ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official feedback thread for the improvements for guild trader multi-bidding. First, please place multiple bids on Guild Traders on the PTS. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
- Do you have any other general feedback?
So, what is this change actually trying to accomplish? Getting rid of proxy guild business?
That's not gonna happen. Those guilds which used proxy guild for purely having a profit in mind will continue doing so:
The change will just make sure that if the proxy loses their primary bid, they have 9 other chances to win one bid at different location. The business is still gonna flourish as long as there are guilds around who will loose all their bids and are willing to pay for the proxy spot. As long as there are demand, the business will continue.
Which leads to the second point I wanted to mention: Increased bid cost.
Now rich guilds which can afford for multiple bids will continue spreading their bids for increasing their chances to get a trader. Smaller guilds have to pray that bigger guilds actually do win their primary bids, because there's no need to be a Sherlock to guess where these bigger guilds will find their back up spot if bids on major cities are lost.
If this patch goes live like this and you happen to have a medium/small guild, you can realistically expect that you'll be more likely outbid than before. What if you can't afford several back up bids? Sorry, the system have no mercy for you.
That may sound rough, but that's apparently what ZOS wants.
And now let's look at perspective of stabilized guilds, which are trying to maintain their spots and defend from jumpers:
Now they are even more likely going to be sniped by wealthy guilds, who have a desire to move on your spot for reason X and Y. What would you do? Increase your requirements, charge more fees and sit still, trying to "defend the fortress" with higher cost? Or will you go mayhem and try your luck with increased bids, where everyone are sniping spots from left and right?
Costs of spots will only increase and the competition will become even rough for smaller guilds than ever before.
martinhpb16_ESO wrote: »And I would say that even reducing it to 2-3 bids will still create mayhem.
Yes and this is something very important:
Even IF developers consider that "as a compromise they will reduce the bid amount from 10 down to 3", this should be kept in mind:
Practically it does NOT matter how many back up bids guilds have a possibility to place. 3, 10 or even 50.
Every single time when a guild looses their primary bid and will land to alternative spot, that always will cause a domino effect which goes down to the bottom of the chain, where the weakest guild will be tossed out of the map.
As long as every guild have a possibility to place back up bids, this is gonna happen every week.
Note that there still are more guilds around than there are trade spots. Even when everyone have a chance to place 10 bids (if they got gold of course), remember that so does others have. If you underestimate the value other guilds are gonna place gold on each spots, it's very likely that there will be guilds who loses every single bid they placed.
And since demand of back up spots will increase, it's very safe to assume that bids will increase entire Tamriel wide.
As long as big/medium guilds will keep loosing and there will be demand for ghost/proxy spots, the business will flourish.
If this system was about to decrease the harm which Ghost guilds are causing, I see this only as an epic failure:
Now Ghost guild owners can place multiple bids in hot spot like Mournhold and every single guild there have to increase their bids and cross fingers they guess the amount right or Ghost will take the spot. And when this happens, Ghost guild will move legit guild to alternative spot, which will make another guild loose the spot and the domino effect continues to the bottom of the chain, where a small guild is gonna get a headshot.
So overall the harm which Ghost guild can cause is now increased and it seriously looks like developers did not think about cons this change is gonna have among traders.
Dont_do_drugs wrote: »so if not enough people posted here, you will say, nobody complained? there are already 2 threads for it:
nobody cares, wether the system is working right. most of the gm just dont want it and i am pretty sure, most think its a huge mistake.
sincerely yours
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Dont_do_drugs wrote: »so if not enough people posted here, you will say, nobody complained? there are already 2 threads for it:
nobody cares, wether the system is working right. most of the gm just dont want it and i am pretty sure, most think its a huge mistake.
sincerely yours
It’s OK to have an opinion as long as it’s constructive.
Non-constructive opinions are the reason why we shouldn’t do drugs.
sylviermoone wrote: »I'm concerned with the lack of testing that this new system will undoubtedly receive. As far as I'm aware, flip time on PTS is the same time that it is on live. The vast majority of GM's, I think, will be reluctant to leave to chance the trader flip on live to log in to the PTS to observe trader flip there, and rightly so. There isn't the same kind of high stakes environment on PTS; thus this system will never get the kind of testing it needs to be fully vetted before it goes live. I think that's highly problematic.
We aren't going to see all the implications that this change has just by testing on the PTS. We're talking about upending inter-guild culture. We can never reproduce the high stakes or the volume of bidders/bids/kiosk flips on the PTS. [snip] This system, in its entirety (technically and culturally), cannot be tested.
DragonRacer wrote: »To provide a list of concerns:
- 10 is a VERY large number. This seems as if it would only really benefit the already-large guilds that regularly hold the major trader hubs. My opinion is that minimizing back-up bids to only 2-3 would be more reasonable? I do like the concept of being able to place a back-up bid in case my primary bid fails, but I'm concerned the system will be abused by the rich to bully the smaller and middle-sized and/or dues-free guilds out of the trading arena entirely.
- If this is being done to try and combat "ghost guilds" being used as back-up bid proxies, this new system will not solve that. Especially not on PS4 NA, where I play, as we see in real time with our own eyes ghost guilds bought and sold for in-game revenue rather than just serving as back-up bid proxies.
- If this new system is meant to try and combat my second point ^^^, a much more efficient method would be to either a) prevent a guild that currently holds a trader from disbanding or b) if a guild holding a trader disbands, let that trader sit empty for the remainder of the timeframe. Either one would stop the transfer of ownership of traders between guilds because they would not be able to "sell" the spot anymore to recoup their bid money. The goldsink is not currently working as intended when rich guilds can sell ghost trader spots and get their bid money right back.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official feedback thread for the improvements for guild trader multi-bidding. First, please place multiple bids on Guild Traders on the PTS. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
- Were you notified appropriately when your bid(s) completed?
- Did the overall bidding process and bid tracking window function as expected?
- Do you have any other general feedback?
I don't have the PTS running, but I can give "general feedback".
This whole idea sounds like an insane plan, hatched by someone who does not know what they want to achieve - and somehow it got past committee.
I can almost understand allowing 1 extra bid - especially for mistaken hires/bids, or bugged kiosks. I can't fathom why any more, and certainly not the ludicrous number of ten, would be implemented.
I'm really not interested in how it functions, but I am extremely keen to understand why.
It has been said many times, and I echo it here: What exactly are you trying to achieve? How will this help that goal? It simply doesn't make any sense.
nordmarian wrote: »I think this can only be proper tested on the live server. But I would like to invite all the trade guilds GM to the test server and try to test the new bidding system and provide direct feedback towards ZOS.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Non-constructive opinions are the reason why we shouldn’t do drugs.
Still no response. … Guilds deserve a named Dev that we know is looking at those concerns, asking for continual feedback and communicating back.
WardenofNirn wrote: »Why did you implement this?
SammiSakura wrote: »I dont understand the reasoning behind this.
Feels like a poorly thought out solution to the ghost guild problem...
If this is some weird way the developers are trying to make a new gold sink or something, this... is really not a fair way to go about it.
Banshee1505 wrote: »We asked for a way to make backup guilds disappear and now they implemented a whole backup bid system?
So, what is this change actually trying to accomplish?
wtlonewolf20 wrote: »I am not sure what you want to accomplish with this move.