PM
  • Thevampirenight
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Stx wrote: »
    Having vampirism is already a stat advantage, we shouldnt be making it more powerful. Literally everyone will feel forced to play one.

    Most folk who are min/maxing already are "forced" to play as a vampire. There is almost no down side to being a Vampire.

    If a new fully developed Skill line is implemented right, it will be a huge bonus to the game and vampire lovers. It does not need to be OP, just effective and aesthetically feel good.

    Hopefully that is what they are doing with Vampires. We will have to wait to see how the full rework plays out but I do think they will try to balance it out hopefully so players will enjoy playing with it.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Mitrenga
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    There's only one Vampire Lord in my territory, others shall be exterminated.

  • Slimebrow
    No not happy about this.
    Dude I'm so tired of posts like these. I feel like it's trying to hype me up for content that isn't even real or in game yet.

    Personally unless I see the progress or plans for improvement I will not be purchasing anymore "DLC" or "Chapters". Showing me Toys and of Images really doesn't convince me of anything.

    I may just end up moving on if it turns out be just standardized boring skill line.
  • Dankulakhan
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Now they need to also rework WWs, or at least update the visuals. Otherwise I feel personally attacked. :D
  • Thevampirenight
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Now they need to also rework WWs, or at least update the visuals. Otherwise I feel personally attacked. :D

    Hopefully this is in the works, I don't know if they will change the models but they should maybe give that newer werewolf model to one of the morphs that would be nice.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Thevampirenight
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Hmm since we are getting closer to the possible pts for Greymoor, since performance is on everyone's mind. Might as well bring this thread up instead of making a new one since its not that old.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on March 18, 2020 8:22AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Saubon
    I'm a vampire just for passives. If they won't change them, then I'm fine. If they change them, then I'll probably get rid of it just because of character visuals.
    Edited by Saubon on March 18, 2020 8:58AM
  • Nerouyn
    Noxavian wrote: »
    I genuinely have no idea how you think this will make people feel forced to play one.

    It's this simple.

    They get more abilities.

    Mag players are totally starved for them. Beyond class abilities there aren't many, and some classes like warden are extra starved cos they have a tiny number of useful abilities and most are gimmicky garbage.

    5 extra abilities is a HUGE deal.

    We don't know what the transform does yet but it might be good.

    And they might still retain their stealth advantage.
  • Noxavian
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Saubon wrote: »
    I'm a vampire just for passives. If they won't change them, then I'm fine. If they change them, then I'll probably get rid of it just because of character visuals.

    Unfortunately the rework is for people like you from using vamp just for passives. You'll most likely need to feed to keep them up, I would just keep in mind that the goal of the rework is so that people don't take vampire just for the passives. It's not going to be a free thing anymore.
  • Finedaible
    I am hoping it won't be a disaster. Given ZoS's silly philosophy of nerfing the fun out of everything with every new update, I am very worried the new "revamped" vampire skill-line will turn out to be more of a nerf than an improvement over its current state. I mean, just look at how annoying and cumbersome it is has been to build around werewolf since beta.

    I have no reason to believe the proposed Antiquities system will be any fun given past additions to the game (Jewelry crafting for example) so that really doesn't leave any good selling point for the new chapter since vampire changes will be part of the base game as far as we know.
  • Lintashi
    Mixed feelings. My main is vampire, but I always try to make him as mortal-like as possible for both aesthetic and roleplay reasons. I would like vampire skill line to become more useful, currently I do not feel the need to use any skills of this skilline. But I would not want Vampire lord form to become single bis ultimate, or vampire looks to be altered to match harrowfiend mobs. It kinda ruins immersion, when every npc in town look at vamp stage 4 face, and act as if it is normal, giving quests and even flirting. Also, I would totally like summonable gargoyle or deathhound.
    Edited by Lintashi on March 18, 2020 6:03PM
  • Noxavian
    Yes I'm happy about this.
    Lintashi wrote: »
    Mixed feelings. My main is vampire, but I always try to make him as mortal-like as possible for both aesthetic and roleplay reasons. I would like vampire skill line to become more useful, currently I do not feel the need to use any skills of this skilline. But I would not want Vampire lord form to become single bis ultimate, or vampire looks to be altered to match harrowfiend mobs. It kinda ruins immersion, when every npc in town look at vamp stage 4 face, and act as if it is normal, giving quests and even flirting. Also, I would totally like summonable gargoyle or deathhound.

    A summonable gargoyle or death hound would be a hugely missed opportunity. I hope they let us do it.
  • idk

    So what do we actually know about this? Do we have to use the ultimate to have use of the skills and passives like the WW or does this vamp line work like it does now and this is just a new ultimate? If it is a new ultimate then what does it do?

    I ask because know you like to create threads that are really just speculative and entertainment value vs based on actual information.
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